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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 120 KB, 1080x1080, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49794705 No.49794705 [Reply] [Original]

why isnt BAT dumping? i want it to dump so i can buy lower, but its just fucking sitting there. what the fuck? this shit dumps non-stop for its entire existence and now that i want it to, it wont move.

>> No.49795391


>> No.49796388

I need it to dump to but it seems like you fucking BAT shills have finally convinced everyone to buy it now, so now it’s not dumping. You happy now faggits?

>> No.49796768

Brave has 60 million users

It's like the futur Google of crypto

BAT is the only safe token in the market right now

>> No.49797086

it'll dump next mont when tech earnings are down and equities and btc dump another -25%

>> No.49797158 [DELETED] 

Brave is like Amazon or Google during the dot-com bubble :


>> No.49797214 [DELETED] 

Brave is like Amazon or Google during the dot-com bubble:


>> No.49797261

Brave is like Amazon or Google during the dot-com bubble:


>> No.49797458
File: 137 KB, 490x244, basic attention token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the few crypto projects with a working product

>> No.49797881

They mailed mail and the price tanked

>> No.49797924

Can't withdrawal though

>> No.49798487

also cant use Tipping
also need KYC to redeem ur $0.35 worth of vBAT every month
also cant use BAT for anything
working product kek

>> No.49798522

i dont think amazon or google invested in africanDAOs kek

>> No.49798528

This ain’t your grandma’s pussy.

>> No.49798916

Get Brave

>> No.49798949

The mailing address debacle did dump the price but the ensuing termination pumped it back up

>> No.49799469
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based on?

>> No.49799494

can someone post the chart

>> No.49799496

What's this? Don't follow news.

>> No.49799857

The CMO was shitcanned for putting the names on the bulk mail marketing postcards instead of “current resident”

>> No.49799966

She was a retarded bug woman. I hope they send her back to China into the coal mines where she can work until she dies

>> No.49799992

BAT has actual intrinsic value unlike shitcoins
It's pegged to the time you spend looking at ads.

>> No.49800027

She was awful but I hate that Brave hired her. Shows a severe lack of judgment. Anyone could see she was going to be a disaster right from the start. Why couldn't Brave see it? How much did they lose hiring her? Did they learn any lessons from this?

>> No.49800197

I sold all of my crypto last year while I was still in enormous profit. It was not enough to "make it", but I can live comfortably for the next couple of years without having to worry about working. The only crypto I kept was 500 BAT (and growing, thanks to rewards).

What can I expect from this mini BAT stash?

>> No.49800203
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>Did they learn any lessons from this?
We will find out when the bring a new CMO aboard. Hopefully me.

>> No.49800503

She’s Korean you dumb faggot.

>> No.49800538

How does $150 sound?

>> No.49800592

No, the mailer did that. You guys have zero information on what happened with her employment. So you basically make it up.

That doesn’t help anyone.

>> No.49800605

BAT led the 2019 bullrun. BAT is the most decorrelated coin of the top 100. It has an absolute floor of around 10c. One of the safest holds you can have.

>> No.49800624

Pretty much everything in these threads is made up, pay with bat, the cmo, the white label exchange, all of it.

>> No.49800676
File: 1.29 MB, 2624x1253, 1655451970449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49800754

Self-serve ad platform
Brave swap rewards
Pay with BAT
Brave search ads
BAT purchases for ads growing at a fast pace
Brave talk improvements
Brave CEX
100m users by EOY
Marketing campaign
Interactive ads
Publisher ads
Crypto DAPP store
One-click staking from wallet
Multi-chain support
Integrated VPN
Improved tipping functionality
Brave NFT store
BAT use in metaverse
Celebs and podcasters promoting it for free
Duckduckgo now censoring results which drives more users to Brave
People hate Google
On-chain metrics show accumulation and record low amounts of BAT on exchanges
Grayscale BAT holdings increasing

>> No.49800904
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Hope you actually do and haven't been larping last few threads. Unironically fucking bullish if a /biz/cel is CMO

>> No.49800923

No, most shit is accurate about upcoming roadmap items. Of course the revenue generating products are higher priority (i.e. brave search and now ads).

It’s a startup. They aren’t building a fucking modular house.

>> No.49801066

Brave actively recruits bizraeli’s. Parker and thots both started here.

>> No.49801297

I'll take it!

>> No.49801442

Moreso, it was me being a constant nuisance to them until they caved, hassling them to pay me until they actually did. I also harangued Luke repeatedly on twitter to hear out thotposter and direct her to the marketing department. Though they do see the value in biz and community involvement

>> No.49801549

He wasn't initially keen on it either, when I informed him that most people (TP included) thought Brave was shit at marketing. Seems he took it the wrong way initially.

