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File: 31 KB, 600x472, Hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49916614 No.49916614 [Reply] [Original]

hodl = retardation

>> No.49916626

>Look at me I believe I can time the markets perfectly

>> No.49916635

OP is not a faggot

>> No.49916649

op wont post his portfolio

>> No.49916653

Op is a faggot.

>> No.49916668

OP won't post again

>> No.49916669

Try timing the market retard. I will watch.

>> No.49916677
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>> No.49916687

>Look at me i'm not even going to try and blindly ride a bad position to the bottom

>> No.49916692
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Brainlet detected.
Try harder glownigger.
Projecting brainlet detected.
Brainlet detected.

>> No.49916703

Example is far from perfect, but it still makes profit. Far from impossible.
Sell when everything is bearish and price hits some technicals, buy back after capitulation. It's literally that easy.

>> No.49916718

now the post the /biz/ way

>> No.49916756
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>> No.49916757

If you're smart why you're not rich yet?

>> No.49916775

>still poor

>> No.49916826 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 1024x202, 1646862098683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling it retardation though is missing a more important point: it's a jewish psyop. They can't stop people from buying crypto, but they can convince crypto newfags that they should HODL with le epic diamond hands, not only through crashes but through entire bear markets, so that their profits are minimized and while the jews maximize theirs. That's what it always was about. That's also what the gold and silver, in particular the silver, shilling is all about; minimizing the profits of non-jews who aren't total NPCs so they know fiat is shit and they should invest in something, by directing them into metals, away from crypto (silver was $21 in September 1980 and it's $21 now).

>> No.49916835


>> No.49916838
File: 9 KB, 1024x202, 1625946958645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling it retardation though is missing a more important point: it's a jewish psyop. They can't stop people from buying crypto, but they can convince crypto newfags that they should HODL with le epic diamond hands, not only through crashes but through entire bear markets, so that their profits are minimized while the jews maximize theirs. That's what it always was about. That's also what the gold and silver, in particular the silver, shilling is all about; minimizing the profits of non-jews who aren't total NPCs so they know fiat is shit and they should invest in something, by directing them into metals, away from crypto (silver was $21 in September 1980 and it's $21 now).

>> No.49916852

I operate on a pendulum theory. The lower the price goes, the heavier I DCA in. The more the price swings above my average buy price, the heavier I DCA sell.

This only works on projects with actual good fundamentals and long-term prospects. This doesn' work on pump&dump shitcoins which will go to 0 and stay there.

>> No.49916922

>I operate on a pendulum theory.
ask lunafags how that worked out

>> No.49916963
File: 179 KB, 1112x428, 300% loser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how it really goes...

>> No.49917025

>>This only works on projects with actual good fundamentals
>Luna = algorithmic stable coin + obvious ponzi scheme mechanics paying out 18% APY for Terra

I didn't put a single cent into that scam. I don't touch anything with asian CEOs crossing their arms.

>> No.49917061


>> No.49917444
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how it's going

>> No.49917466

>everyone wants to be smart
>project the decision you want others to take as the smart position
if there is anything I learned from biz is to always do the stupid thing.

t. all in cardano

>> No.49917486

Where's the part where you have to hold everything for over a year or you get tapes in capital gains taxes?

>> No.49917540

You don't know where the bottom is faggot, none of us do

>> No.49917543

That’s me when I tried trading alright. Gave it a year, too (with only $1k though), all I really became better at was realizing that that’s me in the picrel.

>> No.49917642

I learned from this bull run that trying to make money trading is retarded. From now on I'm going all in on one thing like a man. It's infinitely less stressful and time consuming, and I'll either 1000x or remain just as poor as I've always been.

>> No.49917654

>what is tax
Good way to call yourself out as poorfag, nobody cares about your $200 investment

>> No.49917829

i need to start botting. how do you do this for someone who doesn't really know how to code ?

>> No.49917848

Learn to code, any bot you buy will suck otherwise they wouldn't be selling it.

>> No.49917884

yes i figured out they wouldn't sell something if it already makes them money using it. any advice on how to start this ? like I need to set up something that deals with API from exchanges.ANy quick advice on what I look into to start something like this ?

>> No.49917914
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This is BTC / USD and the SMA200. Stare at this chart until you see a trading strategy emerging. It's not hard.

>> No.49917954

I'm never selling bobo, fuck off

>> No.49918023

The best I can come up with that doesn't involve timing the peaks and bottoms would be to DCA daily or weekly when under, reverse-DCA when over. But since it seems to spend more time over the line and diverges from it more when over, I'd cut the daily/weekly sell amount to half of what I buy to theortically make more profits on average, and minimize "dead time" where I don't have anything left to sell.

>> No.49918437

>buy high
>sell low
>buy even lower!
>sell even higher!
trading so easy bruh

>> No.49918868

Not really I'm at the same stage you are. Try youtube there are some guides.

>> No.49919486

Look at me for 10% I am willing to be priced out.
And all it took was looking at the charts 24/7 stressing out

>> No.49919808

>not liquidity mining

>> No.49919856
File: 68 KB, 604x354, e9fc5ca8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the actual strategy here? Sell at 3% loss then buy back in at break even? Is so then yup that's definitely average retail intelligence.

>> No.49919921

Let's say I'd know how to code, how would I program a working strategy?

>> No.49920031
File: 165 KB, 602x472, trade vs hodl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49920586

holding goes against all logic, but retail will never understand, because they don't want to understand, because learning takes effort and braincells.

