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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49596273 No.49596273 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49596544
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kek this is x10 worse since we also have hyperinflation

>> No.49596657
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yes, its gonna be fun.
for those who survive

>> No.49596683

I was 20. Its been shit ever since

>> No.49596828


No we don't.
The Fed will just print money to solve both.
If you can't command a pay raise from your boss, that's on you.

>> No.49596832


Housing market hasn't crash yet. 2008 isn't here yet anon. WRong wong.

>> No.49596934

2008 was different, a failure of modern financial theory. This is a failure of basic economics, as such the ramifications will but much more severe.

Captcha: XANX8

>> No.49596968

Nice bait.

>> No.49597136

>The Fed will just print money to solve both.
Bruh they already did that 2 years ago.
Guess what? It didn't work. And now if they try to print more again the rates hikes required to curb even more inflation will be something like 25%+. And that doesn't account for food shortages that are happening as well.
This won't be another 2008. This will be another 1929 minus the Hitler part.

>> No.49597174
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Wheeeeee! Shemitah time

>> No.49597255
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>Hedge against inflation
>Becomes poorer by holding it.

>> No.49597276

Indeed we're in for a brutal 24 months unless there's some sort of revolution to restore balance. Bitcoin wasn't it

>> No.49597286
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>he thinks this will only be as bad as 2008

>> No.49597342

>remember when you were too young for 2008
No because I’m not a zoomer faggot

>> No.49597424

>minus the Hitler part
Can't have everything, sadly.

>> No.49597439
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>housing market hasn't crashed yet

>> No.49597447

It's not bait.

That's right. They did it 2 years ago, and what happened?
The economy recovered. People are back at work.
There are no food shortages. The only thing negatively affected is a bunch of speculative paper betting slips that are vaguely tied to companies' earnings.
If you bought into that, it's nobody's fault but yours.

>> No.49597501

So how are we gonna recover without a WW3?

>> No.49597566

We don't, china is gon4vp4kna start shit

>> No.49597568
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>40 year chart in linear scale
Can't wait for the bear market to purge you retards from my board

>> No.49597644

did you accidentally write the captcha inside your post and just didn't bother to delete it?

>> No.49597673

>i have zero dollars for this crash too

Its a terrible ride

>> No.49597754


nah, more like 1929 part 2

>> No.49598009

China already started showing the first signs lmao

>> No.49598124
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>born in 1980
>get to experience x4 'once in a lifetime' seismic economy events before I'm 50

You get used to it. I can't say I didn't see it coming the moment the money printer got fired up in 2020. Hope you saved those stimmy checks OP!

>> No.49598135


doubt it. housing market hasn't crash. no 1929 yet.

>> No.49598149


Except this time there’s no new deal socialism coming to prop the system up for another century. So it’s not 1929 either. This is the final collapse.

>> No.49598258


The Hitler part is still coming, fascism is capitalism in decay, the decay is here

>> No.49598281

As a southern European my future got crushed in 2008. This is just a normal year for me.

ps. I'll admit that last year when link reached 50$ I believed for a moment that I was gonna make it and be happy.

>> No.49598383

I hope so. Hard times create hard people, and most of us are big fat and soft.

>> No.49598466

MBS went no bid last week after rates practically doubled lol

it's already over, but retards like you don't realize it yet

>> No.49598515

>tfw starting a fully funded 3 year PhD in Norway in September
I'm safe right?

>> No.49598603

i mean if you can honestly look at the economy today and tell me with a straight face that you think it's 3x as productive as it was in 2000

everyone fucking knows that it's inflated and the real economy hasn't grown by anywhere near as much as markets indicate. it's all fucking fake growth dude. you fucking know it is. it isn't going to just be a bear market

>> No.49598661


Oh ho ho, hope you’re in shape because the draft is coming.

>> No.49598763
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holy cope you're the greater fool in this game

>> No.49598774

60k euro max over 3 years? Yeah sounds like you made it.

