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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49734877 No.49734877 [Reply] [Original]

Who the hell would buy this?

>> No.49734895
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>> No.49734910

That's when you're supposed to buy tho

>> No.49734909
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>> No.49734911

somebody too retarded to know we're not at the bottom yet

>> No.49734920

Who called me? A retard? Who called me a retard?

>> No.49734934

I’d rather miss out on a pump so I can be sure it’s genuine then buy at this level, it seriously looks like it’s about to make another leg down.

>> No.49734949

Wtf is it?

>> No.49735026

>Buy high
>Sell low
The /biz/ way

>> No.49735047

Looks like a double bottom, its gonna melt up kek

>> No.49735059

well /biz/ and most cryptards are completely delusional about crypto's prospects

>> No.49735071
File: 74 KB, 772x342, Crypto-Fear-Greed-Index-Bitcoin-Sentiment-Alternative-me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no clue, max fear means everyone is selling means literally the worst time to buy.

>> No.49735139

someone is obviously buying otherwise there would be 0 green candles at all and i would be raping you and then eating you for food. obviously we are not fucking there yet

>> No.49735143

You’ll definitely be doing that rn, I agree.

>> No.49735181
File: 40 KB, 595x638, 1655442635340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell would buy this?

>> No.49735220

Just bought 5 at 20,608 am I going to make it?

>> No.49735247

lol lmao
i really wonder who that person is, and if they have coped or roped

>> No.49735299

Yeah, let’s just ignore that QT started 2 weeks ago and will last for more than a year and that we have 10 more interest hikes to go. That surely won’t affect the price at all

>> No.49735318

Buying the dip at 20k, literally free money.

>> No.49735340

people whos pain increases as it goes lower

>> No.49735536

>he believes what the fed says
I bet you're SHOCKED that inflation wasn't actually transitory. you'll also be SHOCKED to learn that they can't actually hike anywhere near as much as they're projecting without triggering the mother of all liquidity crises, making the national debt unpayable and forcing a default, and crashing the housing market with no survivors. There's not a chance.

>> No.49735552

don't get emotional when we potentially float around 14k-18k

>> No.49735561
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>Who the hell would buy this?

>> No.49735586

>X amount of Bitcoin bought @ 69,XXX
LMAO take a screenshot of it and sell it as an nft.

>> No.49735631

t. has been bagholding since november trying to frontrun the fed pivoting, instead of turning his brain on and waiting to buy back in when they actually pivot

>> No.49735632

it was probably a bot, a whale trying to paint the chart, or some faggot retard longing thinking $70k was guaranteed
I would like to meet whatever FOMOing retail folks were legitimately buying bitcoin to hold anywhere above $60k though

>> No.49735646

El Presidenté

>> No.49735662

whatever you need to tell yourself anon :)

>> No.49735666

Doesn't look great
Someone your try to play a bounce here, personallyI have resorted to just short in this bear market

>> No.49735669
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>> No.49735679

It's not green and 500% up on the day so why would I buy?

>> No.49735683

El fucking Salvador is never going to recover fug I totally forgot.

>> No.49735692

Dip cucks

>> No.49735697

*someone could try

>> No.49735702

Unironically smart money
Dcaing is usually a meme, but it's not at bear market lows

>> No.49735726
File: 25 KB, 500x580, 131C8ED1-63D6-4829-9A8A-88707CF56012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whatever FOMOing retail folks were legitimately buying bitcoin to hold anywhere above $60k though
That would be half of /biz/, because the other half was telling them 100k EOY was a guarantee, zero fucking chance it doesn’t happen

>> No.49735745

It will probably hold until the US markets open next week. One or two more red days for Nasdaq should give the bears enough power to steamroll the 20k support

>> No.49735810

TEXTBOOK cup & handle forming

>> No.49735833

sunk cost whales

>> No.49736147

If you catch falling knives you're bound to get stabbed.

>> No.49736191

Yeah, the best time to have bought was when we were in greed above 50k/60k. It's literally too low to buy now.

>> No.49736193

there's a wall of support at 20k, should bounce up to 30k very quickly

>> No.49736202

>hasn't crashed beneath 20k in 24 hours
"bros we're going to 30k..........."

