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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49527227 No.49527227 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it going down so much compared to others? Is there something behind the scenes that the plebs don't know? Delayed 2.0? Did they fuck up?

>> No.49527232

Did Dolphin Forest finally lose the plot?

>> No.49527361

Of course it got delayed again. If you expected the merge to happen soon you might be clinically retarded at this point.

>> No.49527381

eth always performs like shit in a bear market

>> No.49527390

what does it do? nothing? in 7 years of development?
and by 'development' i mean niggers and tranny misfits posting about it on twitter
at least BTC serves its purpose and hasn't fucked up in a decade

>> No.49527426

why delay tho?
ropsten merge was done rather uneventfully

>> No.49527433

Well, I work on the ETH ecosystem and I can tell you:

>they promissed ETH 2.0 and said gas fees will go down, never happened
>the release of the BAYC metaverse was merely speculative, there wasnt any actual metaverse
>ther release of this metaverse also broke the whole ecosystem (6k gas fees)
>the monkeys started bragging after their launch broke all the ETH ecosystem
>it's suppossed to be decenteralized but Vitalik is a normie that sucks world leaders dicks

So, basically, ETH is just the main smart contract blockchain without deserving it, and people are starting to realize

>> No.49527434

ropsten is the smoke, ETH is the mirror

>> No.49527454

Eth to sub $1000 where it belongs. There's literally hundreds of alts faster and cheaper there's no reason for Eth to be so high. 10k yeah right if you believe that your a complete mong

>> No.49527465
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check the ADA-ETH chart

>> No.49527468

the problem is that there are no other good Smart contract chains. They're all PoS (Piece of Shit) with less than 100 actual validators, or a Satoshi coefficient below 25.
Only decent PoW smart chain I can come up with atm is Nervos CKB and that is completely under the radar.
Kadena is a tranny chain with big blocks like BSV

what else is there?

>> No.49527484

well I guess there's Polkadot and Cardano, they have around 1000 validators, but they're still PoS

>> No.49527509

They were calling for 20k at all time highs LOL

>> No.49527519

>1400 validators
>highest real world performance
>fastest consensus

At the least it's completely superior to eth

>> No.49527520
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fuck i remember this

>> No.49527551

avax had at one point 1600 validators and satoshi coeff around 30, dont know actual numbers now

>> No.49527585

I thought one of you retards would mention AVAX but it's completely centralized since Snowball+ "upgrade"

mev interfered with their "amazing" consensus and they switched to leader-based, leader is selected in a centralized way. Just a shitchain like any other now.
But because they're turks they of course covered it up and even the majority of their holders are still clueless.

>> No.49527643

for those who don't believe me

Next time do some research and keep up with your fucking investment
it's leader-based like anything else now

>> No.49527663

Money skelly insists on acting like a commie faggot

>> No.49527683

I'm not reading that nerd shit

Reality is probably all of this shit is basically centralized in one way or another.

Might as well go with the fastest one with low fees that stays up reliably.

>> No.49527721

suit yourself dumdum, but the redpill is that if it's centralized it's a matter of time before it goes the way of Solana.
Either downtimes or gets slower and higher fees over time.
Also Avax nearly was taken down before they did the mev "fix", at the time they were blaming it on the hardware of the validators kek

>> No.49527731

>Might as well go with the fastest one with low fees that stays up reliably.
Also I believe that as of now what you describe is BSC (it won't last though)

>> No.49527747

Why not? Newfag here

>> No.49527757

check the amount of validators
very big attack vector

>> No.49527829

21 validators with the most amount of BNB allocated/entrusted too, right?

I remember reading it should be Byzantine-fault-tolerant enough with that weird validation method.

>> No.49527872

it doesn't matter if something is BFT between 21 validators lmao
that shit only matters if your protocol is actually permissionless

>> No.49527886

>there wasnt any actual metaverse
this really comes as a surprise to anyone?

>> No.49527904
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works every time

>> No.49527914

Its preforming like shit because of the delay.

>> No.49527932

Nfts are in "as long as I don't sell I haven't lost money r-right?" phase.
Defi rewards free-falling for months and full of ponzis.
And the merge isn't coming, and when it does, it won't address gas fees.

>> No.49528110

So the problem lies in Binance, which could force its hand anytime?
But it would lose the trust this way

>> No.49528131

>but banks would lose the trust if they exploit the system to steal from us!
Binance is already stealing from you btw, it's called frontrunning.

>> No.49528187

Ether sounds way cooler than bitcoin.

>> No.49528391

Whales are selling their stacks and buying icp.

>> No.49528538

Shit ass gas fees and cant scale.

Why was this trash ever up anyway?

