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49461136 No.49461136 [Reply] [Original]

Who in their right mind would bet on a number instead of a color?

>> No.49461153

a black person

>> No.49461168

I like playing my lucky numbers. I play them over and over. Then when I hit I feel really lucky and get a big payout.

colors and odd/even are for retards with no patience

>> No.49461258

I bet the 50/50 bets, black/red, even/odd most of the time
But I also put a small bet on a 4 number square when I like what I see on the board
Roulette is my game and I’ve won the most money on it and have taught my girlfriends how to play it too
t. guy who lives in Vegas and used to work for casinos

>> No.49461291

How do you win at roulette, fren?
Also general books/resources on poker?

>> No.49461306

>when I like what I see on the board
literal random numbers?

>> No.49461441
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Me when drunk

>> No.49461489

Who in their right mind would play roulette when you could play Poker or Blackjack and have a small amount of control over your success.

>> No.49461708

It’s mostly mindset
Read inner Vegas or liquid luck, the psychologist who wrote those books uses meditation and Hemi-Sync binaural beats

There’s basically two popular schools of thought. Bet the cold numbers that are due or bet the hot numbers

I also stay away from video roulette. I’ll bet on the human ran wheels or the robot ran wheel

I win more money than I lose, consistently over the last 7 years
I don’t go often anymore since I kicked my last girlfriend out. She won consistently at roulette too and refused to play anything else after I taught her
Dating 21 year olds is the best

>> No.49461741

You wouldn’t play cards if you talked to honest Vegas dealers
These casinos aren’t your friends

>> No.49461748

Actually who in the right mind would bet in a casino instead of on crypto lmaoooooo buy bitdao

>> No.49461791
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care to share a bit of your strategy

do you play the opposite side of the wheel or something, or do you bet on a repeat in the same neighborhood or what

>> No.49461841


There is only one kind of pro career gambler in Vegas and it's a poker pro, because it's the only game that "can" be fair given the house only wants to take the rake.

>> No.49461848

X35 payout vs x2 dumbass.

Bet on lucky 13 or 33 if the gods are smiling upon you will win big.

>> No.49461889


my numbers are 4, 19, 23, 30

if i see dubs (00, 11, 22, 33) i bet on that number coming up again as repeat

yes I am retarded but somehow I am net positive on my years of roulette play

>> No.49461891

Only total retards who can't even have a synapsis if their lives depended on it bet on red/black and 3 to 1 bets. You're supposed to bet on a number and the adjacents numbers, 2 on the left, and two on the right, i.e you want to play 0, you also put some money on 3 and 26, and 32 and 15. The sequence is 3-26-0-32-15

You have to feel which number is next, and then you put your bet and and maybe some chips on black/red to try to reduce losses. I won't extend much, but if the ball lands on 7, probably the next numbers are 17 or 27. Roulettes are rigged. Sometimes the accuracy of the magnets fail and the ball lands in 25 after a 7 (25 is just right next to 17) so unless you're some autistic fag who can recognize patterns you will never make it in roulette. This is european roulette i'm speaking by the way, you've got to memorize the sequence of numbers as their appear on the wheel before attempting to play

>> No.49461915

Find a machine thats faulty so you can predict the number, like the man who broke the monte carlo.

Its sad because casino games are fun and kino but its depressing to seriously gamble as a smart person who knows the mathematical odds are rigged and that only a sucker would take these bets.

I would run my own casino if i could, even a .5% edge in the long run will get you insane profit

>> No.49461942

house always has advantage. If you bet on colors, evens, odds, whatever, its not truly 50/50. Actually it is like a 47% chance off winning. In the long run, without a betting strategy you will walk away a loser.

