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File: 278 KB, 1072x1894, B916F56F-FD7F-4E47-93BF-F2A348B972E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49835431 No.49835431 [Reply] [Original]

(Generously Assuming they all had make it stacks, in reality suicide stacks or less)

5% at average price of $19 last year(50MA price end of last year) -65% to todays prices = $4000

They sold themselves out for $4000 in APY. Or in reality, $400 as is most of these faggots stacks. They sold us out of huge gains for $400 in APY.

Now they lose their stacks and APY.

>> No.49835462

They did not you stupid black gorilla nigger

>> No.49835482

that fat faggot sold you out for more, weekly
and for what?
a half assed version of staking that he announces at the start of the year and he edged you again for undetermined date

>> No.49835550


You arent getting the LINK you need back

>> No.49835575

it's fucking pathetic
FUCK YOU apy fags
i hope you lose everything

>> No.49835613

im keeping my link away from the hands of defi kikes no regrats

>> No.49835614
File: 745 KB, 939x1523, F9D82D40-D6BA-4604-A679-183DA2767B7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Bancor isn’t a lending platform. Stay stinky linkers

>> No.49835639

At first they didn't know how that APY was generated.
One strategy which was possible when it started was to put it as collateral on AAVE to borrow stable coins for yield farming during the bull run.
If they had only used this strategy everything would have been fine.
The problem of course is that these were full degen greedy bastards getting control over a lot of money, and they found a way to make a lot of money by shorting the assets of their customers.

It was acceptable at first to try it out with a small part of your funds last year, if you learned the lesson and left CeFi after the May crash.
Those who remained however will have to pay the price for this as the CeFi scam gets unraveled.

Things could have been different.
Binance gives you the option to decide how to generate yield and you can chose to stake ETH and other tokens with their platforms indirectly. This would have been fine for CeFi if they were honest...

>> No.49835646

i dont give a fuck
FUCK you
and FUCK bancor

>> No.49835649

hahaha even nico is a kike psyop you cannot make this up

>> No.49835662

CeFi not needed!

>> No.49835680

They have stolen this identity.
The original Nico poster was different and making memes for fun.

>> No.49835684

they fucked everyone else over for a few thousand dollars when we should all be retired now from gains alone. period. fuck you kikes

>> No.49835870

It was difficult at that time to know and everyone was losing to their greed.
After ChainlinkGod shilled BlockFi it was difficult to doubt it and seemed legit.
There are ways to use leverage to make money without shorting LINK.

But nobody expected all of these CeFi platforms to be so evil and only Nexo was known to short LINK.
Now that their business model is known things will have to change and they will have to stop doing this or die.

>> No.49835880

Its ok when sergey does it, he literally created the link, without him we wouldnt have that link in the first place.
If sergey didnt sell and stack USD, then the project would be going bankrupt and all our link would be useless anyway. Sergey has a pass.

All these other anons just sat around and did nothing productive, but instead of staying neutral atleast they are basically giving guns and ammo to people who are actively shooting at us killing us.

>> No.49835882

>One strategy which was possible when it started was to put it as collateral on AAVE to borrow stable coins for yield farming during the bull run.
If they had only used this strategy everything would have been fine.
That's the exact strategy most of them used and these LINK used as collateral were borrowed by market manipulators. Everyone who have AAVE their LINK was essentially countertrading himself.

>> No.49835908

everybody fucking knew they were shorting with the linkies
you're all EVIL people
i hope you realize this
you have ruined your fellow link marine's lives
some of us wanted to be retired by now
but noooo
you had to have you ApY
FUCK you

>> No.49835915
File: 239 KB, 480x270, 2002E68A-4A77-4AF1-892B-46DFA81A28B7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks there’s only one nico poster

>> No.49835936

sergey should blacklist all the defi tainted link from staking kek

>> No.49835938

Fuck off retard.
Nobody was supposed to take care of your financial wellbeing.
The lenders are retarded because they fucked over THEMSELVES, not you.

