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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49853920 No.49853920 [Reply] [Original]

Supreme Court Dobbs decision comes out tomorrow, which will give the Federal Reserve cover to raise interest rates another .75%

>> No.49853959

has the crypto market discounted it already?
how do we profit from this?

>> No.49853964


>> No.49854029
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Isn't it likely the roe v wade decision will drop too before they go back to their slumber? Is complete societal collapse priced in?

>> No.49854095

Dobbs is the Roe v Wade decision

>> No.49854547
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>> No.49854689

its really pretty wild how they have made such a big deal about this, on both sides. Blue states account for something like 90% of all abortions already. Red states just don't do it as much. This decision will result in almost no difference in number of abortions performed each year, and will actually create a new catagory of NGO's for wealthy families nincompoop sons to get make-work sinecures at transporting ho's from red states to blue states to kill their babies. But of course, nobody is going to be rational about it and we're going to have another blm riot summer.

>> No.49854819
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I just wonder how likely it is that this will be the false black swan that they use to excuse the stock collapse. Seems rather convenient such a hot button issue like this is being decided on right at the same time stocks are falling

>> No.49855009

personally i think its a fake out. With rates being raised and a potential summer of unrest, retail investors are going to think they ought to pull out of the market, which is exactly why the market will pump instead. I think thats the primary purpose of the economy, extorting wealth from normie gamblers to the house.

>> No.49855046

The issues are mainly
A) There is no legal backing for the decision, even though there are plenty of legal reasonings that can be used to overturn roe v wade, the court chose none of them and instead literally by their own admission says "Yeah this logic would also overturn all these other laws too but they're different because we say they are".
B) In the draft opinion the supreme court heavily hints at making abortion illegal nationwide in a future case, which is not only of huge concern for blue state libs who do like abortion, but also for many is viewed as a sign of nothing being off the table, as one of the rulings that could be overturned in A) is the one that allowed for interracial marriage which sure is based cause we're on 4chan but you have to see how that would be concerning to most people.

>> No.49855080

lol, okay snopes

>> No.49855139

>Supreme Court Dobbs decision comes out tomorrow
No, it doesn’t

>> No.49855142

This is the sole reason I think staking releases tomorrow. Sergey has to keep his new HR and marketing hires occupied doing social media announcements while society rages in the background

>> No.49855453

Maybe not tomorrow, but why would it not come down before they recess at least?

>> No.49855744

Blue states just have a higher population. A higher % of the population in red states gets abortions. Also -80% of Americans do not want Roe V Wade to be overturned, which also has a bunch of grift statistics like "Well x amount of Americans support abortion control".

Overturning Roe V Wade is literally just a evangelical pipe dream + small amount of recent supporters cause it's in the news.

Red states also do nothing but leech from the federal government for gibs. 90% of them outside of the Texas/FL are net negative on budget every single year and have to get handouts. They also top per capita statistics in Rape, Divorce, Illiteracy, Crime, Inbreeding, and Poverty and have lower life expectancy.

FL bro here and nobody who works outside of Orlando/Miami/Tampa/Jacksonville/Tallahassee makes any money. You either live in those cities or commute an hour plus to those cities every morning from your """small red county"""" or you live in poverty save being a teacher/fireman/etc.

Have a colleague who lives 2 hours away and just moved down from Michigan, only ever saying for political reasons. Got under the table payment while he waited for unemployment to expire. Guy lives 2 fucking hours from Orlando and has to clock in at 7:30 every day and leaves at 7. Taking gubment gibs and never seeing my family again to own the libs I guess.

>> No.49855832

>Red states also do nothing but leech from the federal government for gibs. 90% of them outside of the Texas/FL are net negative on budget every single year and have to get handouts. They also top per capita statistics in Rape, Divorce, Illiteracy, Crime, Inbreeding, and Poverty and have lower life expectancy.

That's because of the demographics, but you know that full well.

>> No.49855976

its also how welfare is defined. Military contracts and industry subsidies aren't considered welfare, and that mainly how the blue states make ends meet.