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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 809 KB, 839x975, Screenshot 2022-06-22 at 16-54-01 Yes a recession looks inevitab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49908484 No.49908484 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe a recession is just what we needed

>> No.49908502
File: 569 KB, 1236x1314, 1654884608226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wouldn't be in this recession if you guys just smiled a bit more, you grumpy fucks

>> No.49908537

Isn't this a bottom signal? I'm seeing YouTube videos of fox news saying a recession is inevitable. This should be our early bottom signal

>> No.49908585

Unironically, recessions are a "good thing" to cure the malinvestments and excessive debt and spending created by loose monetary policy and government protectionism.

>> No.49908612

You're way too contrarian for your own good. Just because newspapers confirmed that shit was about to hit the fan in 2007 does not mean that was a good time to start buying. Bad times are coming, and the media is trying to spin it so that the public doesn't blame whoever pays their bills

>> No.49908627

Why do journalists tell everyone how to feel about news now?

>> No.49908665

A deep recession is like unbearable chemo that puts your cancer in remission.

>> No.49908666


>> No.49908698

That can't be real

>> No.49908703

goyim started to wake up so (((they))) turned up the gaslighting to overdrive level

>> No.49908748

>You're way too contrarian for your own good
nope it is good, always.
the way to become the 1% is to consistently do the opposite of the 99%.
fear and greed, thats all it is.

>> No.49908766

Everyone stopped paying for news, so now they clickbait low quality articles for ad revenue.

>> No.49908776

newsreporter should get a punch in the face anytime they use
"Buts thats a good thing. Heres why"

>> No.49908798

Literally all you have to do is move back in with your parents and put everything you earn into crypto and stocks while you wage. Imagine not wanting cheapies

>> No.49908817
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I won't read that shit but if things are unavoidable and I had to choose between one or two years of recession and a full on DEPRESSION, yeah I'd take the recession.

>> No.49908837

I hope journos become the first ones to get the boot

>> No.49908840
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>Experts say

>> No.49908872
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I hate Boomer Democrats with every ounce of hatred in my heart.

>> No.49908934

>nope it is good, always.
You are correct.

>> No.49908942

OP for the love of God PLEASE tell me that it wasn't you that edited the article title
Please tell me it was them, after realizing how retarded it looked, lmao

>> No.49908964
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is it easier and costs less money to get laid in a recession?

asking for a friend

>> No.49908986
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>> No.49909016

No it’s a save signal

>> No.49909087

Agreed. I have to admit the Democratic Party has done an incredible job with their psyop media influence because my once staunch conservative Dad now listens to NPR every day and spouts every generic NPC liberal talking point and belief. I love my Dad and don't argue with him but it hurts to see.

The "Liz Cheney"-type '''''republicans''''''' really did a number on GOP boomers. I think Trump broke their brains, they couldn't reconcile the mean-Tweeter TV show guy being the new head of the GOP. They fell hard for the "WE NEED AN ADULT BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE" meme

>> No.49909208

We need to kill or at least dismember the zombie companies. This can't happen if they have infinity money to just buy and mothball disruptors. I'm surprised you faggots are good with the technological stasis and entitled, authoritarian social trend.

>> No.49909267
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They're in damage control mode after spending the last year saying everything is fine.

>> No.49909403
File: 30 KB, 634x408, 3_macroeconomics[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recessions happen whether you want them to or not. They're both an organic part of the business cycle *and* exacerbated by external forces: war, natural disaster, pandemic, or anything else that fucks with supply, demand, or the supply chain.
Recessions can be managed: that's what the fed is for. The problem is, politicians treat the business cycle like a game of hot potato: no one wants to be in office at the onset of a recession, so they try to push it back or get out of it ASAP.
The shit we're in now is due to a variety of organic and external factors: supply chains not keeping up with demand, weather and pandemics affecting producers and transporters worldwide, the war in Ukraine, etc.. But it's been magnified by the over-stimulus during the COVID 19 recession and the lukewarm efforts under the current admin.
The Fed needs to stop pussy-footing and just squash the fucking consumer demand already. They've been telegraphing all their hikes to the point where they don't even matter: it's barely an overstatement to say everyone knew about the 75 points long before they officially announced it.
I don't understand all these headlines talking about the "possibility" of a recession.
>Stock market bouncing down like 20% overall since december
>commodities outperforming equities
>defensive sectors like Healthcare, Energy, and Consumer Staples outperforming the rest of the market
>tech, consumer discretionary, real estate under performing an already-shit market since december
>20 year treasury indices starting to outperform equities
We're in the early phase of a recession -- knee fucking deep in it. Next you'll see layoffs, foreclosures, etc.. Given that recessions last an average of 1.5 years, we're about a third of the way through.

>> No.49909423

>Le contrarian

>> No.49909441


>> No.49909454

It's more useful to differentiate yourself by being in the top percentile of intelligence, not by thrashing around to own the msm.

