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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, folio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49588219 No.49588219 [Reply] [Original]

Bear market folio.
Good tech and good logos.
>2.1 btc
>32 eth
>250 xmr
>2.5k avax
>10k link
>10k icp
What else to improve this god-tier port other than just stacking sats w every paycheck til 21btc?

>> No.49588371

Probably get a small bag of PNK. Otherwise that's pretty desu

>> No.49588424


>> No.49588485

dump avax and xmr for literally anything else (safe play increase your other stacks)

>> No.49588868
File: 379 KB, 320x240, ezgif-1-19c8e7466b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about technology over coin price here, anon.
Team of that shitcoin put me off. You're probably memeing but in case you aren't. If you are then I'm gonna add some RLC too you're right.
I get dumping avax but why xmr? Literally the satoshi vision.

>> No.49589015

In my opinion, XMR is just used as a layer of security when onramp/offramping between fiat and crypto. I don't know too many people that hold a large portion in their portfolio long-term. That being said, I could see a 5% allocation in one's portfolio to easily facilitate cash float, if you were a fan. I like XMR in theory, but in practice, it is not the most efficient investment vehicle.

>> No.49589149

>BTC and ETH
never buy last cycle's yesterday's coins
could be a good bet if you can get it around $1
only for schizo purposes, never gonna actually pump

>> No.49589290

bitcoin was the last cycle yesterday coin of the second cycle, and eth was the last cycle yesterday coin of this cycle. Don't buy em?

>> No.49589380

you'll only ever get decreasing returns on those, try to spot new upcoming trends early

>> No.49589461

Well of course, if I knew the logo for tomorrow's yet to be invented coin I would just put it there. Closest I've got is ICP.

>> No.49589480

You are also a retarded normie, don't you see a correlation?

>> No.49589677

Great portfolio although ICP adoption will make Link and Avax completely obsolete. I would sell the Avax to double your ICP stack and sell the Link for 32 more ETH and a MKR stack.

>> No.49590804

kek, do not do this OP you will rope in a few years.

>> No.49590905


>> No.49591020
File: 553 KB, 622x615, 1641646107395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will regret nothing

>> No.49591089

Get rid of the Avax and xmr and increase your ICP and link bags. If you want to stay diversified then swap for Hbar and Algo

>> No.49591127

Hard to improve on that imo, if I were to diversify into 6 then it would be those exact ones. I'm going 30% BTC and 70% Chainlink though as I honestly think it's going to be one of the best performing crypto assets in the next 2 years.

>> No.49591275
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, laundering-spy-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP makes LINK irrelevant. DYOR

>> No.49591336

I know that shit it's about having a slice of the pie even if icp fails (which I don't think it will).

>> No.49591362

XMR is one of the most contraction resistant coins because it's actually used as money.

>> No.49591385

>ICP is scary but might be at the bottom after months long massacre
>XMR is decent but have continues selling pressure+muh regulation fud
>ETH is solid although ETH/BTC is scaring me+Alts/ETH are due for a relief rally
>BTC is solid of course
>LINK is good at this range (Fucking 2019 levels already, If it's not good rightnow it probably never was)
>AVAX is honestly one of the most tempting buys i've ever seen in crypto, And i've been here since 2017, Might buy a bag at $12

>> No.49591481

ICP shills have to be the biggest morons on this board

>> No.49591499
File: 89 KB, 1200x679, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70% LINK is not diversification if you are the same guy I was responding to. Why would ICP fail? I couldn't see how that could be. Unless the SBF mafia continues to get away with what they are doing.

>> No.49591632
File: 41 KB, 468x487, Dedication.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't spoon feed you shill lord, I'm just doing my part in pointing anons in a place to look into. DYOR.

>> No.49591661


Very good, you don’t need icp or monero though, keep those in btc, at least for the bear

>> No.49591757

I seriously can't believe people are buying the internet scamcoin made by Facebook retards who didn't get into BTC when it was hot. Jesus fucking christ how is this coin still being held?

>> No.49591814

why? i can explain why that person said what he said:
Traditional blockchain needs Oracles to have data inflows about the external world, ICP smart contracts however can make HTTP requests, so they can query web2 or any API in the world to have data provided to the smart contract from the outside world. Does that mean Oracles will die? I'm not sure, maybe they'll be used for very important information that requires consensus or something like that.

>> No.49591838

add icp

>> No.49591885

don't spoonfeed, it's bad for the board. Like feeding the wildlife. Let them DYOR

>> No.49592009

Aka just buy our bags lol

>> No.49592145

How’s Rose??

