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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49648124 No.49648124 [Reply] [Original]

What is your job and is it your pride?

>> No.49648161

Are these those mud cookies?

>> No.49648209

>You will never marry a hard working devoted African woman who's a devout christian.

I don't wish to live any more

>> No.49648214

still much better then waging in the US

>> No.49648238


>> No.49648256


>my pride
>not a single lion in the photo

lying bitch. She prob in league with jackals.

>> No.49648288

She looks content, more so than most of us

>> No.49648300

>What is your job

>and is it your pride?
Sort of? It is pretty fucking gay. Wrong kind of pride I think

>> No.49648303

I learned to code so I don't ever go wage outside. I play vidya for most of the time I'm supposed to be ""working"".

>> No.49648304

unironically based
almost everyone who is a cook/chef actually puts effort into their work
even if it is a little counter service shack in a broke country, that lady is probably putting more effort into her cooking than any white collar corporate waggie puts into their job

>> No.49648308

even worse, ramen noodles

>> No.49648311
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>race traitor christcuck
The absolute STATE

>> No.49648360

dating a Nigerian and she's Christian but she's sort of lazy desu her family is rich

>> No.49648376

Why do black people always call themselves kings or queens with any qualifications?

>> No.49648382
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>tfw no qt nubian gf selling ramen noodles at the corner

>> No.49648395

>gas station stocker
>13 an hour
Guess i try to take pride in what I do
Why's the black guy got a red hat?
Red hat = maga

>> No.49648522
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whats ironic is that she could actually be very happy as happiness is largely relative. You only know what you know and don’t know what you don’t know. Id be willing to bet some of you are unhappy and in the greater context of things…she’s actually winning.

>> No.49648605
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>My job is shitposting on an Indonesian spearfishing chatroom and my pride is white.

>> No.49648631

I feel ashamed when I look at this because I am a neet.

>> No.49648709

based comment. most first worlders will never understand

>> No.49648728

Software engineer
Yeah I'm pretty proud of what I do. The software I write helps small companies stand a chance against mega corporations like Amazon and Walmart. Plus it pays super well. I'm in the top 2% of earning in my state and probably .1% by my age group.

>> No.49648766
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>edgy incel

>> No.49648849

I code for a fintech that crowdfunds for small companies in exchange for shares. I take pride in the fact that my work helps every day people invest in promising businesses whilst freeing the companies from nefarious angel investors and banks.
I hope to god that the business model proves to be resilient to the upcoming recession, either interest in investments dry up and we die, or banks stop providing loans to businesses and we see a surge in demand. What do you guys think?

>> No.49648886

No im not proud because im not working for myself (engineer), i will soon, then i wont be proud until i see my kids happy.
That negress is probably happier than most niggers in here.

>> No.49648887

>you don’t know what you don’t know

scio me nihil scire bitch

>> No.49648896

>t. shitskin

>> No.49648922

Bold. Beautiful. Brave. Iconic.

>> No.49648975

I like how thirdies can just set up a shop and sell food wherever they want without restrictions. In the west we have all these parasites that have to get paid first.

>> No.49649031
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I just want to trade stock options for a living and never have to deal with another customer or employee again

>> No.49649057

CPA, no

>> No.49649070

>based poor norwegian

>> No.49649114

I build ships

Yeah its pretty cool I guess

>> No.49649140

Your god isn’t going to save you from what’s coming

>> No.49649144

Not correct and not an argument.

>> No.49649161

Probably she is fucked by a chad young African, has close family ties, everybody is poor around her so she isn't hanging out of the line, and has food and shelter.

She made it incels.

>> No.49649171

Restaurant manager and it feels like humiliation more than pride desu

>> No.49649237

I design lumber and plywood processing equipment. I didnt think I'd do this but it's pretty cool desu

>> No.49649249

They’re called bon bon terre. Get it right

>> No.49649257

Unironically based to take pride in your own business, even if it fucking sucks. At least it is something yours.
Better than being just another office drone clogging in 40 hours/week +OT just so Goldberg and Stein can own another boat while you are thinking about steering into the concrete wall every commute.

>> No.49649294

how'd you get into it?

