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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49709235 No.49709235 [Reply] [Original]

How likely is a bankruptcy? I have 4.2 BTC and they wont let me cash out for another 2 business day.

>> No.49709291

Very likely that they will suspend withdrawals tomorrow

>> No.49709311

0.0001% within the year

>> No.49709353

coinbase is totally safe don't worry

>> No.49709390

They owe me $30 in card rewards. Their support refuses to help. Would you trust a company that can't pay out $30 with thousands? I know I don't. I removed all my crypto

>> No.49709396

What?? How u rhink this????

>> No.49709486

Have any of you dumbfucks who keep spamming this pic ever actually looked at Coinbase's quarterly earnings? Net profits:
June 2021 +1.61B
Sept 2021 +406.1M
Dec 2021 +840.21M
March 2022 -429.66M
So far this quarter sucked for them but it doesn't change the fact that they're balls deep in profit.
That said I keep nothing on Goybase. Oddly enough I trust the chink on Binance more.

>> No.49709496

These places surely have plans in place for a bear market

>> No.49709553

I have a few hundred $ worth that i just tried to move into a hardware wallet and the app won’t let me

>> No.49709679

That's funny. They sent me $30 by mistake. I called customer service and they helped me right away. I was on hold for 2 minutes. There was a nice young lady on the phone who told me the account that the $30 belonged to just got deleted by the owner, so I should just keep the $30.

>> No.49709697

doesn't even matter, they could be making $0. they have over 6B in cash.

>> No.49709700

Realistically its getting more and more likely.

>> No.49709882

Very low, but even so the bankruptcy thing is FUD. Its some legal disclosure they have to make.

It would be like if a storage unit warehouse went bankrupt, and they sold people's stuff in the units to pay their debts. They can't because its not their property. The stuff in the units is the property of the customers, not a loan to the storage unit facility.

Same with coinbase its just that there is no specific law about crypto. So some retarded corporate lawyer who was tasked with coming up with 999 things that could go wrong for the disclosure thought that up. In reality it has almost 0% chance of happening because user deposits are the property of the user, not a loan.

But the crypto fud patrol picked it up and turned it into a meme. The biggest risk is just coinbase getting hacked, or them acting like a typical gov cucked bank and randomly freezing your shit or censoring your payments because the government asked. So either way, not your keys, not your crypto, don't hold your coins on coinbase. But don't fall for FUD and do stupid shit out of panic.

>> No.49709909


in the past I'd have pointed out Coinbase survived multiple bear winters, it'll be fine. but since they went public last year things can get bad fast, don't keep funds there

>> No.49710026

I work for this bald retard. 100% unironically. Withdraw as soon as you can

>> No.49710104

I cant. They wont let me. How do I withdraw?????

>> No.49710299

Ok this is an amazing cope. So in your imagination they made the disclosure that in a bankruptcy account holders would become unsecured creditors as a joke? This is exactly what used to happen when a bank went bankrupt and was liquidated, the former depositors could only secure pennies on the dollar if they were lucky. That's why the FDIC was created. Coinbase has no such insurance, so if they go bankrupt you will lose nearly everything. Repeat after me, not your keys not your crypto.

>> No.49710509

>This is exactly what used to happen when a bank went bankrupt and was liquidated, the former depositors could only secure pennies on the dollar if they were lucky.

Only because the bank lends out deposits and may not have the liquidity to redeem depositors. Coinbase is not a bank, its a custodial relationship. They just store your crypto. All deposits on coinbase are a liability and they can go bankrupt and still have all the user's deposits. Of course they could also get hacked and if they go bankrupt that way then of course you won't get your crypto back. But that's a different story.

This isn't cope because I don't store my crypto on exchanges, and you should either. But not because of this stupid viral FUD. Because I don't want my crypto randomly frozen or my payments censored. But this stupid FUD was created to scare people into doing something out of panic instead of just moving your coins to your own wallet after you buy them like every rational investor should do..