>> No.49835969

>the jews arent evil

>> No.49835996

That's why I have saying for 2 years that AAVE needed to block the borrowing of collateral.
But AAVE profits too much from liquidating their users and don't want to implement this feature.

The real issue came from the Nexo fud campaign telling people to gamble on shitcoins using AAVE to borrow.
If people had just borrowed stable coins for basic yield farming they would have been able to repay their debt.
But because they were scammed into gambling they lost their collateral to gambling...

>> No.49836024

No he didn't you dumb faggot

>> No.49836037

I am not working for CeFi and have spent the past 3 days analyzing the ETH/LINK short strategy of CeFi...

I don't think /biz/ knew they were doing this with the exception of Nexo which was avoided.

>> No.49836041


Pre mainnet oldfags like me have been hating Chainlinkgod the cocksucker since day 1. Hes a faggot and we told you not to fucking listen to him. He was clearly paid to promote that shit.

Again: you were warned endlessly but no instead you chose to belive twitter celebrities instead of analysing yourself. Even when people laid it out all logical for you just cause your twitter celebrity didnt say so to you sold yourself out for APY

>> No.49836051

What is your liquidation price, please? Preferably in ETH/LINK. Thanks

>> No.49836056

Unfortunately this is difficult to implement because they would try to send their tokens to an exchange to make it impossible to track by taking the exchange as hostage.
However they can remove all CeFi platforms from their future partner programs and let them rot alone.

>> No.49836098


Many of us have not had concrete links to Blockfi or Celcius back then but we still said STOP GOVING YOUR LINK TO ANY OF THEM because it was obvious they could only generate yield to give you by shorting your asset. Its just been found for certain for the other two now.

>> No.49836117

I am here since 2017.
The messages against ChainlinkGod looked like organized fud by CeFi paid shills who made us miss out on Crypto twitter and made us stay in this manipulated board which was used against me to make me do mistakes...
They didn't want us to leave /biz as it would make their market manipulation more difficult.
When I asked for proof of his bad behavior I never got any proof of anything outside of bad mouthing.
As long as you can't deliver the proof of his known bad behavior I still can't say he chose to scam LINK marines.

He tried to post on twitter the threads links of the LINK/ETH analysis.
He cares about it even if he likely got scammed by CeFi like many of us.

>> No.49836169

>put 10k link on Celsius for a year
>rewards: 100 link and 10.100 link gone into the void
thanks serg

>> No.49836202

I avoided BlockFi after they reduced their interest on LINK to 0.5% from 5% after the crash.
That was the moment I understood they shorted LINK.
After that I didn't use CeFi but we already got scammed during the bull market in May and it was too late...

It's a bit late now to discuss this and we should focus on how to improve our situation for the future instead.
There is a problem with /biz/ as it will be used against us most of the time and is dangerous for our mindset.
We need a way to have propaganda resistant semi anonymous identities to have some form of resilience against their future manipulation campaigns. They got us good in the last 2 years as they learned how to manipulate /biz/ and even took over moderation to delete threads.
We need to use this time now to learn of new ways to resist their manipulation tactics and become more resilient.

>> No.49836205


So why did he remove tweets yesterday before this whole BNT mess up?

The tweets about the information the threads on here were exposing about Celcius and such trying to short link and failing but making one last attempt?

Because he likely received a PM from his sponsors (ie Celsius/Blockfi/Nexo) or whoever who told him to remove them.

We warned you about this shit from the start, we are now proven correct.
Carry on doubting you dumb cunt

>> No.49836212

Who cares stupid nigger.

>> No.49836253


They learned how to manipulate twitter, and it just so happens twitter visit here.

Big brained linkies didnt get scammed and we warned you. At least you woke up back then. Many carried on. They still have millions of LINK.

There is never a period were people do not expose the bullshit, but the fundamental problem is many retards dont wanna hear the truth till its too late if they think they can make money out of it. So the small number of anons who have the brains to warn get ignored, while the rest are incapable of acting till they lose it all or chainlinkgod tells them to do it

>> No.49836267

Now that these platforms are blowing up, are there any obstacles to us making it?
Is 5k link enough?

