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49921992 No.49921992 [Reply] [Original]

This crypto market is a joke. Imagine when we are all waiting to see BTC crash to 15500 so that the bull season will officially kickoff. I saw this shit at 17700 and and I was like damn, we are getting there but it suddenly went back to 20k. I know the bear cycle isn't over and I've no idea when all of this shit will be over so that I can experience bull cycle again.
Anyway, the craziest fact is that all the altcoins rely on Bitcoin chart irrespective of whatever they're building. Schizos, I love the crypto game.

>> No.49922017

>newfags first bear market
welcome anon, you're here forever

>> No.49922088

I believe I ain't the only one in this train, fag. Tell me you're into the 3rd bear market? How did you survive it?

>> No.49922121

And oh, I ain't here forever, pajeet. Bear cycle doesn't stay stagnant and so does bull cycle. SO make sure you know what the fuck you're saying

>> No.49922339

And why does your dumb ass think 15500 is the last support?

>> No.49922384

12k is the new support level for BTC . I am about to lose my house , my wife and my ex gf too.

>> No.49922398
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Lol, you are here forever. There is no escape, you might get lucky and leave for a while. Ultimately, you'll be back.

>> No.49922408

because fwactal

>> No.49922422

The bottom is lower. Highest it could be is ~13500. Lowest 3k (8k much more likely though).

>> No.49922444

what this fuck is this retard spurting.

>> No.49922459

You will see the trend reversal soon, when we will be in recession then I am sure folks with white asses will again run to BTC. I have seen alts that are not pegged to btc in price action.

>> No.49922467

Sucker, zoom out the image uploaded here before you publicly start showing your ignorance on the Internet

>> No.49922469

He meant fractal, and fractals are nonsensical in TA. And you wasted digits.

>> No.49922477

You drew these lines yourself?

>> No.49922479

Welcome to the party.

>> No.49922498
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>> No.49922506

Some people are meant to be poor and just are programmed to feel rich by looking over gold coin only.

>> No.49922505

3rd bear market and he is still here spitting shits on biz? Oh c'mon.

>> No.49922511
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go back to sleeping
delet this

>> No.49922548
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It's your fault, newfag. Why did you invest all your life saving in Bitcoin? Diversify the damn thing if you can and invest in what you can afford to loose.

>> No.49922585
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Show proof, schizo, else you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.49922640

Most fags make some silly mistakes by having their eggs and life savings in one bag. That's unwise. Asset diversification works much better in all instances.

>> No.49922671

What does that mean?

>> No.49922705

Bear market is an opportunity though. So let's get our bags big and get rich again.

>> No.49922729

That's a fact. And they open their mouth and cry like crazy. They need to go back to school

>> No.49922743

At this point, I have everything to lose. I think I'm not going to make it

>> No.49922768

BTC remains the head of the table and every alt acknowledges it regardless of what they're building. Come to think of it, I don't think the cycle is over. You either make the most or stay put. Most toddlers will disagree.

>> No.49922770

You expect euphoric money influx at the start of a global recession?

>> No.49922803

Bunch of inexperienced channers speculating the bottom. Read the history of the market from 2009 and understand that no one can predict the market.

>> No.49922830

Diversification is nice but we have no investment to protect right now.

>> No.49922854

Now is not yet the time to buy. Buy now and cry later.

>> No.49922910

I switched to the stock market. Enjoying the comfy boomer vibes

>> No.49922931

I don't blame the level of ignorance. They probably like losing money to the big whales who manipulate the turbulent system. I'll stick with stable staking for now on FWT while waiting for the perfect opportunity at 12k sub.

>> No.49923098
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The smart will always find their way around. Be among the smart or stay away from trading. You probably aren't meant to trade for life.

>> No.49923153

wait till after the 4th of july to invest in BTC

>> No.49923195

I will wait for the crypto market to be better and not switching stock market. I enjoy crypto better.

>> No.49923332

I think anon is under some spell.

>> No.49923386
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Speak for yourself anon. No one is selling in this dip.

>> No.49923398


Yeah, I agree with this anon. 8K is the bottom. Pretty stupid to buy now. At least wait for 12K.

>> No.49923439

Chad. The fundamentals are evolving. Blockchains like otto seem to be going on a whole new level with privacy and security. It's good to watch.

>> No.49923447

This time is different, everyone is expecting Btc to go down and then there being a bullrun in next 2-W years, what will happen is it will just go down and then stabilize around 8-12k and crab for 10 years. You will never be a crypto millionaire the opportunity is over. You are late. Cope harder

>> No.49923479

You sound like broken record. Did you read what you just said?

>> No.49923481

I'd rather stay in the middle class with my sanity than buy any coins now and wreck my mental health when BTC hits 7k.
I'm definitely not investing in what I'm going to loose.