>> No.49649330

Lol, restaurant owners probably make more then you

>> No.49649363

I am pretty sure he is (coming)

>> No.49649376

ngl those are some /fa/ pants, looks like a comfy job too

>> No.49649398

extremely based

>> No.49649408

Picked the stand with the shortest line at a career fair in college when I was looking for a co-op lol

>> No.49649423

African (NOT Afro-American) women are unironically based and redpilled. God I miss my Ghanian gf breaking into my room unannounced and riding my dick raw until I came inside her, just was too young for that at the time

>> No.49649444


Health and safety manager. 3 days at home 2 days on site. Comfy desu.

No it is not my passion.

>> No.49649463

I'm not saying that African women are trash. I AM saying that race mixing is trash.

>> No.49649509

The only decent people I met in the US aside from rural whites were latinos.
I have never understood wytoid’s hatred for them ever since. I can understand niggers but you let kikes bring them in lmao

>> No.49649539

She cute

>> No.49649580
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>implying pagans didn't race mix
>implying pagan women didn't get raped by based Mediterranean Roman Chads for centuries

>> No.49649651

Man so many of these street sellers are so beautiful and hot its not the case with OP pic related but some of em didnt deserve to be out in the streets

>> No.49649717

Wife material. She’s seriously pretty attractive.

>> No.49649784

>if youre not a christcuck youre a pagan
Sad brain damaged goon.

>> No.49649910

There's a little snack bar around my neighborhood that's been around for 40 years now, owned and operated solo by the same lady from the beginning. She could've easily retired by now, but that little old lady still runs that joint all by herself, tirelessly frying up those burgers, fries and sausages day after day. I think there's quite a lot of pride involved because she could've pivoted into something more lucrative long, long ago, but she actively chooses not to.

>> No.49649945

What's coming?

>> No.49649965

Software Engineer. I take pride in the amount of money I rake in. Coding has infinite possibilities so I choose money.

>> No.49650033

For the Christians, yes, if you don't believe in cloud man you are pagan or a heretic

>> No.49650046

>Selling food is wrong too.
Have you faggots ever felt satisfaction?

>> No.49650055
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Propaganda vs the reality. Seethe anti-racemixer.

>> No.49650145

Kek, then you're retarded or only met a handful of one's that behave.

>> No.49650224

There are known knowns and known unknowns, but there are also unknown unknowns. Things you don’t know, that you don’t know.

>> No.49650402

Latinos are good hard working people. But they are also criminals. The Latinos in my neighborhood are good people, there are 3 houses on my block filled to the brim with Latinos. It’s almost like they ditched the
>13 Mexicans in 1 Honda Accord
>20 Mexicans in a single family home.
I’ve been going back and forth with one of the homes on my block the past week or so for my street parking that I created for myself. Their drive way is packed with vehicles going all the way into their backyard and so they started using the street parking spot that is literally for me only. I can’t park in front of my home because of my business van, and my dads car in my garage and my mom and sisters car in the drive way. So I park on the street. Sometimes when I get home late my spot has been stolen so I have to park an extra 60 feet away which sucks because it’s very close to a fire hydrant. And then when I walk past my neighbors to go to my house, their light turns on which I believe is a motion sensor and so I believe that they are laughing at me when the see me.
>look at that pendejo walking home, I stole his spot and he has to walk an extra 100 feet to get inside. Fucking cabron.
They are very nice people though, they invited me over for some tamales not too long ago because it was late and they were partying and saw me walking home. I can only imagine they made fun of me in Spanish while simultaneously giving me food. Jokes on them though, because I’m making a forum post about it anonymously. Who wins now amigo?

>> No.49650441

been there I couldn't handle her bs long term though
also why do they wear wigs wtf

>> No.49650780

Would you date a bitch with a flat top? Thought so.

>> No.49650846

IT guy fuck no

>> No.49650859

she obviously does not take too much pride in it, that is some shoddy ass workmanship that has gone into building that literal wooden frame with sheet iron nailed to the top of it. It must have taken all of an entire morning to get that built. This is what is known as the bigotry of low expectations..... >ooooh look what the monkey built.