>> No.49836279
File: 77 KB, 856x626, Reddit censorship mod protects Celsius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happened to my fresh account when I tried to post a message on reddit on the Celsius thread with this link to 1 million LINK being deposited by Celsius on FTX to short it 10 days ago:

He spent years building his account, and risked losing everything by posting that thread.
He can get his account banned by twitter after getting reported by Celsius and other CeFi platforms, get sued by them for defamation, etc.
He certainly must have received quickly menaces from them after doing this and had to remove it.

This is why social medias are all shit.
Even on /biz/ you can have your threads deleted by the CeFi controlled mods, but at least you won't get sued for spreading the truth.

>> No.49836372


The last headwind i can see now is Nexo.

Link will become increasingly iliquid from now on due to staking. About 20% of the free supply will be locked up very fast. Sergey no longer dumps 1.5mm tokens a week into circulation. People will increasingly hold and accumulate for staking and speculating. Services are growing exponentially which requires LINK.

This means whatever Nexo have is proportionately going to get larger and more capable of shorting and distorting. Hopefully either people mass withdraw from them for staking, or they get counter traded and lose the LINK as we move forward. I believe this is likely and will eliminate them.

Celsius and blockfi together? No idea. FTx either. It seems there is at least 7-10mm in their hands. Either they exit scam with it, and the LINK is tainted and they stop participating in short and distorts as their business ceases, or they pay some of their liabilities which are huge by comparison with the LINK.

For now we have to wait and see but even in the worst case Link should become increasingly expensive to borrow from all sources from now on making it much harder for them to carry on with this game.

>> No.49836389

I wished you could have used an identity to warn us, because I had no way of knowing who was a paid shill last year, and many had the same issue.
You should create an alias with a password so that next time it doesn't happen and your warnings can be followed with more certainty.
Without an identity I can only trust real proof with proof of messages, or blockchain operations, have to take everything as being a manipulation from a shill and many had this same issue.

And the sad thing is that I found better information sources on twitter after giving up on /biz/
You just need to find contrarians who are not afraid to get hate for what they post and would have done better than by just using /biz/

>> No.49836423

Celsius just moved 5 millions LINK from the 6.7 millions they deposited on FTX to AAVE for lending...
It seems they got caught and wanted to hide their actions and chose to help other shorters instead by adding LINK shorting liquidity on AAVE.

>> No.49836431


This proves it so.
If you have a load of people explaining a pretty sound proposition with on chain metrics to back it up, even if it has a few gaps, which is immediately met with 100x more replies calling it “schitzo” “take your meds” “cope” while nobody can explain why its wrong, those people are likely correct. Thats the advantage of these anonymous places.

Waiting for twitter celebrities to confirm it is stupid for all the reasons you mentioned. They could get doxed or whatever even if they are not in on it.

>> No.49836472

But we still need a form of resilience to protect against paid shills in difficult time here on /biz/
Those who have knowledge to help should try to create a semi anonymous alias here to use it in emergencies.

And here >>49832500 is the message on the last LINK movement from Celsius from FTX to AAVE.
It seems they are trying to hide the fact that they are indirectly helping short sellers and still hope for a LINK dump to recover their lost LINK on BNT.

>> No.49836526


The semi-anonymous alias is literally oldfags recognising real. Post mainnet linkies cant really feel that due to inexperience with the board. Its not something that can really be fixed. Even if i made a trip i would just be another tripfag.

No offence but its pretty transparent whats shilling and real even in the peak of mania last year to experienced hands on here. Do newfags flock to trips and twitter celebrities? Yes. So it would not help. They’d want to cross confirm with chainlinkgod or their other celebrities and youtubers and when they dont get it they ignore.

Its not really something we can fix, other than people learning the hard way like now

>> No.49836547


Their next move is probably to borrow it from a seemingly unrelated wallet or fragmented withdrawals to try hide it.

