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49888991 No.49888991 [Reply] [Original]

I am a zoomer, and the thought of working a corporate job for the next 30-40 years makes me want to die. Wtf am I supposed to do? Everyday it seems that the economy is getting worse, and I find myself getting sucked into a pessimistic outlook of the future. Can any older anons offer me any advice? I’m just so lost and don’t know what to do with my life. And before you assume I am a lazy zoomer, I am ambitious and pride myself in maintaining a strong work ethic.

>> No.49889049


Just exercise hard and expect the worst.

>> No.49889056

what do you really want to do with your life

>> No.49889112

You just have to take it one step at a time. Set yourself up for the best chance of success like the learn2code meme and then do what makes you happy. Quit ten jobs in a row if they suck. Eventually you’ll find something that you tolerate or makes you happy

>> No.49889123

I don’t really know yet. However, I have made up my mind that i refuse to work my entire life just to make someone else rich.

>> No.49889185

I had a pessemistic view when I graduated high school in 2010. I joined the miltiary and shipped aug 2010. before that I read about bitcoin on b in july 2020 and I didnt think much about it cuz I was more offupied with miltiary. dont let pessimism take control. youre young and healthy and id sell all lf my current btc to be your age again. enjoy your youth, but dont get any criminal convictions to screw you over. if I were to do it over Id first try to get into med school, if that failed then online JD through california is cheap. and if that failed try to code. if that failed then join army as warrant officer pilot. but whatver you do dont enlist its a scam. just fuck 18 year old women rn and see d DPT and a cardiologist to ensure youre working out not to fuck urself when youre older

>> No.49889220

Get into a trade

>> No.49889228

>he thinks he'll be doing it for 30-40 years
Between living longer and the cost of things you're probably looking at 50 years of it.

>> No.49889298

Find something you are passionate about and do it. If i cant make you money, thwre a jobs/careers surrounding and supporting whatever your passion is and do it. When you work or earn money doing something you enjoy and passionate about, you don't care about how many hours you worked or think about working your entire life.

>> No.49889476

well, first step is to figure out where you can live and how you can eat. if you live with family don't be a mooch, you better give more value than you take. if that doesn't involve wage labor then you'll still need to work in some capacity to help whoever is letting you live there for free. personally I find menial tasks performed for my family to be much more fulfilling than being a suit, i don't know if you'll feel the same. maybe you can be a gigolo for some needy businesswoman. whatever you do, you will need to make time for your ambitions in and around your other obligations. unless you plan to live like a hobo and magic your way into wealth. you need a plan to sustain yourself.
travel while you're still young btw. preferably with women

>> No.49889974

just dress up like a tranny and make tik tok videos

>> No.49890002

Learn to cook, move to a small city and do the bare minimum to survive while stealing all your entertainment. Yes a small city not countryside, small city is actually the cheapest easiest place to live.

>> No.49890001

>I find myself getting sucked into a pessimistic outlook of the future
get off 4chan unironically
I stumbled onto this shithole in my early 30s and it almost destroyed me
I dont wanna know what it would do to a young impressionable person.

>> No.49890048

Zoomer here. We don’t really have a choice anon. Graduated in stem major a year ago and I make good money. If your sociable do sales or ads. Trades suck unless you get into union with pension. Just save up your money, don’t buy new car, phone or computers, eventually you can buy your freedom.

>> No.49890064

Welcome to the shit faggot. Nut up or shut up.

>> No.49890093
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Mellinial here.

Give up kid. I live alone in a camper. I work a good job too. Our society is crumbling.

>> No.49890340

1. Make a list of dividend aristocrats
2. Look which ones are trading under their historical P/E today
3. Buy shares of the cheapest one until you have 100
4.Sell cash covered calls at delta of 0.3 or lower
5.use the premium to repeat step 3 with the next cheapest one

when you get filled use the cash to sell cash covered puts of delta 0.3 or lower, when those get filled go to step 4

If you dont know what single words in this post mean search them on youtube
dont sell naked options and dont chase higher premiums, over time its not worth the worry


>> No.49890359

Fuck off zoomers

>> No.49890374

This is a bot post

>> No.49890402

>duuude just go with blue chips
Here are your blue chips: cigarette companies, oil companies and REITs. All of those markets can collapse any second, oil and ciggies at the hands of the government itself who keeps trying to tax those companies into non-existence