>> No.49710586

>It would be like if a storage unit warehouse went bankrupt, and they sold people's stuff in the units to pay their debts. They can't because its not their property.
I've worked in supply chain before, yea, if you don't get your shit out of the wharehouse prior to them declaring bankruptcy, yes, they will sell your shit to pay their debts. At that point you file a claim in their bankruptcy proceedings and if you did everything right and on time, you'll get your money 3-4 years later. but most of the time the money from selling your shit goes straight to the secured creditors.
Coinbase is likely to declare bankruptcy. and they've tried to give retail a heads up. if you're too dense to listen, that's on you unfortunately.

>> No.49710684

>has been around since Bitcoin was double digits
>still around now that Bitcoin is 5 digits
>They're going bankrupt now guys someone on the Internet said so!

>> No.49710805


Lol, no, they cannot legally sell your property. They can only sell it if they reposes it from nonpayment or you abandon it. But if they go bankrupt then all that stuff is not their property and has nothing to do with their bankruptcy.

It is the same with coinbase deposits. You are not a creditor to coinbase because they are not a bank. They are storing your crypto. They aren't using your crypto to generate any income, Now if coinbase has staking or yield generating features, don't know if they do since I don't use coinbase, then if you have money in that then yes that could be considered credit.

>> No.49710837

you forgot a couple steps
>pay half a mil wages to software engineers
>hire thousands of them
>btc devalues 66.6%
>btc will continue to devalue
>no one wants to trade so commissions go down

>> No.49710955

Exchanges are how you actually cash out tetherbucks. The cash they have on hand is from customer deposits. So whales (transferring their shitcoins to coinbase) cashing out drains their reserves on hand. This on top of operating expenses means they are primed to explode eventually since they really just make revenue scalping trade volume.

>> No.49710986

yes it's not 'legal' to do so, but that's why you have an opportunity to reclaim your property during the bankruptcy proceedings and takes 3-4 years to receive it.
and yes, they also cook the books to claim you owe them money so they don't need to give you your property back.
the other thing is the judge won't give a shit about processing thousands of "small" requests piled on, they'll turn it into a class action lawsuit and you'll get pennies back from it, meanwhile the secured creditors and institutional investors will receive around 70%-80% of their money back.
coinbase also has yield generating features.

>> No.49711040

Items in storage and physically present in the real world. You can go and collect them. If your digital magic money storage disappears.

POOF. Its gone.

>> No.49711186

See where your sinophobia got you? You should've put your coins on Kucoin or Binance; They're infinitely safer.

>> No.49711209

idiot you can cash out from coinbase and not from coinbase pro

>> No.49711272
File: 97 KB, 500x600, wojak_aaaaa_hat_coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When COIN files for bankruptcy, I'm gonna buy some of their stock and wait for a triple-digit bk pump like REV and ELMS did.

>> No.49711278

Kucoin is a pajeet scam
binance is just a scam

>> No.49711298

Not your keys, not your coins, op.

>> No.49711350

I was really impressed with Kraken's meltdown about pronouns or something.
glad my 'money' is safe with them.

>> No.49711510

what? kraken are pronouns faggotry now?

>> No.49711568

they've already sold your btc lmfao

>> No.49711610

2 more weeks

>> No.49711715

no, they're against it. they're like anti-sjw.

>> No.49711871

>Coinbase has no such insurance
No crypto exchange does because FDIC does not apply to digital assets. I also encourage you to read this post: >>49709486
And stop acting like a doomer tard
Cold wallets are great until you lose access, which is more of a statistical likelihood than losing it on an exchange.

>> No.49712074

>oh look at how much money these guys made
>btc drops to $20k
>have to layoff 18% of workforce
if they had the money, they wouldn't be laying off people.
wait for btc to break below $20k support, the bankruptcy proceedings will be announced.

>> No.49712108

>Coinbase is likely to declare bankruptcy
>t. retard that's never once looked up their financials
You /pol/ doomer tards are so dumb holy shit

>> No.49712180

Its a public company check their balance sheet on the sec website retard..

>> No.49712219

So how do they make their money then, wholly through transaction fees?

>> No.49712249

layoffs are bullish

>> No.49712257

bros, what about bittrex? are they legit, or are they gonna rug? I still have some monies there from the 2017 bull run
I already got rugged by quadriga and at this point I don't trust any exchange but I don't want to pull all my money from crypto

>> No.49712286

well, leave your coins on goybase.
enjoy the benefits of being an unsecured creditor during the largest financial crisis of your lifetime.
and I can say that confidently, because you'll be likely to rope after your left destitute, when you could've just withdrawn your digi money.
we all make our own decisions though.