>> No.49836581

Silence nigger

>> No.49836584

You're not getting an new Assblaster. You have IDs and you should recognize the good anons for effort posting fairly substantiated claims. In case of doubt, err on the side of caution, just hold and don't be greedy. CeFi is a scam and DeFi is a mostly a scam or at least highly risky and not proprely stresstested. I personaly sat all of this out. I'm waiting for what's left alive post the bear winter. It's a lot of pain to watch link underperform but at least there's no risk of loss.

>> No.49836587


>> No.49836619

>CeFi is a scam
>DeFi is a scam
>Also invests in the LINK token
You're a dipshit

>> No.49836628

shut up retard

>> No.49836684

Maybe it's just me then but I can only recognize the intents of people through their messages.
Unfortunately the repeated messages on using AAVE to gamble on shitcoins last year still got to me.

Luckily I had minimal knowledge of trading and made money gambling and didn't lose anything on AAVE, but just being on /biz/ was toxic for my mindset.
I wish for a healthy /biz/ to use in times of mass mania and manipulation.

Yeah I was thinking this too.
It doesn't even have to come from them.
Okex or Nexo could borrow from AAVE if they all work together...

>> No.49836735

That wasnt sergeys fault.
>wow I can get 10% for nothing? Sounds like a free lunch, ill take it!

Thats whats so good about staking, you know where that money is actually coming from, and it is coming from actually providing a useful service to people.
Sergey is unironically the most trustworthy and honorable man in crypto, he is an autist for the truth, and that is precisely why this place, which is the largest congregation of truth obsessed autists on the internet, gravitated around him so much.
Why there is so much passion for LINK.
Im pretty sure sergey has the most OC memes in all of crypto.

>> No.49836747

>I wished you could have used an identity to warn us, because I had no way of knowing who was a paid shill last year,
It was pretty obvious anon. Not your keys.... I hope anons bought their appropriate linkpool token in preparation for link staking.

>> No.49836760

>Thats whats so good about staking, you know where that money is actually coming from, and it is coming from actually providing a useful service to people.

And if things go wrong and the node(s) you staked on get slashed due to misbehavior or failure, you can go on chain and see exactly what went wrong. There's no guessing and speculating as to why shit went sour, like in the case of Celsius, Bancor, etc.

>> No.49836784

I bought LINK before he started posting on /biz/...
DeFi could be useful in the future if they stop building degen things and make something useful to the real world.

AAVE can be used to leverage tokenized real world assets and not only shitcoins.
Banks already do this when you take a credit for a loan on a property.

With AAVE you can collateralize your properties and cut out the middle men using something less volatile than cryptocurrencies.
With DECO and proof of income you can reduce the volatility and prevent liquidations with under colateralized loans using your identity.
This technology has a very bright future if you remove the inflationary staking scams.

>> No.49836785

>get slashed
Lpl will have slashing protection im pretty sure. Though 0.1 staking wont have slashing so it's easy free 5% for us wiser anons.

>> No.49836793

>Lpl will have slashing protection im pretty sure
There will probably be a whole cottage industry around slash protection lel

>> No.49836818

Sergey is trying to get institutions into DeFi
Which is the only way the price of the link token is going to go up
You're an absolute fucking moron

>> No.49836867

I still don't know what to expect short term from this, but I think we will finally know in September.
Just 3 more months, but CeFi platforms will go all out until then.

>> No.49836870

> There are ways to use leverage to make money without shorting LINK
Yes you can use it as collateral, but when you are inevitably liquidated that link will be market sold, essentially making you into one of the paperhands that sell as soon as the market turns a bit sour. The ones that really ruin any asset.

>> No.49836871

shut up retard

>> No.49836901

One of the narratives at that time was to use AAVE to cash out some money without selling the tokens.
Wasn't a very good idea with something that went down 90%

>> No.49836929

On the Sergey gets a pass part, you’re unequivocally right. On the shorting part, you are certainly technically right, but do you think it really mattered all that much to the price in the end? How sensitive to some rinky-dink shorters could link’s price really be? What volumes are we talking?

