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49871389 No.49871389 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49871419

The humiliations ritual is continuing.
Once Elon lost all of his children he will be accepted to the global cabal.

>> No.49871428

Women are evil. This kid is 4, this is all mother poisoning the well.

>> No.49871447

Wait until the credit card gets declined.

>> No.49871450

It was his son, he trooned out. He lived with his mother though, Elon only had partial custody.

>> No.49871453

Good thing he has others. Back in the day a lot of kids died of fuckin' diarrhea. Today, a lot of kids get swallowed by Moloch.

>> No.49871454

no it's a teenage trannyzoid

>> No.49871464

Reminder that Elon only had sons as children. It's a tranny.

>> No.49871481

I will never understand why women fuck up their sons like this.

>> No.49871496


>> No.49871508

The Twitter board just unanimously approved his acquisition deal.

>> No.49871511

Muhhh right side of history

>> No.49871514


>> No.49871528

>spoiled brat raised by limp-wristed grifter has mental issues

>> No.49871547

The son has no father figure

>> No.49871548

The son was raised by his mother though, he probably hates Elon for not being around.

>> No.49871562

does he really have a tranny son or your retards are trolling

>> No.49871588
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Elon Musk is a puppet.


>> No.49871603


>> No.49871643

Women by nature always try to emasculate men. It's written directly in their genetics. It's something they do on a very deep level. That's how they filter men. Those who survive get to breed, those who do not, get thrown into garbage.

>> No.49871676
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He a fool for having kids with an unattractive hippie. He would have been better off rescuing a hottie from South America to be a trad wife while he sends money to her family (to keep her in check).

He could have had a harem of sister-wives and his private school was a good idea imo.

>> No.49871678

Because "the right side of history" is a very, very successful jew psyop.

>> No.49871703

Can't wait to see his son get his anus prolapsed in the backseat of a tesla by jamal!!!

>> No.49871736

Based schopenhauer enjoyer or dare I say weininger connoisseur.

>> No.49871748

>do I inherit a gozillion dollars or do I virtue signal for 2 days

>> No.49871776
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This is the mother in question btw.

>> No.49871779


>> No.49871930
File: 7 KB, 225x225, E604D908-D063-4C2E-B51C-C6CE1BB18B04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes aside that kid is incredibly luck to start her transition under the soft white belly of a billionaire father. Even if she is cutting ties you know she got paid when she turned 18 in fact a new found financial security must be exactly why she wants to cut ties.

I wish her a successful transition she is already 18 and genetics are the most important factor. That’s about the time you are already couple of years butchered by puberty aka poisoned by testosterone. Hopefully she had some foresight and started taking anti androgens at a very early age.

>> No.49872018

Musk is a retard who really imagines himself to be this super genius, yet a legit psycho like

could obviously manipulate him into giving her kids who will get all the money down the road, and of course she herself knew that this retard was gonna be even richer.

Musk proves that there is no such thing as meriocracy: Peter Thiel himself thought Musk was so retarded they literally begged him to exit PayPal with a sizeable amount of money because he'd have fucked it up. The success of Musk shows how capitalism is an unstable system now where any griefer with enough online clout can just remain rich without himself doing anything (in fact, Musk is actively self-sabotaging himself at every possible step)

>> No.49872099
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>> No.49872113

The fact they do it their own sons is proof they are subhuman.

>> No.49872119

>that kid is incredibly luck to start her transition
yeah the 40% club is a great place to be

>> No.49872124

You know you're part of an evil death cult?

>> No.49872139

Cut ties with its bank account.

>> No.49872142
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>> No.49872209

there is a point where having infinite money can be a bad thing

>> No.49872238

It's a trend and they are trend followers. Having a tranny kid gives you the highest social score these days. And kids are very receptive when their parents or role models in popular culture encourage/reward feminine behavior and ignore/punish masculine behavior

>> No.49872252

I hate musk but this hard cope made me laugh. Greasy and fat lazy fingers wrote this

>> No.49872272

it says it right there in the article, dumbass

>> No.49872333

doesn't he make his babbies in vitro just to have only boys and now his boys are faggots, ahahaha is that why is going full RIGHT BOY, i fucking bet if this mother fucker was America he would try to get the presidency just to put man on mars

>> No.49872475

Only the kids he had with Justine were IVF, actually she had some problem, that's why their first kid, who wasn't an IVF born died soon after birth, that's why the couple had to choose IVF.

>> No.49872515

Exactly. If Elon wasn't so spineless he could've taken custody of his kids and raised them proper. Instead he let a woman raise them while he fucked walled roasties like the grimy bitch.

>> No.49872581

Many teenagers who fall behind their peers socially also use it as a way to raise their social status. As a male they are ignored, but as a female they are suddenly showered with praise and attention.