>> No.49923517

Kek. You probably lost your life savings in this dip.

>> No.49923561

Even stock market is not safe. I prefer to stick to crypto instead.

>> No.49923608

Don't tell me you are a nocoiner?

>> No.49923697

Nothing positive is going to come out of it. I'm not thinking of buying anything for now

>> No.49923699

nothing is the same now. The recession is going to start soon and people will flock to crypto and dollar will lose it sheen too.

>> No.49923852
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Does that mean whenever the world is in recession, crypto market will be booming?

>> No.49923854

I even saw privacy coins showing some reverse trends. Regulations are kicking in slowly and steady after luna debcale . get your asses ready to face the heat from the government

>> No.49923931
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The truth is If Bitcoin dies crypto dies.

>> No.49923935

The whole economy is being affected. Don't get it twisted.

>> No.49924064
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Privacy coins will continue to thrive with or without regulation. Simply because privacy is freaking basic human right. I fucking hate to see my transactions getting exposed in the public like what the fuck? I'm an advocate of privacy in blockchain and I keep aping in on xmr, sscrt, zcash and other powerful privacy coins out there. You're a fool if you think it'll be stopped

>> No.49924082

This is why I prefer programmable privacy by scrt. monero is only good for purchasing drugs and girls and cheap sex.

>> No.49924090

The last bear market lasted exactly 12 months and we’re 7 months into this one, so I’d say we have 5 more months left.

>> No.49924097

I'm into the third as well anon. Life is better when you choose defi projects. Like's of avalanche, solana, rune, polkadot. Everything is solid in the longrun.

>> No.49924146

they are good by slow as hell. Transactions take over zillion years to go through. All projects need to work on that.

>> No.49924166
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It may wayne further. But if you here for the long game. In 5 years you'll look back and regret that you didn't sell your kidney to buy the dip

>> No.49924171
File: 295 KB, 2880x1643, Screenshot 2022-06-23 at 15.47.35 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is Bitcoin is losing its dominance and you don't want to admit it faggot.

>> No.49924234

The charts are showing nothing is going to change before 2024. I am all buckled up for a long ride.

>> No.49924250

Not so anon, is a global crisis. People should be grateful for another buying opportunity. I don't think many people predicted that prices were going to be so low.

>> No.49924263

diversification is for people that don't know what they're doing
I never hold more than 4 things

>> No.49924271

>newfags don't know about willy the bot and have severely underestimated how much tether printing has affected the price these last 6 years
kek, enjoy the ride down to triple digits

>> No.49924282

If BTC goes below 12k, how are you sure it's ever coming back up?

>> No.49924317

You can only buy it if you have enough funds
Their nft collection is the best. I think models can launch their nudes over it

>> No.49924323

Losing its dominance to what, pray tell? Why do you biz niggers lie to yourselves nonstop?

>> No.49924376

I'm not even here for bullshit coins. Just hold BTC, eth and stables. Staking the fuck outta them

>> No.49924404

Your dick moves back too? so will btc, it needs some form of viagra too
biz is acting like btc is around 2k again. 20k is still better than other financial assets

>> No.49924438

The hell is even keeping BTC hovering around the 20k mark instead of crashing into the four digits?

>> No.49924457

You must be new to crypto jeet. I'm tired of seeing shit like this. Y'all need some serious education.

>> No.49924468

That's the way anon. I would be betting on cro, matic otto and dot to lead the race to the next bullrun.

>> No.49924496
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If I hold just Bitcoin. I'm still better off than the rest of y'all here. A bunch of nerds constantly chasing pumps. Just stake it and go to the gym or something.

>> No.49924498

Based. Plebs won't learn. Chads have been slurping the superchargers of freeway. How difficult is that to understand?

>> No.49924509

I have one of those NFTs made from the blockchain, the access control is what i just love.

>> No.49924542

Don't fucking lie to yourself. You know a part of you is terrified that this is the end of the road.

>> No.49924549

Well said. Newbies have refused to grow. Not that I care.

>> No.49924553

When Bitcoin was over 50K did it matter if you bought in at 3.7K or 3.1K?

>> No.49924587
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Well about NFTs, Once you sign up for otto, your details are stored in an Nft metadata which is then minted for you. It simply means you own an NFts. How about that anon

>> No.49924593

Whatever makes you sleep at night anon. I knw my strategies. You should know yours.

>> No.49924594

Everyone just want to stake. Don't forget anything might happen though. Just like what happen to anchor protocol.

>> No.49924602

You are shilling the centralized SOL pajeets. fuck out of here.

>> No.49924653

SOL is dead, inky pajeets will still hand on to it. Meanwhile, I just got 1888 GAT by playing AEX Texas Hold'em

>> No.49924696

BTC is shit for newbies, Only the early birds are going to make it, I'm going with the ALTs

>> No.49924770

You can't call a project dead when it's not dead. Stop shilling shit as well because no one wants to buy it.