>> No.49836967

Nobody relevant is ever going to trust some shady russian org with critical information. You got rused by a pump and dump scheme. It's time to plan an exit.

>> No.49837166

we need an adult /biz and a kid /biz

>> No.49837280

>warned endlessly
This. It boggles my mind that I know people shafted by cel and then over the past few days start freaking out over Bancor.. guys why is your link still on there after cel

>> No.49837287

Yes heres why, there was so much link available and unlike many other coins there was no staking mechanism so people just had it sitting around, lending it for apy is quite attractive, so that means there is a far larger amount of link being lent our compared to other coins of similar size, thats ehy the apy was low.
Anyway being able to borrow such huge amounts of link means they can have a ton of ammo to dump down the price, so they open a leveraged short, dump millions of link that you borrowed at a cheap rate, big red candle, then you close your short and start buying up the link for cheaper which you then return to the loans.

Linkies at first believed that this was whale suppression due to them accumulating, but turns out they were just accumulating to pay back fhe loans and repeat this process iver and over again, basically the large supply of link which has no use other then to lend for apy gave the cefis a lot of ammo for their attacks, which makes sense.
Basically anyone who can get a hold of a large percentage of the token supply can make the price go down at will, when you have a lot of groups doing this this same strategy you can keep the price down that way everyone doing it wins because they sure all shorting.
Also it being a top 5 token with 0 use for the token makes link the prime target for this, maybe this is where "token not needed" comes from
Staking should fix this because it will be much harder for them to get such huge amounts of tokens to dump, when most will be locked up in nodes

>> No.49837354

Original Nico Poster here.
Just as a hammer strengthens a sword, a nico poster strengthens a linkie.

>> No.49837371

I am still not sure this was only done by CeFi platforms.
Remember how the BTC crash started with Elon and the pope fuding BTC for not being eco friendly?
The banking cartel was also a part of it.
We just don't know how much.

Why did the Chainlink team not try to do something to at least spread this information earlier last year?
Were they waiting for the perfect moment to turn the tides with staking?
I hope we get to see CeFi die from this.

In the future we should make a meme with "CeFi not needed"
They have been parasites since the start and didn't bring anything of value to this space.

>> No.49837406

If you start your fun threads again I may finally finish to watch Love Live...

>> No.49837447

> pls trip
but anon, trusting names instead of verifying info was your problem in the first place. It’s not about who says it, it’s what is said.

>> No.49837580

Oh my goodness, you are right! I appreciate the effort post, and you have convinced me. The fact that there were so many coins with (made up/inflationary, but still) APY while link didn’t have any, meant that the only actual use for the token - the only way to make money on it - was by shorting it. As you say, enough big players realized this, and realized their incentives were aligned.
And staking puts an abrupt end to this.
I’m actually starting to think link could squeeze.

>> No.49837608

brb putting another $5k into link

>> No.49837640

>There is a problem with /biz/ as it will be used against us most of the time and is dangerous for our mindset.
And yet all the things you shouldnt have done were spoken of here. You were just greedy

>> No.49837654

I trusted /biz/ without trips.
100% of /biz/ was negative and cost me money in the last 2 years.
The lesson I learned is to avoid /biz/ when there is activity here and to create my own system with outside trusted sources.
Tripcodes with honest people is better than 1 anonymous voice getting drowned out in a sea of paid shills.
What's even better than that is a communication channel that can't be moderated by CeFi shills and without the heavy shilling.

>> No.49837684

>Link will become increasingly iliquid from now on due to staking
Staking is currently defined nonsense.. which is the process of exploding.

>> No.49837719

>I wished you could have used an identity to warn us
After nexo and blocking slashing their rates out was plain as day. Just look at the last week
>Celsius is dying
No its not
>bancor is dying
No is not.
Turns out biz was right. Again.

>> No.49837737

Was it greed to hold my LINK stack through the complete bull run like an idiot without selling at the top because I wanted to see the final product to make a decision?
Because that was my biggest mistake as I had originally planned to only sell my staking income once the network was running with real staking.
That was my original plan, so I can't even say I didn't follow my investment plan.
It just hurt too much and I underestimated the pain.

