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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4992093 No.4992093 [Reply] [Original]

You ARE keeping track of every single conversion, buy and sell you make right anon? If not hope you enjoy jail.

Hodlers can expect a normal tax season with a small capital gain addendum. This is smart. Keep your crypto transactions to a minimum.

Shitcoiners however...boy are you guys in for a nightmare. Every single time you move coin or buy or sell needs to be documented. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. You can expect your taxes to be roughly 300-1000 pages depending on how adderal fueled your daytrading is. There is roughly a 99% chance that your run of the mill shitcoiner will fuck this up and the IRS will come a knocking since they now have their eyes super fixed on the crypto craze. And if you pay somebody to do those taxes expect the highest of fees; you'll be paying a small fortune. Say goodbye to those gains.

Honestly I hope /biz/ is smart about their taxes but who am I kidding roughly 3/4ths of this board are shitcoiners and have no idea the reckoning that is coming their way come april.

>> No.4992144

Idiot. You can request a history of ALL your trades. I leave that to an accountant

>> No.4992192

One of the coolest wrestling gimmicks of all time. The fucking Taxman. Awesome. What was his finish move?

>> No.4992209

Orbital audit

>> No.4992223

So if this is the case, who is the problem? Traders or the stupid government who make it impossible to invest? Idiot. Don't worry about it.

>> No.4992267

I've set up a service where anonymous people can buy information from my website using bitcoin.
I don't track anything.
It's a washing machine.

>> No.4992316
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>mfw here it's undefined and nobody pays taxes on it

>> No.4992337

fuck you and the irs.
come and get me coppers.

>> No.4992379


>> No.4992384

show me exactly where it says that crypto-to-crypto is not like-for-like and that every trade gets taxed

>> No.4992469
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>> No.4992521

If you are a burger, your trade has to get approved and stamped as "like-kinded" by the tax men to be tax free. Unless you get every single one of your crypto-to-crypto trades manually categorized as a like kinded exchange, then you're making taxable capital gains.

>> No.4993465

i will rather shoot some cops and et executed than paying tax on my crypto

this is the one thing the government cannot take even by force

>> No.4993481

Capital gains aren’t taxable unless realized you brainlet.

>> No.4993515

Idiots like you are why the gov will outlaw crypto and make us all broke or criminals.

>> No.4993552


>Burgerland: The land of freedom


>> No.4993553

Fuck that, no IRS here to hound me down. I’ll just report capital gains when I cash out. I feel sorry for you burgers.

>> No.4993565

I have like 800k individual trades. I hope taxmen is happy when I mail them a fucking box of docs.

>> No.4993601

Can someone explain how exactly it's calculated?

Let's say I day traded a few times between BTC and fiat and made a slight BTC profit. Surely I'm not taxed as though I made the full profit every time?

So like I sell 1 BTC for 15k, go back in at a dip now a have 1.1 BTC. Then I do it again and have 1.2 BTC, etc. They aren't expecting me to pay taxes as if I made on 30k+ capital gains?

When you trade back in to BTC it's like a cost that gets deducted again, right?

Also, what happens if you gain in fiat but lose in BTC?

Like if I had 3 BTC when I originally bought last year, and now I have 2, but my 2 BTC is worth way more fiat. Can I claim a loss of whatever 1 BTC is worth?

>> No.4993645

IRS audits like 1% of tax returns filed. They are cripplingly understaffed. Look it up.

>> No.4993664

You're wrong, stop spreading this bullshit. A realized gain is disposing of your asset that has appreciated in value in return for another asset (that asset can be money, a crypto, stocks, etc.).

>> No.4993684

Nope, they were/are going to outlaw it either way, dumb fuck. Well not outlaw, but take it over, essentially outlawing imo. Anyone with common sense would see this is the direction this is all going. They probably have many crypto themed false flag events ready to go.

>> No.4993724


This, send them a goddamn phone book of trades for a $50k tax bill, they won't even bother looking and will just take your money and be done with it.

>> No.4993757

U talking about italy? I'm deom italy too

I heard that there's 0 tax if you cash out not more than 50k at week,is it true?

>> No.4993772
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>being american

>> No.4993779

You are right.

>> No.4993886

statute of limitations

>> No.4994070

>implying most of /biz/ didnt take a lose and wont be deducting all of this from their taxes

>> No.4994429

I lost my Monero wallet keys, so I'll be claiming a huge deduction

>> No.4994433

I actually do keep track of all of them, after every exchange I fill out a tax form. I do all this in hopes that the IRS declares crypto as 1031 in the future from not wanting to deal with the forms

>> No.4994562

Something tells me "I lost my keys" will be a valid excuse to most, but not the tax man.