>> No.49461961

You can be a pro blackjack csrd counter, but that ship has kinda sailed these days, its a pain in the ass because the casinos are paranoid about it and ban you regularly.
I heard this was insanely comfy and lucrative in the 1970s when it was a secret only known by a few, before people solved the game with computer calculations

>> No.49462024

I’m a grinder and I’m willing to sit out if I don’t like the board
I bet small until I start winning or lose multiple bets in row
Similar to a martingale strategy but I wait until I see a streak of red/black or odd/even and I bet the opposite
When I see 5 in row, I take the opposite
If I lose I bet double knowing that 7 in a row is rare
It can take awhile for me to get a board I feel comfortable
That’s not true
I’ve met pro black Jack, roulette and craps players
Each game has it benefits and drawbacks
I suggest everyone play what they are most comfortable with and have fun
Anyone can win at these games
It’s knowing when to stop that is hardest

When friends come out to visit and call me to the casino. I make sure we get into a good mood. No fighting and keep drinking to a minimum while we gamble.
And when they hit I make them cash out and put a large chunk in their pocket or we take it to their room so they can’t gamble it away

>> No.49462065


No you haven't. You've met liars who are losing money in the long run. Anyone who figures out those games is banned from all of the casinos, as if they weren't hard enough to get a real edge on over time.

>> No.49462066


>be me
>went to a casino 8 years ago
>walked out 4k richer
>have never stepped back in and refuse to
>the casino lost to me and will never make it back

>> No.49462115

Just use 50x leverage on bitcoin

50/50 shot of it going up or down and the rewards are much higher than doubling your money. Stop going to Jewcinos

>> No.49462134

I worked at small casinos and the cosmopolitan and the linq
You don’t know shit you faggot larper

>> No.49462141
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>There’s basically two popular schools of thought. Bet the cold numbers that are due or bet the hot numbers
For idiots, maybe.
The only real answer is "cold" and "hot" make no difference in the chances for any number to be spun.
>I bet the 50/50 bets, black/red, even/odd most of the time
hate to break it to you, buddy ... but those aren't 50/50

Roulette is just a lottery draw.
Chances are, you won't win.
Sometimes you do, especially if you bet on things with a higher chance of hitting.

The only trick to the game is stopping when (if) you're ahead. Because in 100% of players, if you play long enough, you'll lose.

>> No.49462155

Smart man
Always stop when you’re ahead

>> No.49462174

This. Black 11 all day

>> No.49462208

stop gambling. fucking buy matic. make an investment. stake. stop degeneracy bruhs. WAGMI.

>> No.49462220


>Casino worker

>> No.49462231

this is a fallacy
It assumes every bet happens in a vacuum and ignores previous history
I win money most times because I walk out while I’m winning and bet a small % of my stack
It’s just like crypto trading
You can say there’s no edge if you judge each price move with no previous history but if you study charts you can learn how often price changes direction based on how many red or green candles in a row
You guys are retarded because you ignore data

>> No.49462277

I told people not to play cards based on my conversations with dealers
Those are the best people to talk to
None of you idiots should gamble if I’m being honest
Especially don’t gamble more than you can lose

You guys want everything out on a platter for you
It’s still gambling retard

>> No.49462332
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Card counters have a fucking 1-5% edge max and they kick you out if you're counting.

Casinos also use multiple decks now and charge a flat fee per hand. This means the house always wins even if you're winning.

Unironically just buy shitcoins

>> No.49462359

You’re the fag saying poker is the game to play when most pro poker players are Uber drivers
Sports gamblers make more money than poker players
Devote yourself to watching baseball and bet on underdogs with the best pitcher pitching that day or the hottest underdogs with the best w/l record in the last 10 games
It’s about studying the game and finding an edge no matter what you gamble on

>> No.49462503

Does that apply to poker as well? Poker is the only game I can see at the casinos where you are not playing the house, only the other players. I grew up watching old westerns and my grandma taught me to play as a kid using spare change as "chips". I love poker.

>> No.49462530

>it takes time and energy to practice
this makes sense. most of these idiots want something that will make them rich without doing any thinking. walking away while your up is the key. my parents always say they were winning at one point but they put it back in and walk out with nothing almost every time. it’s knowing when to stop

>> No.49462557


I don't know where to begin with this stupid ass post. Yes anon sports gambling is as easy as your 2nd grade betting routine here.