>> No.49592190
File: 127 KB, 1645x637, SBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not telling anyone to do anything besides research, faggot. That and spread awareness of the SBF Mafia

>> No.49592210

This my folio except avax and eth because both are shit, replace those with balancer

>> No.49592420

>will make link obsolete
lmao lol lel kek heh

>> No.49592603

fud the tech, you can't

>> No.49592701
File: 64 KB, 719x494, b8ddd238ec2ae5b69a7472c30fef341850dd57ff3337fb0b173f95ec155ae5b7_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SBF mafia is jews, so yes, I think there's a good chance they just get off scott free. You that same anon from earlier saying we need to give the government jews power over crypto so the crypto jews can't jew as hard or some shit like that?

>> No.49592786

Yes I know that. The statement assumes that ICP will replace every other blockchain which it won't because it can't kek. It likely won't even be able to replace some of the larger volume web2.0 applications. It was just a retarded moonboi maxi statement

>> No.49592878

Nice. Personally, I’m moving forward only with BTC, ICP, and AVAX. Keep stacking sats. I’m thinking your GMI

>> No.49592895

I am, and no, that's not what I want, obviously. We need some way to tear down obvious monopolies in the space. This guy has his own hedge, exchange, and crypto. We can all see the issues with that. I want that stopped.

>> No.49592915

ICP is in a tough spot right now, public opinion has evidently been manufactured to be negative. My investment thesis here is simply that i believe truth wins at some point, like Marc Andreessen says. Bad technology (of the variety SBF is funding) has to fail at some point, reality exists, no matter how hard one tries to ignore it

>> No.49593072

ICP has negative connotation cause it can't DO anything practical that normies care about. You can give all that technical jargon you want and tell people to DYOR and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Why the fuck do I need to use your protocol or whatever to make websites when the ACTUAL internet exists?

>> No.49593271

anti-Amazon sentiment among normies is enough to fuel the migration to an alternative to AWS.

>> No.49593390

It's funny that you say that because ICP is actually the first project I'm aware of that IS normie friendly, reverse gas fees making it possible for anyone to interact with the blockchain without a wallet, the same way we interact with web2. Basically everyone will be using ICP without being aware of it in a few years. Besides that your logic would keep you from buying BTC given that VISA already exists and is a better user experience. I don't want to be rude but you're either not very bright or part of Sam's cartel and i'm not gonna bother replying to you from now on. Have a nice day

>> No.49593657

Web hosting is cheaper on ICP and you don't have to worry about Amazon shutting off your hosting for thought crime. Unless the NNS agrees with the thought crime which is why /biz/ should own as much of the supply as possible.

>> No.49593673

XMR is the only crypto in the top 50 that isn't below it's previous 12th May low.

>> No.49593712
File: 6 KB, 250x240, shitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2.5k avax

>> No.49593807


are you idiots really falling for this dumb shit

>> No.49593978

Yeah I always got hung up on the NNS. In order to not be banned from purchase and usage altogether I guess ICP needs something like that just so there isn't CP on the ICP (kek), but it can obviously be abused.

>> No.49594027

10k XLM

What should I change?

>> No.49594051

OP doesn’t deserve ROSE if he’s buying horse shit like ICP.

>> No.49594202

Sounds like xmr and eth had a kid. Not bad. Maybe I add it in.

>> No.49594218
File: 374 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220613-091406_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>due to reverse gas nobody has to buy the token to use the protocol
>idiots think by buying the token they will be buying freedom from Amazon
Fucker isn't even fully decentralized. You think ICP heads are /biz/onaccis and won't hesitate to use that 20% voting bloc to shutdown wrongthink? Lel just use the darkweb like a normal human being.

>> No.49594437

Also if freedom is what your after that asterisk should have you running scared. Your idiots who bought silicon valley tech bro bags kek

>> No.49594891

When you buy LINK you are making a personal donation to Sergey. Tech is good but token not needed. Other than that it's a good portfolio.

>> No.49596088

Fud, the technical breakdown of token distribution is out there. Not a single entity has more authority over another. Post your bags shill Lord. Let's see it.

>> No.49596655
File: 146 KB, 642x960, quieres 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good, only thing I'd change is replacing AVAX with HBAR.

>> No.49596973
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1649077532992s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bear market folio.
>Good tech and good logos.
>>2.1 btc
>>32 eth
>>250 xmr
>>2.5k avax
>>10k link

add Rfox and cream, otherwise i like.

>> No.49598737
File: 7 KB, 225x225, fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.5k avax
>10k link
>10k icp
all of this into API3 to make it a decent folio

>> No.49599094

Didn't cream get hacked? Like several times?
literally who