>> No.49528551

ETH is literally dumping harder than most of my other shitcoins. I don't know how this is even possible. I can't be the only one who bought because I thought moves like this were done.

>> No.49528575

bear markets are almost physically painful
it's called 'capitulation' and 'despair' for a reason
this time next year, you won't hear shit in real life about bitcoin, let alone ETH, let alone NFTs or 'crypto' in general
normalfags will be validated by avoiding it all and think it was all just some one off trend that they'll never see again

until of course we repeat the cycle again in late 2024/early 2025.

pure pottery

>> No.49528603

lol avax sucks dicks lmao fantom is better

>> No.49528620
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>Indians and poors reposted an ironic fantasy picture on twitter of eth experiencing a triple-halving which would make it shoot to 50k per eth

>> No.49528647

>There is not actual Metaverse
>The release of this Metaverse
JavaScript "dev" I figure?

>> No.49528666

I can't believe we haven't hit that yet I'm 90 percent down from ATH kek. This is gonna be a rough ride since I'll probably lose my job eom.

Fantom chad here. AVAX and Fantom holders are bros. Don't be a nigger

>> No.49528725

>Leader based=Centralised

Are you retarded? And Snowman++ is a soft leader consensus

Rest of your shit is literally made up garbage lmao wtf is this

>> No.49528748

Hedera Hashgraph.

>> No.49528799

Don't the PoS Validating pools look like ass, with alone LIDO having nearly 33% of the network. The merge is starting to get really fucked up with the tendency of ETH to centralize looking like a real problem.

>> No.49528997

> Kadena is a tranny chain with big blocks like BSV

You will get filtered so hard, again, and most of us will laugh at your futile attempts to board the ship.

>> No.49529039
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ETH was massively overvalued. people were spreading false and misleading info that it was "just as safe as bitcoin"

However the turth is that ETH is a complete scam. It has a pre-mine and sole purpose is to enrich the CEO.How anyone fell for this scam is beyond me.

>> No.49529042

>I can't believe we haven't hit that yet I'm 90 percent down from ATH kek.
Higher mcap means slower movements, we'll get there.

>> No.49529064
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I get liquidated at 1.3k. It was nice meeting yall. See you in the other side.

>> No.49529084
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out of my way N

>> No.49529286

That's always been the case. The ETH maxis who think otherwise are just deluded. Ethereum is a technology company with a Foundation treasury used to finance its goals which are determined by its CEO, it has more in common with Google or Facebook than BTC. At best it is like the Linux Foundation with Vitalik being Linus Torvalds. It has no Implementation of DAO with the Ethereum Foundation calling the shots.

Buying ETH is like a bet on Ethereum becoming THE Crypto Platform Chain, just like betting on Myspace or Facebook, Google or Yahoo etc.

>> No.49529310

Insider here

2.0 is not coming anytime soon. Vitalik literally has no idea how to do it. Nobody does.
They won’t even let you unstake bc they can’t work the game theory of it.


>> No.49529392
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>> No.49529402

Holy shit people will say anything to fud eth

>> No.49529478


>> No.49529636

I can’t wait to buy this shitcoin at $400.

>> No.49529710

I have 3.64 eth. Should I buy 3 more eth with fuck you money or invest it in Bitcoin?

>> No.49529794

>fast cheap
Retarded scum, you dont even care if some jew controls it as long as its fast and cheap
But that defeats the whole point of crpyto you guys are whats wrong with this spacee

>> No.49529806

Staking was priced in you faggots

>> No.49529910


>> No.49529920

Outsider here. He also appears to be a booger eating pedo.

>> No.49530004

>what else is there
Chia? Given your only criteria are not being PoS and having high amount of validators it should be your favorite since it's got well over 100k full nodes and uses Proof of Space and Time which is real Nakomoto Concensus

>> No.49530024

man everyday i read some dumb shit that reminds me this board is just buying coins at random and have no idea what any of the projects are actually doing.

>> No.49530031

But they literally switched to PoS on Ropsten without hiccups

>> No.49530083

Is has been, is, and will continue to be a Kike Scam. Look at the last names of those involved. Observe their gas fees compared to XRP and XLM. Observe their secrecy, hidden whales and insider government dealings. The ETH BTC maxis are a criminal conspiracy.

>> No.49530322

So this many people fudding it is a buy signal?

>> No.49530339

So? The game theory of unstaking without compromising and doing sigil attacks is not worked out within Vitamib’s regarded design.

>> No.49530358

And vitamin wants mathematical proofs before fixing it and they are not forthcoming

He wants to avoid the inevitable 15 year old hacking 5b dollars that will happen otherwise

>> No.49530374

But it may turn out with sharts that it’s just not possible

>> No.49530468

Wait are you saying that even post merge you couldn't unstake, as of now, assuming it ever went to mainnet?