>> No.49462582

Are you actually a schizo or are you just larping? Previous results have absolutely no effect on future outcomes. Taking statistical averages into account only makes sense if you're talking about hundreds of thousands of individual results. There can still be huge degrees of variation in the stats of certain numbers that you might see in even 1000 games of roulette. Also trying to conflate purely random games of chance with charts that are often influenced by external factors is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

>> No.49462656

I suggest practicing with online poker first. If you can win real money there then try your hand in the casino. Some dealers say stay away from blackjack unless you’re a brainiac. Poker can be competitive

Always gamble off the strip in Vegas, especially while you learn. The odds are better for many games in smaller places.
I play video poker and have hit royal flush progressive for over $1k at boulder highway casinos
Basically the casinos known for hookers are the best to gamble at
>know when to stop
That’s what it’s about, I’m happy walking out with a hundred dollars more than I walked in with

>> No.49462737

even if something occurs x times in a row the chances are still 50/50

>> No.49462753

How often does red hit twice in a row?
How often does red hit 8 times in a row?
You’re judging each play in a vacuum but that’s not how life works.
I’ve heard your argument before but you guys clearly don’t play these games like have
Say what you want but I have the receipts to back me up

Just stay away from casinos if you’re this dumb

I’m sorry there’s no easy paths to winning
I suggest you never gamble

>> No.49462801

all in on the yellow people

>> No.49462828

Lmao great larp

>> No.49462901

That’s not how it plays in real world
Every black in a row decreases the odds of a black being the next
8 blacks in a row is exceptionally rare
2 blacks in a row happen on every board

In a vacuum you’re right and I fell for this dumbass mindset when I started but my experience changed my mind

I refuse to listen to idiots who watched a YouTube video be what my experiences show me

My friends and family love gambling with me because I help them win.
You can argue the math but you can’t argue with my results

I hate convincing anyone to gamble I’m only sharing what’s worked for me and the people I know
Maybe because I’ve been a manager at strip casinos they believe me more and it’s all mindset
But I know many suggestions that help people win
Walking out ahead is more important than my betting strategy anyways but you retards keep larping about each bet happening in a vacuum

>> No.49462943

any gambler can tell he knows his shit and he suggests using whatever works best for someone
that’s all you can do when gambling

>> No.49462952

me i always bet on numbers

>> No.49463013

the author teaches workshops and says he gets amazing results

>> No.49463055

The brain hemisphere stuff interests me too. It’s meditation with beats that put your brain frequency at a certain range

>> No.49463120

Dr gallenberger talks about his workshops and process more in inner Vegas
Liquid luck is more about teaching you how to meditate and reach heart/brain coherence
Both great books, I’ve never taken his workshop but it’s basically group meditations and then they go play craps

>> No.49463129

It's the same odds over time you dumbass house has that 4% edge or whatever no matter what you pick

>> No.49463151

>Dr Joe
Some casinos kicked his retreat out because they win too much

>> No.49463170

There's no skill involved lol, you can't teach someone to play roulette , house has the edge from the green squares , is it better than playing slots tho ? Yeah

>> No.49463173

This is literally the only way to win against the house. Anyone telling you otherwise is shilling for the house.

>t. ex-dealer with no horse in the race

>coinflip: tails
>this somehow increases the chance that the next flip is heads
Yep, he's a retard or a shill

>How often does red hit 8 times in a row?
A staggeringly high amount of times which you would have seen happen repeatedly and wipe people out betting up to table maximum if you weren't larping and had ever actually worked on a roulette table before

Don't @ me

>> No.49463181

50/50 twice in a row is 1/4 odds.
50/50 eight times in a row is 1/256 odds.
But each outcome is exactly as likely. By giving special treatment to an outcome like 8 reds in a row is just selection bias. Any combination of red and black over the course of 8 attempts has the exact same odds of 1/256. Of course, since you're too focused on this narrow range of the same color repeating, you conviently ignore other combinations that are much more complex and much harder to notice.

>> No.49463194

Absolute midwit take.
Rumple is the true comp killer.

>> No.49463196

You will never understand the joy of hitting your lucky numbers and getting a fat pay out.

>> No.49463203

and yet some people always lose and some people can make a career out of gambling
Explain that

>> No.49463231

who in their right mind would bet on a coin instead of a stock

>> No.49463236
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>I bet 100 on all colors and all numbers
What now Dealer man?