>> No.49924910

This is the most silly thing I've heard in this thread.

>> No.49924978

That's because of the access control features that let creators choose who views their art.

>> No.49925041

I can see you stack on dips that suck fucking balls, SOL better than you shitcoin

>> No.49925046

Nope, it will just be flipped.

>> No.49925090

Wtf make you think that shit will pump. Talk about something else anon

>> No.49925484

I can see this is your first bear market. I would buy peojects that survive the last bear and still doing well. Don't get freaked out.

>> No.49925492

Soon. Wave 4 is often choppy.

>> No.49925978

Dumb ass, a little research and you can spot them, I'm sure you put in more effort searching for porn.

>> No.49926023

Sure, Kevin Smith joined the bandwagon, he launched a movie as one of those NFTs

>> No.49926102

It will definitely have a comeback.

>> No.49926640

fucking retard

>> No.49926707

The crypto space is still at its infant stage, and any new regulation has the potential to have a big impact on investors' profits.

>> No.49926712

why would you hold gold when you can sell gold panning equipment as long as the craze lasts and when its over you take on no loss

>> No.49926733

#1 thing they'll fake you out on

>> No.49926964

is there anywhere i can go where i don't have to see these fucking midtwit takes on the market? you know how many TAs i saw last year showing BTC going to $100k based on old price fractals from 2014 or w/e. 99% of people have no concept of trading here and trying to be cute trying to predict the future with historical fractals with trash shitty indicators. It's funny i rarely see anyone trading properly on here and when i search archives for real trading methods just to see if biz actually knows anything, but nobody talks about them... keep at it tho, with time you will get it.

>> No.49926987

this lmfao. retail will get fucked over and over and over again. Fucking retards.

>> No.49927186

It is a good one. Finally, the entertainment industry is embracing NFT and its versatility.

>> No.49927187

On the contrary, at this point, I think there is need for regulation. This could increase institutional participation, and also prevent illicit activity within the crypto ecosystem. Privacy Project defeats this purpose.

>> No.49927350

Surviving the last bear is not a guarantee that they will survive what's coming. I will look at projects like Secret network that are incorporating various modules to attract more investors and keep the project alive.

>> No.49927459

Alts will give good ROI. But only retards are buying anything at the moment.

>> No.49927550

NFT has been a big trend since last year

>> No.49927653

Innovation is taking a complete turn and some projects like otto blockchain and coinfirm see a need for this for web3 users.

>> No.49927662

won't be the same as pic newfag
this is the real world not your dream fantasy

>> No.49927677

I'm not trying to shit on monero but it is not flexible. Secret's customizable privacy features will aid in building a better web3

>> No.49927761

I doubt if you know the shit you're saying.

>> No.49927801

yes it is literally. wish all newfags would of died off by now.
> Secret network
ngmi for real. Biz is buying random shit coins while fed keeps hiking rates. It's hilarious

>> No.49927825

They have been a big trend but their use case is now evolving into something valuable. Who could have imagined that NFTs will now have access control?

>> No.49927855

In terms of tech and innovation, XMR is as old as my granny.

>> No.49927960

Do you have access control over this metadata? It's not just enough to have NFTs, having full control over them is essential.

>> No.49928020

We are all fucked and screwed. So many factor to deplete the current price.

>> No.49928152

Can i get QRD of todays episode of:
>US Retarded leaders ask questions?
Also does Biden brief us on how Putin runs the country again today?

>> No.49928203
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There is so much optimism in the market and most of these fags ignore most of these key factors that could tank the market further. Preferably DCA works much better. We can't time the bottom.

>> No.49928346

>> 49928020
Don't be in so much despair. The next cycle, I believe, will be epic. Don't expect it sooner, son.

>> No.49928683

yep, just like all the other bull market tourists. 99% of them truly believe that if they just DCA and hold for 2 years, we will come back and everyone will be rich. It most likely won't play out like that. You are not really front running smart money here by buying the dips, they can keep dumping for a very long time. Best of the best is hold $USD and figure out how to accumulate more of it (via trading, working, staking stablecoin pairs etc) and just watch fed, dxy and bonds. Once you are in "despair" phase of market, you will know it and that's when you buy.

>> No.49929032

Monero deals only on p2p payment while Secret brings privacy to application layer.

>> No.49929201

>> 49928683
I absolutely agree with you. I'm glad you share the same sentiment with me. Utilizing USD on FWT to earn a decent APY is never a bad choice. Most traders won't learn from this experience. I bet they will keep making the same mistakes with different approaches.

>> No.49929390

There is still a lot more to buy on Stashh marketplace. Lots of channers are yet to discover their privacy features for collectors.