>> No.4994828
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>> No.4994938

Every single transaction, including coin to coin you made will be taxed, yes they will tax you for pennies on the dollar and they will require all of these pennies add up because IRS. Hope you were keeping track!

>> No.4994996


I'm trying to do the taxes properly because it's not worth the trouble of avoiding, but I
m wondering if I trade into fiat and back to BTC for a slight BTC increase, is my "gain" to be reported the value of the extra BTC I made?

>> No.4995000

You need proof you lost your keys. If you think this is absurd, well there's the IRS for you. Otherwise anyone could just say "IRS I lost 500 bitcoins due to losing my wallet key, I would like my tax compensation now :^) "

>> No.4995040



>> No.4995085

How does one even prove you lost your wallet keys?

>> No.4995091

Im Dutch. We dont have to keep track of such things. I just have to report next year what I owned on 1 jan 2017. And then they assume I made 4% profit of that.

>> No.4995105

The transaction into fiat will be taxed because you're converting coin to fiat. The gain into BTC will be taxed because you made money transferring into BTC. Everything is taxed somehow.

>> No.4995182

Screenshots of your account beforehand with exact value that you lost present in the picture and then documents proving you owned the account. Didn't think to do this? Then RIP your tax compensation.

>> No.4995276

Life sounds like hell for you burgers. Here in Europe you can just move to Hong Kong or something for 6 months, then be taxed based on Hong Kong law. Basically you take a long vacation before cashing out big time, then move back.

>> No.4995296


But here's what I'm wondering: If I have 1 BTC worth 15k, I sell into fiat and buy a dip a few hours later so I now have 1.1 BTC. Surely I'm not taxed on taxes as though my capital gains income was 15k, which would result in me paying more tax then the 0.1 BTC is worth? If this was the case nobody could ever trade at a profit?

And if I then traded again and turned my 1.1 BTC into 1.2 BTC, it surely couldn't count as another capital gains making me pay taxes on 30k+?

>> No.4995349


Burger here, it's true - like kind only applies to real estate per latest tax code. Sucks for us but whatever still cakin' boi

>> No.4995366



>> No.4995397

No way I'm paying taxes on every trade. I'll pay taxes on what I cashed out directly into the bank account. I mined it all and have been hodling for years, that's my story. IRS can get fucked.

>> No.4995409

All I can say to the IRS is
Good luck fuckers

>> No.4995425

You’re taxed on the profit you made form
BTC->fiat (subtract basis from BTC price when selling)

You’re not taxed when you buy at the dip, that becomes your new basis

>> No.4995444


USA entry level accountant here, trading an asset that gained value for another asset is realizing gains you knucklehead. They teach you this shit in literally accounting 101

>> No.4995451

I bought some btc back in 2014-15 and “lost it” by sending it to an incorrect address. Obviously I don’t have the info because I closed down my coinbase account. Just concerned the tax man will tax me thousands of dollars on an asset I legitamtely no longer own.

>> No.4995486

Can you be taxed on a loss? Gambled on a few shitcoins back in summer time.

>> No.4995493

As long as you never profited or try and claim a loss they won’t care

Crypto is monopoly money

>> No.4995526


So if I bought 1 BTC at $1000, sell at $15000, I made 14000 profit. If I buy the dip and now have 1.1 BTC, I've basically lost money because the taxes on my 14000 will be higher than what 0.1 BTC was currently worth?

>> No.4995603

Just donate to the dnc and you’ll never get audited.
The IRS is a corrupt commie infiltrated swamp that needs to be dissolved.

>> No.4995623

HAHAAHHAHAHAHA screen capped. So this is how it goes down... NEVER, EEVVVVEEERRR try to fuck the IRS son.

>> No.4995624
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>you can have my link tokens when you pry them from my offline paper wallet

>> No.4995657

So the btc I lost a few years ago I just shouldn’t mention? So just leave it be and not claim a loss? The profitable transactions I had from shitcoin to shitcoin I will have to report correct?

>> No.4995678

Luckily the IRS audits less than two percent of the population. If you're less suspicious than at least 2 percent of the population you're good.

>> No.4995720
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And after you submit every single trade you must sign each page individually.

>> No.4995729
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>> No.4995737

That isn't a legitimate capital loss, you can't claim a deduction for it, nor will they come after you to get it.

>> No.4995776


No, you only pay taxes on money you GAIN, THAT'S THE POINT REEEEEE

>> No.4995812

This 100%, I daytraded shares and it's the same.

