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49841178 No.49841178 [Reply] [Original]

What are you slurping anon. Tell me so i can get it

>> No.49841263
File: 73 KB, 542x512, wUC2AR7oCJkuNXkizPxsLyt4DYV9FgmD8ICHyhmG2ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slurped a bunch of XHV but you're already too late, it's up 50%. Moved some profits into ARRR and WOW


>> No.49841368

Monero, Oxen, Wownero and maybe Equilibria/Dero. Privacy will be the next big narrative.

>> No.49841457

Yeah but fiat is the big deal anon

>> No.49841645

You think so, privacy nope

>> No.49841699

You think so anon? Have you looked around in the space lately?

>> No.49841710

Equilibria or equilibrium?

>> No.49841737

Slurp on Deez nuts

>> No.49841753


>> No.49841767

Yeah virtually everything is sinking, i think the only option left atm is staking. What's your take anon?

>> No.49841768
File: 9 KB, 260x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a point there dude. Heard you can now stake fiat for rewards. Sounds good to me.

>> No.49841790


>> No.49841791

What do they offer any way

>> No.49841795

Fiat is alright, the only problem is ceaselessly printing huge amounts of money without any consideration for purchasing power.

Privacy is absolutely needed, the original point of cryptocurrency is money. If anyone can see how mich you own, you are at major risk of surveillance, censorship and segregation.

Ticker is XEQ, it is an oracle.

>> No.49841824

Oh reall, how do you mean. Kraken also allows staking right

>> No.49841856

Stfu with your shill. I'm tired of shit tokens. If it has no brokerage like freeway, count me out. Not taking chances.

>> No.49841866

Do you think that's the major cause of price hike

>> No.49841921
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What is the network's security and long-term viability? Keep in mind that the Luna situation is still ongoing.

>> No.49841970

How different are they from celsius boboso? My investments are important to me.

>> No.49841994

Not a shill, just my 2 cents based on the market and its genesis. If you can be surveilled and censored, it's not much different from traditional finance.

>Do you think that's the major cause of price hike
What, rampant inflation? If so, absolutely. Purchasing power has been on a decline ever since the golden standard was removed.

>> No.49842016

These are among the major criteria that should be looked at before investing. The cases of Luna and Celsius is an eye-opener.

>> No.49842025

Celsius is obviously a dependant on crypto volatility. They're trying to save their BTC and the liquidation went from $16K to $13K. Much more okay than the previous call but people wont trust them anymore.

>> No.49842051
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Just waiting on Reserve staking to release.

>> No.49842069

Reliability anon. They allow staking for bitcoin. Plus, regardless of the asset you're staking, it pays you rewards twice a week.

>> No.49842091

People who don't take chances don't succeed. There are other great platforms to earn passive income besides this.

>> No.49842119

That's better anon. Inflation is here and defi needs to be taken seriously.

>> No.49842139
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If this is the case, massive money printing has nothing to do with high inflation rates.

>> No.49842180

Yeah, now is the right time to diversification anon, you gotta spread your plays man.

>> No.49842211
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Too bad for them. People will learn from it. Lending and borrowing aren't as smooth as we everyone thought.

>> No.49842230

Haha celsius fuck it

>> No.49842232
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Which one is reliable when the most trusted one keeps shitting on users? We are so fucked and screwed. This is no different from the usual banks..

>> No.49842247

next narrative is regulation. period. regulated coins will breeze past competition next bull run. think LCX etc. unregulated shit will never make it after 2024

>> No.49842251

>defi needs to be taken seriously.
Tough to do so when the majority are either scams or tokens that do not have any real world usecase. It's still in its infancy.

>massive money printing has nothing to do with high inflation rates.
Are you retarded, I literally just said the opposite.
More money printed = more inflation
It's not difficult to comprehend this. Controlled inflation is good, the rampant kind is not.

>> No.49842268

on top of this it also means privacy coins will be obliterated. privacy coins have no place apart from tax evasion without argument. they will be unlisted from all exchanges and the market for them will die

>> No.49842318

99% of people claiming to buy bitcoin in the dip are all liars that are slaves to herd-mentality.

>> No.49842330

How do you think that will help for sustenance? I don't mind fiat like GBP and CAD superchargers. You still have your money with you.

>> No.49842358

Only misery like Celsius and now Solend. I wonder why folks are still dumb enough to invest in these defi projects that are turning out to be scam.

>> No.49842360

Are you saying they didn't buy? I bought and I staked my BTC and ETH. I even stake stables

>> No.49842377

Diversifying now would be a poor decision. I'm tired of losing money. I would rather key into staking for now. Be smart, son.

>> No.49842442

People are looking for sustenance. Can't blame them. Hope the make better decisions next time.

>> No.49842470

Yeah, that's why a reliable project is always a topnotch. I don't fancy those that offers 4000% apy. It's like you're killing yourself already.

>> No.49842500

You know what had happened right?

>> No.49842517
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, 1652032545552 GovernmentsHateHim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LCX is a proud member of the World Economic Forum's centre for the fourth industrial revolution
You're a compliant cuck by wanting regulation while also being incorrect.