>> No.49890431

this is bullshit advice and you know it
working a job that you love doesn't make you not feel like working, it just makes you eventually hate what you're doing

>> No.49890919

become a sexworker and service rich boomers. start practising by sucking bananas and inserting them in your anal cavity. dry, no lube. that's what boomers like. they want to see you suffer while fucking u in your zoomer gayhole. U can do it OP. if you feel dirty after just smoke some crack

>> No.49890942
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then you will starve on the street.
enjoy it peasant
While kings like me were born to be served by your kind, you are born to wage cuck all your miserable life. accept it

>> No.49890946
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It's easy. Just stop being a consoomer.
I don't know about in Burgerland where you have to pay $2000 a month for health insurance, but in Europe and Britain a single, frugal man can easily live for less than $1000 a month.
How you make that $1000 a month is up to you but it's not hard to make that little without working.
Most people voluntarily enslave themselves with their bullshit consoomer lifestyles.

>> No.49891008
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>the thought of working a corporate job for the next 30-40 years makes me want to die.
As it should. At the same time, nobody owes you anything, so what are you going to do to survive?
What I did was bite the bullet, worked a REALLY shitty job for like 1-2 years, then switched to a slightly less shitty job, and so on.
Fast forward to today, and I'm working from home doing like 1 hour of easy bullshit per day and good pay.
Grades don't mean shit, experience does. Get the experience, get a cushy job.

t. late 30's

>> No.49891065
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I can't help but look that that image and think that diogenes probably lived a better life than most poor people today, just walking around the streets of ancient greece, the culture, bros...

>> No.49891094

by culture you mean lack of niggers, faggots, libshits and fat feminists

>> No.49891128

Forgot to add that relieving yourself of, or rather delegating shitty tasks to other people is the name of the game and perhaps more sought after than even money itself. Everyone does it, knowingly or not, in order to free themselves from work. You just have to play the charade of being "eager to work" until you can kick the shit downhill yourself or get a job which is just inherently chill.

>> No.49891194
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My advice is that consistency is the best thing that could ever happen to you, like, at all. You've got a coin that you like and devs that know you? stick with it, even if you don't seem to get very much now, soon you will, either by proxy of being friends or because they will gift you from helping them, the thing is that you will eventually get a ton of interest by sticking to your guns.I stuck with lovelace and got a LOT of interest in loveloot, take that as an example

>> No.49891278
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>> No.49891700
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Biochemist working in cannabis doing a PhD whilst getting 80k a year plus 30k a year stipend for study + 20k a year production bonus cash off the books. Sorry you are too stupid to be able to work in a field that you are passionate about and enjoy.
>reroll gl in the near life fgt

>> No.49891743
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stack sats for 4 years
unironically that easy

>> No.49891906
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>> No.49891978
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Millenial here. I work from home and take it easy while watching the world burn.

>> No.49892071

Why? You literally put in 30% of any actual attention/effort in the corporate world at best and get paid for it. Then take that money to have hobbies and do things you enjoy around your job.
If you don't know what you want why not make some cash while you figure it out?

>> No.49892097

My advice would be to sit down and think to yourself what would be a cool job and then just go train for it.

>> No.49892716

you're going to try to be a streamer or tik tok faggot and you will fail. enjoy screaming "lets go" every 9 seconds for pennies

>> No.49893630

Sadly, this is probably the most profitable suggestion here

>> No.49893682
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I have no advice to give you my friend. Either bite the bullet and get a job that pays well and hope some shitcoin will make you rich. Or study something you’d like to do and hope you can make a living there.
My advice as a 26 boomer is to never become despaired. It’s better to turn your feelings into rage and hatred.
My biggest hope in life is the chance of vengeance.

>> No.49893686

STFU zoom zoom. im a 30 something wagie who didnt make it and had to go thru some real shit under the boomers and gen Xs. It's time for me to take it out on you. You VILL kiss my ass and you VILL act like you love it

>> No.49893961

Buy as much chainlink as you possibly can, that's all I will say say.

