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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 500x375, burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49789314 No.49789314 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin dropping below $20K isn't enough for me. I want it to drop below a dollar. I want to see stupidity punished. I want to see the crypto shills and evangelists despair as they realize they've lost their life savings. Before they commit suicide, they will think back on the many that tried to warn them. They will think back on how they dismissed sound reasoning with buzzwords like "FUD". As the noose tightens around their neck and they start to suffocate, they will realize they have no one to blame but themselves.

>> No.49789717

geez anon, what did they ever do to you?

>> No.49789771

I HATE stupid people.

>> No.49789778

They got rich. Now he wants to see stupid bagholders punished for his jealousy towards people who made 5x his lifetime earnings trading crypto over the last decade.

>> No.49789861

stupid people are the cancer of the modern world

>> No.49789883

no chance it goes below $3.50

>> No.49789919

ok I'll buy at $3.51

>> No.49789927

Now theres a bottom I can believe in

>> No.49789936

BTC tends to go down with the DOW which means it should go back up when the markets recover.

>> No.49790042

I’ll buy 1 Btc for a dollar

>> No.49790101

op is projecting

>> No.49790294

This whole crypto debacle has proven that the average human being has absolutely no understanding of anything beyond their immediate surroundings. Capitalism is founded upon the idea that people know best what to do with their money. This idea has been proven false.

>> No.49790362
File: 520 KB, 448x667, btmn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you, and it would be sweet if it did go to a dollar
but unfortunately bitcoin is a cult now and there are enough schizos in the world to keep it above $1000 forever

>> No.49790367

>heh I'm smart
Nah let's be honest you've never even looked into any of this.

>> No.49790459

Even they will eventually get tired and try to cash out. When the price stops going up for good, there's no incentive to keep your savings in crypto.
I heard about Bitcoin on /b/ back in 2011. Immediately thought it was a Ponzi back then, still think it's a Ponzi now.

>> No.49790550

not really, capitalism is founded on arranging scarce resources in a way (via product or service) that generates a profit, and people voluntarily pay
to the extent that consumers can waste their own money isn't a structural problem
it's when the government gets involved in the waste, or distorts the market so that people can't make good decisions anymore, that you see real structural problems

>> No.49790584

>Even they will eventually get tired and try to cash out.
but a new crop of schizos will take their place

>> No.49790602

>missed out on vast wealth because he was too dumb to read a whitepaper

damn no wonder no-coiners are seething

>> No.49790608

Drug markets and other tangible use-cases for crypto still exist, retards All of the ponzi money can leave and it would still stay afloat just due to the people using it for other reasons. The only way it could go back to single digits is if a different crypto overtakes it as the dominant one.

>> No.49790643


>> No.49790752
File: 43 KB, 638x366, 207DE18A-3430-4157-A61B-25076657E799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop lying, ur ass got liquidated and now ur acting like you’ve been against it, ur literally seething…the ppl ur speaking abt is really u, keep getting cucked dumbass I’m only sitting here in cash laughing at how pathetic u sound.

>> No.49790821

>Drug markets and other tangible use-cases for crypto still exist
>buy illegal shit with a "currency" where every single transaction is recorded and stored on a public ledger

>> No.49790844

Cope I bought at bottom and sold at top and going to do it again.

>> No.49790850

>I head about

>> No.49790853

The people who had the self awareness to realise how stupidly lucky they were are a tiny, TINY minority.
Most of the people who "won big" on Crypto are delusional enough to believe it's anything more than a speculative bubble and diamond handsed all their winnings away back down to little/nothing.

>> No.49790856

Don't think so. The new generation of schizos will have only seen crypto dump, so why would they buy?

>> No.49790888

my understanding is it takes $7k-$11k to make a single coin so i don’t think it’ll ever drop lower than that?

>> No.49790902

ok now walk your ass back to r/buttcoin

>> No.49790971

Walk yourself neck first into a noose cryptocuck

>> No.49790994

shut up retard

>> No.49791019

Nope. The production cost is variable based on the production rate. If demand goes down to a point where it isn't profitable to mine anymore, miners will shut down operations and it'll become easier to mine.

>> No.49791073

This is why so many lottery winners end up broke.

>> No.49791139

walk that ass back to mcdonalds your shift starts in 20min boy.

>> No.49791143

You know my favorite thing on television? Bad news! Bad news and disasters and accidents and catastrophes. I wanna see some explosions and fires! I wanna see shit blowing up and bodies flying around! I’m not interested in the budget; I don’t care about tax negotiations; I don’t wanna know what country the fucking Pope is in! But you show me a hospital that’s on fire and people on crutches are jumping off the roof and I’M A HAPPY GUY!

