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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49651766 No.49651766 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf do I do with this? Feedback welcome

>> No.49651799


>> No.49651860


>> No.49651884

Which ones do I keep?

>> No.49652467
File: 8 KB, 400x400, syntorpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psstttttt get in, get a stack, get comfy

>> No.49652510

Sell it all into link, you don't have enough capital to be diversifying right now.

>> No.49652534

Destroying your computer and crawling into a fetal position would be a good start.

>> No.49652557

Keep stacking link.

>> No.49652560

Keep 10k, stake it if possible
>40% LINK
>40% ICP
>10% AVAX
>10% ROSE
Keep 3k in cash for giga dip

>> No.49652565
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you wouldn't believe how royally fucked i am.

cosmos v2 my ass.

>> No.49652581



>> No.49652608


Either sell everything before tomorrow or pray for a relief rally and sell when it hits. We're gonna be in the red for months and tomorrow is likely to be a very red day.

>> No.49652633

you need to be in cash asap

>> No.49652640

1800 LINK I might

>> No.49652656

none of it. cash asap. this is mayday

>> No.49652668

Nothing. Just be happy.

>> No.49652675

Yes Rabbi

>> No.49652689


>> No.49652697

Atom Kek

>> No.49652730

Just fucking buy BTC/ETH 50/50, every single one of those coins are scams. The absolute state of newfags.

>> No.49652757

you're gonna be riding those down another 80%. please for the sake of sanity sell them.

>> No.49652834

If you're going to be an insufferable retard, then why even post this thread? The Link is fine, keep the Link. But otherwise this folio is the who's who of biz shill coins.

>> No.49652861

And BNB is a good hold as >>49652581 said. It has risk-adjusted returns (sharpe/sortino ratio) higher than anything else, even BTC.

>> No.49652888

That's a make it stack, 1800 x 81000 = 145,800,000

Get rid of all those useless other coins, literally no usecases.

>> No.49652993

Link and AVAX. Everything else is a scam fucking sell. Buy BTC and ETH too.

>> No.49653030

Get rid of ada, Avax rose and DPI and put into ICP. A mistake many people do us being spread out too thin and if you don’t have much to invest then you need to stick with a few good solid choices

>> No.49653052

You could put some more into Hbar also

>> No.49653259

Thank you. Not insufferable but those guys were baiting me

>> No.49653449

>link rose hbar
LOL anon this shit isn't going to make you rich

Your best hold is avax, i would go all into avax and ada, fuck the Rest. OR you sell everything right now and buy eth at $300-500

>> No.49653572

They weren't baiting you, your folio is unironically retarded, especially for someone just barely in 5 figs. Aside from the link, ada, and avax, just put the rest into something not in the top 500, maybe Everest ID or Wownero. Either that or get a job so you're not working with nothing.

>> No.49654981

why tomorrow a Wednesday? this shit usually dumps hard on weekends, i'm too retarded

>> No.49655108
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I'm ngmi am i?

>> No.49655126

keep rose and avax, dump the rest

>> No.49655181

Rose ada into hbar everything else into link

>> No.49655238

Rate hikes tomorrow

>> No.49655291
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>> No.49655984

Sell the link its useless

>> No.49656183
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Im a retard that has been trading since 2017 ive never learned i deserve to lose my money and stay poor. Highest ive gone up is 20k

>> No.49657255

if you hold long term it will, short term def not

>> No.49657579

Yep crypto bottomed

>> No.49658194
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Hey cosmobro, good to see you still hanging on. I've still in the green from my initial, though my bags are pretty bloody. Just compounding my juno and buying a little more xmr/btc on the dumps.

>> No.49658281

I've decided to start buying Monero too and placing new juno in the usdc lp
I'm selling my worthless RAW soon too.

>> No.49658357

Yeah, I sold mine a little while ago, the evmos too. When howl drops I'll dump it day 1 as well, rather than wait and see.

>> No.49658758

desu i started stacking some evmos with the juno rewards, since the apy is very high.

what is howl a new airdrop?

>> No.49658986
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Staking it will go a long way to create more passive income to him
I'm also staking fufu for 25% APY

>> No.49659007

Sell literally everything for fuck sake are you retarded

>> No.49659009

Convert to paxg

Thank me later

>> No.49659074

Monero is a good token that will do well in the long term, I have it as my long term token

>> No.49659278

yea i just realized how good monero is. trying to get my average down

>> No.49660229

Dump everything but chainlink, stable up, do a swap for Everest ID, more LINK or ETH when BTC does a swan dive and threatens to touch 10k.