>> No.49801728
File: 831 KB, 680x831, 1653436886942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celsius is one of two approved vBAT offramps. Kys.

>> No.49801895

Like I told you over a year ago, you should’ve just started doing stuff and sending Luke invoices for your work. They clearly needed your help. You should’ve kept the Bravecafe thing going too.

>> No.49801947

They surely have to understand that word of mouth will only get them so far. Get into boomer radio markets. Every office I have worked at has had a radio on, get the boomer market.

>> No.49801973

Ehhh it was kind of cringe, running a crypto/browser themed social media instance. I made different social media servers, main one is Canadian themed, also working on one that's governed by a DAO (though will probably come to nothing), might revive my /fit/ themed one too.
Brave cafe domain still exists, for a while I was using it as a placeholder to test the merch storefront. Now it directs to a Minecraft server Guil and I are making.

>> No.49802034

Most YouTubers won't talk about Brave. Why? Because Brave is blocking their ads.

That's why Brave needs to improve tipping (current implementation sucks, it's not user-friendly).

>> No.49802041


That why it will never moon. it has a real measurable value and not some wild fantasy of replacing the worlds currency.

>> No.49802132

Why hasn't Brave released publisher ads yet?

I have a website. I would be happy to run opt-in Brave ads on my website. Like Google AdSense but for Brave users.

>> No.49802215

>Why hasn't Brave released publisher ads yet?
last i hear, they werent even close to finishing this

>> No.49802577

its uphold and gemini you fucking retard. This is the quality of fud we are getting now kek

>> No.49802601

Plus, if it stayed as a social media instance, brave.cafe would've just become pajeet central. Not really my kind of thing.

>> No.49802754

get the fuck out of here with this shit. It doesnt change because no one is neither buying or selling this useless shit. Invest in something useful that people care about like MATIC.

>> No.49802787 [DELETED] 
File: 653 KB, 3024x4032, 1654275047808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're focusing on their win condition (improving brave search + brave search ads)

>> No.49802882 [DELETED] 

"why brave reward is not supported in India ? earlier it was but"


Pajeets can no longer farm BAT kek

>> No.49803005

kek the matic cucks are absolutely seething. you think bat's price action has been bad on the way down, look at matic

>> No.49803142

>Invest in something useful that people care about like MATIC

>> No.49803184

>literally begging bizraelis for exit liquidity

>> No.49803235

lmfao this is like the 5th BAT thread this week you have been begging people to buy in. Not a good look retard. Bullish for BAT.

>> No.49803406

probably because theres no matic threads cuz nobody gives a fuck. most these other coins are and always were hot air.

like warren buffet says, when the tide goes out you see whos been swimming naked. there are an absolute shit load of people holding their dicks this cycle to say the least.

>> No.49803483

Not sure if there are ethical issues with it but why not pay users 60%, 30% to Brave, 10% to creators. Or have mandated auto 10% tip if the user doesn't manually tip at least 10%.
Or idk if Brave gets profitable enough have Brave auto tip 5% from their share, it might be good PR. Though I think there is a chance it would be hard to implement.

I understand wanting to rely on the goodwill of users but why not make it mandated at the start when you opt into ads. People are greedy. And as much as brendan says people wanted to hodl bitcoin they want to hodl BAT too.

>> No.49803534

>Or have mandated auto 10% tip if the user doesn't manually tip at least 10%.
to who though? pajeets would just sign up for a million accounts if you spread it all evenly across all creators

>> No.49803577

>Or have mandated auto 10% tip if the user doesn't manually tip at least 10%.
It's not a good idea to enforce tipping imo

Pay with BAT is what you are looking for if you want to provide a paid service or a paid subscription

>> No.49803639

>Pay with BAT is what you are looking for if you want to provide a paid service or a paid subscription
agreed. at that point brave could make their own patreon type service or have bat micropayments integrated into games and stuff. the options are literally limitless once they come out with that feature. i think that will be the biggest game changer for BAT alongside search ads and self serve

>> No.49803642
File: 195 KB, 1080x1345, 1654269790002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't watch youtube or get on twitter
>just use brave search for looking up crime statistics by race
>forced to pay youtubers 10% of my basic attention tokens anyways
bad idea

>> No.49803665

I assume some way based of of user engagement. Like the 10% from me would get basically auto contributed to shit I see. But if a random blog gets on Brave user they get like 2 cents per month vs highly trafficed creators getting thousands of $.
I guess like another layer of auto contribute but like I said it might be hard to implement, ornitncoudl be really easy idk. I'm sure they have thought about stuff like this but people are lazy and greedy. Auto contribute as is does not work as intended due to greed and 99% of creators aren't earning meaningful amounts of BAT.