>> No.49894780

This dump is a trap, I'm buying as much as I can. I have all the PoA consensus coins, lox is the newest I got.

>> No.49894865
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The PoW is so inefficient, but guess what, it uses less energy than normies banks.

>> No.49894926

It preserves energy and does well with scalability, lets see how the security goes.

>> No.49894945

It's probably not going to survive this market

>> No.49896282

Start your own business then, better to enslave others than to be enslaved yourself

>> No.49896403

Been thinking of starting my own small restaurant. good idea/bad idea?

>> No.49896479

terrible idea.
unless you're selling something without competition, e.g. a restaurant that sells texas chili.

>> No.49896948

You are based. Hopefully I find zoomers like you and offer them a future where we are all our own bosses and work and create real progress without generating toxic stress

>> No.49896984

Fuck off with your cringe larp pajeet

>> No.49897136

Da fuck are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to dance on tiktok?

>> No.49897178
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>makes me want to die
as good a plan as any

>> No.49897248

Become a doctor.

>> No.49897290

Here is the issue, you're running away from something rather than running towards something.
Having had this mentality for years, I can confirm that it doesn't work.

>> No.49899816

wut? people actually work? im making average $4500 a month from OF doing shit with my dick.

>> No.49901233

Lot’s of people are not ready to put in the efforts but somehow they expect to see results.

>> No.49901391

DeFi does this already, i can literally sit at the comfort of my home and get stablecoin returns just cause i leveraged on Spool strategies.

>> No.49901445

>a corporate job for the next 30-40
Kek no way you will ever have that kind of job security

>> No.49901606
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Based Mansa Musa stays BTFOing dumb racists. It's so impressive that even Wikitards have to do damage control.

>> No.49901637

>the thought of working a corporate job for the next 30-40 years makes me want to die.
stop being a brainwashed faggot
a fucking woman probably taught you this attitude
a fucking useless public school teacher
these are the dumbest whores on campus, as you will soon see, if you can afford college

>> No.49901642

This. Nobody keeps people on for that long anymore, and right when you get close to being there for 20 years or however long it takes to get retirement they will cut you free and fuck you completely. I watched it happen with The Container Store who I used to work for, and I've seen it happen elsewhere. There is no loyalty anymore and legitimately your best option is to get a new job every 2-3 years and keep hopping as necessary to keep making your salary go up. Alternatively, quit smoking weed/delta 8 and go work for the railroad or trucking industry - depending on who you work for they might be cucks about needing the jab but there's ways around that without committing a felony and having a falsified card which will absolutely get you put in prison if people find out about it. There's religious exemptions for both the vaccine and testing per OSHA. I would highly highly recommend either of these career paths while they are still an option - if you're a hard motherfucker go work for the railroad and suck shit for five years before getting some seniority, if you're not that hard go do trucking and it only really sucks for the first 2-3 years.

Avail yourself of the notion that you won't be working to make other people wealthy. That's literally how capitalism works, if you don't like it then hop the border to Mexico. Sorry but thems the breaks.

>> No.49901686

Brotha, I'm 35, and the thought of doing ANYTHING for this Jewish nigger loving satanic world makes me sick. Take the 35 year old NEET pill.

>> No.49901718

That structure wasn't built by niggers, it was built by arabs

>> No.49901879

>the thought of working a corporate job for the next 30-40 years makes me want to die
You've been brainwashed by Hollywood commies. It's literally the least painful option out there, and the only way you'll have a social life.

>> No.49901906

>Doesn't understand what sub Saharan means

>> No.49901993

> Least painful option
i agree if these pajeets understand how long i work just trying to spot the next DeFi play.

>> No.49902063

I wouldn't suggest a single crypto coin if you actually want to make it out of the shitty world of debt and disaster. Diversity is key

>> No.49902093

Ik what I wanna do but it’s a pipe dream

>> No.49902099

Get a job that can be remotely done. Despite media jew whining, most companies prefer wfh.

