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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49499396 No.49499396 [Reply] [Original]

>a rise in demand increments prices and creates inflation
>buying more of a thing will increment its price
you... you don't actually believe this bullshit, right?

>> No.49499410

I believe SNEED and SNEED only

>> No.49499435

What do you mean? I actuall DO that.

>> No.49499442

Bro, this is basic economics. If the supply stays the same and demand increases, price increases.

>> No.49499468

this is for you >>>/wsg/4564907

>> No.49499496

it's true tho. I scalp gpus and sell them at 2x the price until demand reaches 0 then i slowly decrease. Making money is literally this easy.

>> No.49499576

It's true in an actual marketplace. Wall street and high finance isn't exactly a real marketplace.

>> No.49499611
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I guess I missed alot of my Economics classes, I was never a fan of it.
I won't missed out on the public offering of EQ token definitely.

>> No.49499724
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Great rebuttal bro