>privacy coins will be obliterated
No they won't, you cannot shut down a decentralized network.
>they will be unlisted from all exchanges and the market for them will die
Unlisting them would make it even more scarce, therefore raising the price action. You also cannot delist them from DEXs. The darknet markets uses Monero to stay anonymous, it'll always have a market.

Stop this foolishness kike, you do not know what you are talking about. Fuck the governments and banks, fuck financial slavery, fuck ZOG. Support them? Fuck you too.

>> No.49842519

I've bought out the entire stock of black beans from every grocer in the county. Once the food shortages hit, I'll survive on my mountain of beans while the rest of the world starves.

>> No.49842546
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Get your head out of your ass. Nothing is private. Your shills are sticking out.

>> No.49842551

Don't be dumb dude. People do what works for them. Careful out there.

>> No.49842631

Fuck off! Tell me how much you've made from being careful? Also how is buying and staking BTC a careless move?

>> No.49842662

Lack of sound insight and information has been the major problem. Some fags won't learn. They only listen to a bunch of paid influencers.

>> No.49842663
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Who does that anon? Fixed APYs on freeway superchargers provides all the sustenance. Do what you mentioned and watch your money disappear.

>> No.49842712

unironically you could win a huge poker tourney just by wearing sunglasses that reflect the wrong hand

tech definitely could do it

>> No.49842718

OP is suicide bound that's suffering from dementia. He has no idea wtf he's asking for.
Sleep on QANX and forget about Asian whore.
Lots of cool stuff are going on. Huge aping because of the PoR consensus, QVM multi-language for devs, and of course quantum-resistance!

>> No.49842721

You don't understand the topic anon. What matters now is I'm hype, really am gonna make it from crypto.

>> No.49842727

I stake only BTC and ETH now. Can't risk any low caps.

>> No.49842734

Hey nigger. Sorry you don't pay your taxes. Dexes will not interact with Monero as providing services will be classed as terrorism. Monero chudbase will grow thinner and thinner over time as more cash out to a greater fool for tangible goods. The value will decline over time in a slow bleed only used by criminals. There's no other use for a privacy coin other than crime. Sorry u don't like regulators and the government buddy I bet u can overthrow them with your 100 Monero and twig arms. I'm trying to get rich nigger, then I'll make the change I want to see in the world. Sorry Monero chud you know it's true deep down. Privacy coins will be hit hard.

>> No.49842745

There are many protocols that offers higher returns especially on providing liquidity which is risky but if you know how to play it short, you can go grab it but if you seek for long term, choose those that offers average returns with enough revenues. I'm not trying to belittle those that offers over 4k%

>> No.49842766

What have you eaten today mamoths?

>> No.49842787

Ngmi. No one is chasing pump now anon. Sustenance has all the attention.

>> No.49842827 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 250x244, 1655725901444s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will this supercharger put money in your pocket? I think the 20-43% they offers make more sense

>> No.49842830

What drugs are you taking here?

>> No.49842844

I prefer to stake mostly stables these days. Losing hope in the market daily

>> No.49842873

Well said. Influencers only care for their pockets. They want profits like everyone else.

>> No.49842922
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The fear of volatility is my major concern in this turbulent system. Well, if you are longing, it's a good idea, and the protocol matters a lot as well.

>> No.49842934
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I was going to suggest you to take a look on some defi you can make some money but then I realized you are a parazite and don't fucking deserve it!

>> No.49842958


>> No.49843009

>prefer to stake mostly stables these days
That's what im doing with most of my gems, i just dropped my rfox in the Rfox-vfox staking pools.

>>Losing hope in the market daily
i believe 85% of biz will say the same thing
this moment will sure pass, and everything will be okay

>> No.49843023

You wanna know this, I made a few thousand dollars tracking pajeet wallets you are next buddy

>> No.49843069

Agreed. Never ideal to put all your eggs in one basket.

>> No.49843100
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People that stake btc and other cryptos at this moment really have balls of steel. I like the idea of stable staking though. That's what I look out for in every platform I visit

>> No.49843156

Pajeet, You heard your master speaking, right? why not DYOR?
The building of a quantum-resistant hybrid blockchain that's going to secure projects and applications from threats coming with the emergence of quantum computing.
It's gonna be the biggest project the crypto world has ever fucked with.

>> No.49843167

Thousands of opportunities to earn passive income. Binance, crypto com, kraken, kucoin also offers the same thing. We always have special preferences on where to plant our money.

>> No.49843220

I'm a little worried with how everyone now faces passive income in crypto. Is this what it would now be reduced to?

>> No.49843274

Who listens to influencers? They are like confused infants. Stick to what you think works best and forget about the babies.

>> No.49843328

>DEXs will not interact with Monero as providing services will be classed as terrorism.
By that logic, banks will not interact with fiat because it is used to finance terrorism. You are not guilty for wanting financial privacy.

>Monero chudbase will grow thinner and thinner over time as more cash out to a greater fool for tangible goods.
The opposite is happening, as it reached ATH in transactions recently. A lot of tangible good can be bought in Monero and adoption will continue to rise, therefore your argument is uneducated.

