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49804646 No.49804646 [Reply] [Original]

For someone that makes money online and doesn't need to wage: Which countries in Europe have the best escort scene?

I made it but they are going to ban it. I need a backup inmediately before these commies go full Swedishcuk in here. Holy fuck, the meme is really real. You'll eat bugz, fuck in VR, live in a pot, and own nothing.

>> No.49804675

idk and escorts are disgusting

>> No.49804703

i want to watch alice have sex with a dog

>> No.49804729

>I made it but they are going to ban it.
Who is going to ban escorts?

>> No.49804954
File: 271 KB, 1325x1668, 1655606422905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spain is adopting some gigacucked anti-men policy like Sweden or France where 2 adults can't no longer agree to have sex in exchange of money. This country could be the best on the planet if it wasn't for the faglords running it. Just imagine an horizon where it's illegal to ever see a hot girl naked for 80% of men.
I need out of this abomination of a prospect. How about Germany? It's regulated there. Perhaps Netherland or CZ republic? many hotties from CZ in porn.
Holy fuck. I hate the idea of moving to some cold, distant country with an aspie language and getting towered by 6'2' average height, but what's the point if fucking hotties will be impossible? jfl

>> No.49805051

Damn that sucks. I always wanted to try out the Spanish brothel scene. When is the law going into effect? Maybe I can go there before they shut it all down.

>> No.49805094

Not surprised that Spain is almost on top on faggotpox cases.

>> No.49805353
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Too late, not worth the trip now.

Fake news, France and Sweden would be #1, they just ain't testing.

>> No.49805698
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>> No.49807310

only amerifats browsing this now?

I like how USA has banned prostitution but allows kids to have guns, what could go wrong?

>> No.49807407

Hi Alice!

>> No.49807496

Mexico has decent hoe scene, but a lot of it is a shithole. St martens island if you can afford it- they import Colombian hookers who are thick and and much prettier than the Dominican Republic.

>> No.49807585

There's no fucking way im moving that far, only Europe.

>> No.49807671

germany had all-you-can-fuck brothels before the coof. any germanons that can update?

>> No.49807738
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It used to be Ukraine but you burgers and EU faggots ruined it. I hope vlad and winnie the poo nukes you both.

>> No.49807795

The only thing wrong is that its still legal for kid to not have guns. The only way to stop a bad guy with a guy is a kinder guardian with a gun.

>> No.49807810

if ukraine was actually the best, then escorting in general sucks. messaging fake picture on telegram to a 5/10 ESL who tries to wriggle out of actually having sex for an hour. waste of time

>> No.49807833

you like asian girls? Also if you are white the new white man paradise is parts of the middle east. A lot of hot girls in the levant.

>> No.49807851

What is an ESL?

>> No.49807863


>> No.49807941

I remember someone mentioned something that was some sort of buffet with a ton of hot girls in a sauna or something. Sounds too good to be true.

>> No.49807958

english second language

>> No.49807968

just go to some desert in the middle of nowhere to get laid bro

>> No.49807985

go to Berlin and visit place called "Artemis", its a legit high class brothel,
had good times there

>> No.49807997


>> No.49808005

Never believed in this myth of post-commie countries filled with cheap slav girls. Most likely you end up with a Dimitry up your ass by entering the wrong place or calling the wrong girl. Not worth it.

>> No.49808029

What's the cost of living in Berlin? should I save money renting a place outside of Berlin?

>> No.49808030

Take one back with you, worth

>> No.49808046

no clue, i only visited there
i loved it tho, would live there full time

>> No.49808065

but desu you can just use JBW in latin america, middle east, africa, SEA, and east asia. (east asia isnt as easy as it used to be hence why the diversification).

>> No.49808107

>Disgusting feet with dirty toenails
Checks out

>> No.49808120

I was gonna say Dubai. But having visited recently there, the scene is completely dead. And the only few that are left are overpriced as fuck. Think $400/hr for a 6-7/10. Totally not fucking worth it.
Literally came back blueballed with no action.
You’re onto something anon if you’re noticing this trend in Europe too.

>> No.49808122

These places aren't safe, they are far, and the women aren't as attractive as euros. Why would I do all of these logistics just to get laid.

>> No.49808133

$5 To anyone who posts the video. I need to come

>> No.49808156

My first gf looked something like that except she had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes
I miss her sometimes

>> No.49808162

Well you are competing with towelheads that shit oil for a living. It's a meme country anyway.

As of right now Germany is looking good. Anyone knows CZ? probably the hottest girls I can think in porn come from there. At least porn wise i've heard it's booming. Not sure about how easy it is escorts wise.

>> No.49808230

so you dont have to pay 200-300 an hour to fuck some hoe with condom and get addicted to an expensive habit. Feels better to not have to pay directly. Not sure how much money you have though.

If you have a good amount money just move to vancouver canada. Legal drugs, Hot escorts of all ethnicities to choose from. Its like the swedish model where its legal for the hoe but not for the john. Even though it is technically illegal the cops are chill and dont care so it is basically risk free and there are online reviews and escorts openly advertising on the clear web. Google loelist escorts to get an idea.

>> No.49808254


>> No.49808336
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150 here is a good deal. Im not moving far man, cba.

Why it has to be Sweden of all countries pushing this to the extreme? so many hot blondes. The Canada law sucks even if cops "are cool". I may as well just wait here and see if this is enforced at all. I just want the peace of mind some faggot doesn't rush in with guns screaming freeze because some faglord politician decided so.

>> No.49808460

In particular the Vancouver cops are extremely chill. They have open police that they focus on opiates and wont bother with non opiates and considering arresting johns a waste of time. Drugs in general are decriminalized all together next year.

As for escorts just read reviews of a girl that catches your eye or is verified on leolist if in canada. 150-300 is the price here. 300 is standard high end price where you can sleep with supermodels basically. 300 cad is 230 usd conversion. I am assuming you are american.

>> No.49808676
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>> No.49810056

Prague, Czech Republic

no doubt

>> No.49810243

>itt everyone is moving to canada

>> No.49810273

Netherlands- Belgium - Germany

>> No.49810307

In canada and i've looked at tryst and $300 gets you a 6/10 looking woman or fat or black or someone ugly that does fetish. I wouldn't mind a black girl but I don't want herpes desu. $400 is entry level for a pretty girl, $500 is beautiful and supermodels are 2 hour minimum $600+/hr

>> No.49810640

Yeah and thats assuming the pics are even real. The verification process is just holding up a sign and ive seen photoshopped signs especially with the asian ads which are largely fake. But maybe its better in vancouver where did you go?

>> No.49810706

if you want legal (brothel tier) then dach countries, deutschland austria suisse
if you want semi legal (no brothels, call only) then I suggest hungary or czechia
if you want illegal but will shoot a brutal anal rape "porno" then russia

I'd go with russia if you can handle it, best bitched hand down

>> No.49810771

I looked at toronto and ottawa

>> No.49810858

Check leolist, lower prices but a lot of sketchy ads. A probably real 7 could be yours for 200-250an hour or hh in toronto

>> No.49811053

Don't listen to anyone in this thread. The best place in europe is easily Germany. You won't just fuck german girls, but a lot of eastern european women. From my experience eastern euro women are decent but usually western women (german, french etc.) are a lot hotter

In Germany its completely legal, but most escorts are still trash. But if you're okay with paying like 800$-1k you can get some really hot girls. Also chances are some of the high class escorts only want to meet in hotels, so you also have this cost and sometimes you probably need to travel a bit to another city or she needs to travel to your city