>> No.49803711

you know what would be the perfect use case for pay with bat would be something like substack. pay your favorite bloggers a tiny monthly fee of support and give them a free speech platform to write what they want on. simple.

>> No.49803751

It seems more and more creators are angry about Patreon btw.

Patreon cuts deep inside creators’ pockets:


>> No.49803834

not only that but they have also gone woke and are banning people for having the wrong ideas (not being an antifa supporting nigger)

>> No.49803865

14-17% does seem high as fuck by the way. brave could undercut that by a shit load.

>> No.49803910

another thing i want to mention, i think the best case scenario would be to have so many convenient uses for pay with bat, and the fact that its anonymous and will be instant, cheap, and easy, would make people actually add bat to their rewards wallets instead of the current situation where theres nothing to use it on and people only want to get it out and sell it, and bitch about kyc etc.

having an ecosystem around bat where people add bat to their rewards wallets would be insane

>> No.49803952

Being able to tip whores on a patreon knock off isn't what's going to make BAT a top 10 coin. A convincing ROI model for advertisers will

>> No.49804033

>A convincing ROI model for advertisers will
yeah well obviously ads on a search engine has been proven to be sufficient roi for them since they already spend billions and billions of dollars on that

the whole point of the bat triangle is having things for the user to spend it on, and then those creators/merchants can also use it to buy more ads with it which users can spend it on shit and rinse and repeat. the demand side for ads growing is obviously necessary but to complete the whole thing you need something to do with the bat besides dump it on gemini

>> No.49804038


Search Ads is the big play imo.

It's a proven business model (Google) and online advertising is a huge industry.

>> No.49804053
File: 349 KB, 1440x1083, Screenshot_20220618-210633_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think tips in Brave talk would be great for camwhores. I believe Brave takes a 5%? Cut on tips. This is a post from 2010 but myfreecams took approximately 50%. I saw similar numbers last time I tried to research how much camwhores were getting jewed by their platforms, and it makes sense that it's a lot since most pronographers are jews.... but anyway once tips are in Brave talk I could use a month or 2 worth of tips and get a private cum show with my neighborhood camehore. Or.... I could add money to my BAT wallet and tip even more through there. Keeping things anonymous. And my wife wouldn't have to see me my credit card statement paying myfreecamsite or chaturbate. She would see me adding money to gemini or uphold. My wife would think it's crypto investments.

>> No.49804117
File: 24 KB, 383x436, bits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bits on twitch are a similar scam. 100 is $1.40 and i believe the creator gets 1c per bit. so twitch takes a pretty huge chunk

>> No.49804152

Brave has so much potential. It's crazy to think about it. This company could literally change the web as we know it, but it's so slow to get there...

>> No.49804172

Once Brave is big enough and gets enough reliable infrastructure in place (Brave talk is shit for me on android) they should start advertising to creators their competitive tip rake %.

>> No.49804214

yeah but what you are really paying for with twitch is the platform and the built in userbase, the interactivity etc. prime subs connected to amazon accounts, the whole 9.

i dont think brave should attempt to compete with twitch at this stage with brave talk. they just arent big enough. eventually? sure, but they need to start small at first with simple games or substack or something along those lines

>> No.49804249
File: 711 KB, 1125x1553, E39E9BB2-1510-41D2-B88B-13674BED3779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the tide goes out you see whos been swimming naked. there are an absolute shit load of people holding their dicks this cycle to say the least.

>> No.49804371

Your screenshot is very telling. Brave has now 60 million users, but people are still blind to it.

>> No.49804449
File: 457 KB, 1296x2064, Screenshot_20220618-212226_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah of course. I mean years down the line. And I don't think they could undercut things like twitch very well. They would have to basically buy up a whole platform like drive. Where they could succeed is taking a cut of the premium snapchat market, or the cam whores. People who want to be very anonymous and have private shows.

Pic related is someone getting screwed by chaturbate. They also take a 50% cut and apparently sometimes freeze your accounts. One girl had a friend walk in and show his face for a second and she accidentally forgot to shut off the cam. Then she had her account and funds locked until she could get a model release which she said was impossible. I assume because she didn't want to dox herself as a cam whore.

>> No.49804495

Buy up a whole platform like dlive.

Auto correct is fucking me.