>> No.49712298
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>> No.49712299

If you don't own the key, you don't own the wallet. You retards don't learn

>> No.49712309

Aren't you the same retard that posted their numbers last year but hid their ER numbers from March?
Pull up the thread, it was just on here a few hours ago.
Do they pay you for marketing, or are you just wannabe fanboy?

>> No.49712379

no, no it's really not.
not sure if trolling me, but the layoffs announcement came on hitting $21k btc.
btc goes lower, they'll need to take further action to reduce financial stress.

>> No.49712398

>I have 4.2 BTC
No you don't lol

>> No.49712465

>if they had the money
Why would you waste money keeping people employed when they have no work to do kiddo? Layoffs are to cut costs. It doesn't mean every company who does a few layoffs is going bankrupt. Their financials are strong, you just never bothered to look at them because you would rather go with /pol/tier conspiracy nonsense instead for some reason.

>> No.49712483

are you insider about exchanges?
how do you know about them

btw, I need to apply to kraken. i am against all this pronouns shit

>> No.49712528

I literally have nothing on goybase except maybe 10 bucks worth of free rewards from their gay quizzes.
You on the other hand seem convinced everything in the world works out like the idiotic conspiracies that get peddled to you on nitwit forums like /pol/, despite the fact that they've been consistently wrong about everything so far.

>> No.49712589

>could become company property

uh, wouldn't we become creditors

>> No.49712732

>they are primed to explode eventually since they really just make revenue scalping trade volume.
This isn't "entirely" true, but before I even begin to dive deep into that, I would like to remind you that we're not even close to the bottom. And as we head lower and lower, the average transactions will diminish in value (see global mc) as prices go down, which means less money for YOU (the trader) and less money for the middle man (CB).
Tie this in with their current revenue, current spending, their own MC and liquidity?
If a lot of people pull out, CB will be in a bind, regardless to how much cash they're sitting on.
Mind you, they're still dealing with an open court case and are being sued for more than what they can afford to lose.
Almost every variable to date is against their favor.
In fact, the only positive thing for them is the fact that they're sitting on a couple billion. Besides that, it's not looking good for them.

>> No.49712854

Do you understands layoffs (personnel restructuring) come before bankruptcy (financial restructuring)?
They're not laying off because they have no work to do. They explicitly stated 'Economic conditions are changing rapidly' and it aligns with btc hitting the $20k support.
Every companies finances look 'strong' until bankruptcy. Then the truth comes out.
so then stop being a goy and telling people they are less safe withdrawing coins from exchanges, rather then leaving them on their prior to a bankruptcy.

>> No.49712904

I'm not an insider.
just my observations based on what's come out.

>> No.49712946

Very likely, I don't trust hairlets

>> No.49712985

i put $200 in bitcoin back in 2018 so i could buy a 4chan pass and shitpost while i was in okinawa do u think coinbase will give me my $200 back,

>> No.49713024

Where is your evidence for bankruptcy retard? Their quarterly profits have been posted and they are strong. Layoffs in this case are to cut costs.
Either fucking learn how to read a balance sheet/income statement or fuck off back to /pol/ with the other zoomer retards.

>> No.49713352

they haven't declared a bankruptcy yet, they're headed to one. Is that really that hard to understand?
they lost $400MM back in Quarter 1 and that's with btc at $37k, which was about the same price in feb on their previous earnings report.
btc drop to ~$20k, 18% of workforce laid off.
so what kind of earnings report do you think you can reasonably expect in August?

>> No.49713370
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>Their quarterly profits have been posted and they are strong.

they made a loss

>> No.49713480
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>Cold wallets are great until you lose access, which is more of a statistical likelihood than losing it on an exchange.

>> No.49713524

You posted 1 fucking quarter that shows a loss. Read this kiddo: >>49709486
>they haven't declared a bankruptcy yet, they're headed to one
Funny how I asked you for evidence of bankruptcy and you just completely ignore it and continue on with your retard babble. What's hard to understand? Adults with functioning brains are not interested in retarded conspiracies, we're interested in data. Provide the data showing they are heading towards bankruptcy.
You only reference their most recent loss while ignoring the fact that it was completely dwarfed by profits in all preceding quarters you fuckin clown.