>> No.49660300

no feedback

>> No.49660452
File: 453 KB, 1124x1137, 59A88EA8-2B8B-410B-AD1E-E9445421E4AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dump that AVAX and replace it with MATIC
this is the only way anon

>> No.49660989

Sell everything that isn't chainlink and hbar and buy more of those.

>> No.49662061

One team is doing social media on juno, will be combined with their decentralized name service. So it'll get airdropped to dens name holders this year.

Same, just bought another 6 since 110 is so cheap.

>> No.49662551

Isn't that priced in? We just had another big dump yesterday

>> No.49662629

nioce hbar mate

>> No.49663366

don't listen to all those keks telling you to sell, it doesn't make sense selling your assets at this point, if you can, I'd advise you stake some of those gems instead of just holding as I've been doing with my eth and Rfox, coz no one knows when this will be over.

>> No.49663530

I will say buy more ROSE and add RFOX to your bag. When all fundamentals fail, privacy, defi and metaverse gems will survive.

>> No.49663617

This is a good idea with the recession coming!

>> No.49663979

You can say that again, DeFi & metaverse gem will last the test of time, most especially defi, because it enables passive income, xpress has these 2 features, they are planning launching their banking in the metaverse soon

>> No.49664073

HBAR should be avoided. Tokenomics are a fucking disgrace. Also a security. If you want a VC shitcoin coin stick to SOL; it has way too much backing and king jew SBF will never let his pet project die.

>> No.49664259

ROSE is the only one of those you should be holding with that small of an amount in the market.

>> No.49664376

Every time I see the sell panic on biz I sell and then regret it a few days later but to be fair that’s because I fomo back in

>> No.49664995

All of these are shit NGMI advise^^^^

All assets into cro or cronos if you GMI

>> No.49665034

Sell the rest into LINK HBAR ROSE ICP.

>> No.49665048

Liquidate and go all in on GME or forever regret it

>> No.49665091

CRO is a great buy considering how much it gives back in rewards on DEFI and Card use and how well the company weathered the markets.
I just don't think he should ignore other tokens! Being heavy in it isn't a bad thing though.

>> No.49665706

sell it all. it's all dogshit. especially the alt L1's like HBAR, ADA & ICP. DOGSHIT.

LINK the only one in here I'd recommend you keep. idk why you don't have any ETH.

DPI has been slaughtered against ETH. LINK has been too desu

>> No.49666428

are they ever going to deliver something?

>> No.49666574

no wonder people are so desperate shilling that specific token.

>> No.49666641

> and forever regret it
Fixed anon.

>> No.49667398

I'd go with LINK, HBAR and ALBT instead of ICP. Not too familiar with ROSE

>> No.49667443

Looks like a No to me

>> No.49667470


>> No.49667587

To you still doing with LINK, already in the constitution to be declared a shitcoin
Maybe the latter

>> No.49667631

most of your assets are on greens, good for you. If i were you, I'd fucking sell in profits and probably provide liquidity where you'd earn. let's say EWT ALBT pool which will be incentivised soon and passive income flowing in.

>> No.49667701
File: 46 KB, 1525x661, sell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont have one shitcoin worth keeping
dump everything for btc

>> No.49667753

>everyone itt telling him to sell the bottom

>> No.49667911

>the bottom for shitcoins is 0 (zero)

>> No.49668077

Demn.. kek gonna cry out loud for real...
where's Elon's Shib? guess KCS MATIC ALBT arent that bad .

>> No.49668144

Lol, y'all really not smart here, sell to BTC , like seriously?
I'd fuck with solid alts, which can do an easy 2x, ALBT for instance keeps launching features, making it one to consider by be.

>> No.49668173

so what do you mean by this anon?

>> No.49668210

That all shits heading home. Freaking game over for memes

>> No.49668228

What's the point of selling now? If you didn't sell months ago then i see no reason selling now.

>> No.49668277

you dead ass

>> No.49668298

I do think diversification is important especially when bad news can tank any of project now regardless of the fundamentals backing it.