Plus the ATO doesn't give a shit about all the Australian neets earning less then $30,000 a year in crypto gains. (June)

Sometimes i wish I was the ruler of the earth and could enact global laws, where I can cull people like OP.

*Smart people will just use Monero

>> No.4995882

Anyway to use Monero to buy giftcards?

>> No.4995968

I could cash out 1m+ worth of crypto under an hour; I'm not going to tell you how because you fuckers are are too autistic and will some how find a way to fuck it up.

>> No.4995999


>> No.4996162

It would be easier to cash out my crypto than shares. (If you're thinking Coinbase you won't make it)

>> No.4996182

Let's say I bought btc on gdax, then turn around and sell them on local coins. I get cash by Western Union or whatever. I deposit the cash into my checking account. Even if the tax man comes knocking, can't I say the cash was a gift and I lost access to those coins? There's no tax on gifts and you don't even have to mention it in your taxes if it's under $14,000.

>> No.4996626


Lol, catch me if you can. Im behind 7 proxies.

>> No.4996795

Even bitcoin to LTC?

>> No.4996838

What do you plan on doing with that screen cap? Send it to the irs saying someone online says that they don’t want to pay taxes? Fuck off

>> No.4996848

But we all buy high and sell low. Capital lost

>> No.4996865
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>Paying taxes

Lmao nigga why the fuck is you in crypto in the first place bro

>> No.4996907

Why do you assume we all live in burgeristan?

>> No.4996910

the irs cant tax you unless you literally cash out.

kys op

>> No.4996923

>tfw only 7.5k in gains to date

No one gives a fuck about us small fry, we're basically tax exempt ;^)

>> No.4996970

all exchanges offer the option to show your trading history. you can check the blockchains for actual off-exchange transactions you've made. easy peasy. if you wanna daytrade, you gotta keep track of your trades.

>> No.4996996

I will be sending the irs an invoice thus year, because I only lost money

>> No.4997033

you fuckers are retarded. Yes you need to report every trade but you are only taxed on your GAINZ. If I buy 1 btc at 14000 and sell it at 17000. I now have to pay capital gains tax on the 3000 difference. Not the full value of Bitcoin. jesus Christ /biz/ is the dumbest board. 80% of you don't even read or dyor, you just take whats on here as is. idiots.

>> No.4997089

Only if you're from a retarded place like murica

>> No.4997112

When do they start taxing you? Isn't it once you make over $10,000 a year?

>> No.4997347

>Thinking that if I make an actual decent amount on money I cant just move to 0% tax land?

>> No.4997519

You could do it that way if you're a retard.
Just subtract what you put in from the final output as profit. It'll cover more than you'd actually need to pay in taxes anyways and the IRS will accept it. The only reason you'd want to document every transaction is if you're a jew trying to play the tax system game.

>> No.4997560


What is Bitcoin.tax?

What is cointracking.info?

>> No.4997611

Wow this meme is good until you look up US capital gains tax. I actually fell for it

>> No.4997630

what do you mean by this?

>> No.4997645
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>> No.4997676

Murica tax style. Lol.

Denmark boys. 0%0

>> No.4997697


If your cost basis is 15k and you sell 1 BTC for 16.5k then you gained 1.5k and will be taxed on the gains. You spent the 16.5k on BTC back @ 15k and n92 have 1.1 BTC with a cost basis of 16.5k and taxable annual short term gains of 1.5k.

If you resell that for 18k you made a 1.5k gain from your 16.5k cost basis and then rebuying 1.2 BTC @ 15k means your new cost basis going forward for transactions is 18k, of which 3,000 is taxable gains. Get it?

FYI I'm extra fucked this year because I started this year, traded alt coins, mined a bunch of ether, and all of my transactions have basically a 0 cost basis.

I've currently got 100k in crypto and my combined family income will be ~250k before my crypto gains...

>> No.4997698

Doesn't count because bitcoin is considered a house. You're literally buy and selling houses and you expect to pay less than 50% per flip?

>> No.4997732

Fuck no. If I had enough money that the IRS cared, I would employ book keepers to do it for me.

>> No.4997745

The fucks an IRS? I don't live in the colonies

>> No.4997783

what's the best to avoid taxe ? to cash out i need to be relied to my bank account

>> No.4998008

lets say I make 10 trades and make $10 each trade. Then I make 10 trades and lose $10 each trade.
Do I still owe money even though overall I lost? or do you still have to pay every winner even if you lost it all in the end?

>> No.4998044

don't they only chase after people with accounts worth 20k+?

>> No.4998091


This is why you buy XMR people, no taxes.

If you ever need fiat you can cash out in small amounts and never pay taxes on any.