>> No.49910303

Why do they keep posting these retarded articles

>> No.49910442

What is with the news telling us what we should think is 'a good thing'? How bout we decide for ourselves. Bunch of fuckers, worthless media pukes.

>> No.49910445

Jesus christ this man is based holy shit.

>> No.49910467

a recession means cheap stocks, crypto, real estate... what's not to like?

>> No.49910480

That motherfucker is not 43 he's younger and this video is bullshit.

>> No.49910481
File: 220 KB, 680x680, 1550377642604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that's a good thing
>here's why
>experts say

>> No.49910582

And businesses laying off employees en masse. People who got laid off in 2007-2008 got fucked hard and had to use all their savings to survive because there’s a hiring freeze everywhere except minimum wage jobs. A lot of people will get fucked this time too

>> No.49910620

Not a bottom signal. It’s just Jews scared about a serious reaction when things get worse so they are letting us know before hand to lessen the blow

>> No.49910688

oh you poor sweet child


>> No.49910750

unironically. There's a whole culture emerging within media of "contrarian positions", like here's this thing that everyone thinks is bad, but we're gonna tell you why everyone is wrong. It's like Op-eds merged with conventional reporting

>> No.49910764

(and that's a good thing)

>> No.49910795

I hate tiktok so much it's unreal

>> No.49911267

I don't think I even need to check "early life" on this one

>> No.49911307

>your whole family is going to starve to death in agonizing pain
>here's why that's a good thing
I'm convinced there's an AI writing these articles at this point

>> No.49911324

literally is. they'll be distrusted then bankie faster.

>> No.49911352

>Guys, people are pointing out our ship is heading straight for a waterfall. Thate mans things will get better soon, right?

>> No.49911556

all the US has to do is lift the embargoes on everyone and we continue the bullrun. every country will buy USD and drain the excess liquidity. thats what will probably happen. everyone is saying the US economy has nowhere to run now because interest rates are 0 and it wasnt like this before but sanctions are at ATH, thats the main difference this time and what can reverse this shit

>> No.49911636
File: 232 KB, 1080x1386, 1655597225670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had a Hunter Biden jew lookalike tell me this same thing.


>> No.49911953

Ok so you look like Ryan Reynolds, you're 6'2, drive a nice car, are a real gentleman, funny, charming and generous?

No? Then no one cars what you prefer.

>> No.49911990

People are getting dumber. "Diverse" npc cattle needs to be told what to think.

>> No.49912047

damn that's an incredible looking 43.

>> No.49912052

It must. Onlyfans whores already complaining their income has refuced

>> No.49912097

Everyone was saying Bitcoin to 100k when we were at 65k
And i believed
And got fucked in my boypussy

>> No.49912199
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>> No.49912859

Recessions aren't necessarily bad. After all if line go up for too long line need go down. Then it can go up again.

>> No.49912970

And that's a good thing

>> No.49913038

>"we've run this country into the ditch"
>and here's why that's a good thing"
>"you deserve this its all your fault"
>"we will take everything from you,even stuff you didn't have yet"
>"and you will be happy"

>> No.49913057

and that’s a good thing.

>> No.49913781
File: 148 KB, 610x613, 1654369861860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49914054

Recession is a good thing because you will own nothing and you will be happy.

>> No.49914123

>People are getting dumber. "Diverse" npc cattle needs to be told what to think.
Tonight on Tucker Carlson

>> No.49915016

A shmita happens on on average every 6 and half yr

>> No.49915028

Lemme let you in on a little secret: Never EVER reveal your winning bags here. Why? Well, there's a certain label in my culture called "poverty face", or, more loosely transliterated, "pauper aura". /biz/ has pauper aura. What does that mean? It means someone whom misfortune and poverty follows them at every endeavour, so much so it "infects" other people. Their lack of fortune is contagious, so when they get on something that they haven't been involved in yet, they bring nothing but failure on their trail. Nothing good can come from their participation. Any coin that this board tried to get on has inevitably failed. Name any fucking one, and watch its performance pre- and post-/biz/ fad. It's all clear as day. I currently hold five bags that are legitimately making me a millionaire as we speak, my wallet is up something fierce just over the past week. The market is bearish, yet they're one of the only alts (who aren't recently dropped pump & dump schemes) that are doing big numbers. I have never seen them discussed on /biz/, and I intend to keep it that way. If you've found a good project, and you're sticking to it because you have faith in its potential: never talk about it on this pauper board.

I like you though, so i will give you 1 (ONE) unit of help, go ape shit on vinu, that's it
if you don't and you see it moon, don't fomo, the pump is soon, so get it or get the fuck out, don't expect patience

>> No.49915099
File: 1013 KB, 2069x945, 1641323852454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe a recession is just what we needed
always has been.

>> No.49915154

>wasting your hard earned money on a falling knife

>> No.49915190

Yeah, only retards who have shitty useless jobs. Learn a valuable skill and contribute to society and maybe you'll be valued more in it.

