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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 113 KB, 785x604, 96AC8B5A-F4B4-4AF5-817E-303F43D7EB71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49511012 No.49511012 [Reply] [Original]

record high gas prices, record high inflation, nothing substantial being done by our useless govt to combat all this. It’s fucking over, the middle class is more. Now it’s just the slaves and their slave masters.

>> No.49511045
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>> No.49511072

it’s over. welcome to the new world order

>> No.49511078

>nothing substantial being done by our useless govt to combat all this
>dems tell everyone to "vote"
>republicans chasing culture wars to rile up trailer trash
i can't fucking take it anymore

>> No.49511102
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priced in

>> No.49511112

Inflation peaked in March

>> No.49511122

funny fact about this photo is that house in background is where elon musk been squatting in

>> No.49511141
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Thanks, Jews!

>> No.49511189
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>> No.49511193
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we already are in a world of pain. and most don't understand that 175 dollar per barrel oil is inevitable at this point

>> No.49511230

weimar time

>> No.49511254

>it's real
Oh boy

>> No.49511324

bull shit, there's no reason they wouldn't be able to support double digits before. what the fuck, do you honestly believe every pump every where its hooked up to the internet 24/7 to receive software updates?

>> No.49511354

Google "Integer Overflow"

>> No.49511380

The fucked part is that demand for gas is actually LOWER than it was pre-covid, yet prices are still double what they were.


>> No.49511476

Makes sense. The money supply doubled and a shitload of drilling operations were shut down during COVID. Those same operations now have no incentive to reopen since they'd probably never be able to financially recover from reconfiguring infrastructure on nearly empty wells. Gas could probably hit $12-15 a gallon in some areas before we stabilize.

>> No.49511554
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money printing=inflation, simple as

>> No.49511565

>Trusting anything a troon says with a Milady NFT as an avatar

>> No.49511599

>Integer Overflow
i get it, but it's foolish to think these systems were designed with some inability to process 1 extra digit.

>> No.49511614

>((the fed)) is still trying to blame the supply chain and ukraine and not them over printing

>> No.49511650

Thank you milady

>> No.49511672





>> No.49511675

It’s a combination of all of the above. Inflation is happening on a global scale with the US slightly above average

>> No.49511727

it is a rational thought, but as it turns out you would be wildly wrong. this already happened to stock ticker feeds that were originally developed decades ago. like, before the internet.
people do not change software until they have to.
>t. manager and 25+ year developer

>> No.49511746

You mean the 3 government free money packages have financial consequences?

>> No.49511810
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>DXY is up, not down
no. the US is inflating at a lower rate of change. DXY is a relative measure, giving you exactly the answer to that question of, "who is doing it the most." the dollar is strengthening relative to the world.
there is no objective index apart from the supply figures; M0, M1, M2, M3.

>> No.49511813

4 trillion of money that the government borrowed to give to middle class schlubs vs 9 trillion of freshly printed money that went right to (((investors))). Which do you think is more responsible for inflation?

>> No.49511861

the households that spent it on real goods and services, thus impacting the prices of those goods and services. money that goes into the financial system and markets is not available for expenditure, it is shareholder equity on a balance sheet.

>> No.49511885

>the world
No open your own wikipedia link and realize that "the world" here is
>Euro (EUR), 57.6% weight
>Japanese yen (JPY) 13.6% weight
>Pound sterling (GBP), 11.9% weight
>Canadian dollar (CAD), 9.1% weight
>Swedish krona (SEK), 4.2% weight
>Swiss franc (CHF) 3.6% weight

That's not the world that's just US colonies

>> No.49512024

>nothing being done by our government
Excuse me? There was a prime time event featuring the best of the best last night trying to get thise domestic terrorists from January 6th. I think thats more important than a collapsing economy?

>> No.49512074

$166.90 a barrel in 2008 adjusted for inflation after a while high prices reduce demand and cause recession. I would set take profit at $166 to be on safe side.