>> No.49463238

you just proved his point

>> No.49463264

So he was right

>> No.49463293

This nigga


>> No.49463326

The other guy has been responding
And this guy says don’t @ me because he’s a Twitter fag
(You) on Biz
Fucking newfags

>> No.49463340

Only way to make money gambling is to play poker with amateurs , count cards, take advantage of casino bonuses/ monthly events, or shop for good odds across sports books (in Canada there's a lot of new sports gambling sites because it just became legal, they don't care about efficiency yet, make an account on all those sites and check constantly for odds that are not in line with Vegas odds. Roulette is losing game over time unless the machine is broken

>> No.49463358

The other dude agreed with that guy before you did
You clearly are lying

>> No.49463387

Check my last comment , those are the pro gamblers

>> No.49463407

>when I see 5 in a row i take the opposite

lmao classic gamblers fallacy, why not just go with the streak its 50/50 no matter what dingus.

Flipping a coin and landing on heads 5 times in a row doesnt make it any more likely to be tails next time, the past results have 0 influence on the future result because they are independent, always 50/50

>> No.49463418

>I refuse to listen to idiots who watched a YouTube video be what my experiences show me
you should implement a fixpoint iteration for your """strategy""" in code and run it on a decent RNG. go ahead, run a proper large test, see if it keeps up.

>> No.49463433

this is the real key but most here are too stupid to know what this even means. that’s how I can tell you know at least some of what your talking about. ive used hemisync for years and its amazing. i never thought about using it to gamble though

>> No.49463439

Anon mangled his explanation but you don't understand basic probabilities

>> No.49463461


>> No.49463512

Holy fucking shit. Do I need to draw a picture? Of course red eight times in a row is 1/256 odds. But so is red seven times in a row and then black the eighth time. So is red and black alternating eight times in a row. So is literally any combination of 8 50/50 outcomes. There is no special significance to red eight times in a row. Your pathetic human brains think it's some mystical event, but that's because your assigning arbitrary meaning to an outcome based solely on a pattern that you deem important. But if red comes up seven times in a row, the odds of it being red again is still 50/50. Each of those outcomes had the exact same 1/256 chance of happening. Jesus Christ, I can't believe I have to explain this.

>> No.49463514

fuck the odds. you missed the most important aspect it’s brain hemisphere technology that will give you and edge. random number generators aren’t random and can be influenced by human emotion. see the pear lab studies around 9-11 as proof

>> No.49463526

blackjack has lower percentage of winning than roulette if you play blackjack perfectly. blackjack has so many odd rules like splitting, etc and casino change rules so its better to just bet colors on roulette. Poker idk

>> No.49463567

Most of these are decided by random number gens. and many experiments have proven that humans can affect change in the numbers they hit. you idiots don’t understand this

>> No.49463627
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rich guy here agreeing with these anon
basically the nature of reality itself will always bring us to equilibrium, the nature of particle and quantum physics are waves, sine waves, it just goes up and down, up and down, tide goes in tide goes out, stock goes up stock goes down
red and black is just macro manifestation of this quantum phenomenon, if something happens too often it must be balanced later on
even more than that your consciousness can affect these waves bringing more edge/luck to your favor

>> No.49463643

He gets it.
Most right handed people have narrow minds and can’t see the bigger picture. I’ve been ambidextrous my whole life and it’s helped me be right brained and left brained.
Left brained people have issues getting this
Inner Vegas does a good job of explaining it and the odds he says he gets are outside of the normal range

>> No.49463679

Yes anon
Brilliant analysis
I just finished becoming supernatural and the wave mindset is what someone has to tap into

>> No.49464020

It doesn’t matter what you bet
He even mentioned that people should use what strategy works. It’s his mindset that helps him win. If he’s meditating with binaural beats it helps him even more. Loser mindset like yours will lose, winner mindsets will win.

>> No.49464063

Checked. I need to get a hemisphere sync program

>> No.49464127

It’s funny because some people can find an edge no matter what. And some idiots >>49463512 like this can always find an excuse to lose

>> No.49464170
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>i only leave when I'm up so I can never lose money. Just keep betting more until you're ahead

>> No.49464332

literally the Gambler’s Fallacy. holy shit, this board, i swear

>> No.49464431


there's green slot too red going 8 times in a row is more rare than 2^8

>> No.49464748

lmao I don't lose because I don't gamble. For every person who has a streak of luck long enough to profit, there are more retards who go negative (or if they're lucky, break even). It's the foundation that casinos operate on. Of course, some people will beat the house. But it's balanced out by people who go broke. Once again, this is just simple statistics. But if you schizos want to use supernatural methods to manipulate the outcome of a gamble, more power to you.