>> No.49713556

Big if true, but literally doesn't affect me regardless of whatever the fuck happens to spot price.

>> No.49713581

>You posted 1 fucking quarter that shows a loss.

and you said
>>Their quarterly profits have been posted and they are strong.

>> No.49713692

They are strong you fucking moron. 1 quarter loss does not negate the billions they've made previously.
I don't know why I'm wasting time arguing with kids who have never taken a finance/economics class in their life.

>> No.49713758

they've been spending it all on super bowl ads and stadiums and stupid crap

>> No.49713780

Hold on...Are you thinking their quarterly profits are their retained earnings? kek

>> No.49713795

You just flip flopped between posts.
Stick with an idea for God's sake.

>> No.49713808

no other option feasable

>> No.49713857

what data do you actually want? You have the previous quarters earnings (which were terrible), you know they make money off people trading bitcoin, you know they make less money on commission while prices deteriorate, you know the price of bitcoin has dropped ~50% in value since their last earnings report, they've told you you're an unsecured creditor during a bankruptcy, and they've laid off 18% of their workforce.
so what in the hell data are you missing?

>> No.49714044

no, because I posted a screenshot of the most recent quarterly income statement. Their retained earnings are $3.9m but I'm not sure why you'd look at retained earnings when trying to determine whether there is a risk of bankruptcy

>1 quarter loss does not negate the billions they've made previously.
I'm more concerned about their negative cash flow of $1.5m and in turn any covenants attached to their $3.8m long term borrowings. Cash in hand is only $6.1m. They have crypto holdings of $1.3m but I don't think those are held at FV.

>> No.49714065

Probably missing actual documents saying they are bankrupt. Because everyone knows companies are legally bound to let customers know ahead of time. Oh wait...

>> No.49714232

Dude where the fuck are you getting these fake figures from?
>Summary. Coinbase has a strong balance sheet with $6.4bn in cash and $3.5bn in retained earnings as well as attractive gross and profit margins of 86% and 40% respectively
I'm also concerned with why you think 1.5 million and 3.8 million are big numbers for a company this size? That's pocket change.
How about data that shows they have no retained earnings and their asset values are rapidly dwindling? Oh you can't because literally the opposite is happening.
You guys are assuming nonsense with no evidence to support it.
>Because everyone knows companies are legally bound to let customers know ahead of time. Oh wait..
Wow brainlet, congrats on cracking the case. I guess we can safely assume literally every fucking company in the world is going bankrupt without evidence simply because they would never tell us, right? Brainlet
Either put up or shut up. I'm sick of listening to doomer tards who think they're professionals on every fucking matter they waste their breath on.

>> No.49714259 [DELETED] 

you generally only file for bankruptcy after you can't make a debt repayment. you kick the can down the road as long as you can if there's even a 1% chance of getting lucky and turning things around. So I think you're just joking with me.
$6MM in cash, $20MM in liabilities, and accounts receivable way down during a window where btc's price more or less remained the same.

>> No.49714509

>I'm also concerned with why you think 1.5 million and 3.8 million are big numbers for a company this size? That's pocket change.
They had negative cash flow in Q1 of $1.5m and their current cash at the end of Q1 is now only $6.1m. If the trend isn't reversed they will be out of cash in a year, and will not have the ability to repay the loan by Q3 2021 which is in just 3 months' time.
The issue here is that given the downward trend across the board, the bank may have the right to request immediate repayment of the loan. If they can't repay when requested because they don't have enough cash and can't liquidate assets quick enough, they will go bankrupt.

>Dude where the fuck are you getting these fake figures from?

>> No.49714615

did you even bother to look at their assets/liabilities?
$6BB in cash, receivables down $50MM, assets down around $500MM ($21BB total, but they bumped their brand value to $200MM and increased their goodwill to $1BB, e.g. fake bullshit assets), total liabilities $14BB.
and again, that's last quarter without the downward btc movement.

>> No.49714778
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>How about data that shows they have no retained earnings and their asset values are rapidly dwindling?
what does retained earnings have to do with bankruptcy?