I wanna see a paint factory blowing up! I wanna see an oil refinery explode! I wanna see a tornado hit a church on Sunday! I wanna know there’s some guy running through the K-Mart with an automatic weapon firing at the clerks! I wanna see thousands of people in the street killing policemen! I wanna hear about a nuclear meltdown! I wanna know the stock market dropped 2000 points in one day! I wanna see people under pressure! Sirens, flames, smoke, bodies, graves being filled, parents weeping... exciting shit! My kind of TV! I just want some entertainment! It’s just the kind of guy I am! You know what I love the most? When big chunks of concrete and fiery wood are falling out the sky and people are running around trying to get out of the way!

>> No.49791157
File: 2.11 MB, 1820x1184, bikinicrypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever heard the phrase "but this time it's different!"?
there's a sucker born every minute my friend

>> No.49791217

I dunno, maybe you're right.

>> No.49791277

If you’d spent $1000 on Bitcoin in 2011 you would have $18,000,000 today even after this bear market’s dumps, $69,000,000 if you sold at ATH. The retard here is you for thinking it was stupid when you knew of it so fucking early in its life cycle.

>> No.49791348

Lottery winners end up broke because they spend all their money on estates they can’t afford to make the payments on. Selling an asset at the top of a bull market and buying the bottom of a bear market is how you have exponential wealth increase.

>> No.49791379


Nope, law enforcement dude here. Without getting into specifics, FBI forensics have gotten insanely good at tracking wallets the last few years.

If you knew how many crooks were being busted right now after thinking they were big brains for stashing their money in crypto, you would shit your pants.

The big players are back to using King Cash over crapto and it's hilariously easy to suss out digital trails.

>> No.49791492

Eat a bullet nigger loving zog stooge

>> No.49791518

>blatantly and proudly endorses the Gambler's Fallacy as a personal finance strategy
Only in crypto are people this clinically retarded.

>> No.49791692

people who buy into the ponzi early will make alot of money, everyone knows that
but that's a very very small group that got lucky
you might as well play the lottery with that attitude

>> No.49791763

Lots of people make bank on Ponzi schemes. Doesn't make it a good idea to buy into one because the majority always lose.
Also this >>49791518

>> No.49792032

kek Walmart rent a cop, imagine being a wagie. Ur killing me here smalls! I’ve literally almost shat my pants kekking so hard that ppl are wagies like u.

>> No.49792088
File: 94 KB, 1021x1024, 85BA4FB1-D3D9-47BD-935E-224CD2BFA20C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediate seething from the people who missed out hard

>> No.49792203
File: 6 KB, 250x249, 1655422813977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will sell my blood and semen to buy bitcoin if it gets to $1. I will rob and steal do anything it takes to make it NEVER hit below a dollar hahahaha I will live rent free in your stupid faggot brain forever. The only person that sounds suicidal is you. Im going to be buying it forever. hahahahahahahahahahahaha NOTHING YOU CAN DO.

>> No.49792464

>doubles down on gambler's fallacy
kek you're a special kind of retard

>> No.49793089
File: 168 KB, 1437x1326, 1651997349661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has schiff spoken yet? Wanna buy the bottom

>> No.49793523

missed out the opportunity to lose all my money?
nah, I'm cool with it

>> No.49793566

Bootlicking faggot. The most insufferable "cryptobro" that you hate isn't worth the only option being in the hands of the fucking federal reserve.

>> No.49793636

And how is the current situation with exchanges any different?

>> No.49793959

Yeah bro but what about your retirement money? Lmao shoulda gotten a 401k

>> No.49794079

So people will be able to mine on their laptops again?

>> No.49794909

I doubt that..

>> No.49795021


>> No.49795335

Stop the rant you anti-crypto bitch.BTC will never touch that figure.It may seem like btc is not pumping and alts are outperforming bitcoin. A project like holoride is all set to break records as audi plans to integrate its tech in its vehicles . And dont forget, BTC is still the top dog

>> No.49795456

my retirement plan is in holoride, a mobility and vr company that aims to provide an immersive experience to passengers traveling in cars through VR headsets.

>> No.49796508

I had heard that Porsche and ford will also integrate holoride tech in their vehicles . This is epic.

>> No.49796590

I don't know about trading but i'm not letting go of ETH, BNB, RIDE, SOL and MATIC

>> No.49797737