That's true. I was just trying to explain the math behind the concept. Of course the odds of black/red or odd/even are a little less than 50/50 otherwise the house wouldn't make any money.

>> No.49464768

How do we reconcile gambler's fallacy?

Both these statements are true
>The next coin flip has a 50/50 chance of either heads or tails, and is not influenced by any previous flips
>The past 10 flips were all heads, and the likelihood of 11 heads is unbelievably low

I understand how each of these are true on their own. But bringing them together is confusing. If I just saw 10 heads in a row, the odds of a streak of 11 heads is suuuuuper low. But the odds of any given flip of the coin is 50/50.

>> No.49464786

What about the 2nd and 3rd 12s dance anon?

>> No.49465019

the odds of exactly 10 heads and then one tail is also super low. do you know what conditional probability is?

>> No.49465050

Yeah, that's fair. The more I think about it the more it makes sense to me. Just on a superficial glance it seems like they should contradict each other.

>Conditional probability
I probably do, but it's been a while since I took a stats class. I did enjoy it tho.

>> No.49465076
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Fucking 4chan thinks this message is spam, so have a photo instead

>> No.49465162

Only way to win at roulette is minimum bet on black every other spun, and wait for the free drinks.
Once you’ve had enough ‘fun’ leave.

>> No.49465164

Already up 10% this month on VICI...why even play casinos when you can buy the properties at a Nav discount today

>> No.49465420

Thanks, anon. And this does make sense. Because we've linked value to either coming up heads or tails we likely only notice long streaks of one or the other because we attribute it to winning or losing money. Whereas that "normal" spread of 10 flips seems like a regular pattern (despite that specific sequence being extremely unlikely).

>> No.49465490
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>50/50 chances the door is unlocked
>the door is either locked or unlocked

>> No.49465932

Me again.

I was inspired to go to the casino for the first time in a year. Put 200 bucks down on the table doing this, just walked away with $550. Not bad!

Now im eating (drinking) at the restaurants there

>> No.49466005

Bet you don't even believe in astrology LOL

>> No.49466043

>If I lose I bet double knowing that 7 in a row is rare
I have seen over that many times. couple times over 20 times red in a row. I have also lost my money because black came over 10 times thinking it was almost impossible

>> No.49466072

There are actually betting strategies that work and aren't just luck.

>> No.49466125

thats nonsense bruh roulette has no EV

>> No.49466441

The only game where you are against the house and have an advantage if you play perfectly is craps. And it's a 51% advantage to you, and you have to play perfectly.

The only other is blackjack by card counting/advantage playing, but you'll be kicked out eventually for that, whereas with craps they won't kick you out.

>> No.49466613

NoLucks COPE

>> No.49466647
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The people you are talking to will not understand until you frame your argument to their liking.
>>How often does red hit 8 times in a row?
>A staggeringly high amount of times which
You would know INSTANTLY if you played roulette at all that colors hit twice in a row WAY more often than 8 times.

What you are failing to take in to account are the quantum mechanics at play with games like these. In ancient times they chalked it up to "luck of the Gods" but we now know that things we previously had no explanation for such as quantum entanglement would have been described as magic or supernatural. I do not know precisely WHAT is taking place, but your the game is not ENTIRELY math based, otherwise things like "hot" tables wouldn't increase in frequency along with size of crowds and emotion involved, I think anyways.

>> No.49466751

I think there’s something to this quantum/supernatural angle. I’ve definitely seen things like the “hot” tables you’re talking about. Perhaps emotion does play into this. What I’m very curious about is whether or not the people running the casinos out any stock into this or factor it in at all

>> No.49466762

This is a hilarious thread because it demonstrates how pompous, uppity and cocky the victims of the gambler's fallacy are. Thanks to the patient anon who bothered to shed light on the illusion of chance.

>> No.49467120

I just focus very hard and influence the results with the power of my mind. The number of times I've done this is ridiculously high and I have won a lot of money

>> No.49468207

The robot wheels are better for the strategies you listed. As long as there's no funny business with the scripts, computers use PRNGs that will actually hand out the numbers that are "due" while IRL roulette tables are much closer to true randomness and waiting on the "due" numbers can end with you bleeding out for longer.

