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File: 68 KB, 866x591, LUNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49824539 No.49824539 [Reply] [Original]

LUNC back to 0.0001

>> No.49824576


>> No.49824832

That’s my buy signal

>> No.49824910

dubs confirm I need to piss

>> No.49824942

luna? more like COPEcoin

>> No.49825129

more like 0.01

>> No.49825339
File: 627 KB, 2310x2147, papa adolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Green ID
wagmi lunchads

>> No.49825430

we ARE going to make it

>> No.49825597

more like 1$. According to my lover HappyCattyCrypto, when the on-chain parameter proposal (not the botched text one) for 1.2$ burn passes, the CEX will also implement a 1.2% tax.

>> No.49825658

what about WLUNA?

>> No.49825831

Lunac will hit between .5 and 1 usd. You will have a brief period of time to sell and if you don’t own it now you are never going to make it.

>> No.49825875
File: 7 KB, 250x211, 1653675353713s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 10.3 million lunc I'm so excited I can't believe it bros

>> No.49825914

why did coingecko remove the marketcap/supply from LUNC? Are these shitheads trying to crash our coin?

>> No.49825984

I double wrapped my Loons, now tracking both LUNA and LUNC. Maximize your gainz

>> No.49826098

You can still wrap Lunc? Is it worth it?

>> No.49826171
File: 165 KB, 910x1024, 1655673954480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m at 3.1 million, should I buy more to 5 million at least?

>> No.49826307

you all need some common sense. quit wasting your time if there was any kind of movement up it would never last and always dump immediately. every tom dick and harry poorfag has tens of millions and some idiots probably has billions. there will be a perpetual dump after dump after dump

>> No.49826350


im shorting , why is this going up? why would you buy an abandoned coin with trillions in supply

>> No.49826374

that's faggot is such a basedboy, he banned me from his tg for asking why Kwon still has disproportionate control over LUNC. anyone who's such a thin-skinned queer can't and shouldn't be trusted.

>> No.49826390

Clown world
Dont bet against clown world

You'll end up being the clown

>> No.49826433

Hardly anyone is dumb enough to buy this. Only a few retards will make millions while a few institutions will make 100s of billions. I myself will make a couple 100k.

>> No.49826535

Oh waw! Only $88.9991 for me to break event LETS FUCKING GO

fuck all of you LUNC dick riders. I cant believe I missed out on buying HBARs for this shit.

Now I have to seethe as I watch HBAR foundation funding new projects and developers on Hedera while Do Kwan spends my money on his bitch’s manicure AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.49826552

Why would you ever own this coin? Your dick will fall off you’ll lose all your hair and eyebrows. People WILL throw you in a corner and piss in your ASS! If you own this coin!

>> No.49826584
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>he bought luna before the crash

>> No.49826601
File: 501 KB, 1280x720, 100_Trillion_Luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are literally TRILLIONAIRS in Luna!

>> No.49826610

Because it's funny to own 100k LUNA for 10 dollars which would have been worth millions before the crash. I literally own more LUNA than people who lose their entire life savings in LUNA, and I think that's funny as fuck

>> No.49826900

By EOY it will be $1.

>> No.49826963


>> No.49827446

you dont have to get wrapped if you stay wrapped

>> No.49827976

I Don’t think that was my question you first class nigger.

>> No.49827995
File: 53 KB, 719x720, 1483467625396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it being so stable?

>> No.49828010

Unironically probably speculation.

>> No.49828014

Fucking checked wagmi

>> No.49828168


>> No.49828542

You were probably rude to my baby boy, and FUDDING up the chat, faggot.

>> No.49828575

are you an insider or just guessing?

>> No.49828734

Its true tho, don't be mad

>> No.49828773
File: 147 KB, 1920x1080, 1654839023548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahahahaha it's so funny this fucking coin. It defies, it is defiant. Watch him cruise along like a little fucking beast. 10mil stack here all I have to do is wait for its next move.

>> No.49828783

64M checking in
clown world is strong with this one. buying more when it goes into low .00005's

>> No.49828812


>> No.49828829

buy some lunc on kucoin my nigga

>> No.49828908
File: 775 KB, 680x750, MzBL3ZR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll peg to LUNA2. We're all going to make it brahs

>> No.49828972

>FUDDING up the cha
nigger I just asked what can be done about Do Kwon's total control over the original blockchain. if you haven't noticed, that slant-eyed niggerfaggot manipulated the governance vote prior to the launch of V2, he was caught buying off validators and airdropping them additional Luna 2. I outlined all this in the tg group, and got banned for it. how is that FUD?

>> No.49829720

:( dad?

>> No.49829753

What if i out it in a order on binance

>> No.49829905

Sell your LUNC quick this project is going down the shitter

>> No.49829924
File: 80 KB, 447x458, 1654234359491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also at 10 million, we will be the leaders of the new world when Luna moons.

>> No.49829954

We’re so back

>> No.49830025

There are doing some proposal to have staking again, which should in theory shake the old validators out.

>> No.49830077

I'm in hysterics. It's so fucking simple!! Oh my god. I can't concentrate.

>> No.49830297

WAGMI son, keep those loons wrapped like scott stapp. Big titty GFs for both of us, dont tell mom

>> No.49830515

Have you guys heard any concrete new info? I only have 2.3 mill

>> No.49830861


>> No.49831018

Annoying zoomer faggot

>> No.49831970

I love you Publix bro !

>> No.49831977
File: 1.24 MB, 680x818, 1655269821640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I'm so excited for the moon

>> No.49832094

My Loons are wrapped like a pub sub

>> No.49832122

So any new news on burns etc...?

>> No.49832477

I'm at 9.1mil, might as well round it out to 10 in case of moon

>> No.49832496

Tell me anons. If Lunc hit a dollar would you be set for life?

>> No.49832803
File: 995 KB, 500x250, Van Buren.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if I were to hold all of it on the way up which I don't think I'm strong/retarded enough to do. When we blastoff, the temptation of pressing a button and adding $50k to my net worth will be difficult to resist. Please pray for me.

t. 5milly baggie

>> No.49832899

I have a sell order set for a $10k gain on the ride up. That way I am guaranteed it. The rest I think I am capable of holding... Depends if I'm asleep for some of it or not.

>> No.49832931
File: 371 KB, 1580x840, Whales_Pump_and_Dump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whales could be entering to 'pump and dump' the greedy.

>> No.49833184

Pnd hurts the fomos, not the ones hodling since the crash

>> No.49833208

What's your strategy? Dumping a million at $.01 or DCAing all the way up?

The moon mission will be manipulated without a doubt. Get ready for an intense game of hot potato.

>> No.49833506

I have 10mil so I will offload 1mil for 10k can't remember my exact order but yes basically .01 and then hold until I lose my balls and convert all to BTC. But I have held for obscene amounts of time before so I'm kind of trained I think I'll be able to do it.