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File: 330 KB, 1268x1134, Screen Shot 2022-06-19 at 12.28.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49823397 No.49823397 [Reply] [Original]

> One week ago, as cryptocurrency prices plummeted, Celsius Network – an experimental cryptocurrency bank with more than one million customers that has emerged as a leader in the murky world of decentralized finance, or DeFi – announced it was freezing withdrawals “due to extreme market conditions”.
Real economists have predicted this crash and are still laughing at you /biz/. How are you coping?

>> No.49823536
File: 191 KB, 1080x1023, robertreich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very day of the bottom(confirmed by snope's fact-checkers, fuck off bobo)
>resident goblin jew declares it's over
like clockwork

>> No.49823578
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>you just know

>> No.49823620

what a fucking retard, or just a liar

>> No.49823639

I don't know where I saw a montage of pictures of him with this music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8UVBgUd9GE
One of the hardest keks I've had. Shame I didn't save it.

>> No.49823652

public opinion is really turning on crypto. the cbdc must be coming soon.

>> No.49823688

No, the collapse of the european union due to italian bonds is coming soon.

>> No.49823709

>(((Robert Reich)))

>> No.49823730

This is just some low hanging fruit for all the middle class lefty students that read the Guardian and hate crypto.

>> No.49823772

laughing all the way to the bank with the money crypto and shorting bank stocks got me

>> No.49823784

it's basically shilling for the statist inner party.

>> No.49823873

that song, it fits him perfectly. Generally speaking, I like short people, in fact I often play halfling or gnome type characters in rpgs, but fuck RR he is a giant piece of shit. I hope he dies in a humiliating way that emphasises how short he is, and his gravestone should be smaller than everyone else's because you just know he is a insecure manlet.

>> No.49823906

kek, I thought that photo was Peter Schiff for a second

>> No.49824129

>the collapse of the european union
Nohing would bring me more joy. I'm not even being hyperbolic when I say I would cry tears of joy.

>> No.49824162
File: 111 KB, 1000x1250, 736362-20090128-reich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that robert reich is a turbo manlet

>> No.49824223

hey cmon now man

>> No.49824263

oh it's happenng laggarde will have to choose between cascade default and boomer pensions collapsing or destroying the euro and trying to save the trade union

The die is cast at this point, next year will see insane energy and food inflation leading to chaos worldwide and if she rises rates to save the euro it will kill southern euros

>> No.49824288

very stronk buy signal

>> No.49824316

Can someone explain why Leftist's shill so hard against crypto? I keep hearing about muh environment but I feel there's a hidden motivation behind their hatred of decentralized currency.

>> No.49824341

What in the living fuck

How does someone seriously type 'dictators love the internet uncontrolled'

>> No.49824343

>Why is thinking something economists never do?
>Why is logic never even tried?

>> No.49824376
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we are getting pretty close to bear euphoria

boomer friends of my parents are sending each other CNN articles about "le crypto markets reaching new all time lows" etc.

I mean if this were happening with the opposite circumstance (zoom zooms/boomers sharing articles titled "CRYPTO REACHING ALL TIME HIGHS! BUY NOW BUY NOW!") I'd be shitting myself and clicking the sell button until my finger fell off

>> No.49824407

anyone against elon musk has my vote

>> No.49824435

This cant be real. It's the exact opposite. Dictators want less freedom, not more.

>> No.49824461

Kek @ 'uncontrolled' internet is a dictators dream
imagine people reading that sludge and believing it

>> No.49824467

They hate it because it’s independent of government control, basically

>> No.49824503
File: 102 KB, 768x960, uedawtfzqbgz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You morons never heard about Popper's Paradox of Tolerance? Dictators love "freedom of speech" because it allows them to spread their propaganda.
Without Weimar's Republic "freedom of speech", Hitler wouldn't have been elected in 1933.

>> No.49824616

>You should never have free speech, because a dictator could use it to gain power by telling people things they want to hear but that I don't want them to.
>Then when he gets into power, he'll oppress people and take away their freedoms! That's why we must deny you freedom, because it could be taken away by someone else.

>> No.49824642
File: 46 KB, 292x257, 40 keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

you're trolling but people who really believe this stuff need to be taken out back and shot in the head. Only then can we begin the discussion on tolerance

>> No.49824662

Not a ponzi.

>> No.49824671
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subconciously they know that central banking is the only thing that keeps modern leftism powerful, otherwise corporations would have a lot harder time of getting plebs to buy their bullshit

>> No.49824705

That’s ultra manlet to you

>> No.49824720

Celsius isn't DeFI
Reich is a washed up retard

>> No.49824760

They are unable to enforce their utopian liberalism if people are financially independent from them. The same applies to small businesses, home schooling - virtually anything small or large that operates independently from their cathedral.

The environmental criticism for crypto would be the easiest attack vector for the midwit middle class types to swallow up and repeat.

>> No.49824785

Are you fucking retarded?! The nazis had a ministry of propaganda and secret police that investigated ppl for speech they didn't like.

>> No.49824817

They believe the government should be in control of everything. The whole point of Bitcoin is to be beyond government control. It’s an existential threat to their ideology because if they lose control of the money supply then they lose control of the people.

>> No.49824833

can read em like a book now.

>> No.49824875

Uhhhhh usd bros???? Were safe r..right?

>> No.49824898

karl popper isn't even a midwit, he's an actual moron

>> No.49824937

That card was clearly made by the kind of person who thinks that free speech just means being allowed to talk shit about minorities

>> No.49824941

40k by July

>> No.49824988

whoever made that needs to seek help

>> No.49825005

So the banks are gonna topple any day now?