>> No.49650972

its gone massively risk off, better start looking at other opportunities

>> No.49651056

Cringe kys

>> No.49651182

There's nothing wrong with colonizing darkskin pussy as long as you father and raise a white family too

>> No.49651229

>Who wins now amigo?
They do because they have tamales, a tight family and even tighter latina pussy

>> No.49651260

Ghanaian girl would randomly leave her dreads behind on the pillow kinda gross desu

>> No.49651325

Airline pilot

It’s alright. Could be better tho

>> No.49651396

electrician and no, pride is a sin

>> No.49651452

Then why does it feel wrong when all I've ever known is grinding poverty?

>> No.49651724

maybe because they have all that land south of the border yet still choose to come to America and worsen the demographics

>> No.49652295

she is doing better for her life than most of you chuds on this website

>> No.49652515
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estimator. hate it. working on an exit plan but feel trapped sometimes so I lack motivation.

>> No.49652721

Self-employed trader.

>wake up
>check charts for an hour in my underwear
>input buy orders, stoploss and profit targets
>go back to sleep
>make 5 times more than i did when i had a real job

>> No.49653073

She looks cute

>> No.49654084

Ahh, the streets of Paris.

>> No.49654282
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most (i assume you're talking about mexicans) are solid people. the men mostly just want to work their construction/landscaping jobs, go home and drink. however, they vote like literal fucking morons and bring criminals in their packs. they need to stay out.

t. cuban aka jew of the caribbean

>> No.49654640

I'm a drug dealer, and no, not proud. I do take it seriously though. These aren't toys.

>> No.49654723

Africans are a happy people despite their circumstances.

>> No.49654734
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Not gonna lie, I would like to fuck AOC hard

>> No.49655495

shut up cum's skin incel

>> No.49655594

>What is your job
$15 an hour truck driver for a warehouse 8 minutes from my house. Hate it, but I don't spend much in gas going back and forth to work.
>is it your pride?
No, not at all. I don't find it shameful, but I would still prefer to be a NEET.

>> No.49655606


>> No.49655641

>putting effort into your work is a good thing.
You fucking puritans need to rope

>> No.49655756

I would have sex with the nigger
Lmao fuckin christcucks

>> No.49655974

You got a family or can you start long hauling?

Know a guy who did that for 5 years while investing like 80% of his salary since he didn't have to pay rent or mortgage. Now lives frugally as a NEET off of his $35-40k/year dividends

>> No.49656081

They don't speak english, dont adapt to being americans, and don't spread out so they essentially form little mexicos wherever they pop up, not to mention they're content to work for slave wages which screws over the rest of us

>> No.49656088


>> No.49656188

>5 years
Long haul right?

How many states wide/tall did he have to drive? I wouldn't mind it as much if it wasn't for the fact I have no desire playing a truck in manual nor the issues of driving such a big vehicle and dealing with extremely risky drivers in tiny cars.

Id rather be a train conductor or engineer (idk which it is but its the one who drives it). However thats evem harder to get.

>> No.49656523

Kek, I made $19hr ($14.99 after tax in Leafistan) doing the same job but flatbed.
It was literally drive to some dumbass, unload stuff with a moffet, and repeat.
Pain in the ass but I had a love hate with it.

I just started a new Class 1 job starting at $18.06 hr after tax

>> No.49656566

I need a link, bro, or a way that I can find it

>> No.49656567

I work with metrology
No, I don't like it

>> No.49656573

Most are becoming automatic.
I got my CDL class 1 in manual recently when manuals out the door.
Old boomer places use it, otherwise automatic all the way

>> No.49656898
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>> No.49657188


>> No.49657310

you can see the nog in them I dont understand what this was trying to prove

>> No.49657427


He's a mutt probably. This looks aryan to them

>> No.49657516

I do absolutely nothing and get paid $12/hr. I am a security guard. It’s pretty comfy, just play on my laptop and read books. I get up and do a walk around the site every so often not because I am doing security but just to stretch.

>> No.49657574

I want to call her a nigger and continue calling her a nigger repeatedly until she finally fucks me.

>> No.49657782


Suicide is actually quite rare in 3rd world, fighting for survival actually gives more meaning than living for free.

>> No.49657910
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ayo, what section of 8 mile is this?