>> No.49714792

bottom line, we gotta withdraw right? right anon?

>> No.49714826

Coinbase is an FDIC member, right?

>> No.49714877

Based, it's like that time I called bitcoin customer support to help me find unclaimed BTC on the blockchain. I got 2 whole coins, I fucking miss 2016.

>> No.49714886


>> No.49714889

Fake and gay there is no option to delete your Coinbase account.

>> No.49714914

collect flat tax from the population to burn

>> No.49714968

lol I sure hope they fail, I owe them 100 dollars.

>> No.49715112

probably. but can anyone explain how this practice is legal?

>> No.49715145

where to though? I don't have cold storage handy

>> No.49715152

your signed a contract where they told you you're fucked if they get in financial trouble

>> No.49715202

your bank account would be a good start

>> No.49715209
File: 967 KB, 1841x1008, Screenshot 2022-06-16 at 18-15-04 Finblox Imposes $1.5K Monthly Withdrawal Limit Amid Three Arrows Capital Uncertainty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Celsius insolvent
>Coinbase insolvent
>Finblox insolvent
funds are safe, right?

>> No.49715238

these are the terms you read and agreed to when you joined the platform
thanks for playing, no refunds.

>> No.49715270
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You keep repeating "million". Do you mean "billion" instead? Otherwise why would you think a day's worth of trading fees (or rather less) is going to bankrupt them?
What page shows negative cash flow?
500 mil sounds like a big loss for brainlets that are afraid of comparing it to the total pool. Their cash outflow is substantial but nothing apocalyptic.
Considering how devastating last year and this year have been, they're doing fine. The true test will come by the end of the year. They are still highly profitable and will likely continue that way. Layoffs are a good way to cut costs to improve their financial statements and not an immediate sign of bankruptcy.

>> No.49715300

One of the reasons is because once they file bankruptcy everything they have on hand can't be touched until bankruptcy proceedings have been concluded and secured creditors received as much cash as they can to break even.

>> No.49715334

I found the page with the cash flow after I responded to the second guy with the screenshot so ignore that part.

>> No.49715339

not ideal, but you could setup a wallet on your laptop to tide you over until you can get a ledger.

>> No.49715379

I hear Kraken is the best option for security. They also do real time auditing with a company called Armanino (they also do Nexo and Uber I think).
I trust Binance enough though if I'm being honest.

>> No.49715462

thanks for the insight.

>> No.49715556

look it's pretty simple. I've been polite and held your hand this whole thread.
if you want to continue the conversation, answer the question I asked you previously.
what do you expect on their next earnings report? another $400MM loss?

>> No.49715787

Coinbase is safe annon. I have some gems on it as well as Kraken. Both contain my biggest crypto bags, Eth and Scrt respectively. Your funds are SAFU.

>> No.49715821

You literally have no fucking argument. Just condescending deflection because you have no fucking clue how to read and interpret data.
6,116,388,000 - 400,000,000 = 5,716,388,000

>> No.49715922

Blitz. Scaling.
Coinbase will survive, it's integral for the WEF on american crypto goyim.

>> No.49715941

>not your keys
>not your crypto

>> No.49715966

very likely.

>> No.49716040

strange you're insinuating you 'read and interpreted data', but yet, you are uncomfortable making a ballpark guess on their next earnings call.
huh, wonder why.

>> No.49716070

Class act. They'll be fine.

>> No.49716145

> Net profits:
>June 2021 +1.61B
>Sept 2021 +406.1M
>Dec 2021 +840.21M
that went to isreal
>March 2022 -429.66M
your personal coinbase account will pay for this

>> No.49716211

Coinbase is not a lender, they are a broker and small market maker. They don't have a long time horizon on investments which they have to earn from to repay redemptions. Even if they do a bit of token loaning on the side for the short/long market that's nothing compared to the exposure of banks.

Unless they get digitally heisted a large exchange is a license to make money. You make money off the spread and you can play the market with the insider information (you don't have to front run a trade, simply having the aggregate overview of 5-10% of all the trades happening in crypto first gives you a massive advantage).