I don’t hate trannies, but I do feel really fucking bad for them. It’s downright child abuse for a parent to condition their child into becoming a tranny considering the suicide/mental illness rates, and if hell exists I’m sure there is a special place there reserved just for child abusing sacks of shit like them

>> No.49872741

sounds like a W to me.

>> No.49872781

Or they just get fucked and if you try and stop me you will fight to the death. In what fucking world do you think women were allowed to do this type of shit until the last 100 years. They don’t “filter” shit unless there is a team of dangerous men that are there to back it up. This is a new societal feature. 100,000 years and just now have they entered the workforce with a 1984 nanny state there to enforce all their valid, dumb, retard opinions and preferences.

>> No.49872809

I want to see pics of this faggot

>> No.49873360

How can you feel behind with a billionaire as your father?

>> No.49873438
File: 324 KB, 335x506, BC7434CC-9914-4175-9B78-F6D4F563013A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> richest man in the world is not immune to globalhomo cuck shit
Jew chads…i kneel…

>> No.49873496

dead link?

>> No.49873513

He’s got like 5 more. Like he gives a fuck.

>> No.49873527

I don't know anything about his kid, but having a rich dad doesn't make you immune to exclusion or bullying. For all I know it could be the mother who conditioned him into becoming a tranny. But anyone who has interacted with trannies know that 99% of the time it's not something that comes natural to them. Somewhere along the way in their youth, they were pushed into it by either a parent or shitty circumstances

>> No.49873538


>> No.49873598

Yeah, it says his child is a tranny. Which is what the guy youre calling a dumbass said. Are you an idiot?

>> No.49873734

I thought of this as well

It’s also interesting, many celebrity children are trans. Biological and adopted. It’s all statistically impossible.

At best it is trendy Munchausen by proxy, and at worst it’s a sinister humiliation ritual

>> No.49873775
File: 526 KB, 828x1177, 49753EFC-11C2-4D7A-927A-F4106096651C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martin Shkreli after prison

>> No.49873813

I think they do it because it’s trendy. There are a few people who are genuinely born with wires crossed in their brain which makes them behave and feel like the opposite gender. But the vast majority of kids are just brainwashed into it by parents who wants social goodboy points

>> No.49873824

I bet you were jerking off writing that second paragraph you fucking groomer

>> No.49873829
File: 168 KB, 828x828, C88D3D0F-5E18-4735-829D-7B6D0B2D5E05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: there are transgender girls around you that you don’t know are transgender. They pass, they may be more beautiful than cis girls and they are blending in your society and without permission you are not allowed to know. We are everywhere. Do not fuck with us.

>> No.49873871


>> No.49873900
File: 195 KB, 662x830, 72C64EFB-2C09-4DB5-8783-876C85664C18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women can be pure evil. I don’t remember what the term is called, but it’s a thing where women purposely make their child sick, typically a son, to feel “wanted” or “helpful”. One of women’s purposes is to be helpful… God created Eve as a helpmeet (helper, support). So it’s a cheap way of fulfilling this purpose but through a very deliberate and satanic way (purposely making your son sick). Of course they justify it in their minds somehow, and play dumb. I suspect the reason why it’s typically a son is because that’s a way for these women to enact their gynocentric rebellions at the same time.

>> No.49873901

looks like Christian bale.

>> No.49873933

I have openly laughed at every one of Yous I have seen. you do nothing but cry or complain after, kek.

>> No.49873963

whats the quick rundown on the hidden eye symbolism, that can be seen so often with these celebs?

>> No.49873999

for the love of god, someone posts "her" sexy pics. is it a fappable trap do you think?

>> No.49874141

men can smell other men out
its simple dna

>> No.49874157

Every time I see a transgender in public I openly tell myself myself "that's a man" just loud enough to make sure he hears it. The usual reaction is a stare and then the sad trodding off into another direction

>> No.49874226

When a man really wants a son but gets a daughter they sometimes make their daughter do manly stuff like sports or fixing cars, but they usually leave it there. When the girl grows up she either becomes a tomboy or transitions into doing feminine stuff.

Some women are like that, but they push it extremely far. They didn’t want a boy, so they will actively work to turn him into a girl. In the past doing this would mean social suicide and getting child services at their door, but now they will be hailed as good mothers. Sick stuff

>> No.49874254


>> No.49874359


>> No.49874401

Seriously how the fuck are they SO powerful that every single great man of history is just erased one by one? I don't really get it. Are they even human? Are they descendants of fallen angels with elder knowledge or something??

>> No.49874447

It seems to me like you cannot become famous without submitting in the first place.

>> No.49874498

Just don't try to be famous and become rich instead

>> No.49874502

Munchausen syndrome by proxy.