>> No.49512170

I bet $250

>> No.49512322

See >>49511554

>> No.49512732

Unironically the 4 trillion. Speculative markets act as gatekeeping mechanisms that prevent real inflation (money printing) from quickly spreading to consumer goods and services, while powering the meme "trickle down" mechanism at a rate which is sustainable for the macro, despite allowing a lot of perceived pain at the micro.
Think of it this way: which has more immediate impact on the price of fried chicken in a ghetto - me giving $10,000 each to a ghetto full of hungry fried chicken lovers, or me giving $1M to Goldstein to gamble on fried chicken stocks, the proceeds of which the fried chicken business uses to pay their wagies? Should I enable the poors to express greater demand or should I incentive degens into subsidizing supply?

>> No.49513125

And both sides believe the other is at fault. Republicans believe dems are doing nothing to combat it so we need more republicans. Dems believe the republicans voted against their bill to combat it so we need more dems.

>> No.49513237

This was already confirmed to happen in Washington and California.
>tfw an't own a milady

>> No.49513509

Gas station signs are physically not capable of showing two digits, they have to loose a digit at the end and rounf up to display it

>> No.49513578
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chaos timeline

>> No.49513660
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Cool, I would like to redeem my shares of this company's balance sheet for cash to compensate for inflation.
Where and how do I sell them?

>> No.49513744

>flawless victory

>> No.49513776

$15 a gallon is inevitable, and it gets worse from there.

>> No.49513864

based austrian economist.

>> No.49513897
File: 1.70 MB, 4800x3504, FA70A588-8E68-4F07-9AED-54046B61E07C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder for all the dumbfucks and plebbit faggot muck-rakers

>> No.49514078

The most incompetent government in history is still trying to blame all of this on Putin


>> No.49515622
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History books will blame the wrong people for the financial shitstorm we are about to enter

>> No.49515691
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bros i can't wait to see biden's ratings in 2 days
and rad about him seething in 3
it's gonna be absolutely great

>> No.49515819

Coming headlines:

>The top 10 reasons why double digit gas prices are actually a good thing

>How double digit gas prices fights white supremacy

>New study shows how double digit gas prices helps communities of color

>> No.49515826
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>demand for gas is actually LOWER than it was pre-covid, yet prices are still double what they were.
I keep forgetting most of this bullshit is because of a fucking memeflu so some obese boomers lived long enough to get the clot shot

>> No.49515858

Yes, you've clearly never worked in retail IT.

>> No.49515902

Just stop working bro. Why continue to work for a system that continues to fuck you?

>> No.49515928


>> No.49516038

>the proceeds of which the fried chicken business uses to pay their wagies?
*hoards for themselves

Fixed that for you

>> No.49516047

the biden bust is gonna be one for the history books

>> No.49516228
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>> No.49516259

>the top 10 reasons why killing journalists offsets carbon waste
written by Chud Esq.

>> No.49517416
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just buy a $50,000 EV sweaty

>> No.49517441

Imagine the smell of two niggers behind you digging into some sea food on a plane

>> No.49517498


>> No.49517569

Don't forget how governments keep sabre-rattling over Ukraine as well as sending billions abroad while dragging their feet at home. It's so fucking infuriating!

>> No.49517588

>nothing substantial being done by our useless govt to combat all this
The only thing they can do is drive the country into a depression.

It's a really good way to lower gas prices.

>> No.49517591
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I don't know about you, but if $10 gas can save just one Ukrainian life, it's worth it.

>> No.49517602
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>tfw ready for 100/$gallon gas just to watch libturds go full psycho.

>> No.49517664

I bet that negress bitch can suck some juice from those mudbugs. Damn, suck’em dry like a gd vampire.

