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49883295 No.49883295 [Reply] [Original]

I always see the smartest of anons on this board fighting who's coin will be the defacto standard. Whether it is the typical XRP Schizo vs the Link Marine. There really should not be a reason to fight. WORK TOGETHER TO FIND THE ANSWERS TO THE TEST.

Rainbow, XRP, HBAR, Chain link, etc. Let's put aside differences and save each other from the elites by discussing leads.

>> No.49883488

Brotha the bank of international settlements lad it out plain and simple.
Wholesale cbdc
Retail cbdc

It is up to you to see which is what

>> No.49883496

It's all of the above

>> No.49883531
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Here's a little something for the lurkers.

Will post moar sauces if others join in discussion.

>> No.49883540

You know the lady who's name is on all the money in burger land? She works for Ripple now.

>> No.49883590

this sounds kinda based. why tf would the government ever do something like this?

>> No.49883672

It's not. IF it is true,which is highly suspect, it's part of the Hyliec system. Create the problem, offer the solution.
It's like the two party system in the U.S.
There is no good or bad, it's all bad, they just prop up one to be the new hero and the masses suck it down.

>> No.49883682

You two. That is not good enough. Who's to say they rugpull some cryptos. Look at Luna and Solana. No one is going to trust Solana anymore after the whale fiasco. I feel bad for the anons who knew it had Jewish ties. I would like to believe if an anon purchases 100k HBAR he's made it, but what if that happens and someone saw the signs. We all see some holders blinded and only looking at their sources. This is why we need a broader view. I truly want us who are mentally capable to see the signs to make it.

>> No.49883717

It sounds like the government loses a lot of the power it has over people right now (debt)... so that's where I don't get how it benefits them. So what then people are drawn to the new government because they were the saviors?

>> No.49883721

I'm aware of that fact, but even still I want to help all anons and avoid only looking in one direction. You don't see the whole picture looking at one piece.

>> No.49883757
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It's unironically HOAX.
Hbar, chain link, Avalanche and XRP

>> No.49883796

Another fact is US Treasury had "rainbow" listed on their website in 2017. I'm having a hell of a time finding the sources. It was tied to the actual crypto made by Dominic.

>> No.49883831

You said post your info, I'm a xerpee holder and that's one of my puzzle pieces. Other people should post theirs.

>> No.49883832

That is Algorand's symbol anon. Which has ties to MIT.

Also does anyone know if ICP has legit occult origins. Only thing I am aware of is IBM employees. Haven't dug to far with Dignity.

>> No.49883851

I have been, also fucking Gary Gensler.

>> No.49883896

And I'm certain 70% of anons here hold XRP, except the extremely jaded Chainlinkers.

>> No.49883956

Because that guy didn't post the whole story. Pushers of the theory never do.
If the N/G happens you absolutely, under no circumstances circumstances want to take the money.
Part of the N/G lore that everyone always leaves out is that it's Masonic and according to the lore it's literally part of the Beast System. Supposedly part of the whole thing is to figure out who the Christians are. According to the lore in order to get the money you have to renounce God and sign an oath and receive a chip that your money is stored on.
Whether you believe in God or not is inconsequential. You can't call yourself a schizo and not put that fucking puzzle together.
>"Say you don't believe in God, let us put this chip in your right hand and we will go e you money!"
Wait....but isn't that what the Bible says will happen?
>"Exactly! That's how we know you aren't one of those pesky Christians. We ironically made it exactly like what the Bible said in Revelation so we know who the Christians are. Of course it's all B.S. and you as a science believer know that right?

>> No.49883982

Sorry, your right, don't know why I typed ava.

>> No.49884044

I apologize for lack of sources, I got plenty of pics but having a hell of a time finding the right sources. Been looking a Podesta brothers related info that we probably have all seen before.

But to hold some of you over. Big daddy government had plans for a debt forgiveness jubilee after draining us. Not so sure if that is going to happen after or those who hold the right crypto can side step it to an extent while shit hits the fan. But the debt forgiveness is nesara plans. I figure they plan on using that to get people to fall in line with a one world government somehow.

>> No.49884122

This nigga gets the Nesara / Gesara thing. And I wasn't going to leave out the mason faggots. I believe they will betray the cabal (evil) while they pretend to be good guys (really just bad guys). They want people to be gnostics and "save themselves". Jesus can only do that.

>> No.49884153
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>> No.49884230

That's one chubby chink. She looks Japanese. Thought they had laws against being fat in Japan.

>> No.49884273

Any crypto can be demolished by the elites if they want to. They own the moneypresses.

>> No.49884358

Yes, but it is a waste of time to keep making projects and leaves room for other cryptos to surpass them. And me thinks the Jew has his butt puckered with privacy cryptos possibly winning by a nose. Also they most likely wouldn't care too much in the grand scheme of things if a few anons made a million. Some doggy coin of the day plebs make 1-15 million and no one stops them. I believe if we made billions off of them they would try to stop it.

>> No.49884743

Cope with me using my xrp as i please through force of will.

>> No.49886180

Gary Gensler also mentioned it heavily in his blockchain lectures at MIT. Can probably still find them on youtube

>> No.49886554

I knew nda got fudded on the "Tranny runs Algo" posts. Where those confirmed or nah?

>> No.49886633

Alright not a Christian but unitinically - I believe this shit will happen too but naturally, XMR is going to be the currency of the ones who oppose this.