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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 875 KB, 1274x1773, 6D7946F1-CC58-40E5-8CAB-DE0323811C0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49678294 No.49678294 [Reply] [Original]

Is it time to return to /pol/?

>> No.49678364

>tranny acting mentally ill
wow im shocked

>> No.49678404

imagine selling in late 2018.

You faggots are all NGMI

People like me win.
We are winners.
We buy when everybody is selling.

Follow me for more trading tips.

>> No.49678419

Yes, /pol/ needs to fuck off back to /pol/ and keep larping while we make money.

>> No.49678479
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Incel bros.. it's our turn now.

>> No.49678547

>join a union
like... find a union job or? no one just goes and joins a random union cause they're broke, it's the unions job keep opportunists out. You need to have skills or get a job somewhere with a union. Does she even know what a union is, or is this just some weird cope

>> No.49678565

He's gonna ack.

>> No.49678598
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I didn't even need this crash to turn to fascism. I guess I am just more based than the average plebian.

>> No.49678614
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Unironically a good take.

>> No.49678642

superchatted, liked and subscribed

>> No.49678651

I don't know what fascism means anymore

>> No.49678666

Crypto as a whole isn't a scam. Some coins are.

Crypto was probably pumped and dumped intentionally by the bilderbergers in an attempt to kill it.

>> No.49678667

I am entitled to sex and financial freedom. If not I might shoot up a school in minecraft

>> No.49678710
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I'm ready for Cryptonight let's fucking go

>> No.49678747

You aren't going to make any money chud

>> No.49678748

Dont worry Brianna, babe. We're all a certain type of socialist here even before crypto.

>> No.49678756


>> No.49678759

Fascism is the union of corporations and governments. So, what we already have.

>> No.49678775
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>> No.49678792
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Brian Wu is a perfect example of an oversocialized boy.
Captcha MRSHY

>> No.49678795

>turn into fascists
implying we are not already. kek. She is right though hopefully the far right zoomers will recognise there is no escape. No part of the economy that isnt completely controlled by the kikes

>> No.49678812

Yes. The fact that the Bankman is responsible for this crash makes me want to return to /pol/

>> No.49678816

This is actually a rape fantasy of hers.

>> No.49678830
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>union of corporations and governments
Holy FUCK are people this clueless?

>> No.49678837

Did Zoe Quinn get cute? Last I saw she was lifting a lot and turning in to some SJW tank

>> No.49678841

>turn to fascism not socialism
Why does it have to be either. Fucking normies can't perceive a world without "democracy".
Most retards are also not going to be disillusioned that they lost money on doge, shib, or any other shitcoin. They know that memecoins are a meme. They will go, "yep, that was stupid of me".

>> No.49678844
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>> No.49678876

/pol/ always said Silver > Bitcoin. If you fell for the crypto meme, you should just go back

>> No.49678906

>Join a union in response
What the fuck does that even mean? Is this thing suggesting that anyone who got scammed by a ponzi should go full leftist retard?

>> No.49678959


>> No.49678993

Hitler used to be member of socialist labour union, when we was a poorfag painter wagie

>> No.49679056 [DELETED] 

habsburg jowl pretending to be asian or what

>> No.49679057

When SHTF people like this bitch will get dragged on the streets and shot.

>> No.49679071
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100% correct.

>> No.49679140

Remember that time when trannies said we bottomed at 26k and pol will miss out?

>> No.49679148

>listening to a man trannie ever about anything

>> No.49679149

Just checked she is a 53 year old cat lady.

>> No.49679205

This is a blueprint on how people will manipulate you undersocialized retards in the future. Do you ignore it or understand the reality of it and game the system by working around it?

>> No.49679208

Thanks anon I used ur picture

>> No.49679258

Fuck the system

>> No.49679272
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>> No.49679299

This and im a facist

>> No.49679304
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time for john flynt to return to the earth.

>> No.49679474

I just am more aware that 99% of crypto are different types of scams or their buiseness model is not sustainable. The tech is fine, we just need smarter people to leverage it and real regulation to prosecute fraud related to it. I knew it seemed strange how quickly these projects seem to materialize into a somewhat workable product. It was not thought out poorly designed garbage with good marketing.

The crypto ecosystem is not there yet so just going to hold everything on a ledger and ignore defi, cefi, or whatever bullshit trend of the week is until actual projects with roadmaps that make sense and don't lean on useless jargon to explain its function start to appear.

>> No.49679595
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>> No.49679608

Capitalist board, cud

>> No.49679686
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>Things will be hard for a few years, so whiteys are gonna become nazis
I swear to God, the people who are claim to be against this actually want it to happen with the way they keep making it sound like it's the only course of action.

>> No.49680133

HAHA oh wow what a retard take.

