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49536078 No.49536078 [Reply] [Original]

Was crypto just a fad?

>> No.49536103

do fads last for over a decade?

>> No.49536105

yes it was tulip beanies 2.0

>> No.49536126

Yeah because it was a very niche minor fad for the first 6 years and a medium sized fad for the next 2 and finally blow off top at the end

>> No.49536128

yes obviously,
the future is certainly government shitcoins with 50% taxes and 20% inflation

>> No.49536152


>> No.49536173

Crypto as a whole no. Alts sure.

>> No.49536182

Yes, no recovery this time, sorry goys. Nice try though, better luck next time

>> No.49536198

this, so much this
who cares about if it works or not as a proper currency right ? surely this is the right mindset

>> No.49536205
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>> No.49536225

Except it does work.

>> No.49536234

>Was crypto just a fad?
Yes. I've been coming here for years to try and warn you faggots. You always laugh. You always say dumb shit to defend it. You always say mean things. But guess who is right? Me. Crypto is dead and you'll all be poor forever now. At least those of you that weren't posting ironically

>> No.49536235

A lot of crypto, yes. Not Bitcoin and some altcoins after they're legally compliant, and the few fly by night illegal but successful rare non-rugpulls. This bear market too shall pass. There's more bear days in Bitcoin than bullish days, but the bullish days are euprohic enough that you'll get drunk on dopamine and start believing your own bullshit and fail to recognize that this time is not different. Anywho, Bitcoin's going to the moon, but before that happens I'd say it would be wise to psychologically it to dip by 45%+. Make such an event an opportunity if you currently dread it, it's good for your development and mental health and only bad for your wallet if Bitcoin does indeed pump, which you should always have some on hand for such an occasion.

>> No.49536240

Was pretty niche during most of that time. Wasn’t until recently that it became mainstream

>> No.49536267

crypto is like a battery
it stores extra charge if the powell is pumping extra money that can't get absorbed by the regular stock market.
it's why it correlates with nasdaq
but if the extra money stops it starts tanking because crypto by itself is useless

>> No.49536288

The tyrannical nature of the current government means that it's a fad that keeps going.

But there are questions whether the 2025 bullrun will truly be 'great' or not, considering the population will be getting raped by a recession for the next year.

>> No.49536340

It's not more of a fad then regular finance. And crypto is not suddenly gone, it's been declared dead by 'experts' 100s of times.

>> No.49536421


>> No.49536652

Would seem to imply that it's no longer in existence.

>> No.49536695

This is gonna be a blog post but idc. I’m deep in tech and there’s a lot of “smart” people who still don’t get crypto. They don’t understand the value add that comes with a trusted decentralized system.
Everyone(particularly older gens) still operates on traditional financial advice that if you just save a little of your fiat eventually you’ll be wealthy. As most of us have realized this is BULLSHIT. Wageslave 20 years making low 6 figures and if you live those years like a pauper with no kids you can maybe payoff a house. And that’s a good salary and ignoring the assraping from inflation and political bs. The average salary is half of that or less. Anything you save is getting assraped by inflation if you’re not making at least 12% apr on your savings you’re slowly getting rug pulled into oblivion. But where do you safely make those kind of returns? PMs maybe but you’ll get assraped by paying above spot and again with fees or low ball offers whenever you to try to cash out to trade for something you need. You need a highly liquid asset that can tie into other markets. you need that liquid asset to be as free from manipulation as possible. Every stock, fiat, even pms can be manipulated. It’s hard to manipulate crypto because the ledger is public any leverage you have is fiat related you can’t own btc that doesn’t exist but you can own the right to pms that dont exist or stock in a company with inflated numbers, or fiat that’s getting taxed and printed into toiletpaper. There’s no barriers to participation either. they can regulate sanction w/e, but if a Russian goes all in on crypto their savings become protected from geopolitical manipulations. We’re still so early and nobody really gets it. If we don’t get sent back into the dark ages, crypto will eventually be ubiquitous in everyones daily life. It will be the asset to bank in. We’re going through growing pains rn but for savvy among us, our children will own the stars.

>> No.49536751

Booba is just a fad, DFC is the future

>> No.49536823

but what asset can realistically fill this role. they all have problems

>> No.49536840

Bitcoin is the same as any other currency except rather than being backed by a nation state it's backed by the entire world. It is the future.

>> No.49536862

Dogecoin can (no really)

>> No.49536869

it'll be a hundred year fad yes

>> No.49536874

sounds like late adopter cope, and theres so much wrong with your post idk where to start, just gonna say you're deluded

>> No.49536914

crypto in general is not a fad.there are major utility players involved that keeps the space thriving.one such project i got to know about is axl , filled with utilities like staking, yield farming,ido launchpad,nft launchpad ,nft marketplace etc

>> No.49536932

No. Bears happen. If this is your first then you are probably new to crypto. Best to put money into DeFi protocols like pancakeswap and equilibrium then you wait out the bear.