>> No.49902272

Learn a skill and start a business. Blue collar work is easy as fuck. Pressure washing, car washing, landscaping, gutter cleaning, roof cleaning, etc all can be done easily and you can undercut boomers who have an entire pack of beaners and niggers working for them. I was always entrepreneurial and started a few businesses when I was in high school 11 years ago doing web and graphic design and audio/video work at events but like the dumbass I was I listened to my parents, went to college (only to drop out later) and wage slaved for 5 years while in the middle of an awful crippling depression that made me unironically want to kill myself the entire time only to come full circle and get back to square one and start a business more or less in the same niches that I was in when I was in high school and during my freshman year of college.

t. 30 year old millennial who was ambitious just like you but should have put his ambition to work for himself from the get go instead of wasting time in the rat race

TL;DR: Start a fucking business ASAP, any business, and make it your priority to be in business for yourself for the rest of your life. Fail fast and fail often.

>> No.49902317

> still a child
hey i have life worked out.
sure thing kiddo.

>> No.49902338

look at trades. If you are in The Dakotas were Texas, take your ass to an oil field and bother them until they let you be a welder's helper. If not, you can get in with a lineman company with no experience and they will train you on the job. Really any entry-level trades job will give you an idea of the field, and if you don't like it it's still a entry level job that pays half decent that you can work while you shift towards something else. But God forbid you get dirty and have to wear steel-toed boots.

>> No.49902355
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remember that everything you buy, as in, not invest, is making you have to work more until you retire.
that is if you are planning on retiring with your own wealth.

>> No.49902444

This is my problem, I went to college and got the degree (in computer engineering of course) now i work a software dev job making 6 figs but i fucking hate working for others and corporate culture makes me want to blow my brains out. i want to start my own business but i have no idea what it should be, and i know i wont be able to make anywhere close to what im making now at my job. i'm also engaged to a beautiful woman who will support me no matter what but i dont want to quit and let her down if i fail.

>> No.49902455

>the only way you'll have a social life
The irony of a pot calling a kettle black. Imagine giving a flying fuck about this? Literally laughing my fucking ass off because I had no social life for a few years while being a wage slave and now that run a massively successful business I get to meet other incredible ambitious people who are better than me in business that I can model myself after so that I too can become just as good as they are. Imagine for one second even wanting to associate with unambitious people just to shoot the shit and have brunch of whatever the fuck poorfags do to escape. Your advice is literally what's wrong with the world. Next thing you know you'll be telling me you want free shit just for existing and breathing. Lmao. My number one advice for become rich as as fuck to anyone who wants is to first start cutting people like you off because you're like a wet blanket that puts the fire out in people. Absolute dead weight.

>> No.49902459


Kek, I laughed outloud at this.

>> No.49902473

I am an old millenial. Yes work sucks. I used to not mind it as much but it slowly eats yr soul. Invest all you can, either get a degree with high pay to years invested ratio or go the trades route while running a side gig or business. You will fall sometimes. But if you can escape early yr golden

>> No.49902599

>It's literally the least painful option out there, and the only way you'll have a social life.
tfw remote software engineer

>> No.49902692

Start a side hustle, anything it doesn't fucking matter you literally just have to make the initial jump, and then build upon whatever you have going on through improved re-iteration. My business success has been 10+ years in the making. I started off making event webpages on Dreamweaver and making printable flyers for corporate events, weddings, etc on Photoshop and then started taking pictures and then doing AV, blah blah blah, etc etc and then I blogging and monetizing my traffic by selling adds and then converting leads with other monetization methods (PPC, CPA, etc), then I started doing content marketing, then I started my own marketing agency and now I have my own direct to consumer group of brands that I'm making low 7 figures NET on while employing a handful of loyal people who are cool to work with (the upside to being in business for yourself is that you get to chose who you work with which means you can dispose of pricks just as fast as you came into contact with them). Every single thing I failed at led me to where I'm at now. Literally just do something so you can get past that initial threshold. My ultimate goal was to be an internet entrepreneur at the cutting edge of e-commerce and digital marketing and make tens of millions of dollar a year in doing so and, just as importantly, be able to have the freedom to operate from a laptop from fucking anywhere. It took me a fucking decade but I did it. Be weary of anyone that tells you you'll be living the dream within in a matter of months, it's all bullshit. This board is proof of what happens when you try to strike it rich quick with zero work up front.