>> No.49680154

>Banks run by you know who
Reported for antisemitism

>> No.49680174

Commies seethe that facism is the only way to implement socialism successfully.

>> No.49680195

lmao of course the trannie believes in ball earth and space

>> No.49680266

gunther kek

>> No.49680346

/pol/ is purposely made popular, theyre right about some things and absolutely retarded a majority of the things. The people they follow and worship are retarded in many ways.
Its intentional, a true strong movement would be wiped of the earth far sooner

>> No.49680370


>> No.49680387


>> No.49680404



to organize

can't wait


>> No.49680448

I was never from there, faggot. I don’t have a double digit iq

Seriously. Just seeing some of the shit that’s been wafting over here, I can only imagine what kind of wildly retarded shit they are saying. Must get tiresome sitting on that board all day dealing with leftpol’s and glownigger disinfo. I think it’s gotten so bad that they’ve just started to absorb it.

They are both equally retarded. Might as well be the same shit.

>> No.49680455

Woah wrong thread.

>> No.49680499


>> No.49680525

I'm a full nazi but I still like asian waifus

She has nothing to be scared about

>> No.49680544

Lmao holy shit its more paranoid than your average schizo, and just as stupid

>> No.49680550

>our money
Here is some sage advice for all of you cancerous faggot
Leviticus 20 13

>> No.49680602

>They'll blame it on the institutions that have become corrupt and fail them
Oh no, the horror

>> No.49680796

Accurate take, most retards here can't take any responsibility for their own action and need a scapegoat to blame for their failures.

>> No.49680915

Oh nonononono newsister.

>> No.49680946
File: 468 KB, 500x503, 1655242092778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why "wu" of all things?

also, it's fucking INCREDIBLE to act like (((they))) don't harness the anger of mobs to accomplish their goals

what the fuck, bros. why are they so fucking dishonest

>> No.49680984

What money nigga those pockets looking EMPTY lmfao

>> No.49681116

Brainlet. I know you read that fascism involves corporatism but you have no idea what corporatism is.

>> No.49681143

Got married to some Asian and just kept the name after divorce

>> No.49681164

their most defining trait is that they never, ever tell the truth about anything, ever. if they had to tell you what color the sky was they'd use it as a shibboleth to see if you were with them or against them and say it was red. they are not even capable of telling their own lies from reality at this point

>> No.49681168
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>They're not going to join a union in response, they'll go full fascist.
Fascism is just a labor union with teeth. Is she retarded?

>> No.49681179

Don't think of irony like a spice, think of it like a serving temperature

>> No.49681197

>undersocialization is the problem
you do realize the 'socialized' 'men' are all chopping their dicks off right?

>> No.49681222
File: 162 KB, 1100x773, 1653519022422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's tragic that they never realize that perhaps part of the answer is to be nice to weird boys instead of mean to them.

("Nice" can include challenging them to be less dunderheade/fascist. Boys like challenge and competition, it's rejection that they can't stand. Notice how she's talking behind these dude's backs rather than addressing them directly.)

>> No.49681229

i'd only become a nazi if there was an organized effort to replace my people

>> No.49681245

Umm…Chuddie…that’s the point???

>> No.49681253

I don't understand what >she means by join a union at all. What union? All the industry is gone.

>> No.49681257

New life goal is to get rich enough that I can bombard Earth with a medieval catapult on the moon.

>> No.49681274

Reminder: That's a dude.

>> No.49681298

This, and lmao @ poltards seething in the replies

>> No.49681344

the metaverse union of onlyfans whores, 30 year old media franchises, and camouflaged toxic assets

>> No.49681366

>Rocks dropped from the moon

>> No.49681419

That’s right, unions are a holdover of the white amerikkkan labor aristocracy. BIPOCs and eggs shouldn’t need to work because they’re already so oppressed. Chuds will do all the work for us once they lose their meme coins. You can’t stop this. Fuck unions btw

>> No.49681432

In fascism businesses bent the knee to the state, in the west it's the other way around.

>> No.49681444

and what about any of that is wrong? You created this situation for young men and supported their disenfranchisement in their country, now you will pay.

>> No.49681471

i'll only become a nazi if the US loses both the wars in the middle east AND the war for khazaria

>> No.49681473
File: 27 KB, 474x345, E75C3345-1DC0-446F-B152-459D33DCA9E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brianna wu
HAHAHAHAHAH what is this, 2014? Anyways, she’s not wrong, entirely. Once the stock and crypto market and real estate market goes Great Depression, Americans are going to take a turn hard right. Most of them will be forced to become redpilled and it won’t be good for you know who.

>> No.49681489


>> No.49681513

Why are you posting twitter screenshot of a mentally disabled troon you fucking worthless shitstain?