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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49595743 No.49595743 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone's money's gone
>food prices go up
Now that we have accepted we live in a clown world. What are we going to do next year?

>> No.49595865

same as always, NEET it up

I've collected enough good boy points over the years to weather the storm with my family

>> No.49595987

rob a store. same as everyone else.

>> No.49596049

move to commiefornia, paint your face black and shoplift to the tune of $900, then just walk out

>> No.49596077


>> No.49596129
File: 46 KB, 774x291, Screenshot 2022-06-10 233955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat bulk grains and beans. 2 dollars a pound.

>> No.49596147

wait for the next election cycle obviously

>> No.49596285

no thanks i value my digestive system

>> No.49596328

That's a pretty good price for bacon right now actually.

>> No.49596353

Those are all good for your digestive system. Lots of fiber and complex carbs.

>> No.49596403

Isn't that pretty much what the White House posted about your July 4th meal. Just buy beans and enjoy the fireworks :^ )

>> No.49596417

What website?

>> No.49596498

Americans (and the rest of the anglosphere desu) have such weird diets if you look at it from a global picture. They eat only the most expensive and land-inefficient foods and when prices rise they seethe uncontrollably while still buying the exact same expensive land-inefficient foods. Even the few vegetables americans eat are expensive and land-inefficient. It's also why we're all so fat. Switch to eating a lot of pasta, rice, and legumes and you'll save a fuckload of money. You can eat well on less than $60 a month even now.

>> No.49596577

It is our right as Americans to eat 3 servings of meat per meal.

>> No.49596623

Why does the horror persist? OP posted the in store prices, I thought things would get better after that.

>> No.49596642

Don't know. Don't follow politics unless it is relevant to my portfolio.

>> No.49596692

Maybe I can finally go outside a not see some disgusting 300+ lb hambeast mutt and her goblin overweight offsprings.

>> No.49597038

fuck off

I would let 100 million chinks starve to death if it means I get to eat meat three times a day.

>> No.49597161

>What are we going to do next year?
The same I did 2 years ago. Not vote Democrat.

>> No.49597303

>only americans eat meat

>> No.49598014
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