>> No.49902714

Look into web 3 development. A lot of profit to be made. DAOs give you a better control of your data information and identity, since you don't want to work for others. Find platforms like Spool finance that give you good returns on staking stables. Hodl the rest of your alts and BTC. Eventually you'll make it

>> No.49902766

For starters i think it's best to leverage on stable coins at this point, you could even try to earn yields on it through Spool.

>> No.49902773

Don't listen to this larping faggot OP. I just gave you the bare truth. Having a corporate job is easy mode. Everything else is hard mode. If you set out on your own, not only will you have to figure out how to make money, you will have to work your ass off to do it, and on top of that, you will have to figure out how to meet people. If you get a corporate job, you barely have to work (most people just do the bare minimum), you get health and dental insurance, and you are put in situations where you have to socialize. AKA, you do not need to create contrived scenarios to meet new people. I'm just saying that out of all the options you have in life, being a wagie in an office is probably the best. The business world is filled with owners struggling to get by. It's not a pretty sight.

>> No.49902834

How do I get bitches without money. I don't want to be a hermit making pipebombs in a forest shed

>> No.49902842

This is a good starting place. The entirety of crypto is going to be purified by fire and all of the bullshit is going to be disposed of and wipe off of the face of the earth in the next couple of years. What will be left will be the things that provide value and whatever consolidation happens you will be at the forefront off by starting in a bear market. Any work you do now will be compounded by 100x when crypto rises again and actual solid real projects that provide real value outside of ponzi scheme greater fool monetization currently exists come out on top.

>> No.49902847

In fairness, you can see why they might have thought termites built it.

>> No.49903011

I’ll give you some high level advice: get good at something that is valuable to other people. Whether that’s medicine, technology, some other service… just get good and become an expert, being an expert on something that no one cares about is a waste of time.

If you have a valuable skill, then you will be in a good situation in terms of income and jobs and flexibility.

>> No.49903059

get a job that pays and something you can stomach. Then use that to fund hobbies you enjoy

>> No.49903091
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Lmao. Seethe more poorfaggot. Your measly 100k a year for whatever semblance of job security you have now only appeals to people like you, people who just go through the motions in life and live miserable existences. We'll see where you're at in the next couple of years with the impending global depression that's getting ever closer and the first people to get axed are people who seek refuge in bullshit corporate jobs who though they had it made like you think you do. You're literally telling people "play it safe, don't aspire to anything more than a paycheck that will allow you to pay your rent on time and have a little extra to have brunch with retards and have a gym membership at Equinox". I literally meet people like you every day of my life and I feel bad for some of you because some of you are genuinely nice people who are about to get fucked in the ass and don't even know it. Remember me and my posts when your strategy gets flushed down the shitter in the next 18-24 months. I'm screencapping this thread and saving the archive link on a text file and keeping in safe somewhere just so I can have a laugh then. I know how long time preference and delayed gratification works and what they can get you so the laugh I'll have will be well worth it. Fuck right off.


>> No.49903270

Well said. Ample research and good understanding of different concepts like Oracles, layer 1s and layer 2s, multichain, single chain, the purpose of DEXes, IDOs, ICOs, web 3, yield farming, liquidity mining, staking etc is important

>> No.49903298

You can huff and puff all you want, but it's pretty obvious that the average wagie is way happier than you are. The sad reality is that you are suffering from sunk cost fallacy and are unable to see that the measly six figures that you make a year are not worth all the suffering you went through for the last decade and the suffering you're going through right now. You're probably one of these dudes that believes in "growth" and you reinvest all your money into the business, struggling from month to month to cover your expenses. As soon as you get out of the red and start seeing some profit, you immediately put the money right back into the business. You are not in an enviable position. You are in a pitiful position, while officechads work 3 hours a day and the rest of the time they shoot the shit with their coworkers.