>> No.49668304

Sell all for GNS and stake in a few weeks

>> No.49668315

madness galore

>> No.49668342

No caps, very apt

>> No.49668375


>> No.49668434

This is because of the DEX being on EWT right

>> No.49668470

LINK leading the show while HBAR and AVAX are following .... Add more green ones but don't listen to Biz. .

>> No.49668482

memes couldn't have survived anon, 6ft still sounds like up for me, with projects like Allianceblock kicking the DeFi space, having launched its DEX, memes got where to survive in.

>> No.49668502

yeah, and more networks will be coming soon as it's a multichain DEX.

>> No.49668519
File: 193 KB, 864x1920, Screenshot_20220615-071320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been dcaing into btc and eth.

>> No.49668564

Please, anon. This ALBT shit has been postponing product after product.

>> No.49668590

In the kingdom of apes like you. That's behind the scene announcement.....

>> No.49668592

What product did they postpone

>> No.49668651
File: 564 KB, 1377x1577, blanknote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open 12 1.2k 10x leverage derivative contracts, use a dartboard to pick which coins you long/short, and use heads/tails on a coin to determine if you short / long.

post results

>> No.49668679

The DEX since last year, Fundrs, want me to name more or is that enough to know. Those were the two main products. what a fail

>> No.49668681
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Guess you are one of them newfag.... Impermanent loss causing more suicide now than LUNA, CELSIUS crash...

>> No.49668726
File: 15 KB, 326x155, qx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is up from 980-1135$.. i v been liq
got 80$ left, smart i take a chance on ALBT?

>> No.49668735

The DEX is one of them I'm sure. Probably next generation

>> No.49668736

Fuck the shut up anon, go get something solid.

>> No.49668741

how much to make it ? thought about getting a bag of this and nkn for a long time but never pulled the trigger but now that everything is on sale i might get some

>> No.49668747
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The DEX testnet was last year and released on time. Though, communication could have been better. The DEX was mainnet was this year, recently, in fact

>> No.49668783

Waiting for another liquidation called smart... From flame to hell...

>> No.49668788

>a portfolio of coins i've literally never seen talked about here
>probably shilled by some nigger influencer on youtube
I really hope you keep losing money.

>> No.49668796

This sorta IL is horrible.
Well maybe the Alliance block new DEX claims to try to filter this down by some gimmicks with AMM they keep saying

>> No.49668841

how much albt are you holding ? my goal is to get atleast a 100k bag before its too late, i think even 50k might be a good start

>> No.49668868

kek... should i be shocked bout IL, when i know they got a mechanism that helps mitigate IL

>> No.49669047

heard it fucking multichain? That's why I'm waiting to see what and what chain they'd launch on.

>> No.49669171

why hold ALBT shitcoin that much?
like tf does it has in stock, fag

>> No.49669207

Why certain people don't buy GameStop is beyond me.

>> No.49669210

And it only released on the Energy Web network, what a joke, pajeet. What happened about Avalanche, polygon, hedera and all that shit. Oh and the whole hype about it being on the polkadot parachain.

>> No.49669223

Sell for your lifes

>> No.49669238

like you said its just a shit coin, but a shit coin with a somewhat promising project compared to other shit coins, thats why im getting a bag of this and other coins

>> No.49669343
File: 27 KB, 623x474, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's set to release on the others as well. And the Polkadot connection is probably because of them releasing on MoonBeam

>> No.49669502

Y'all are miopic, go get a fucking glass to see faggot, but don't bring your shortsightedness into Allianceblock, cause they're multichain and fuck these networks you mentioned.

>> No.49669561

This is why they keep saying it supports 8 chains

>> No.49669628

You just a bag of shit kek.
bagging shitties at this time, Like how about you nail some usefullness of this your ABT.. New fag

>> No.49669718

priced in is a meme

>> No.49669796

>> cause they're multichain and fuck these networks you mentioned.>>
Listen to your edgy lame point..
You could do better .. Like tf does this shitties does to earn my Dollars

>> No.49669904

it's multichain enough, and tats something valuable as more users from the various network will have the opportunity to engage.

who said ABT? wipe your face so you can see clearly anon, its ALBT and amongst its features, allows other projects to build within its DeFi protocol... at least enough to save your fucking ass off this bear market.

>> No.49669929
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That's never possible in space yet. Even Binance, Uniswap.... can't

>> No.49670024
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Even the Miair exchange claimed that as well. But I can boldly tell that they have the worst pool I've seen...