>> No.49536936

Bump for SEXy anime man

>> No.49536954

The IDO of an upcoming p2e game called elf matrix is happening on 15th june ,hosted by axl. Already blocked the date !

>> No.49537050

>mined btc in 2011
so I guess I was a few years late, faggot

>> No.49537079

Depends what you mean by that. Crypto is a fad in that it got popular for a time and many projects crashed but do I think it will all just disappear? No. Only a tard who hasn't done proper research would think that.

>> No.49537089

Nigger it’s been a big thing since 2016 at least

>> No.49537092

Yes, that's why governments around the world and the WEF are currently losing their shit over crypto, because it's just a fad.

>> No.49537123 [DELETED] 

Fellas, a few ideas about the Streeth, that comes to us from heaven:

>Mints & auctions iconic Street Art NFTs
>Bullish Articles on Forbes, Times, Yahoo and others
>Audit by CoinScope
>Doxxed KYC Team

>> No.49537202

let me guess, you also never sold a single one cause you're such a big believer. Kys larper

>> No.49537208

i read about it. This is one fully loaded utility based project

>> No.49537223

nobody is losing their shit on a minuscule market in the great scheme of things

>> No.49537232

im dying to get my hands on ayrton senna's f1 car nft collection which will be hosted by axl.

>> No.49537332
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No, it will come back even stronger.

>> No.49537468

lol I wish. Got bills to pay homes to own kids to pay for. Made it by some standards. Also lost a bunch that I had in a pool. Learned the not your keys rule the hard way. Im not coping but there was a thread in another tech forum that made me angry with how ignorant everyone is. I can accept the population at large being full of idiots but when a small forum of people I respect say stupid shit it really frustrates me. And i’m not talking about this place, you people are crazy, but i can vent easy and every so often you come across gold posts.

>> No.49537695

so btc hit 69k and you still havent made it, explains why you're still such a shill. Maybe start considering the idea that this was your chance and you blew it.
You can dress the tech and market as you like, say all those pretty shill points, its still what it is. Transfer of wealth, and the transfering's been done

>> No.49537768

you don’t get it son, and it looks like you won’t.
GL on your ventures

>> No.49538758

Big breasts just do something to me man

>> No.49539387

as always when someone disagrees with btc shill points, they just "dont get it". So easy to dismiss. Whatever, stick to your fantasies

>> No.49539432

it literally is a currency.

>This so much this


>> No.49539496

It has lasted longer than the average age of /biz/ posters (13) so they think it is a permanent phenomenon and not just a side effect of post-crisis QE.

>> No.49539515
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This is true for the vast majority of "crypto"

But, Bitcoin is not "crypto" bitcoin is bitcoin. A decentralized currency. Much akin to gold and is going to be regulated like gold. As a commodity. The government in the US is already going over this. Meanwhile faggy ETH and all the shit coins it spawned are going to sink because they will be treated as securities which have much harsher penalties and regulations than commodities. Everything on the etherium network will be brought to trial one by one and whether they are securities or commodities will be decided one by one.

The only other acceptation to this is Monero which doesn't have to give a single shit about the market at all

>> No.49539530

They do actually

>> No.49539543

>finally find a way to take power out of the hands of banks/big corpo
>can lend, borrow, or deal with money independently, across borders, without barriers, for free for the first time in history without the use of a state backed system of currency.
>just a fad bros
kek fucking midwits this is just the beginning. you literally dont know how early you are. the sad thing is, we're so early you'll never live to make it really.

>> No.49539567

Orange woman bad.

>> No.49539581


>> No.49539589
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>> No.49540000

I haven’t been in BTC since peak in 2017 so thanks for proving my point.

>> No.49540129

memecoins and shitcoins were definitely a fad and wont be pumping anymore

but coins with actual technology and utility will stay for a long time. there are billion dollar companies like Facebook and Strip collabing with Polygon for example

>> No.49540356

That's a man.

>> No.49540588 [DELETED] 

>Google, IBM, Boeing, LG, Tmobile, UbiSoft

theyre all on the Hedera council. How are these companies funding HBAR foundation with billions of dollars and helping them expand the Hedera ecosystem if this is all just a “fad”

>> No.49541009
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yep and you bought the top
thanks for playing, it was all a meme.
and just incase you thought i was joking, some rando just cashed out 2.7B in the biggest ponzi scheme in history. do you think it will continue after this? nope.

>> No.49541016

2017 was bigger than 2021 retard

>> No.49541120

Because you guys keep saying its this idealistic system but the facts are billions if not trillions have been stolen and billions more hacked. Why is it so great? So people can pump your bag and you hopefully get out before musical chairs ends. Its over.

>> No.49541402

ETH was always a nightmare from a security perspective and I’ve never supported. BTC only gets hacked if its not your keys or 51% which is prohibitively expensive, but the algorithm is admittedly getting old. I did extensive research on various chains specifically for security, and I can say with certainty the current market either doesn’t care or is too retarded to make sound investments in regards info sec.

>> No.49541479

Okay, what would be a 'sound investment in regards info sec'?