>> No.49903319

Exactly this. Hedge your assets, good crypto and stock investments are a great place to start. For the latter, it can be VTI. Index stocks are easier for beginners. Crypto can begin with BTC, followed by ETH. Something for passive income, something for the technology, something for fun like P2Es

>> No.49903359

>work next 40 years
try next 60 years, at least. probably closer to 70 years
>medicare will go bankrupt
>social security will go bankrupt
>hyperinflationary fiat currency collapse this decade
>CBDC roll out
>negative interest rates on your digital wallet (can't save)
>can't buy gold, silver, crypto, land, or property that isn't meant to be your primary living residence
>you'll have no savings because it's basically no longer allowed
>rent everything
>prices wont stop going up
>you will work literally until the day you die or starve to death before that

>> No.49903462

Work for yourself. DeFi is popular for this reason. TradFi earns more than they even give out to us. The interest rates are shit. You have limitations. Everything is centralised. Look into Decentralized options. Work for yourself and make your money work for you too

>> No.49903536
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A piece of advice from my grandpa that I've found to be extremely true.
You don't have to love you're job, you just have to not hate it.

No one wants to go to work. It's gay and there's a thousand things you'd rather do. But you need money to function in society. So find something you can stand doing, and something with a low commute time if possible. I don't love my current job but I'm content with it and thankful for it. I've had jobs I hated. My motivation dried up quick and I dreaded going into work. That is the situation you do not want to find yourself in, ever. You will get depressed, and if you lack strength you will turn things to cope, alcohol, drugs, etc.

If you don't know what you want to do with your life now, that's fine, only complete tools do and will likely change their major in college.
>I'm gonna be a doctor!
>I'm gonna be a lawyer!
>I'm gonna be a scientist!
Figure out what you can handle doing. You don't have to love it, you just have to be able to live with it and be sure you can maintain a healthy life.

>> No.49903684

your grandpa was right but holy shit what a depressing way to view your limited time on this earth

>> No.49903743

Have a (you) well deserved

>> No.49903777

You and every one should read the book "So good they can't ignore you".

It'll help.

>> No.49903819

>So good they can't ignore you
Cal Newport is a mediocre computer scientist.

>> No.49903906

I didn't know what I wanted to do, so I joined the military to become a soldier right out of high-school. 10 years into the military, I'm now in training to become a pilot. I should be able to retire with an indexed pension in my early 40s, and also it's been fun so far, and hopefully will continue to be fun. Inb4 zogbot comments, I don't care, I like my job and I'll keep doing it until I stop liking it.

>> No.49904066
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I was ready to join until I realized the vax is required

>> No.49904120

Join the army and USE THE FREE EDUCATION you gain.
>I d-don't want to die
The chances of you being shoot in a warzone are actually lower than the average American in most of the capitals.

>> No.49904441
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Find a good paying job, invest 30 percent of your monthly salary in crypto. Low caps like RFOX, COMP, and KNC are good gems that will set up for life in the next bull run. Use the rest of the month and do other things that makes you happy but don't forget to improve your skills, they don't teach these things in college.

>> No.49904559

It takes time to make yourself marketable. I will recommend he look into app development as web3 is taking the center stage, project like subsquid has one of the most convenient data frameworks that web3 devs can make use of for an easier job. Working for yourself comes with a price to pay.

>> No.49904635

how do I get your job? I always thought I was a smart and passionate guy and so I studied physics in college and really enjoyed it until I realized how shitty/nonexistant the career path is. I really can't imagine myself slaving at a corporate office job so I've been a NEET for the last 16 months, paralyzed by the world.

>> No.49904822

It's only depressing if you view your life as all work and nothing else. I view it as a necessary evil to provide for my family

>> No.49905111

>I have my own direct to consumer group of brands that I'm making low 7 figures NET on while employing a handful of loyal people who are cool to work with

Can you please elaborate on what you’re doing? How would you suggest someone do the same thing?

>> No.49905570


>> No.49906213


>> No.49906677

fr fr no cap

>> No.49907415


>> No.49907582

You must be 18. A soulless corporate bugman office job where you make six figures for 30 years would be fucking heaven. It only seems bad when you're a teenager and you think you can make it with your business selling knockoff nikes from china. In reality you'll probably end up working at mcdonalds like Saylor did in the 1990s.

>> No.49907611 [DELETED] 

>live laugh love
>be grateful to boomers for they are wise
Go the fuck back to twitter and fucking stay there, faggot.

>> No.49907847

>I stumbled into 4chan early 30s
fuckin' kek some people here your age have been here since they were 13

>> No.49907948
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I'm pretty confident things are going to suck hard for the next 5 years, but will recover and be nice in the early 30s. So learn good habits now and fucks sake start building up some money.