>> No.49670050

SELL and buy ETH / BTC 50 / 50.
Forget about every other answer

>> No.49670052

Only rascists buy icp, do you hate niggers anon? Is this the kinda person you want to be? Diversity is strength.

>> No.49670137

You mean elrond network? Those guys are never serious...

>> No.49670172

Sell everything and go all in with LINK

>> No.49670365

Are you based? BTC and ETH are never gonna make you rich. Just like stables .

>> No.49670489
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Cry cry cry

>> No.49670585

For the sake of trans like myself on biz, what do you mean by DeFi protocol? Don't know allianceblock for such....

>> No.49670639

Yeah... But there is no way you are gonna compare AllianceDEX with that one ...

>> No.49670744

Which Alts make up this portfolio? Memes.....

>> No.49670841

Start making a living elsewhere. Crypto will crash full time by eoy. Last warning for biz.

>> No.49670899

Damn nigga, you lost 2 million dollars?!?

>> No.49670901
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80k FTM
400 BOO

>> No.49670938

... Not what you think, anon ... even my portfolio seems worse than this .. But no meme or shitcoins

>> No.49671023

Based fag still asking ... he can make it up from ETH SOL ALBT BNB JASMY. Only if he's invested for the long run

>> No.49671755

Ironically, Allianceblock and Elrond are partners

>> No.49672853

25% is quite fair but when the rewards are in assets that aren't stable i get scared, would rather prefer the BEUR that the pools on the Alliance DEX is set to offer.

>> No.49672993

Yeah and Art consortium is the first revenue generating project on Fundrs too

>> No.49673039

Crypto crash? This is the 100th time we are hearing this in this decade.

>> No.49673051

I think DUA as well, not sure though

>> No.49673087

Isn't this the stablecoin they're backing though, anon

>> No.49673611

Saying this against Elrond should be classified as blasphemy considering how hard Mincu keeps building.

>> No.49674024

This logic sounds stupid, cause BTC these guys can't do it doesn't mean new technologies can't you should atleast do a research before concluding.

>> No.49674402


is fantom ded?

>> No.49674820

Probably just hold, stake and forget at this point, unless you need the money. Everything is going lower, but it'll comeback at some point. Something in that list you hold will take off eventually. There are people out there that dumped their ETH at $15 and never brought back in.

>> No.49674888

You reckon AVAX comes next since they have a partnership with them.

>> No.49674945

why are you holding crypto right now? we still have a long way to the bottom. buy only after BTC gets below 5k

>> No.49675000

You talk of it like it's a regular DEX, that DEX reduces IL to the barest minimum.

>> No.49675044

Didn't they just launch the DEX 2 weeks ago?

>> No.49675103

Stack sylo, buy a seeker.

>> No.49675243

Anon I...

>> No.49675324

We're so far down, I'm not a great trader. If I sell I'm gonna lose coins finding bottom

>> No.49675407

Not concerned with Sol outages?

>> No.49675460

Whatever I drop will end up as eth if I can't find a project that can grow faster than eth

>> No.49675946

Beautiful almost a whole btc desu

>> No.49676316


>> No.49676425

When people lose their homes and jobs and can't feed their family, the last thing people are going to do is buy a bunch of worthless crypto.

>> No.49676750

Nah 1.6 mill

>> No.49676905

Miar is the worst of all DEX's not smart to compare with Alliance block... why?
>>Shitty security
>> crop of shitcoins

>> No.49677587
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Sol is an incoming shitcoin ;; desu..
am keeping an order for ETH KCS ALBT when the market corrects properly

>> No.49677930

Nope. VCs don't care either with the amount of money being poured into it. It's a jew backed coin and jews never lose.

>> No.49679052

LINK and hbar because of https://www.fobi.ai/press/fobi-looks-to-launch-of-8112-to-double-qples-revenue (hint: coupon bureau is using hedera with this new standard)

>> No.49679533

Isn't this the same ALBT shit i saw that launched a Dex for Liquidity mining as a Service.
yeah, staked some ALBT for rALBT for whenever it goes live. to the moon sers

>> No.49679667

go all in on geojam. mariah carey is unironically going to save crypto.

>> No.49679893

If they can secure Elrond network, then it will be better. cause i see more than a need for bridging a lot of NFTs in and out of the network