>> No.49920771

I am NEVER going to sell ANYTHING
I will NEVER check my portfolio
I will NEVER realize a gain
I will NEVER realize a loss
and there is NOTHING you can do about it

>> No.49920796

reality doesnt work this way, sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.49920819

kill yourself you disgusting fuck
kill yourself

>> No.49920822

Imagine putting effort and braincells into a zero sum game that you play against literal geniuses and robots.

>> No.49920830

you're just bad at trading. Study it for more than a a few months and you'll realize that it's possible. Takes years to master though, and still your hit rate will be 60%. Still much more lucrative than holding.

>> No.49920837

Many brainlets ITT
OPs pic is correct, you don't even need to try time the market perfectly, this isn't day trading.
I sold my BTC at a loss on the way down and bought back in much lower increasing my stack massively compared to just holding it. When we eventually go up again I will be better off for it.

>> No.49920866

I am a genius, and I have a robot lmao. I've been developing my own algo all through covid. Not that hard to learn if you study 10+ hrs a day for 2 years straight (I'm in college so I just skip classes). All the hard work is done, just fine tuning

>> No.49921015

Could you give a general outline of how how you developed a strategy? I have a friend who's a programmer and into bitcoin, he just sucks at trading but he could potentially make a bot.
It's possible but OPs idea of an average person is a fantasy

>> No.49921048

Pop quiz! Actually, do my homework for me, Mr. Smarty Pants.
I have a matic bag, heavily underwater because I'm hodling. Matic is up about 20% over the last few days. Is this a dead cat bounce? Or is it reversing and I should buy more now?

>> No.49921069

This strategy works perfectly in tandem with TA, which is great at "predicting" past events

>> No.49921281

the basis of my investment philosophy was to avoid all large drawdowns (-15% or greater).
Read Howard Marks and you learn everything about managing risk. Read Nassim Taleb and you learn that you don't plan for what you don't know, therefore assume anything is possible and plan for every possibility. Read Eugene Fama and he says only momentum violates efficient market hypothesis. Therefore momentum is an opportunity for alpha. Take Damodaran's course and you learn that a company's narrative is more important than a DCF. Watch every druckenmiller and paul tudor jones interview and you learn that intuition is your true alpha. Study Minnervini and O'Neil and you learn how to develop a rules based system. Read about Jim Simon's history and you get some insights about quant trading. Watch All-In Pod and Dalio's books for macro insights. Learn python and watch PartTimeLarry on youtube to get an idea of how to implement an algo. Then backtest like crazy. Assume you are wrong about everything

That's like 30% of the work I did. Like I said it took me 2 years to learn everything. Failed a few college classes because I was working so much on this. Started with 0 knowledge about stocks or macro econ. Never bought a stock in my life before. The average person should just DCA into ETFs and not even attempt this.

>> No.49921343


>> No.49921454

nice, thank you

>> No.49921643

god bless, anon

>> No.49921766

My strategy has evolved a lot over time. At first I didn't even know if trading was the right approach, so I first learnt about value investing. Also had to learn if macro was an important factor, what are interest rates, the credit cycle, history, I studied all crashes, all bear markets, all Fed chairs, Volcker, what is inflation, how to combat it, what are the implications for stocks/bonds/currencies/commodities. Then learn other approaches like technical analysis, what are the various indicators for. Which ones are useless, which ones actually are predictive.

Only after all that did I realize that the simpler the model/algo the better it will perform. Cut out most of everything. Ask yourself what is the purest signal there is. What actually makes prices go up and down. What are the sources of alpha. What happens when you move up the risk curve? What extra risk do you assume, risk of ruin etc, how do you combat that? How do you find sector leaders, then leaders in those sectors? Build a universe of stocks that give you the highest chance of beating the benchmark.

You will know you are ready when you find yourself disagreeing with all conventional wisdom. I've stopped reading Reddit now because every piece of advice on there is garbage. Everyone just repeats the same stuff like "DCA" "buy the dip" "diversify" which imo is all wrong. After you go down the rabbit hole you can't un-see what you've learnt. All conventional wisdom is WRONG! You will never make it (like 100x or 1000x) if you follow that advice. Investing mentality is overrated, trading mentality is very very underrated. Passive investors would gain a lot if they just learnt some simple trading principles. it's much more logical and probabilistic.

>> No.49921933

You don't need to learn to code. There are websites like 3commas where you can simply set up DCA bots to trade with your capital.
Watch vid related, he took his time to find the best settings for the bots.

>> No.49922011

You just have to somewhat time it.

>> No.49922112

how the fuck do you know it's going to continue to go down after you sell?

>> No.49922167

>just predict the future bro

>> No.49922198

>I can't use indicators or risk management

>> No.49922273

wheres the part where you just move to a functioning country?

>> No.49922446

For me, replace "buying" and "selling" with "daydreaming about a future where all my dreams come true" and "feeling like I will never be able to escape my current situation." My portfolio provides me with an imaginary life that I can think about while I work.

>> No.49922485

all this wall of text and not a single proof of "netting gains on 60% of my trades"
yawn, another larper

>> No.49922620

That profit you're making, is that here in the room with us right now?

>> No.49922674

The only larper is you. You come on this board but you probably don't even know who Howard Marks is. No one will take you seriously in investing if you haven't at least ready a couple of the classics, anon.

>> No.49922786

SOME of us have jobs and can't be starring at screens all day okay?