>> No.49804516

I don't think it's some conspiracy, or willful blindness, I think it's as >>49802041 alluded to. Coins with an IRL use case are always cursed, since their value is clearly defined. Speculators aren't as much of a factor as with other coins and their massive valuations

>> No.49804563

Good point. People want to buy dreams, not a real working product.

>> No.49804710

I don't think it'll change either as crypto becomes more like the stock market, less volatile. Even stocks are infected by Tesla, gme, and tech stocks. BAT seems more the kind of thing that won't ever go to zero, but won't 100x in a week either. It's just always there, like AT&T

>> No.49804923

In the end, ad revenue is what will pump BAT, and that's a good thing, it means the token is working as expected (it's not a pump and dump scheme like other tokens).

>> No.49804938

Well att is $139b market cap, the reason their stock never goes crazy is because it's a high dividend stock. They don't have a buy back program and hype like other stocks. It's just a different model.

Bat in fact does have a built in buy back program of sorts with the ad model. It's not just a buy and hold asset, it can be a fully functioning ecosystem built around the token in a deflationary model

>> No.49805194

Is it a bad idea to exchange my BNB and BTC for BAT until we hit the BTC bottom?
BAT seems far more stable and unironically like a reserve of value

>> No.49806066
File: 34 KB, 400x300, 817C4906-C3F5-42F8-ACCB-CA3BE0CF7F27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy BAT for crash protection and you’ll find that you will never need to go back to either one of those coins ever again

>> No.49806357
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its hard not to fomo into bat right now because i have some cash to put into it, but just looking at these guys like pic related, even if this is THE bottom, you know its going to take time for them to level out and undergo a period of re-accumulation before we go again. things most likely arent going to just V bottom from here. as far as swapping out BTC or BNB for BAT? ehh, who knows man. i think BAT will be a good performer and climb the top 100 as the tide continues to recede and a lot of these shitcoins get exposed for the bag of trash that they are.

>> No.49807677

literally the worst performing shitcoin in 5 years..imagine bagholding this instead of missing out on a dozen of shitcoins that went up 100-200x

>> No.49808012

BAT could 100-200x.

>> No.49808381

Fair enough, but fuck the last 5 years right now, care to name a better and healthier crypto hold than BAT for this particular bear market?

>> No.49808628

literally impossible from this marketcap


>> No.49808782



>> No.49810411

this is bait

>> No.49811045

What a fucking pig

>> No.49811083

XRP lololol

Tolkien isn’t even used

>> No.49811129

That’s with Photoshop and filters too jej.

>> No.49812177

You’re joking right?

>> No.49812895

What's going on here:


Contract address has ~390k BAT, are they out of circulation?

>> No.49814626

most likely

>> No.49814993
File: 36 KB, 474x417, 6A318813-207B-4030-9B20-D7C7CD39C333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here goes BAT again. At least I caught another buy below .30 before she took off.

>> No.49815255

no idiot thats the genesis address it contains the bat rewards which are mined by users by viewing ads every month

>> No.49815295

yeah people accidentally sent bat there and they are gone forever. theres also another ~500k or so in the 0x000000 burn wallet

>> No.49815561

How many more years is this shitcoin going to stay sub ¢40?
Just wanting to know how long you losers are planning on holding

>> No.49815974

2 more weeks

>> No.49817237
File: 52 KB, 500x500, Bp0tuRi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bat and geojam are holding strong. both of them have a promising future.

>> No.49817413


>> No.49817532

Don't respond to the pajeets

>> No.49818103

I was looking at the Geojam app a few weeks ago. It’s some corporate record label music bullshit. Seems like the same old concept that has been done to death, but who knows.

>> No.49818766

As long as I fucking feel like it you dumb nigger fuck off

>> No.49818943

Why don't embedded Vocaroo links work in Brave?

>> No.49819668

you'll never get any (You)s if that happens.

>> No.49820028
File: 13 KB, 399x400, frog 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO what the fuck was she thinking, what a colossal fuck up.

they need to only hire people that actually use Brave and want to earn/use BAT. I know there are probably legal implications of holding BAT and getting hired by Brave, or asking for payment in BAT, but having skin in the game should be an integral part of working at Brave. That's how you'd get the most passionate employees and not some dumbass Amazon muh race-relations cult of Wokeness grifter

>> No.49820084

also holding BAT/using Brave shows that you understand the product, you believe in the project and you already have a vision for how it can change the web for the better

I mean imagine hiring someone that doesn't even use your product? even the fucking janitors should be using Brave, it's not complicated

>> No.49820922

Agreed 100%. Brave is more than just an alternative web browser. You should care about it succeeded for reasons beyond just financial gain. “In it for the tech” is more than just a meme.