>> No.49517764
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>> No.49517924
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many things about this picture disgust me

>> No.49518354

I'm enjoying the increasing demonization of people who grow their own food. My grandma's canning group on facebook is flagged as a source of potentially extremist content. It's all old ladies sharing pickle recipes.

>> No.49518421

You have zero clue what you are talking about. Thats literally NOT how oil wells work

>> No.49518531

Double digit gas prices will unironically help the push for green energy and electric vehicles though.

>> No.49518534

is it 'real'? meaning that it is in fact a tweet, and someone who was possibly human posted it on twitter?

>> No.49518560

You dont just flip them back on, buddy. It's not a light switch.

>> No.49518590

Base model 3s dont cost much more than other new cars. Like 30k. The "evs are too expensive" meme is dated at this point.

>> No.49518602

Not my problem, they can only afford Spirit Airlines

>> No.49518631

You are right but they dont just fucking shut them off either. It damages the formation. They can dial production back a little, but the best thing they can do is just stop/slow down drilling new wells.

>> No.49518716


>> No.49518733

Sure sucks that a number of wells were just fucking shut off entirely during COVID then. There was no way to stop/slow production when the government was calling shots on who was allowed to be outside for months at a time. They shut some of the wells down entirely.

The costs of restarting some wells aren't worth it now.

>> No.49518737

is there an etf or something thats basically directly tied to gas prices?

>> No.49518764

Putin's Price Hike

>> No.49518770

>no mention of PUTIN

>> No.49518785

That's why it is happening at all. An angle was needed to cut emissions. This is that angle. It is the great reset for a reason. Everyone broke and needing a ride and a house. All assets forfeited and all that. That is the end goal. To conglomerate the world is must first be started at the bottom and rebuilt. To redo the hierarchy everything has to be overhauled completely.

>> No.49518803

if they start an Iran war, which they probably will because the jews own the US government, could easily see $200/barrel, if not higher

>> No.49518845
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alle according to ze plan

>> No.49518852

I wouldn't give $0.01 to save 1000 ukrainians

>> No.49519124

This makes no sense to me. Oil wells produce 1000s of barrels a day yet they are shirking over spending ~75k to turn them back on?

>> No.49519320

Have you actually tried to buy one? Try 50k minimum. That price is not available.

>> No.49519543

People in US and France will definitely chimp out over something like that. Maybe even UK and Germany.

>> No.49519596

>takes ayahuasca and loses mind

>> No.49519602

We still need to switch everything over to them. Never mind that California has rolling blackouts during the summer because they can't meet current demand, and are about to shut down Diablo Canyon, which supplies 20% of their electricity.

>> No.49519612
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In the I Am Legend movie, $5 gas prices were hinted at to show how apocalyptic things were. The world runs on gas, it's the last thing you want to spiral out of control.

>> No.49519645
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Oil guy here. We literally do. You don't just P&A leases because of economics, dumpster slut. Everything is automated now and we are running wide open, much like your sphincter.

>> No.49519662

>not already using a bigint library
All software is written by retards until proven otherwise

>> No.49519664

How do I get a mommy like this anons. She look comfy

>> No.49519708

You need gas to generate electricity for cars

>> No.49519715

Anon, do you understand how bras work? Her tits don't actually look like that. You'd recant that statement if you saw someone like that naked.

>> No.49519739

They'll also double the price of food, utilities, and everything else.

>> No.49519913

>am retard
>write software
Can confirm

>> No.49519964

Based. Gold bugs are gonna come out on top. It’s time.

>> No.49520042

Turning rigs on and off is an issue of physics+economics and not automation, LARPer.

>> No.49520073

when the prions kick in

>> No.49520127

well, no, but it is one way.

>> No.49520177

I don't even see used model 3s for that price, they're all around 40-50k which is roughly 2x what a corolla or civic will run you. Plus I've heard insurance is more on electrics. The savings can still be there, but really that's for people who drive A LOT, but don't exceed ev range in a day

>> No.49520183

The economy will become so bad it will be like living in the 1970s and early 1980s again

>> No.49520351

You know its a cummulative thing right? Like its continuously adding more and more.