>The value will decline over time in a slow bleed only used by criminals. There's no other use for a privacy coin other than crime.
Not caring about privacy because you have nothing to hide, is the equivalent of not caring about free speech because you have nothing to say. Do you leave the door open in a public bathroom when taking a shit? You are heavily surveilled when transacting on a public ledger, this brings more bad actors.

>I'm trying to get rich nigger, then I'll make the change I want to see in the world.
Great, you just demonstrated that you have no principles or are willing to submit them in order to get rich. Your "opinion" is therefore irrelevant.

>> No.49843347

Wtf is that? So many pools to choose from. Doesn't make all of them legit.

>> No.49843362

The crypto's genesis is not to be financially rich, it is to remove centralization and free yourself from governmental control. What you are doing is gambling to have more fiat.

>> No.49843390

You can always choose what's best for your investment. If you're not happy regarding the market's condition today, the solution is to withdraw everything.

>> No.49843395 [DELETED] 

If you don't earn, you'll loss your fucking investment anon.
I'm pretty confident with QANX soon after the mainnet, the dapps built with any of the programming languages will be deployed onto the #blockchain.

>> No.49843443
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Don't be derogatory. I bet the jerk didn't witness 2017/2018 pains in disguise.

>> No.49843444

If you don't earn, you'll loss your fucking investment anon.
I'm pretty confident with QANX soon after the mainnet, the dapps built with any of the programming languages will be deployed onto the blockchain.

>> No.49843446

Of course. Volatility of the market requires a different strategy. You have to keep your portfolio afloat.

>> No.49843449

a thing without tangible assets and no real industry and workforce behind? in a fucked up economy? no thanks

>> No.49843481

Would be hard to withdraw btc at this price even if my staking rewards have caused them to double.

>> No.49843554

You earn nothing when you withdraw. Earning passively sounds better to me. Might as well maximise.

>> No.49843582

Defi is one of the sectors i'm considering so as to keep earning, though most of my investment are wrapped around metaverse and gaming projects, with axs, Mana, Rfox and Floki topping my list.

>> No.49843627


the dude just said what he invested in, you can mention yours.

>> No.49843639


>> No.49843667

Passive income is indeed gold, some network reward users in fiat and crypto

>> No.49843669

>low effort scams still being spammed
Nowhere near the bottom

>> No.49843686

reddit spaces + u write like every fat person I know. even real Monero heads would be embarrassed at this response u just made urself look very very dumb (as are all Monero heads). Ur privacy coins are going to zero big boy

>> No.49843770

This is just a suggestion fren, don't take it seriously.
Yeah, your choice really matters at all. At the end of the day, we all just wanted to earn and to be financially independent.

>> No.49843811

>Privacy will be the next big narrative.
not going to happen, the WEF will shut it down and prosecute you for disinformation if you even suggest something like it.

>> No.49843852

Funny because u know it's gonna happen kek

>> No.49843887

You think so?

>> No.49843900

What's the best way to store BTC that is not a hardware wallet? Can you put it in Metamask?

>> No.49843924

same model is LUNA, its doomed
glowie vaporware

>> No.49843973


>> No.49844006

I thought BTC could not be stored on TW?

>> No.49844106

thats the least i would put anything in!

Tether (usdt)seems good to park your tumbling btc/eth in till EOY

>> No.49844402

You don't worry at all if the project is built for long term growth. People will come naturally and build their empire.

>> No.49844450

Trust wallet supports different chains afaik and you can even stake there. I saw vechain,tron and other assets which are available to stake. Actually, there are many options.

>> No.49844462

Volatility and IL are negated by default. If I'm to go into staking, it will definitely be on stables.

>> No.49844569

Stables are better, i agree

>> No.49844584

I just checked on trustwallet for the first time in over a year, and you're right. You can send BTC straight to a trustwallet address. It doesn't even need to be wrapped like I thought it might. Well cool, thanks anon. I found out that my wife keeps all her BTC on Coinbase and I'm obviously a little bit nervous about that

>> No.49844591

Many folks' confidence keeps fading away due to the issue with Babel, Celsius, and the rest. Projects need to reassure their users of asset safety. Skepticism and pessimism are high.

>> No.49844653
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>buy bitcoin, 20k is the bottom
>still huge shitcoin ponzi bubble

>> No.49844675

This I believe is for the ignorant who never listen. Many plebs always feel one is blabbering when told to pull out.

>> No.49844936

Yes anon. I've been earning passively from Maiar exchange while staking UTK

>> No.49845207

And now you know! You're welcome anon

>> No.49846057

I have an airdrop on maiar before.

>> No.49846223
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>buying the dead cat bounce

>> No.49846325

>not controlling your wife's finances
ledger/trezor time.

>> No.49846485
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I slurped some Qanx, the token of Qanplatform as I await the Mainnet launch by EOY

>> No.49847064

When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser.

>> No.49847885

Same here. I'm staking ETH on BlockBank app and RFOX for Rfox finance for 15 and 40 percent respectively.