>> No.49598984
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>minus the hitler part

>> No.49598992

I can confidently say I will not comply with a draft, even if that means jail time or (equally likely) dead recruiters on my lawn. It isn't going to happen.

>> No.49599046

WW3 ain’t Vietnam. They’ll put you up against a wall and shoot you for cowardice.

>> No.49599110

Your weak country will be overthrown by immigrants in 5 years max

>> No.49599247

About 80% of military-age American males are ineligible to join the military. Too fat, too weak, too uneducated, too criminal, too tatted up, too many dependents, etc...

>> No.49599301

Dead recruiters it is then.

>> No.49599319
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It's the same timespan you posted (90's - today). Jesus christ, the audacity of you fucking retards.

>> No.49599401

2008 killed my first business. :(

>> No.49599428

DoD has been adjusting rules for active military and new recruits, they will keep doing it.

>> No.49599485

I see it going to 6000$

>> No.49599507

but dude AI and automation broooo

>> No.49599511
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now factor in inflation

>> No.49599519


I for one am happy. I took out all my money from the market, unfortunately didn't short, right before the peak, and now I have a stable job making over 150k a year with 200k in assets that I can make liquid in about a day with little loss. I am going in when the market crashes and buying. I am gonna be partying hard while the wages are unemployed. Going to go buy a house when they have to drop rates after the major fall and a spike in unemployment.

>> No.49599535

More like 108K.

>> No.49599538


>> No.49599551

i was fresh out of school and job hunting. did not get any job for like 2-3 years. it was pretty shit.

>> No.49599557

>Guess what? It didn't work
it did work, now they are raising rates to cut them later on

>> No.49599575
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I didnt know Dave Ramsey lurked here

>> No.49599578

PE's really aren't THAT bad currently. The high fliers are already getting rekt.

The PE's of the nasdaq were significantly worse during the dotcom bubble.

The population has grown, GDP has grown, the dollar has inflated, etc. All of this compounds.

>> No.49599626
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I just want it to happen already. WHY THE FUCK IS IT TAKING SO LONG

>> No.49599679 [DELETED] 
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>Too late to experience exploration of a new world and traditional values
>Too early to experience exploration of space and advanced technology (luhmao)
>Just in time to experience the worst economic crises of all time
Just fuck me up

>> No.49599703

How do u know this is a 2008 and not a 2000?

As long as the banks don’t default confidence remains in the economy. Only tech fags and crypto will get wiped out.

>> No.49599735

>Minus the Hitler part.

Just wait, kek. World is going to shit even more so.

>> No.49599757

/biz/ I've been bulkmaxxing all year. I gained 40 lbs. That's 18 kg in commie units. Absolute bear mode. When the famines hit I will enjoy the diet and you skinnycunts will probably blow niggerdick for a candy bar.
Best investment you can make is in your self right now. Get on the BigMac diet just don't mind your drawers because you shit yourself all the time.

>> No.49599793

>There are no food shortages
>what is Ukraine?
Read a goddamn agricultural report nigger

>> No.49599843

>fascism is capitalism in decay

Nigger you're retarded

>> No.49599846

>be 32
>have to go back to a standard of living that I experienced as an impoverished dirt-poor teen with broke parents
cool I get to eat cold spaghetti-os and use one lightbulb traveling around the house again only this time I'm single and alone and I make too much to get food stamps.

>> No.49599850

This. It's actually even worse this time around. 2008 is going to look like a walk in the park.

>> No.49600181

Sort your life out now and it won’t hurt much later.
What are you working ?

>> No.49600183

I’m getting so hard rn

>> No.49600245
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Log charts are the biggest COPE in charting and finance, especially in crypto. They overemphasize accumulation and bottom regions and underplay the extreme pumps to make the chart look like an organic, slow uptrend.

>> No.49600408

just look at it as a chance to embrace minimalism

>> No.49600572

>now factor in inflation
doesn't mean shit