>> No.49541510

Fad is the wrong word. Scam is more appropriate. And yes it was.

>> No.49541543

>Google, IBM, Boeing, UbiSoft, LG, Tmobile

They’re all on the Hedera council and are funding HBAR foundation with billions of dollars to help it expand the Hedera ecosystem

You think all these companies are spending these billions over a “fad”?

>> No.49541623

Iso20022 compliant coins will last another decade at least. BTC will lose most of the value it still has.

>> No.49541733
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No its not, even the stock market is down
>Stop ranting shit and buy QANX dip

>> No.49541745

biz favs xmr and algo are sound. You’re better off security wise with dash than litecoin or even btc, but its got no new blood and is probably going to fade out slowly. There are others in the top 100 that are also sound but they’re almost all heavily centralized which defeats the purpose.

>> No.49541860

Y'all start fudding when there is a dip and all bullish when it start pumping, freaking Hypocrite
I haven't sold any yet, waiting for mainnet launch EOY

>> No.49541926

QANX is solid, since its blockchain is quantum resistant and it has been audited by IBM platinum partners
now is the best time to search for gems

>> No.49542040

this post brought to you by a blog from 2011

>> No.49542662

i screencapped your post. dont know how true it is but i like they way that you think

>> No.49542744

and yet so little has changed

>> No.49542953

>do fads last for over a decade?
Talmudism has lasted for over two millenia.

Greater fools could keep coming and make Bitcoin or some other shitcoin digital gold, except less useful. Or Biden could ban crypto, or greater fools could start collecting something different.

Who knows, just gamble on the market and sell the hype but never buy it.

>> No.49543056

If you're genuinely considering that crypto might have been just a fad... that's a pretty solid bottom indicator.

>> No.49543131

define fad

>> No.49543205

>I've been coming here for years to try and warn you faggots
Do you realize what a retard that makes you? Wasting years being like "It's gonna go down some day! Just you wait!" while people made millions, because all they had to do was buy low and sell high.

>> No.49543815

That’s a whole lotta (You)s

>> No.49543847

Checked quads, fuck bitcoin

>> No.49544151

>it's hard to manipulate crypto
in some ways you are right but this totally misses the mark. https://hackernoon.com/meet-spoofy-how-a-single-entity-dominates-the-price-of-bitcoin-39c711d28eb4

>> No.49544328

Yes, absolutely you retard.

>> No.49544414

oh yea, right, pokemon was a fad too right? no money to be made there...didn't make like 40k off that shit in 2020

>> No.49544442

I wouldn't say that about a system that gave me a huge load of gains after staking with Allianceblock out of many others. I provided liquidity and here I am gaining a lot.

>> No.49544495

QANX is based anon, I'm taking advantage of low prices and slurping promising low caps like ORE at the moment

>> No.49544696

>you need that liquid asset to be as free from manipulation as possible.
Paper BTC and stablecoins backed by fairy dust and wishes

>> No.49544749

Literally has no utility.
Some do. Some last multiple decades.

>> No.49544792

Then what's up with all the FUDs we keep seeing from the feds, chinks, pajeets, EU and so forth?

>> No.49545284

luna is good example of why you don’t invest paper bs and it wasn’t hard to see that coming. only stable coin worth having is usdc and I don’t even see the point outside swing trading market fluctuations.

>> No.49545307

yes, ancestors will think we were so stupid for ever buying internet crypto money

>> No.49545480
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When the upcoming recession hits, normies will run to crypto.

They will be desperate to make an easy buck.

Everything is cheap right now, you would be a fool not to invest at this time.

>> No.49545718

God damn i can't cum buckets into an ai catgirl fembot. Life is so unfair bros.

>> No.49546203

I will prefer Rail over Xmr though but I'm more comfortable with RFOX bag and the 30% apy I enjoy by staking.

>> No.49546254

We have this thread every 4 years

>> No.49546600
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not with that attitude you won't

>> No.49546665
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I have been earning from ORE -ALBT LP on Allianceblock block for over 55% APY and the pool just got extended as well

>> No.49546716

That's decent anon, RFOX is a good one, they already adopted the ORE ID product for security of it's platform users

>> No.49546823
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That's exactly why I'm slurping low cap alts like TXA, it's still low cap and unbelievably cheap atm, will be profitable once the bull cycle returns. It ain't the first time we are having this kind of dip

>> No.49547041

Not fad anon, crypto is down, so as stocks as well, it did happen before nigga, this is the time to buy since most alts are underpriced. I have been DCAing into some especially TXA which I find promising with better tech and team

>> No.49547131

very good! I am also buying TXA it has the low cap, unbelievable how cheap this is

>> No.49547328

One world government (we're already living in it) and uniform global currency is an inevitability. People can fight it or they can try to get rich off of it. Never embrace it, "real money," i.e. economic value lies in goods and services.

>> No.49547701
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That's a good one, with their buyback program recently announced, anyone buy atm will make profits once it's implemented