The reason I reduced my exposition to LINK is not because I got scammed by CeFi or DeFi, but because I sold after the recovery last year and didn't want to go through another 70% crash with all my wealth in only one asset.

The irony is that I lost money through diversification too because I couldn't focus on everything but lost a lot less than with cryptos...

>> No.49837736

>But we still need a form of resilience to protect
Is called reading and holding your keys

>> No.49837781

>unlike many other coins there was no staking
Staking on other coins is pure garbage. There is currently no Staking. End

>> No.49837791

>The banking cartel was also a part of it.
Due to the vast amount of money at tradfis disposal they can do what they like

>> No.49837854

Celsius can't even pay the 1 Billion fines and they enforced HODL mode on their users.
They won't survive this.
Users will come after them and they wil declare bankruptcy because they have less assets than their liabilities.

Bancor may survive. I never said they would die, but I don't really care that much about them outside of knowing that Celsius lost 1-2 milloon LINK which is nice.
Half of it at least was a fud campaign by the likes of Celsius.

Then you won't like what I did.
My new system is independent from /biz/ to the point I forget to come here for longer periods of time.

I still think they were part of the fud campaign on /biz/
CeFi on their own did not have the initial strength to start this campaign against LINK.
They just found out about it and tried to profit from it too.

>> No.49837870

>Was it greed to hold my LINK stack through the complete bull run like an idiot without selling at the top because I wanted to see the final product to make a decision?
Yes. I did the same. Live and learn. Sorry I thought you were risking the biscuit for a cool .2%. If you held through it then hats off.

>> No.49837892

>Bancor may survive
I posted that, not nessiccarily for your benefit but for others - so they stop and think next time something is exploding but then assume that other products of similar ilk are safe. People should have gotten tf out after luna even though it was unrelated - it was big and damaging to the ecosystem.

>> No.49837912

>I still think they were part of the fud campaign on /biz/
They control jannies, of course it is ongoing. However over the last week many threads have survived that you would think should be deleted, so maybe the jannies got pruned.

>> No.49837921


NEXO are having a mass withdrawal event on LINK and likely other coins.

They had to suddenly borrow a shit load to cover it a few days ago and its already almost depleted again.

The public attempt to “buy” Celcius was nothing more than them trying to appear strong to stop withdrawals. They are fucked

>> No.49838131


It's true that I would have expected them to delete the threads.
If even the Nexo thread doesn't get deleted then maybe Hiroshima cleaned up this shithole, but I still can't believe it after the horrible way /biz/ was last year.

>> No.49838247

>If even the Nexo thread doesn't get deleted then maybe Hiroshima cleaned up this shithole, but I still can't believe it after the horrible way /biz/ was last year.
Yeah true, perhaps it is nexo that have tendrils in here.

>> No.49838358

>leverage flushed out
>bad players killed
>scammy services beung shut down
And now greedy fuckers are losing half or all their stacks because of their greed while I participate in staking on day one.

Patience pays, I am comfy.

>> No.49838373

How much link for made it and suicide stacks respectively?

>> No.49838393

The higher you think Chainlink will go, the lower the make it and sui stacks.

Fudders will try to tell you 10k is sui stack.

>> No.49838498

10k is the original suicide stack

>> No.49838552

Even at ICO, 10k link would've cost $1k.
That's way too much money for the average person to casually throw at like a dozen different projects with the idea that one of them will turbomoon.

>> No.49838657

I threw 500 each at 3 projects, 1 of which was Link, after getting into a circle of geeks who vetted a load of whitewater. Glad I did..

>> No.49838665

There are many other sources like tg and discord channels to use as well anon

>> No.49838671


>> No.49838713

Yeah, especially at ICO when pretty much the only way to even buy in was to send ETH to pools posted by random tards.
It took a lot of blind faith to throw money at Link.
Hell, even immediately after the ICO when Link was only available on Etherdelta (where it was never lower than 20 cents per Link) it took a buttload of hopes and prayers to buy Link.