>> No.4998153
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Why should the IRS care enough to come after me if I give them something using this formula?

>> No.4998617

this is the only way to do it really.

>> No.4998784

This. Otherwise you end up with 100 pages of trades that add up to $500 anyways.

>> No.4998817
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think again

>> No.4998850
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what if you're a poorfag who's worked off the books and never paid taxes to begin with, and isnt making much money on this? should i be expecting a party van?

>> No.4998899


>> No.4998934

yay. if i ever do "make it" i'll contribute back to society, seeing how its actually taken care of me for a long time. gonna take a while though, im starting with table scraps and pocket lint

>> No.4998945
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Good thing I live in Germany. No stupid laws like you have in the US.

>> No.4998983

Of course anon, they will mobilize hundreds of personnel for every single shitcoiner out there. They have literally one team of at least 20 people for each of you, they're tracking you right now. They can do this because they are funded by OP's ass which is incommensurable.

>> No.4998986

Lol yeah better not be a racist or say something wrong Hans or mama merkle will send you to a dungeon to get ass raped by a pack of niggers

>> No.4998987

Why should I pay taxes if there is no government regulations to protect investors in the first place?!

>> No.4998995

Have you cashed out?

>> No.4999053


The Write Off

>> No.4999079


Germany has even worse CGT on crypto than Burgerland does you fucking retard. Get fuckt.

>> No.4999097

Any Canadafags here that have actually cashed out? Is hard to find what I should do since pretty much nobody knows shit about it. Some say capital gains, others say barter tool. I have no clue.

>> No.4999112

You don't have to pay taxes if you are in the red.

>> No.4999115
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I don't give a fuck about niggers or refugees. Unlike reporting each trades to the taxman, niggers and refugees don't directly affect my life.

>> No.4999130

I purposefully take a loss in crypto so the government owes ME money when I file.

what now bitch

>> No.4999174


Lawyer here. This is 100 true. The IRS tend to also be sloppy / aggressive when they breach a home to make arrests. Basically... expect to be flash/banged and if you have a dog it WILL be shot.

Pay your taxes.

>> No.4999178
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What's CGT?

German laws state that you only need to pay tax if you cash out in less than a year. So if I hold more than a year, I can cash out with zero tax.

Or if I really need to cash out before holding a year, the limit is 600 EUR. If it's below the limit, no tax.

>> No.4999298

Germany also taxes you per trade unlike burgerland. You can post smug NEET pepes all you want but Merkel needs her Reichsmarks for those refugees.

>> No.4999348

what percentage do you think profited of crypto this year? More than 2%???

If you are involved with crypto you are instantly near the top of that 2%. Better do it right, or not at all.

>> No.4999397 [DELETED] 

im a poorfag(~15k/yr) thats only ever been paid through paypal which i sent to my bank. havent filed taxes since i left normie jobs 10 years ago. i spent my lifesavings (10k) on crypto recently.

at which point do i need to hire an accountant to figure this stuff out? im just a poor man baby that doesnt wanna lose my small amount of money to the taxman

>> No.4999399
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>Germany also taxes you per trade unlike burgerland
Wrong, faggot. Cope harder.

>> No.4999429

curious about the answer to this

>> No.4999455

That's good, I have a video of myself "accidentally" flushing them down the toilet.

>> No.4999460

Just immediately trade fiat to bitcoin to shitcoin and when cashing out go shitcoin to fiat or something crypto then fiat. That would result in you only getting taxed on the direct gains and you wouldn't need to worry about the transfer problem, right? Your trading gains are 0 except that final cash out.

It seems you only get fucked if you're trading coins all over the place.

>> No.4999485

I hope the Gestapo goes easy on you

>> No.4999543
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The Gestapo had nothing to do with taxes, you donkey.

>> No.4999574

not paying taxes is like not buying a train ticket
no one fucking cares just get off on the next stop

>> No.4999995

What about in cases where you dont have access to the money? Steemit has a steem power thing where it locks up the crypto for 12 weeks for you to get it all back out. I can afford to pay taxes on that. I don't have the money.

>> No.5000032

So how can I cash out without paying taxes as a burger? I am a poorfag who has <15000 invested. Havent done any day trading, but did purchase off coinbase with my account linked. If I just cashed out through a coin meetup and if the irs ever said anything I could just claim lost coins and show them a smahed laptop as proof? What about cashing out in the eu/canada? how will taxman catch if I am spending all my profits living abroad for a year? I already have a french bank acc in a diff name as I was in the FFL. Could I somehow use this to my benefit?

>> No.5000624

if u dont keep record of every transaction the irs assumes your cost basis for that individual transaction is 0, and taxes you the full amount. for each unrecorded transaction. aka ur fukd if no records.