>> No.49716320

Anon, they've been making these Coinbase bankruptcy threads everyday since UST imploded. There was one this morning and when it hit bump limit they made this one. They're Bobos who want the price to go down more and are trying to scare people out of the market. There's no point in arguing with them.

>> No.49716452

Okay sure I would guess they lose anywhere from 200mil and more next quarter. Now wha? What does my guess have to do with anything?

>> No.49716701

you know that's a disingenuous prediction, $200MM+ when they just lost $400MM.
the point being, you know, although you don't want to admit it, this next earnings report will be at minimum $800MM, if not $1BB+ loss.
which discredits the 'they're fine they have cash from the bullrun' argument.
but since you met me halfway, now answer this question.
When's the last time goybase had lay offs?

>> No.49716757


right. aybody remember mtgox...

>> No.49716975

Between the 21Q4 and 22Q1 reports, BTC went from 50k->37k. Between 22Q1 and now, BTC went from 37k to 20k. Assuming their losses are proportional, we're talking 17000/13000*400m = 523m. I'm sure this is pretty inaccurate but in what way could they lose another 14x what they lost last quarter?

The layoffs are more likely because:
>incoming recession
>less trade volume for several years
>less profit for several years

>> No.49717052

Have fun suing in a class action and getting 10c on the dollar. I don't get why anyone would keep their crypto in an exchange. You have to be extremely stupid to do that.

>> No.49717092
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>> No.49717150

Never trust a bald man

>> No.49717207

>Between the 21Q4 and 22Q1 reports, BTC went from 50k->37k. Between 22Q1 and now, BTC went from 37k to 20k.
Feb23rd, 21Q4 filing, btc was ~$37k
May 9th, 22Q1 filing, btc was ~$30k
btc currently trading around ~$21k
combined with market contagion, I'd expect their $(400MM) earnings to worsen to $(800MM) earnings.

>> No.49717368

You are working entirely off assumptions and predicting the worst case scenario. When next quarter comes and it's not as apocalyptic as you said it was, suddenly people like you are nowhere to be found.
Why are you conflating cash holdings with crypto holdings?
Their cash assets are 6,116,388,000
Their crypto holdings assets are 1,333,333,000, which is actually up from the prior quarter.

>> No.49717407

Money spent on development and administration trippled since last year.

Maybe they should stop with the diversity hires for a bit.

>> No.49717565

I deleted my coinbase account a couple months ago. Would recommend fuck those jews.

>> No.49717618
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this was a news one moth ago and you are a fag

>> No.49717721

>You are working entirely off assumptions and predicting the worst case scenario. When next quarter comes and it's not as apocalyptic as you said it was, suddenly people like you are nowhere to be found.
What assumption am I making? They make less money off commission when less people trade?
That they're slowly cooking the books, increasing intangibles and other bullshit on their assets/liabilities?
That they're laying off 18% of their workforce due to financial hardship? An action they've NEVER taken before, that also coincides with 52 week lows for btc?
>Why are you conflating cash holdings with crypto holdings?
I'm not conflating anything, you understand how coinbase makes money, or any broker for that matter?

>> No.49717730

Just withdrawn all my crypto from Coinbae Pro after waiting 48 hours from disabling whitelisting. Worked 100% fine, fast no issue with BTC DOT ETH LINK.

Alot of fud here but thought better be safe with all the withdrawal suspensions going on these days.

>> No.49717869

Its unlikely they'll go under but the fact that article/headline came out is worrying. My guess is they overextended themselves while the market was good and didn't think shit would go this sour this quickly. A lot of buyers/volume has gone from crypto and isnt gonna be back for years though, so who knows. No such thing as too big to fail

>> No.49717873

>I'd expect their $(400MM) earnings to worsen to $(800MM) earnings.
Again, this doesn't come close to their $6B cash.

>> No.49717927

$6BB in cash.
$14BB in liabilities.
bull run is over.
yea, they're probably fine.

>> No.49717945

>"i'm not assuming anything"
>"they're cooking the books and going bankrupt because they're cutting back their workforce"
BTC hit a low yet their cash vastly outweighs their crypto holdings, and their crypto holdings somehow managed to increase yet you keep repeating the BTC crash is going to ruin them. You're literally making no fucking sense.