>> No.49468460
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Wtf, I take investment advice from retards like this? Please share your portfolio so I know what to avoid

>> No.49468751

People like this are too smart for this place
People like this are born losers

Most here focus on strat when it’s obviously about your mental make up
Life is about perception not reality because perception changes reality for everyone

>> No.49468819

You understand it better than most of us
It’s why quantum physics is becoming the most respected science
They’re the only ones with open minds looking for answers
The rest here are basing everything on math instead of real world results
I bet that guy is a winner and those people find ways to make it
People who post cat pictures are usually losers

>> No.49468857

Something that took me way too long to realize in my years of browsing 4chan is that it's way too easy to think you're getting advice from people at least somewhat knowledgeable on things when all you see is the text they type in specific conversations. If you were to actually sit down in real life and start going back and forth with most of these people you realize how fucking dumb so many people here are and how fucking retarded you would have to be to make big life decisions based on their information. That's in regards to /biz/ and crypto, /pol/ and politics/vaccine discussion, etc. It's way too easy to get away with spamming nonsense when all the recipient sees is a few lines of text.

>> No.49468968

Post W2-G or shut the fuck up.

>> No.49469015
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Bruh, you know nothin‘

It can be useful in the sense that you get a feel for what other people fall for/get suckered into and why I suppose. And sometimes you can get surprised by, but the baseline assumption should be that you are dealing with gullible mongoloids.

>> No.49469051

But its funny how defensive some here get over the most blatant and obvious example of pure gambling that is rigged towards the house. Kinda fitting

>> No.49469432

I'm not telling you to gamble I think casinos have the worst atmosphere and clientele so they are terrible places to hang out. Everyone is focused on the math but is it possible that certain numbers could hit more frequently/portions of the wheel are landed on more frequently due to how the dealer spins the wheel? I played about 4 times yen years ago and managed to take 5 dollars to 455 dollars in a few hours just by betting on black. Then I put it all in and lost it all.

>> No.49469497

You guys are stupid fucks who are too lazy to research
It doesn’t matter who the person is or what website you read it on
EVERYTHING has to be researched and double checked and even if true it might not apply to your situation

It’s fat lazy fucks who want to watch tv and eat fast food that expect everything to be done for them including research.
You shouldn’t take anyone’s word online, at any website you visit and stop calling people bruh
None of us are black

>> No.49469532

It’s funny because all the people with positive experiences also are telling people not to gamble but idiots like this >>49469051
act like people are telling them to become a pro poker player

The reading comprehension here is lacking

>> No.49469828

>bruh you sussin fr fr no cap

>> No.49469843
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Dont even compare fucking roulette (pure degenerate gambling) to poker (game of skill). Absolutely disgusting. I had ‚positive experiences‘ playing online poker and winning big tournaments when I was 14. Everyone that puts poker and roulette into the same category shouldnt invest in risky assets and stay far away from crypto. There is a very clear fundamental lack of understanding about odds and risk assessment for everyone that doesnt see the difference between roulette and poker

>> No.49470048

Poker IS gambling. You are delusional if you think you have an edge over an average player with a 5-10% rake.

>> No.49470050

You're retarded hope this helps

>> No.49470101

You are absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.49470106

it's the same principle as the solar system

>> No.49470114

same people who use 100X leverage on exchanges

>> No.49470126

fucking based. thanks for the book suggestion. im going to use it for gambling on shitcoins

>> No.49470155

seethe harder fag

>> No.49470185

spill the beans, why not play poker?

>> No.49470206

People underestimate this. "Seek and ye shall find." If you're seeking ways you'll lose money, you'll lose money. If you're seeking ways to get money, you'll get money. Simple as.

>> No.49470461

because sitting your ass in a casino for 40+ hours a week during your nights and weekends to grind out the equivalent of a mcdonalds wage, considering that you remain disciplined and keep mistakes to an absolute minimum and keep switching tables to the fishy ones all the while taking on the variance that can easily amount to several months with zero positive cash flow, just isn't an appealing proposition. You don't even make median household income until you're playing 5/10 and not playing a single hand outside of joocy games @ over a full-time workload. Good luck grinding a roll from 1/2 to 5/10 while trying to live off of it at the same time.