>> No.49929700
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>OP picrel

>> No.49930192

cash is the ultimate salvation at the end of the day since everything is priced in dollars. I checked FWT and my suggestion is be careful, their yields seem crazy and it looks like CeFi. I start getting nervous once stablecoin yields are over 3-5% especially with current fed rates. I'm contemplating if i want to move some cash into frax algo stables though. Biz is quiet about it and that's a nice signal.

>> No.49930412

I think he's talkative, he's pioneering shit so fuck what? he's always out there talking about killroy, he could fucking take a chill pill.

>> No.49930463

I do prefer these NFTs with private meta data to the traditional ones.

>> No.49930793

You are so new, you don't know "you're here forever"?
I wish we could start a prediction market for noobs to /biz/ - will you be one of the ones who can see the logic in the chaos, the signal in the noise. I'd buy into that shit.
Anyway, despite my shit-talking, I feel ya OP. Bull is fun, but bear is where the work is done.

>> No.49930895

they mean you'll be here forever as in the website 4chan
They're right. I always thought they were wrong. I've been on 4chan (on and off) since 2005. I've been gone for years on 4chan and yet I still come back years later. Once you've been on 4chan and post here, you'll find your way back one day.

>> No.49931686

its ok, the esoteric forums with the cringemax names and gif signatures/avatars with phishing links will forever be kino

>> No.49931858

Why not? It will come back man. Can you remember 2018 dip or even 2020 dip during the pandemic. If it survived that, period, I feel it will still survive. If you have fiat, watch and DCA. For now I'm watching with my Busd and probably just DCA into some ETH, Cake, CELR or even AXL after this week candle closes.

>> No.49933058

This. Op seriously thinks we are back into a bullrun this year. Not happening. I'll see yall in 2024.

>> No.49933326

glypyto glurrency

>> No.49934517
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>> No.49935211

What are you buying?

>> No.49935255
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>privacy and security.
In terms of privacy and security, I think PriFi focused projects especially the ones built on L1 such as railgun are doing more in that regard

>> No.49935290

Welcome to Mr Bones Wild Ride, newfriend. You are here forever now. ONE OF US! ONE OF US!

>> No.49935298

It's obvious its over after the next halvening. Always has been always will be.

>> No.49935345

Not all alts rely on btc fuckface. This is the perfect time to buy all major crypto, btc included.As far as alts go, i'll be buying some doge,fil,axl and trx and dca regularly.

>> No.49935361

We are all waiting for it

And it still will be, especially now that big names are getting involved. I was fascinated when I realized that Lukaku, a Chelsea star was able to interact with fans on a virtual experience just by holding an NFT on the sports metaverse

>> No.49935414
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>the entertainment industry is embracing NFT and its versatility.
Indeed, it is especially on the sports part. Recently, Amanda announced that she will be training with fans through the premiums by having an NFT brought together by sports metaverse. It's a whole big deal for everything sports stands for

>> No.49935449

Bull cycle will come when projects start apeing and people start buying. i am now directing myself towards NFTs and i already have eyes on a NFT collection which will be hosted by the axl platform

>> No.49935574
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I can't make any sense of what's been happening lately. These last few weeks were a brutal, unstoppable bloodbath and now the support level is.. 20k? Nothing is fixed. Everything is still getting worse, but we're getting these thousand dollar green dildos over the dumbest fucking news.

Few days ago, I was sure there'd be a dead cat bounce, followed by a catastrophic nosedive below 15k, and now I'm worried that dumb niggers might actually push bitcoin back up to 30k while I'm sitting here praying for a dip that should have come already.

>> No.49935723

You should explore the tech and innovation of other privacy solutions like Railgun which is set for integration with dapps and defi.

>> No.49935752

Through axl, im hoping to get some nfts of the f1 car of ayrton senna. Thats my aim right now.

>> No.49935783

just hold on, this shit is going to 10-12k for sure

>> No.49935792

Nothing is over faggot

>> No.49935820
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It could legit just be correlation with the S&P500.

>> No.49935834

Nfts have gone into boss mode. They are trending and everyone is trying to get some legit ones. I'm in line too waiting for the nft collection by jisbar on axl platform.

>> No.49935857

It's good to see access control and security measures being taken on NFTs. I'm also anticipating Railgun's NFT support which would allow users hold private NFT auctions and have anonymous interaction with NFTs.

>> No.49936060

18k was the bottom. You can see it with the feeling of normies. They are laughing at crypto now and think it's a scam. If it's not falling anymore now it means the normie hype has completely died and that death has now filtered through the system. That is a double edged sword though because if hype has been completely killed it also means we are about to enter a long bear market stumbling around low twenties for years.

>> No.49936102

If normies controlled the entire market, that might be true, but I doubt that the kikes who are actually in charge because they have the most money would actually allow things to crab that long when they could sucker in normie buyers more easily with another wave of doomps.