>> No.49838814

In hindsight, it was pretty crazy dropping over $10k on LINK in 2018 during the panic of the crypto crash when I'd only ever heard about BTC, LTC and DOGE before and had never bought any of them.
I saw a meme that connected with me, dropped $2k on the spot, and then started accumulating more a month later after I'd read the white paper. All when my only understanding of Ethereum was from googling "How to buy Chainlink" and finding a dodgy-ass chink website called Binance.
Hell, even now I have no idea how I'll stake my LINK because I have no idea how gas works.

>> No.49838820

>Yeah, especially at ICO when pretty much the only way to even buy in was to send ETH to pools posted by random tards.
how did this work? you needed a min. eth to get into ico - were you guys just sending eth to someone trusting he'd distribute link when he got them or was it more structured than that?

>> No.49838907

Basically what you said

>> No.49838968

>>Was it greed to hold my LINK stack through the complete bull run like an idiot without selling at the top
I disagree. If anything it's not greedy just to hold and wait for staking. Gotta stick with the original plan.
>Never selling

>> No.49838984


>> No.49839120

The most difficult part is finding good ones with competent people.

We are still not out of the woods yet.
Nexo didn't buy back their sold tokens, Okex still has their loan from Aave, and Celsius moved their tokens to Aave from FTX.
Approximately 10 million LINK has been sold to the market including through the Bancor LP effect and they may have 10 another million of liquidity remaining.

The key will be to keep buying their final dump attempt until they have nothing left.
Even if they manage to dump the price lower if everyone keeps buying everything up then they won't be able to buy back their sold tokens.
The key is not the price but the LINK liquidity of CeFi and how much they can dump.
We need to add more pressure to make their users withdraw their funds.

>> No.49839229

Kill yourself. Do it before Ari releases assassination contracts because people as retarded as you won’t be allowed to stick around. You are scum. Everyone who chased muh APY is scum. ChainlinkGod and his band of faggots on Twitter are pure scum. The fact that you fell for a literal shill on Twitter is inexcusable. You had people repeatedly explaining why this is a bad idea. But no, you piece of shit scumbags got too greedy and set all of us back years. You’re not going to get away with this. You and all the other scumbags have caused far too much damage.

>> No.49839265

You should do a therapy to release your anger.
Your current mindset will not help you and will cause you more pain.

Also be prepared to dig 2 graves when you curse someone. One for yourself.

>> No.49839453

Just fuck off. You sound like the ultimate midwit crying out for people to use tripcodes. The whole fucking point and value of /biz/ is we have minimal corruption from namefags. All that matters is the quality of your post and that’s why this place is still better than anywhere else. You just cannot rely on dogshit like Twitter. It’s all bullshit and the lies are so obvious. Stop being so overly diplomatic towards faggots like ChainlinkGod that have absolutely contributed to this retarded situation we’re all in. It goes beyond the price of LINK. Someone like him is antithetical to what makes /biz/ a unique and valuable place. Namefags will be and always will be pure cancer. If you want to get really cheesy you could even argue that ChainlinkGod represents the very same brand based agreements and trust issues that we’re trying to get rid of. Everyone thought he was le epic marine who has very clearly been corrupted by faggots wanting to promote their ponzis.

>> No.49839517
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>> No.49839625

Not worth it for me to read your garbage after you didn't take the effort to read the rest of this thread. If the only value you can provide to /biz/ is your anger and cursing people then I have no reason to help this shithole and people like you.
I learned how to trade and don't need LINK to make it.
I don't have to waste my time watching the actions of CeFi to try to liquidate them, I can make money on my own instead and even profit from their actions instead of losing my time here.

>> No.49839647

They would have sold off long before any moon.