5% of 200 the same as 10% of 100 for further grasping of how incredible fucked we are.

>> No.49520412

>turning rigs on and off
Lmao know nothing retard. The rigs are what drill the wells. And its simply a logistical issue of getting rigs out to wellsites and having bodies to perform the job. And truth be told its really not that hard. Drilling companies are obviously chomping at the bits for work and its not like they have high standards for the types of workers they employ. The biggest thing when it comes to production is drilling new wells. Shutting in wells isnt something they do often, since it can damage them.

>> No.49521118

Yeah bro just inject more money into the economy trust me

>> No.49521143

I thought that said Tribulation Rate.

>> No.49521298

>chomping at the bits

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.49521388

This administration actually is laughing about this. They think it's hilarious and entertaining. It's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen politically in my life.

>> No.49521494

Turn on the printer, daddy jpow!

>> No.49521567

People in the US dont chimp out over things actually worth chimping out over anon

>> No.49521632

Watch what they do and not what they say. The Fed would need to hike rates to 20% to tame inflation. The fact that we are sitting at 1% after a full year of raging inflation shows you that they are engineering high inflation to pay off the debt. Inflation isn't going anywhere while the old man is in office.

>> No.49521789

Thanks bro, I hate when people think that the DXY is actually global.

>> No.49521843

How bad does it have to get for you to buy a bike

>> No.49522016
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I can’t even feel bad because I know deep down most of the reason this stupid shit is happening to begin with is because so many people are retarded nigger faggots who want the government to tell them when and how to take a shit, and meddle in everything else. Republifags are the same too, they just project a different image. Everything about this system should be torn to shreds, but you so much suggest not voting for jackass or elephant to normalfags and they look at you like you just grew another head.
It shouldn’t be, everything in DC is made up of retarded old fucks who should be in a damn nursing home instead of directing national policy, sycophants who are only after corporate shekels, and wannabe authoritarians who get their rocks off on banning shit. Trump was a Pandoras Box that will never be closed without an act from god, Orange Man unleashed the gates of hell for all of us back in 2016 and made the culture war bs go into maximum overdrive.

>> No.49522304

Russians on suicide watch

>> No.49522380

Yeah nigger I'm sure you'll be in a perfect position to buy a new car when your happy meal is 25 bucks and you have to ride your bike 10 miles to the only open McDonald's to get it.

>> No.49522429
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Anavar forget.

>> No.49522690

Is that 166 the average for 2008? It peaked at 147$ in July 08 which is 200$ in 2022.

>> No.49523006
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This is why the blockchain, and shitcoins are necesary. We need people to realize we can all start deciding individually and earning as such, without any big entity overseeing it all, where the profit you make is entirely based on the knowledge and ability you have to invest. Check this vinu chart, most fags wouldn't be able to understand it, let alone act based on analysis, yet i can deduce an entry point just from sight. Crypto is freedom, its a way to break free from the system , we just need to help make it more massive.

>> No.49523146

This post gave me autism

>> No.49523250

Crypto will be illegal in your lifetime. When it comes down between a nation's fiat currency or a unregulated digital currency, fiat will win everytime.

The story of crypto was already written in India, China, and Turkey when each of those countries banned it. Why would the US be any different in a crisis?

>> No.49523332

because it gives them more control. we are heading towards an authoritarian, hyper-surveillant, crypto backed world. it's inevitable at this point and we'll have to figure out how to gain our freedom back from that societal low.

>> No.49523688

Stopped by my 7-11
>ice cream bars 2 for 5$
>ben and jerrys 8$
>small bag of cheetos 5$
>red bull 3.50$
>beef jerky 11.50$

Cheesesteaks have gone from around 8$ to 13$ at most places. How are people not rioting already?

