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49882222 No.49882222 [Reply] [Original]

I really don't get what problem gold solves. Seems like a ponzi to me

>> No.49882268

checked and based

>> No.49882273

All currencies are ponzos. Gold is different because it is the oldest one and it can't be artificially inflated.

>> No.49882290

they just found like +12% of the total supply...so far

>> No.49882295
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If you think about it, we only need animals for consumption. That's the only real thing of value for humans

>> No.49882311

Uhhh you see anon, we need gold because ehhhhh uhhhhhhhh.......

>> No.49882340
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It solves the James Bond problem.

>> No.49882366
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It siphons transaction fees off of schizos and boomers. Also it look nice on my rest when I finna flex on a nigga like sheeeeeeeeesh.

>> No.49882375

wow that thread about bitcoin being a ponzi really got you butthurt hey

>> No.49882380

wait until elon starts mining heavenly bodies, gold will be worth less than plastic

>> No.49882391

Creating it keeps the alchemists occupied so they don't go crazy and flood the world with acid, again

>> No.49882399

as it should be, cheap gold will revolutionize electronics

>> No.49882418

those are some strong metaphorical implications. nice post, makes my noggin jog

>> No.49882439

Gold is valuable because it's pretty, scarce, and irreplaceable.

>> No.49882478

>Gold is different because it is the oldest one and it can't be artificially inflated.
> it's pretty, scarce, and irreplaceable.
So what problem does it actually solve?

So far in the thread Gold is absolutely a ponzi.

>> No.49882589

it solves the problem of money by being divisible, durable, fungible, scarce, and non-inflationary
fiat has obvious problems
bitcoin isn't fungible

>> No.49882623

It reduces the chances of getting rug pulled to a minimum.

>> No.49882688

this is wrong but keeps being parroted here by brainlets
here's a good watch if you really want to know why you should consider stacking gold:
I'm majority money in crypto but I also got a large amount of money in silver and gold
simply because fiat is a scam
gold is more of a store of value + potentially what a future standard will be built upon once again
silver imo is more of an investment
but there's many layers to it and scraping the top layer and dismissing gold is exactly why the fed is ensuring gold stays relatively low/no steep climbs while China stacks gold

there's a ton of reading you can do, or dismiss it as a ponzi and stay poor
but I wouldn't buy gold if I was a poorfag. gold for me is a store of value + the great potential for a fiat crisis makes it a very reasonable time to hedge with gold.

>> No.49882700

I've got it.
It solves the post-apocalyptic problem.
So if you hoard gold and keep it safe, you'll be self-assured knowing you'll have the pick of the post-nuclear world's offerings.

>> No.49882762

Gold and other PM's aren't inherently ponzi's, they have numerous uses because of their chemical structure and physical properties and they're rare and generally hard to find and process/refine so some price premium is reasonable based on those factors. What IS the ponzi is when people take these precious metals and turn them into forms that "justify" to varying degrees even higher premiums than what the materials already had as a result of what they are and how hard they are to find, coupled with dipshit schizoid narratives designed to prey on fear and uncertainty, and especially when combined with heavy shorting of these metals on an institutional and governmental scale after a significant quantity of these metals has been sold to unwitting dumbasses before they are royally dumped on to maintain the hegemony of power these governments and institutions (and fiat currencies) have. Not to mention how hard inflation rapes the value of these metals - everyone that bought gold at 2k+ an ounce in the last half a year or so got heemed when all of finance started inflating and they are down bad.

If you want to invest in physical quantities of precious metals, do so when the market is retarded like it is right now and in the coming year or two and inflation is high and you can acquire them for less fiat than you could previously, then just fucking sit on it until you either die and give it to your kids or get completely heemed by market conditions and blow up your portfolio. Anyone allocating more than 10-15% of their total networth into PM's is retarded, but anyone not holding at least some or converting a portion of easy gains/regular income into some is also equally retarded.

>> No.49882828

The monetary utility of gold arose out of large-scale societies. The hypothetical post-apocalyptic, post-nuclear world is a lot less like ancient Egypt and a lot more like stone-age barbarism. You don't need a shiny rock for such times, you need weapons and a Tribe. Maybe you have those things too - but don't delude yourself into thinking gold is a part of a real post-apoc plan.

>> No.49882859

Gold is a meme and more people are waking up to the fact