>> No.49839842

>reddit spacing detected...
you need to go back

>> No.49839964
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Attention all NEXUS, CELSIUS AND OKEx whales:

The Great Reset has come at a crossroads with humanity. We can not allow the WEF & the young globohomo leaders to manipulate the markets any longer with their fake wars and gay market crashes. In order for the Golden Bullrun to resume, Chainlink(ticker: LINK) needs to be destroyed.
/biz will declare WAR on Chainlink next week and send globohomo a message.
You heard it here first. Linkies will be financially exterminated. Participation is mandatory btw, proof of short will be required to post on /biz. I repeat everybody will have to participate.

Spread the word and prepare your shorts. It's finally happening... The Great Short is upon us lads.

>> No.49840008

All nicoposters are effectively the same NPC.

>> No.49840063

Only nufags to 4chan apply to what you said. There are also nufags to just /biz/ though.

>> No.49841258
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>But nobody expected all of these jewish platforms to be so evil
Really? Are you sure you are telling us the truth here? Where did the yields come from to your opinion?

>> No.49841442

It's like you are missing out on staking. I'm actually staking lox at 80% here and the best and safest I've held. While still buying, they are long termed focused while solving real-life problems.

>> No.49841742


>> No.49841808

i never entered defi with my link, because i knew the return on it would not be worth the risk, with staking being a promised feature for years. hell, even gas prices factored in made it seem like a dumb choice at the times in the past when i considered it. op is right

>> No.49842109

Stable coin yield farming without UST using Aave to borrow them with the token as a collateral could produce 5-6% yield during the bull run.
The reason CeFi are shorting the token is because they are extremely greedy and don't care about their users.
Being an intermediary between the user and the staking protocol too.

Binance has the option to stake indirectly through their protocol some of the tokens.
It can be done with lower interests and a less degen behavior.

>> No.49842669

i can understand where a lot of the confusion and anger in this thread is coming from
/biz/ in the past year was absolutely attrocious with shills doing there stuff and these werent just the bottom of the barrel shills this were natively educated people taking the dirty blood libel money to do the banksters bidding
i didn't comprehend what was happening so i rode it all out, but i can tell you that the pain was great especially after giving us hope in jan and then proceeding to smash it to pieces

the level of coordination to pull of the may 2021 smackdown was beyond anything we ever saw, it must have involved big money and big tradfi and as has been said all along since then it was through sbf as the conduit for street money

i am however afraid we past the point of there being too much money it for any internet community to be free from corruption, jannies are generally the lowest lifeform out there so giving them even a pittance so they can act out power trip fantasies will corrupt all of them
and don't say use tg or discords i browsed those and they are pure cancer, you learn to appreaciate why we are anon here and how it improves things
in the end i am just glad the ptsd is over with

as to questioning newfags how to avoid this blow up
ever since the summer of defi i stayed out of most of it because i couldn't see where the money flows were coming from to really pay out those apy's despite being ridiculed as a have fun staying poor, my linkies didn't get stolen
so do that always analyse the currency flows, if they are vague and unexplained than your spidey sense should go off

>> No.49842789

not your keys, not your coins, this is a fundamental axiom of crypto, learn from it

>> No.49843475

Read the whitepaper

>> No.49843880

this could be done by linkies taking a consistent calm and sincere policy of open source knowledge, all the amazing news about link is shared that is the poison to their efforts and the empowerment of the linkies, this would take the fun out of irony posting though more infographic memes I guess

>> No.49844195


>> No.49844317

>HoW cOuLd We KnOw!!!?
You all deserve to lose everything
Sergey is handing you financial freedom on a platter with zero work from you and you greedy gamblers still fuck it up

>> No.49844437

how did they lose their stack? Explain
They will get it back

>> No.49844487
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Nobody needs link
Nobody needs smart contracts
APY shit are all scams
No one is buying
No one is pumping your stink bags
Crypto is going to blow up and sink to 3 digit bitcoin and send all these shitcoins to sub pennies
Get a job invest in real things before these tech douche scammers dump your life savings and buy another mansion in cayman islands

>> No.49844578
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He is taking his sweet time about it. Can't blame some of these ADHD-riddled zoomers from taking their eyes off the prize

>> No.49844745

Imagine being such a fucking nigger that you advocate tripcodes