>> No.5000788


>> No.5000956

That can kind of work in your favor. Just cash out the exact amount you started with, the market value of your remaining holdings is what you pay taxes on. If need be, cash out some of your holdings to pay the tax.

>> No.5001036

good thing i've just been buying high and selling low and don't have any gains to tax

take that IRS

>> No.5001051

Absolute moron.

>> No.5001093

literally one email and BOOM there are your records.

Biz is fucking retarded LMAO

>> No.5001106


From what I gather, the IRS gets to have it's cake and eat it too. You get taxed on your gains, but no deductions on your loses.

Really makes you think..

>> No.5001716
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>Government: "Hey you guys, stop making fake money and trying to call it real money. Its all a scam. Really its a scam and you'll all lose money"
>9 years later
>Government: "Hey guys, so thats not scam or fake money at all. Its real money so you owe us. Why would you think that you don't owe us your money?"

>> No.5001987

If we are following the capital gains and losses rules for stocks, which is how crypto is classified by the IRS, then wash sales will wipe out most losses if you trade out of a coin and buy it back within 30 days. Is this true?

>> No.5002181

Doesnt mean shit, taxman doesnt give a fuck about 100k when theres alot more going on. Just think how many more people theyll have to track

>> No.5002261

That's called tax fraud anon.

>> No.5002322

If the fiat to purchase the coins or the coins are converted to fiat and have anything to do with a bank account in your name it IS taxable and traceable. It's not even difficult to do.

>> No.5002432
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>> No.5002489

Incorrect. You cannot buy items with stock. Crypto is a currency and is more closely associated with foreign currency like on the FOREX so it is treated and reclassified as an alternate currency. However, since crypto has no centralized governing party that actually means there's less rights for your cryptocurrency meaning more outrageous taxes and limitations can be applied to it once a government decides to do so.

>but Taxanon, if it's ungoverned how can the government touch it

It falls under their jurisdiction when you, a citizen of that particular government, owns the crypto.

>> No.5002506

Nah, you are wrong.
You can deduce your capital losses from your taxes.

>> No.5002683

Where did you find this information? It is classified as property not reclassified as an alternative currency.

>> No.5002758

I'm Taxman. The reclassification is coming in 2018. It was very foolish to originally classify it as property since you can use it as currency. There's talks of Amazon and Walmart possibly adopting Crypto in 2018 as payment options and if this goes through the classification must be changed beforehand. Expect the reclassification Q1 2018.

>> No.5002782

>However, since crypto has no centralized governing party that actually means there's less rights for your cryptocurrency meaning more outrageous taxes and limitations can be applied to it once a government decides to do so.

The same thing that makes it awesome right now will also be its death. This time next year, the gov will be seriously cracking down on large gains from 2014 to present (not outlawing it yet of course, because there is money to be made by the taxman).
By 2020, it will be entirely banned in Burgerland. This is literally the last hurrah for unregulated crypto. Next step is Gov Crypto. They'll essentially take the technology and run with it, tax the living fuck out of crypto currency traders until people demand a unified currency, and then we have world gov, just like that.

>> No.5002973

>Implying I can't move to some other country that doesn't give a shit about crypto and cash out there.

>> No.5003059
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It's only a matter of time until they come after actual Warcraft gold. Trading in your MMOs will one day become a taxable event.

>> No.5003344

Thank you. What do I do this year? File an extension or file late next year? Will this be retroactive to 2017 and if not shouldn't I just bite the bullet and pay?

Thank you for your help.I want to pay taxes, as I don't want to be fined or jailed, but I literally have thousands of trades and hundreds with the same coin/s.

>> No.5003411

I'm only trading between BTC and altcoins, so I'm pretty sure I don't need to keep track of shit until I sell it for fiat. It should be considered "unrealized gains" until I cash out.

>> No.5003522
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>> No.5003581

>implying i pay taxes

>> No.5004032
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>You can expect your taxes to be roughly 300-1000 pages depending on how adderal fueled your daytrading is.

My trading alone is 2000+ pages per account. I probably have 10,000 pages of trades just in a year. some exchanges also wont let me withdraw. I cant pay even if I tried.

>> No.5004056
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THIS SHIT WORRIES ME DAMNITWILL COINBASE REPORT MY ASS? I made like 900 bucks off ether and my YEARLy BTC and ETH gains total 221 taxed i used bitcoin.tax to do it. what do you anons think should i claim it? or leave it? mind you im neet so every once in a while my bank also gets a random 2-6k check from my relatives for me. I never report shit but what my w-2 says and i have been fine.