>> No.49530494

Ew no, that one is shit

>> No.49530529

buy eth massive, buy wall at 1500 usd , it's going to moon soon, this manipulated wall is literally whales buying more from retards.

>> No.49530545


holly hell, i sold them all at 0.0095 what i nice feeling that i dumped my cardano at the top.

>> No.49530572

Unstaking is not coming with the merge, nor the solution to the gas fees.

>> No.49530662

Supposedly far off into the future when full 2.0 launches you can unstake. But he has it turned off rn and in all planned immediate “releases” bc he doesn’t know how to prevent a number of hacks

>> No.49530678

is the amount of eth the Foundation has staked publicly available

>> No.49530694

Yes. But recall it’s all meme money he created himself.

>> No.49530698

Swap exactly 16327.3 USDT for 10.3784 ETH

sorry cucks

>> No.49530708
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Funny how nobody answered yet.
Its dumping hard because people are getting liquidated by defi protocols. I myself would never sell my ETH but I'm nearing liquidation for a 20k loan on Aave.

>> No.49530713

10m Eth.

>> No.49530726

major skin in the game
and you can still sell eth after it's been staked, right?

>> No.49530788

The "space" is maturing which means more are starting to understand that ETH and the entire ecosystem around it was a mistake from the start.

>> No.49530815

after the merge yeah you can

>> No.49530827

post [your coin] against ETH chart, 180d

>> No.49530897

There's only one "coin". The token problem is already solved. There's no reason to reinvent the wheel every two weeks except to scam.

>> No.49530905

In n number of years you can.

Foundation and Vitalik minted that Eth at 0.000001 btc years ago when btc was 12 dollars. It doesn’t cost them anything when they all also have 10M for their personal fortunes.

>> No.49530927

10k eth in july

>> No.49530938

It’s worth it bc it’s effectively burned and a major reason why circulating supply went down and price went up in 2019-2020. They’re also all burned out from 10/10 hookers and yachts. This Eth 2 meme if their response to new Users avoiding Eth

>> No.49530958
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>> No.49530979

I swapped all my Ethereum for Bitcoin right after I heard the seven-block reorganization thing notice and because the merge was never coming, and the price started dropping from there. I don't care about altcoins and their "let's play with toy algorithms" game anymore, I gone full Bitcoin maxi.

>> No.49531174

It was an interesting experiment that produced some valuable lessons, but it's time to let it go now.

>> No.49531339

>Ethereum is decentralized

>> No.49531428

I have not looked at a chart or a wall since 2014 and I believe this.

>> No.49531437

>they promissed ETH 2.0 and said gas fees will go down, never happened
>ETH 2.0 is also didn't happen yet
how do these 2 points reconcile? I'm invested in a ETH competitor btw

>> No.49531477

>erased part of the sentence to change it and fuckde it
I shouldn't write half-awake

>> No.49531913

Solana has 1783 validators.

>> No.49532496
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yes, also you can extrapolate total eth staked by the APR. Currently, a bit above 10m.
Although the APR is a meme because it doesn't take into consideration coin inflation and estimates node availability around 92%...

>> No.49532561

aka 5 validators posing as 1783

>> No.49532603

No you're thinking of Eth 2.0

>> No.49532608

oh yes, someday, I mean it was going to happen 2q 2021...
t. actual idiot here running a full node since 2020 who staked eth sub €300

>> No.49532626

this, i keep telling you guys that being a vegan melts your brain, you don't get essential animal fats and nutriets and you end up a drooling retard
he will never solve anything as long as he keeps eating leafs

>> No.49532660

The entirety of crypto is populated by tech retard flunkies who weren't competent enough to get real jobs. People are finally coming to that realization.

>> No.49532689

If eth goes to $1, gas fees will become reasonable again

>> No.49532699

UNDERRATED, have a (you)

>> No.49532732

whale manipulation. they cause panic amongst the normies and then buy when they all panic sell

Look at Etherscan. BitDAO alone is buying more than 380 ETH on a daily basis (on average) and holds more than 200k ETH in its treasury.

>> No.49532741
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Not like this.........

>> No.49532784

Because ETH can't scale and the transaction fees are the equivalent of the GDP of a small country. Combined with the image of ETH being destroyed by NFT. Normies now hate ETH with a passion and won't touch it.