Let's say you skip that and decide to just get a very good game and save up enough for a 5/10 roll. You're still only barely scratching the median household income playing more than full-time at nights and weekends/holidays (aka best times to play) and you owe self-employment tax on that in addition to income tax. Don't want to report it? Cool, have fun never qualifying for any sort of credit ever and getting fucked by the tax man when you finally do save up enough in 20 years to buy anything worthwhile. Did I mention the variance as well? Check out primedope variance calculator and run out a few hundred thousand hands - there's still a 1/4 chance on average you'll be losing money even playing a winning game after what amounts to over a couple years play in live games. Sure, there are people who catch heat and, with the same strategy and everything else considered, do well before having an Icarus moment and a colossal fall which can be extremely detrimental depending on how close your expenses are to your average income (which again is barely the median us household income). So yeah that moment won't hurt you much, if you're living and affording a poverty level lifestyle.

>> No.49470541

Subtle troll

>> No.49470560

>50/50 bets
you are not getting 50/50 chances there anon. Do you see that green 0right there? Also some roulettes have an extra double zero (00) green slot. Whenever you bet on a color you are actually getting something like 45-48% odds

>> No.49470600

Real question, why not just always bet black, or always bet red?
Let's say I do $1 on black, then double it each time I lose. That's $1, $2, $4, $8, $16, $32, ect...
When I win, I get a 1 to 1 payout, so even if I don't win for 5 rounds in a row, if I win the 6th I make my money back +$1, right?
I mean the odds of a super long string of only reds/greens when I always bet black is pretty low. If you have enough cash to keep doubling down eventually you'll make it back to black, reset your bet back to $1, and keep playing, earning $1 at a time each time it lands on black. I did this strategy once for like 30 minutes and I came away with $20.

>> No.49470718
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Peak roulette is literally only playing 1 game at the casino with the fewest green 0/00/000s you can find and then never looking back. Black or red doesn't matter.

>> No.49470744

Good points but I have a grasp on all of that already. The guy mentioned "if you talked to card dealers" so I'm wondering what he specifically heard from them

>> No.49470832

That's called the martingale system. It's a losing system. The odds are not 50/50, so you are placing bets with the negative expected value. Also, the tables have a cap for red/black, and games like that. So if you start with a high enough bet and hit a losing streak, pretty soon you'll hit the max cap.

>> No.49470840

get a run it once subscription if you actually want to get good at poker

>> No.49470980
File: 124 KB, 758x1024, BE9D9744-7F20-4656-8ED8-0D2218CCEF7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Edward Furlong looking like a 300 lb meth head in the button down?

>> No.49471468
File: 1.17 MB, 1400x2100, BA7F7251-4A15-40F0-BBEF-43E65A918A26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys know their shit
I live in Las Vegas and have brothers who work in the casinos
Gambling in casinos is like day and swing trading
You have to be disciplined and great at what you do to make a living from it. It’s very few people but they exist in every game in crackheads are able to live of gambling money they get begging and stealing.
It’s a mindset and experience and some games even skill.
I’m crypto you can make a living day trading. If you spend years learning the market and profiting on paper trading. Spend all day watching the chart guys and real vision, with other tabs full of charts. Set tight stop/loss orders, always take profit and adjust price targets depending on bear vs bull markets.
But who wants to be a chart monkey gambler in crypto, gold, or stocks?

>> No.49471482

People who only have 1$.

>> No.49471539

>even crackheads
>in crypto
Excuse the spelling ears
I’m stoned

>> No.49471791

the amount of stock, real estate, metals, and crypto gamblers hating on gambling with worse odds in here is insane

>> No.49472312
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 163443261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pick a color
>Okay now a number
>5 (dog)
>No, not that one, choose another one
>25 (dog)
What the fuck do the fates mean by this anons

>> No.49472342

Blackjack is pretty much the same as roulette though. Computers have figured out the optimal outcomes and the house wins over a long time

>> No.49472646

Have a family friend who is a floor manager and long time croupier at a casino. This is how you beat the casino
>watch roulette tables for weeks
>notice flaw in a table
>exploit flaw
>take casino for a few 100k before they realise what's up
>pce out
Happened recently. Groups who are somewhat known internationally will do this. Turns out the table that was targeted was only very very slightly off balance and thats all it took.