>> No.49523813

Eat clen, tren hard, test yourself

>> No.49523833

no, you're so wrong, lol they're working on getting a bitcoin etf right now, tons of big banks want it. they've got one of obamas top lawyers on their team to push it through.
You're so dumb i'm sorry you're so stupid, it's ok though. Money is king in america/europe and if big banks have another way of making money and taking advantage of retail investors they will.

>> No.49523937


>> No.49524036

1. Gas prices are not integers you fucking moron.
2. What data type do you know overflows when the integer part hits 10?

>> No.49524091
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People(normies) still think it's a meme. They just don't believe in owning nothing yet. But they will. Oh yes, they will. ..

>> No.49524128

What about shitting and cumming in the wells?

>> No.49524243

>Double digit gas prices will unironically help the push for green energy and electric vehicles though.
Fuck yeah!! FINALLY!!! I'm really happy gas rising a few dollars will allow the world from regular people to companies that haul goods across the world to afford to upgrade all of their vehicles to the heckin electric models!

>> No.49524263

they're doing it on purpose you retard. if they raise interest rates they will never be able to pay down the debt so instead they are devaluing the currency to make it easier to pay down debt.

>> No.49524275
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>> No.49524296

the president has nothing to do with inflation

>> No.49524297

Using memecoins to shit on the plan is the best thing i've done
>i can make millions on a memecoin like qom
and im loving every second
I think what ryoshi intended at first was exactly this

>> No.49524562
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>> No.49524719
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omg you just disproved the facts of reality with a jpg AMAZING!!!

>> No.49524745

If any of you niggers want to survive this buy GME

>> No.49524761


>> No.49524771

>needing bigint for a few digits
big lulz

>> No.49524832

>inflation to pay off debt
and how does that work when the govt has to keep borrowing more and more money for gibs?

>> No.49524923

I think they aren’t coming online because domestic demand in the US is basically fully supplied at this point. (Except for California, because they’re isolated from the main oil grid)
I think the play is to only produce enough for domestic.
Idk why though.
Maybe the feds just want to let the rest of the world starve a bit.
Then open the taps only for when they pick the time to be.
Government has been real cynical ever since Trump/ late Obama.
And I don’t think it’s because of Trump or Obama, but because Gen X are starting to move into the peak of their careers, and they are a real cynical bunch.

>> No.49525037
File: 744 KB, 2000x1333, chevron-gas-station-prices-los-angeles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked at a photo from earlier to today wherea gas was $6+

There is no slot for double digits.....i think this is real

Pic related not mine just got it offline. See how there's no spot for double digits

>> No.49525043

Uhh, who do you think created crypto in the first place?

>> No.49525093

It will definitely go above $10/gal in places like CA.

>> No.49525103

i'm seeing generic walmart brand eggs, a dozen, go for 5.99 kek. Just 2 years ago I could buy a dozen for .99, used to bulk a shitton on them.

>> No.49525125

le reddit centrist activated
This shit has been going on for a long time. Trump only shined a light on it to win and they hate him for that, not Trump, but what he unleashed.
They've been doing this shit since the 1980s, the powers that be are just so cocky and arrogant they don't care anymore.

>> No.49525149

Good thing the burgers are focusing on what REALLY matters, MUH JANUARY 6

>> No.49525175

The sad thing is that Democrats unironically believe prosecuting people for the Capitol riot is what will propel them to victory in the midterms.

>> No.49525259
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recessions are a decades-long scam engineered by the financial elite. it's literally a christmas bonus for them. no amount of gas price or interest rate hikes are going to put a dent in the national debt clock

>> No.49525317
File: 681 KB, 1280x720, who_could_be_behind_this.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who could be behind this post

>> No.49525400

>owe 380k in student loan debt
>owe 14k in credit card debt
>make 28k a year

I say bring on the inflation! I want our money to inflate as much as ZImbabwe when they were printing 2 trillion dollar notes