>> No.49736211

Is it time to go all in? No, but the price is pretty good

>> No.49736225
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Yes. Doubles confirm.

>> No.49736254

if it was going to fall below 20k, it would've already happened
the fact that buyers keep stepping in tells me that 20k is the level where buying is just a no-brainer, and people will slurp up that level all day and all night.

>> No.49736400

You don't buy in the middle of the crash, retards

>> No.49736418

i'd say "cant wait for you to go broke" but you probably dont even have money in.

>> No.49736420

True chads DCA the crash.

>> No.49736453
File: 41 KB, 1496x838, Screenshot 2022-06-17 163632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how you come to the conclusion that 20k has held.

>> No.49736474

Dca is always the answer

>> No.49736518

That is acceptable if you don't care how long you have to hold from here, but a global economic crisis is imminent. People have lost it if they think we're more likely to trend up than down.

>> No.49736605

I was just throwing his retard logic back at him, if you bought when that fear/greed chart was double digits you would have lost even more money.

>> No.49736623

Check Q4 2018 drop.

>> No.49736640

I did .

And I got more cash in the tank if it goes down more

>> No.49736710
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This short squeeze is gonna be epic. Biz is always wrong.

>> No.49736719
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Imagine purposefully ignoring the context of an image before posting it and then proceeding to act all high and mighty like you're the spitting image of god
It's like saying "people are dumb because they invest in vinu that has no usecase" when the reason why people buy memecoins is far more complex than just "haha internet money"

>> No.49736761

They're going to do just that. Boomers are old and dying off now. 40 year old politicians are going to throw them under the bus for the first time in decades.
It won't force a default on US debts though, lol.

>> No.49736851

Yup. TA is a load of shit.

>> No.49736972

So why aren't we at 25k already if buyers are so strong?>>49736400

>> No.49737084

that's what everyone says and thinks will happen though. The market rarely does what the regular retail investor expects it to do.

>> No.49737150
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Still Chad's?

>> No.49737183

>Buying at $30k when there's any signs of life in the market is bad
Yet you didn't sell at 50, 60, or 69k. Here you are, still HODLing

>> No.49737239
File: 60 KB, 923x846, Screenshot_20220617-173601_Chrome~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck OP my schizo pattern recognition is going off right now..

>> No.49737303

It's not surprising for me that btc falls in 10k steps.
Imo it means it's still overvalued.

>> No.49738154
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When you see buy the dip, that's what it fucking means. But the only dip I'd rather buy is Eth,Rail or Vet. Their bounce back is not going to be till the end of the year, unlike bitcoin.

>> No.49738182

Ideally yes but that's not the reality. Weak hands are selling off while most people have taken a pause buying anything. The best strategy in a crazy time like this is to manage the risks by diversifying in yield protocols. Good thing that yield aggregators like spool has made it somewhat easy

>> No.49738206
File: 6 KB, 168x299, मुझे सुंदर.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me. Bitcoin is feeling very sexy yes. She's giving me the best price. You will have to pay more when best suitable.

>> No.49738233
File: 74 KB, 875x924, v52uqg8411691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, people have been buying all the way down.

>> No.49738267
File: 19 KB, 780x620, youAreReallyFuckingStupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that bullshit
>some stupid edgy cartoon image

>> No.49738298

as predicted, let's see how far the bounce goes might be a green day/even weekend, but that doesn't mean it all doesn't go to shit next week (which it most likely will)

>> No.49738303

Smart people

>> No.49738332

Everything is priced in. Your thoughts are priced in. You need new events to make something new.

>> No.49738377


>> No.49740092

we will bart up to bear trap bobos and keep pumping throughout the rest of the year to convince normies. in the end of the year after btc breaches 100k and every normie media is hyping btc again, it'll do a nasty bull trap to make a whole new generation of bag holders after bear markets start at the 2023. they last to 2025 or something.

>> No.49740125

>who's buying
Literally r*ddit, look how bullish /r/bitcoin still is lmao. They unironically believe it won't go below 20k.

>> No.49740135

It's silly having these conversations because no matter what price you buy in at you could be buying a low or high. Mocking people in hindsight is very easy to do, but it doesn't make you any cleverer.