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49890208 No.49890208 [Reply] [Original]

I know one of you fuckers has paid for HU.2. Did you even make your money back, or fall for the meme?

>> No.49890214
File: 30 KB, 384x384, andrew tate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49890255

I’ve never even heard of this guy prior to last month and now he’s everywhere.

>> No.49890276

He literally said that he was making money at the beginning by running hot girl scams that ask rich guys to send them money and then block them and now he runs live cams and casinos.

>> No.49890284

wiki says he owns casinos in romania, but why the fuck would the government and mafia let some random british dude open casinos there. explain this to me

>> No.49890346

What is it with all these youtubers like Hamza? Is it just the consequence of the deconstruction of the father figure? Young men looking for some guidance?

>> No.49890383

he has romanian heritage, partly gypsy too
his dad was a chess gm and he was boxing champion.

>> No.49890409

He is allegedly involved in criminal activities

>> No.49890592

It is interesting as fuck.
The guy seem to run his own marketing team through the discord.
Each and every video about him is just stormed with his shillers.
Based 16yo boys making money on the side shilling for tate.

>> No.49890616

this >>49890383 also he in this shithole if you pay enough money to the right people you can pretty much do anything

>> No.49890627

This guy radiates "I am retarded"

>> No.49890642


His dad was a IM not GM

i must correct this

>> No.49890667

Why is this faggot posted here? Or are you all just shills? I've seen or heard nothing interesting or funny out of the small amount of content I've seen of this literal bellend. Sage.

>> No.49890668

Boxing champion lmao
He was ranked 1 in like a third tier division of kick boxing at one time for about a week
Haven't looked at his course recently but when he started it like 2 years ago it was just basically crypto shit, he would get you to sign up to exchanges using his affiliate link then he would steal calls from actual crypto paid groups and tell you what to buy/sell, so he was milking you dry, you were paying him for the shitty course and he was raking it in through affiliate fees from you. No Idea about these days probably the same grifty shit but different industries

>> No.49890692

I know a guy who is in HU. He's in profit from the signal trading. I'm still skeptical.
His dad was a chess master but not a gm. also he won some matches with kickboxing but he's not even close to a world class champion. The fucker keeps inflating his accomplishments.

>> No.49890738

now there are some 'professors' who give the signals in their area of expertise. They're all in the 'war room' of course.

>> No.49891504

What makes this guy different from that chucklefuck Tai Lopez or that gook Dan whatever the fuck his name is.

>The fucker keeps inflating his accomplishments
I notice this too, its a common trait

>> No.49891612

It's basically a ponzi where you pay 49 a month to get 10% of the sales you bring in. For war room referrals you get 0%.

>> No.49892836

he paid the right people
t. a romanian

>> No.49892906

I unironically use it. The professors are whales with sophisticated trading algos/strategies that give signals with pretty high accuracy. They will teach you and help you set up your own strategy based on a variety of indicators instead of fomo. I got value out of it but some work is required. If you already know what you're doing probably not worth it.

>> No.49892940
File: 16 KB, 400x400, sandeep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homie is literally a meme. Not even that good of a kickboxer lmao. Listen to this man instead. Truly get rich.

>> No.49893057

>you pay 49 a month to get 10% of the sales you bring in
What do you mean? They keep 90% of the money you yourself generate? I thought they show you some techniques and tricks on how to get money and then you just do whichever you think works best for you. Or are HU members more like Freelancer employment working for their schemes, where your payment is a 10% cut?

>> No.49893130

There are different specializations inside, one of which is affiliate marketing (which I haven't touched). Crypto campus alone provides the 50 bucks of value to me, but they also have copywriting, ecom, FBA, stocks. You can use all at once if you choose to

>> No.49893202

>You can use all at once if you choose to
Yeah OK, but do make that money on your own and keep 100% of it or do you work together as a group and only get paid a small cut?

>> No.49893267

>you pay 49 a month to get 10% of the sales you bring in
So it's a pyramid scheme, targeting young and naive men (16 year olds). He's just another online fake it till you make it guru.

>> No.49893283

It's on you to put their strategies to use and you keep all the rewards/losses. Anon above was specifically referring to the affiliate program which is a small portion of the product. Under affiliate, you get people to sign up to HU with your link and receive a kickback from their sign up fee.

>> No.49893294

I want to use it just for the Copywriting connects + info

>> No.49893301

Not a shill I will admit the product isn't perfect but this is objectively false

>> No.49893338

It's literally a pyramid scheme, you cannot refute this.

>> No.49893340

This. I was a member for a few months and it's not that bad. Learned some things about fba and tried copywriting but I'm too dumb for that

>> No.49893373

who is that

>> No.49893428

You have no experience with it and I have a plethora, the affiliate program is a small portion of the overall product. Stay poor fag no skin off my back

>> No.49893484


>> No.49893501
File: 33 KB, 258x544, 1641637777258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stay poor fag no skin off my back
Says the guy that is paying for an online course (read: is involved in a pyramid scheme) by Andrew Tate. Stupid naive cunt.

>> No.49893583

Smart enough to recognize a profitable exchange of value when I see it. Let me guess, you held through the recent crash while me and my whale friends were laughing to the bank

>> No.49893590

literal nigger

>> No.49893637
File: 65 KB, 540x357, Tate_Sons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is him, his nigger brother and his nigger father

>> No.49893653
File: 169 KB, 798x770, 1641638022157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me and my whale friends
If you're so rich, why are you involved in a pyramid scheme?

>> No.49893854

Are you too stupid to understand what a pyramid scheme is?

>> No.49894078

He fucked JBP's daughter.

>> No.49894993

romania is nice, people call it a shithole to keep u out. also he literally whored himself out to the casino mafia to let him open a franchise after being denied 10 times. doubt he’s turning a profit. he turned from pimping out women on webcam to pimping out men without a father figure to give him money.

>> No.49896845

I haven't paid for it but I know someone who has. It's just basic pretty solid advice on everything from affiliate marketing, drop shipping, yield farming and several other side hustles/making money online ventures with the added benefit that you have a community that can help you out and give you feedback and share what they've learned. If you're not a total fucking retard you will make your money back like my buddy has (he's one of those guys that has to have everything compiled into a central place like a course or a class otherwise he's scattered brain and can't put things together himself for free by doing research).

>> No.49898357

Literally no one ever said how much money they made from HU or how they made it. How they applied what they learned in the HU into their life or business. Just anecdotes and " yeah...one of my friends made some money" lol

>> No.49898545


Just fucking look at him, this dweeb is clearly a scammer. Use your brains, lads.

>> No.49898606

Holy kek pls fuck off