>> No.49825104

Popperian hypothesis testing (the thing ALL of sociology, psychology, pedagogy, political "sciences", etc. are based on) is completely obsolete and inherently biased. Scholars are just too dumb and lazy to use Bayesian testing.

>> No.49825199

Banning speech doesn't make people's ideas go away, you just leave them with no option of expressing themselves peacefully. That picture is completely inaccurate btw, the Nazis were lambasted by the newspapers and press all the time in the Weimar Republic, and the entire reason the brownshirts even existed in the first place was because commies would constantly physically attack them at their meetings and speeches, modern antifa are the exact same as those old commie groups and groups like Proud Boys or Patriot Front are the new brownshirts. Most Westerners are not naturally inclined towards favoring dictatorship, modern dictatorships in the West like Hitler, Mussolini, or Franco literally only arose because the Jews destroyed morality and the economy just like they're doing now. Do you really want to play this game again? The West will never ever be Communist, Conservative white men will always destroy you soifaggots and your Jewish masters. But you still have time to save yourself, just drop this "paradox of tolerance" shit and bring back having rational discussions.

>> No.49825314

what annoys me about this article is that he goes into length outlining the consequences of no regulations on the STOCK MARKET, and then concludes only that the CRYPTO MARKET be regulated. Frank-Dodd is a fucking joke and our economy at large is the wild west, we should apply regulations to more foundational, less exotic markets first

>> No.49825330

Ok I'm officially going long. This must be the bottom indicator I was looking for

>> No.49825382

You don't think they'll quite happily kill southern euro countries to prop up the scam for a few more years? Kek vtheyll sell everyone outside of France and Germany down the river if they can

>> No.49825384

This that dude that supports building high density housing everywhere, but when they tried to build it next door to him in Berkeley he went Apeshit?

>> No.49825441

is this the quickest way to identify a retard? immediately screaming that you don't know what a ponzi is a very quick way to completely discredit any opinions or input from these retards

>> No.49825476

>You don't think they'll quite happily kill southern euro countries to prop up the scam for a few more years? Kek vtheyll sell everyone outside of France and Germany down the river if they can

That will mean hyperinflation and even posible starvation next year, literally no diesel for farming and stuff like that, really cute stuff.

>> No.49825561
File: 101 KB, 1222x805, amc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow good work. diamond hands! all you need to be rich is a smartphone app!

>> No.49825632


Yep, anti-cryptof fags are literally worse than the typical bitcoin-guy that won't stfu about crypto. Its is impossible to reason with them because they just reflexively go off into tangents about ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, "GOING TO FUCKING ZERO," destroying the planet, scams, monkey jpegs, they just don't fucking get it at all but are so stubbornly confident in their stupidity.

>> No.49825712
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More like top zozzle

>> No.49825864

Every government is a dictatorship

>> No.49826291
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>> No.49826470

So about negative 80%? Lmao

>> No.49826497

>the truth is dangerous so we need to murder those who speak it
imagine smugly thinking this will win over people to your side

>> No.49826498

Bitcoin is, by definition, a ponzi scheme though

>> No.49826529
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>> No.49826551
File: 126 KB, 500x515, Daisy-Pog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freedom of expression and lack of government intervention is a staple of fascist totalitarianism
Holy shit, I hate leftoids with every ounce of hatred in my heart.

>> No.49826644

>Wild west in 1920s
>Federal reserve was created in 1913
It's always projection with these people. The federal reserve system the ponzi rigged by insiders.

>> No.49826690

>all ponzi schemes
Lel that means stocks and us dollars

>> No.49826698


>> No.49826828

>assumes someone will somehow control it if its free
Yeah no that must his group is in power if he fears that because its utter bs to assume a free internet is a controlled internet

>> No.49826878

so just don't engage them, or even pay attention. it's like people tip toeing around me and asking me gingerly how im doing when the markets crash. idgaf, im a trader. it goes up or down i trade it. normies don't get it.

>> No.49826918

>dictators like decentralization and free speech
>dictators dislike control

>> No.49826976

What effect will a crypto crash have on stocks?

>> No.49827144
File: 68 KB, 659x659, Dzs9Q_GU8AMmm24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who run Bartertown?

>> No.49827168

get a load of this redditor
He thinks we invest in stocks

>> No.49827420

>5'8" BEAST checking in

>> No.49827458

Does that include the stock market?

>> No.49827483
File: 629 KB, 1609x647, 1653025750545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin already up 15% from the lows, feels amazing to be at the beginning of the next bull market which will go above 250k

>> No.49827504

Pick one kike

>> No.49827782
File: 65 KB, 1223x1227, passthespliffSchiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do jews hate crypto so much?

>> No.49827949

I voted for Trump, and I'm against crypto for the simple fact that it's a pyramid scheme. Every single crypto is used to pump & dump and try to scam other people, leaving someone holding the bag. It's not a store of value like a currency should be.

>> No.49828065

Who do you think stands to lose the most if crypto takes over?

>> No.49828078

it's going to be hilarious when spencer's net worth passes his dad's at the age of 20

>> No.49828230

> be seething nocoiner
> Bitcoin price goes up
> Bitcoin price drops
> Bitcoin price recovers
> Repeat ad infinitum

Honestly it must be fucking exhausting to be a salty nocoiner, I’d understand it if they were making their money somewhere else and all of this was just pearl clutching but instead it’s just seething faggots who missed pretty much every opportunity to make money off this and haven’t stopping being bitter about it. It’s worse when these fucking losers don’t just want to stay out of the markets but actively cheer on crashes in real time and want people to lose their money.