>> No.49473743

>bets on evens
>nothing personnel green 0

>> No.49473755

The AOC in Nevada is 16 what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.49475013

What a stupid take. If you put absolutely no effort into learning the game then sure, it's just randomly throwing your money around, but people become good enough to make careers out of poker. There are a lot of retards constantly throwing money into it that don't bother to actually learn properly. You can absolutely overcome the rake + skill differential of the average player in the long term. You just have to really put in the effort.

>> No.49476402

What the fuck you cant be serious

>> No.49477442
File: 4 KB, 224x225, PCOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who in their right mind would bet in the first place?
It's a rigged game
Save your cash for the PrecogFinance IDO anon

>> No.49477813

>Walk into roulette with £100
>spread that £100 across 5 numbers
>win £740 if you hit one of the numbers
>an actual decent amount to win
>if you lose you’ve lost £100


>£100 on red or black
>win £200
>be tempted to continue playing because small win
>eventually lose it all
>lose £100

If you select option 2 you’re simply low test
>muh odds
Are you there to gamble and have fun or try and make a living? If second option you’re a retard and you won’t win no matter what you do.
Secret to roulette is using money you don’t give a fuck about. High risk high reward.

>> No.49477840
File: 890 KB, 933x379, idiocracy money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this except poker is 1000000000000000000000000x more fun than blackjack

>> No.49477860

>I'm a grinder
That, I am sure of.
>I've met pro roulette and craps players
This is a moronic statement. Please wise up before you lose everything.

>> No.49477885

Well for one thing, you can beat the house edge by picking numbers. Can't do that with colours. Casinos love punters who think like you.

>> No.49477920

never lost betting on white desu

>> No.49477979

Its amazing how many people think you can somehow reset probability by leaving the casino and coming back another time kek

>> No.49478063

I don't think craps is beatable without controlling the dice throw. You got a source for that claim?

>> No.49478079

Nope. Robots have randomised air jets. Makes it impossible to do ballistics

>> No.49478101


Long time gambler here. I used to think like the rest here, that the real chance is 50/50 for each flip. It isnt. There is something more to it. Way too often have I seen events occur that shouldnt. Both in sports, gambling and in real life. I have noticed these events often have a build-up.

It is expected, but at the same time unexpected. Some kind of narrative that builds with increased attention. Some call it Law of Attraction, others call it luck of the draw, or as you say, "Luck of the gods". If you are in tune with it, you can make a killing on value-bets. Its how I made it from crypto and how I have gotten insane bets on sports.

Often I run into people I havent seen in years. One thing I noticed, was that I either thought about them for the first time in a long time, or had a dream about them beforehand. Then they appear.

>> No.49478112

I can do it simply by closing my eyes and opening them again

>> No.49478148


Wonder why this guy gets an insane tagline. 22ZZ.

>> No.49478153

how new?

>> No.49478210


Only god knows.

>> No.49478434

There's obviously a samefag on airplane mode working in this thread, a marketer. I think he's trying to pitch a product, some binaural beats shit to "increase your luck". But why 4chan out of all places? So much effort typing away these posts when no one cares. And he hasn't even dropped a link to his shitty website yet.

>> No.49480493

Don't try and enlighten retards anon, let them wallow in their own retardation

>> No.49480737

Oh wow a wikipedia article, you sure showed him kind sir

>> No.49480897

>A staggeringly high amount of times
Absolute fucking nonsense

>> No.49480953

>Actually it is like a 47% chance off winning. In the long run, without a betting strategy you will walk away a loser.

You can only lose the money you put in though. When you win it can be multiples in the 100s.

>> No.49480984

>t. just get lucky, it works every time
this has to be bait

>> No.49482151
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>> No.49482343

There was a guy who watched all the games played on those and realized due to worn out bearings or whatever else was wrong that they tended to land on certain numbers. He won tons of money by betting on numbers.

>> No.49483190
File: 596 KB, 1015x794, F36378DF-363E-4F79-BBC6-428FA43BCE57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is still up?
I can’t believe how many retarded NPC’s I pissed off.
Fucking based

>> No.49483944

I tried that once. It worked until I got 13 reds in a row.

>> No.49484679

ITT retards 'predicting' roulette outcomes. I imagine these are the same people who believe in TA.

>> No.49485372

ll is actually great guys