>> No.49532793

pseudo random selection of leader
keyword pseudo

as in pseudo new consensus when actually you're basically doing the same exact shit as any PoS chain, not fundamentally different from Ouroboros

>> No.49532812

lots of failed tx on ropsten. Something didn't go according to plan.
mainnet merge rumoured to be delayed until September

>> No.49532839


>> No.49532846


>> No.49532876

and yes Ouroboros is centralized because you cannot reconstruct the correct chain without relying on a centralized entity to point out what it is

either way the big fail is that they switched from their novel groundbreaking consensus (sample and majority decides) to just another leaderbased thing (pseudo random leader selection)

we call that epic fail

>> No.49532915
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people still using btc stock to flow model in the year of lord 2022

>> No.49532945
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>Is there something behind the scenes that the plebs don't know?
No it's quite out in the open:
The figurehead of the project is a turbo-autist and every simgle use-case of this coin is and always has been an obvious scam. How it ever got about a few dollars is a testament to human psychology in a bubble.

>> No.49532991

>all in the same datacenter

>> No.49533012

Kadena has potential imo just not to replace eth. The mining part is interesting. But none of the other l1s are better than eth. Solana has broken several times now, avax is whatever, ftm got congested and has too few nodes, Luna is gone, ada hadn't even been used. It's all trash. Eth at least works for the most part.

>> No.49533111
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>> No.49533189

polkadot and nervos are good picks imo
but the best pick is LINK which will thrive no matter what L1 takes the day for a while

>> No.49533268

the fuck you mean? Proof?

>> No.49533277
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imagine believing this 4chan fud, you guys are bastards spreading bullshit

>> No.49533279

by this time next year btc will be above 100k and eth above 10k.

Yield curve control will pump everything.

>> No.49534551


>> No.49535226
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Will chy-na dump more in a few hours or will they slurp?

>> No.49535229
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PoW is what provides baseline value to cryptocurrency
it's no wonder the longest surviving coins are PoW...
now we enter a bear market as millions of ETH are locked up until PoS, an event that was priced in when eth was 3-4k, and as soon as it unlocks? we will be in a depression.
ETH is going <1k; plan accordingly.

>> No.49535612

cope. Shoo shoo bitcoin maxi

>> No.49535704
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>tards realize ETH cannot scale
>tards move to "ETH competition 1"
>tards realize "ETH competition 1" cannot scale
>tards move to "ETH competition 2"
>tards realize "ETH competition 2" cannot scale
>tards move to the next ETH competition until tards realize smart contracts are a scam that cannot scale

>> No.49535830

Staking USDC since the start of the year and buying 32 ETH when it hit sub $500

>> No.49535890

>cope. Shoo shoo bitcoin maxi
I only hold Monero. You know, the thing outperforming both BTC and ETH in 2022 kek.

>> No.49536188

Completely fed up with the 10k shit. Found a new source of income and its nft gaming. Got my Honeyland nfts ready for game launch. Also making upto $40 on Aavegotchi daily

>> No.49536210

bottom's in boys

>> No.49536248

Literally celcius unwiinding their stETH positions becuase they're insolvent retards.

>> No.49536353

Whats ETH's beta?

>> No.49536542

>According to this CERN data, ETH's beta value
>is 0.0494

>> No.49536581


>> No.49536592


>> No.49536767

where do we even begin?

ethereum is by all accounts, still as speculative as any other alt. i was reading that people still think ETH is as much a shitcoin as any other 2017 and older token. yet it does have the most development going for it. but it still has a chance to fail as badly as luna. one really bad screw up with the merge and it could be over. it's still a big risk to expect these guys have their shit together. and for you to expect them to look out for your best interest. the safest crypto is still bitcoin because it doesn't need any updates or tinkering the way ETH does...

and speaking of the merge. we are almost about to hit the supposed difficulty bomb? which is supposed to incentivize either a merge or another fork for mining? that im not sure about. but either way, it's going to be making it brutal for miners to profit. meaning their hardware is going to cost them more money than it's worth it to mine. and they begin selling off their stack to bitcoin or cash. and seeing the drop in price is going to make the 2.0 stakers panic. all those people locked into the 2.0 bullshit saw their stack go from 4k down to almost 1k. you know they want to get the fuck out as soon as they can. that's a scary cascading effect.

take that. and add in the general geopolitical bullshit in the world. and the fact that bitcoin and other assets are doing poorly against an already poor dollar. it's more amazing that ethereum isn't at mid 3 digits yet. but i suppose people are still holding out hope that the merge and the 90% supply cut will bullish. i don't trust it at all anymore. I'm just holding cash and ill probably DCA into BTC. maybe eth after the merge.

>> No.49536792

Zero doesn't exist now see what happened.

>> No.49537964

>Did they fuck up?
Absolutely, they messed up big time with the delay. I hope they find a way out of it though. I've liquidated for now and I'll be waiting for the bottom before getting in again. In the meantime, I'll just hold some KOL