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49789999 No.49789999 [Reply] [Original]

Let's take a break from pink wojaks and return to the drawing board, to the fundamentals. Why problem does Litecoin solve? Bitcoin solved the Byzantine generals problem and double-spending, what problem solves Litecoin?

>> No.49790054

Litecoin has basically been demoted a testnet for bitcoin. It's destined to lose value vs bitcoin forever.

>> No.49790131

Checked. It's actually being used as a currency everyday, unlike Bitcoin which is just being hoarded in hopes that it will go "to da mewn"

>> No.49790767
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Privacy, liquidity, and speed.

>> No.49790847

Litecoin is faster, and the creator already dumped his bags. Honestly long term I like litecoin, might start accumulating some

>> No.49790903

It's actually used as a currency by most exchanges around the world.

>> No.49790910

It's as private as Bitcorn, both have public ledger

>> No.49790955

>he doesn't know about MWEB

>> No.49791323
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How is it used every day? You mean by merchants?
Faster blocks do not mean faster confirmation times.
>First Litecoin is not faster. It has “faster” blocks, in the sense that the blocks are generated on average every 2.5 minutes compared to the average time of 10 minutes for Bitcoin. However, even if we assume an identical hash rate (or Proof of Work) for both blockchains - even then every block on Litecoin is less secure than the one on Bitcoin, so you will need more confirmations on Litecoin to have same security than on Bitcoin. So, faster blocks do not achieve faster confirmation times. But, the hash rate on Bitcoin is much higher, so even 1 confirmation on Bitcoin is much more secure than 4 confirmations on Litecoin. In other words, Bitcoin is much faster if you take into account the total PoW required to ensure that the transaction is permanent with the same certainty. In fact, faster block times are even worse, as they cause more “collisions” or where two blocks are created nearly at the same time by different miners and then propagate through the network and compete to become the tip. In such a scenario, only one blocks succeed and the other one is discarded thus wasting efforts to create it and removing the total hash rate from the network.

>> No.49791462

Litecoin is more of a currency than Bitcoin, has privacy features, slightly faster transactions, it doesn't move quite as wild as everything else in crypto

>> No.49791660

Only coin that i use and also the second most used crypto on bitpay.

>> No.49791806

You've clearly never used either of the two currencies to purchase anything if you think BTC is faster.

>> No.49791896

Whenever I just want to send money to someone using crypto or pay for something where crypto is accepted, I either use LTC or XMR. Fast and fees are laughable. It just works. And it is not just me, look at the feedback in this thread