>> No.49915684

There's no way this a real article

>> No.49915752

what the kek

>> No.49916030

10/10 jeet post

>> No.49916049
File: 242 KB, 3848x772, vinrug2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like you though, so i will give you 1 (ONE) unit of help, go ape shit on vinu, that's it
Ser, it is a rug ser
When will you mint new token and dump ser

>> No.49916764

Because it invites people into clicking the article, the best option though, and I am not sure why they dont do this yet, would be to literally make up celebrity opinions on it "Recession is here to stay, listen to Johnny Depps tidbits on how to maneuver these high waters"
Like the media is filled with fake news anyway, Biden is constantly lying (just like trump) about this and that being the fault of muh putin and nobody goes "fact check that!"
I dont get why they dont just entirely make up stories by now.

>> No.49916778


>> No.49916779

Nah, tucker is different because he says it like it is ;^)
Polcels are too smart to fall for pre-chewed outrage, dont you know?

>> No.49917494

Dad could do a lot better than some fugly nigger

>> No.49917630

I'd disown that piece of shit immediately if he did something like that to me

>> No.49917708


>> No.49917730

cut it with the bullshit, I ain't buying your bags

>> No.49917980

Because that's their job


>> No.49918006

I was hoping we'd get one during 2020 since if you're going to shut down the economy anyway, you might as well let the market shake off the dead weight. But then rates were cut, Boeing was bailed out, and I realized it was another fucking can kick. Third most retarded shit I've seen the US government do in my life. We could have come out of covid ready to have a legendary prosperity run but instead they pulled up as we approached a runway and are pushing the nose down as we approach some mountains.

>> No.49918030

Who is the fucking retard that keep using the catch phrase that’s a good thing

>> No.49918515

I'm going to do the opposite of you and make a hell of a lot of more money doing it

>> No.49918558

Here's why

>> No.49918599

You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension. But that's a good thing, here's why

>> No.49918799

You went to fart and a turd popped out. But that's a good thing. Here's why.

According to officials familiar with the fart, there was no poop. Far right extremists took to twitter declaring a turd during a fart is defecation, but fact checkers and experts disagree. "A small turd during a fart can lubricate the anal glands leading to cleaner emissions and reduced greenhouse gasses", says a report issued by top scientists from harvard university on Friday. A leading poll indicates at least 2/3 of americans may spend up to 3 hours a day with a turd in their pants. "I go to fart and it just slips out," says a local resident, "I dont worry about it, its barely noticed." Donald Trump in a racist statement to the press on Monday doubled down on the far right agenda to label fart turds as poops, and faced backlash from concerned Americans.

>> No.49918804

>but thats a good thing heres why
people still say this shit?

>> No.49918876

no one even starved to death during the great depression

>> No.49918878

>inflation, poverty, no jobs are a good thing

>> No.49918887

so you're just an idiot then

>> No.49918921

what are you bunkertrannies going on about

>> No.49919030
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>and/but that's a (((good))) thing

>> No.49919130

We need a good hard recession to destroy some of these asset bubbles. We'll be able to come out of the other side with low inflation growth for a good few years.

>> No.49920192

holy fuck hold on to your hats

>> No.49920248

>people are pointing
you mean the media?
same people that lied to you for decades?

>> No.49920583

Checked and based

>> No.49920593

MSM lies to you for as long as it can but eventually it has to state the truth. That's what you're seeing here.
>no the meteor isn't coming - lie
>yes it's coming but it won't hit earth - lie
>you it will hit earth but not populated centers - lie
>we will die in a week but we can spend this time with our loved ones - spin on the truth when the lie is no longer believable

>> No.49920640

>fuck you goy and here's why that's a good thing
I've now reached WAKE ME UP levels.

>> No.49920693


We're gonna see people trying to buy and hold instead of buy and swing or short all the way down. 'The dow can't possibly go back to where it was in 2014, it just can't". Everything is so fucked but I have smug satisfaction regarding retired boomers who were all-in on dementia man. Maybe these old pricks should fucking give up politics and retire already so someone without one foot in the grave and no reason to care can have a shot.

Anyway the best time to buy was 2009-2012 so people should follow that instead of hoping for a covid-style printpocalypse to recover everything immediately.

>> No.49921762
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experts say recession is a safe and effective treatment for inflation

>> No.49922012

>civil service manager, $100k salary, pension, benefits, 35/hrs week
>tech focus, job security guarenteed
As long as government exists, I'm in no risk of losing my position. Looking forward to a stretch of long-term buying opportunities

>> No.49922232
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I lied. You won't be happy.

>> No.49923363
File: 1.09 MB, 2434x2110, Things (((they))) stopped talking about in the media after 2012 - Occupy Wall Street protests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah a lot of things changed after Occupy Wall Street

>> No.49923559

you will own nothing and be happy.