>> No.49717959

fake and GAY

>> No.49717975

And how have the liabilities changes over the past 5 quarters?

>> No.49718168

Serious question, has anyone successfully transferred crypto to Coinbase and cashed out recently? Wondering if my shit will get frozen as soon as I transfer it over.

>> No.49718214

yes. I've been swinging algo all week.

>> No.49718225

why are you deducting earnings from cash here and what are you trying to say by doing so?
do you know that cash flow isn't the same as earnings reported on the income statement?

>> No.49718253

>They just store your crypto
do they? or do they just take your crypto and give you a token hoping that there will never be too many withdrawals at a time?

>> No.49718297

>Their crypto holdings assets are 1,333,333,000,
crypto assets aren't recorded at FV under US GAAP, so this isn't an accurate reflection of their market value

>> No.49718304

Because the claim is that they don't have the cash to sustain a loss like that you dolt.

>> No.49718337

they lost $1.5bn in cash, which is absolutely not sustainable

>> No.49718378

Type "pro." before coinbase.com and use that. Allowed me to w/d all of my "stuck" funds.

>> No.49718562

>my father works at coinbase

>> No.49718637

>$14BB in liabilities.
All the deposits are liabilities, which are opposed pretty much 1:1 with custodial assets. You can just cross those out against each other.

They have 3.5 Billion debt and 6 Billion cash.

>> No.49718656

>12/31/2020: $4BB
>3/31/2021: $7BB
>6/30/2021: $11BB
>9/30/2021: $13BB
>12/31/2021: $15BB
>3/31/2022: $14BB
liabilities have more then tripled.
OK, so I think I see where the problem is. You just don't understand how coinbase makes money.
bullrun, prices go up, everyone's interested in buying, make a ton of money. price goes down, people don't want to buy or sell, they just withdraw their digi money from the exchange.

>> No.49718673

>because you have no fucking clue how to read and interpret data.
you struggled to find the cash flow statement on a 10-Q

>> No.49718677

Funds are safu

>> No.49718699

>liabilities have more then tripled.
Which is good for a business holding custodial assets. If they didn't have liabilities, they wouldn't have custodial accounts.

>> No.49718809
File: 39 KB, 990x256, sdf12343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all their crypto holdings increasing in value means is that they bought more crypto
their accounting policy states that crypto holdings are recorded at cost less impairment, so there's never any fair value uplift

>> No.49718848

The hairline is worrying as well.

>> No.49718960

>You just don't understand how coinbase makes money.
Their prime business model is to make money on fees you brainlet. Enough with your idiotic cope.
They are charging 4% on every transaction that isn't done through their pro exchange. You clearly have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Why don't you reference buy/sell volume if you wanna go by that point?
Who struggled? I literally found it in the same post I asked for it because I responded 2nd to a guy who posted the link to the report you retard. You seem to struggle with basic finance though.

>> No.49719107

>You seem to struggle with basic finance though.
says the guy who didn't check how crypto assets are presented before he started mouthing off about them
btw there will be another impairment loss on those holdings in Q2 given the material change in the FV of the holdings, which in turn will further decrease earnings for the period, but that doesn't effect cashflow. But you knew that already, right?

>> No.49719206

>more retard cope from a brainlet you thinks a couple hundred million is going to wipe out 6+ billion in cash
And that wasn't even including any of their crypto holdings lmao

>> No.49719279

This is true and it's a valid point. The growth of their custodial assets show good company growth.
Where I argue though is the transaction revenue is shittier because people buy high and sell low, and since it's a percentage of the trade, they make way less in the down turn. You also don't want HODL'ers withdrawing their coins they overpaid for.

>> No.49719307

All these ZOOMERS are learning about debt subordination in real time. i love it LOLOLOL

>> No.49719359

once again, you don't deduct earnings from cash when analysing a business because the income statement is prepared on an accruals basis, not a cash basis. They are vastly unrelated. A company can have significant earnings in any given year, and significant retained earnings overall, and still be completely broke and go bankrupt. Negative earnings are not "absorbed" by positive cash on hand. Creditors don't care about your earnings, they care cash and your ability to repay debts. Earnings are taken to retained earnings which impacts your net asset position.

>> No.49720898

You can ask them to delete it but your balance has to already be 0