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File: 672 KB, 906x513, 1642909639721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49410099 No.49410099 [Reply] [Original]

What will happen to the movie and porn industries once deep faking old stars is perfected?

>> No.49410124

How does she look like the perfect mix between those two pics now? https://youtu.be/c85m0oWt9z0

>> No.49410128

yellow-feverfags BTFO

>> No.49410171

why isn't there a plugin that just blocks all interracial, troon and gay porn? think of the coin you could make with that. i never click or tap it but for some reason every other video is black porn. weird.

>> No.49410203

At this point wouldn't they just make their actors in a program like Skyrim character creation?

>> No.49410207

Somebody's still getting fucked

>> No.49410344

Nothing, ai waifus using gtp-9, hyper real text to speach, and brain chip ball draining apps for your apple neuron color slim is all a goy will need

>> No.49410474

Holy fuck she gone crazy

>> No.49410496
File: 1.70 MB, 202x360, 1637652604186.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things will go as usual. Makeup, aesthetic surgery and filters already exist.

Great idea, and you should call it BB for Based Browser. Or Bigot Browser depending on your political side.

>> No.49410598

depressing and wallariffic. sad!

>> No.49410611

Are 4chan incels really attracted to this?

>> No.49410660
File: 137 KB, 1000x640, check out this hentai i made.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, very (((weird.)))

I'll stick to my drawings.

>> No.49411221

I'm convinced that without makeup, yellow fever wouldn't be a thing.

>> No.49413302

thought about it, too. at the end of the day the best solution is to quit watching that garbage all together.

>> No.49413347
File: 2.93 MB, 576x1024, asia.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49413517

Same thing applies to all women, do not be deceived

Women present a facade, a false face of plastic lashes, powered makeup, hair extension, tight fat-obscuring clothing, all which inflate the ego beyond the point of being able to interact properly with them

>> No.49413878
File: 142 KB, 834x1200, 1652392265333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49414175

it's gotten to the point where 100% of recommended porn on xvideos is disgusting shit I don't even want to click on

>> No.49414201

retard, it's twice the worse with asian women

why the fuck do you think they use the most atrocious filters all the time?

>> No.49414224
File: 148 KB, 1000x750, EqgOYOLU0AAaLMz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't post such things, I might coom

>> No.49414227

Most women are 1 step away from full clown faces but asian women are the worst.

>> No.49414541

>doesn't know what most white women look like

>> No.49414591

has any of you retards actually lived in an asian country and checked asian chicks without makeup?

I've lived in japan for 4 years and 3 more in south Korea. have fucked European chicks, latinas, heck, once I even fucked a fucking brit slag though I usually stay away from these.
if you faggots think white women are WORSE than asian women without all the fake eyelashes, pulled lids with those scissor-looking retarded things to have a puffy, double-eyelid look, the typical rouge most Japanese women use to look like half-clowns, the fact there isn't a SINGLE non-double padded bra in ANY lingerie shop here etc etc

just fucking go live there and see some asian chicks without makeup and then go and type this bullshit

>> No.49414646

This is true. More so with Chinese but Japs also. My gf is Japanese and she honestly never shown her face to me without makeup for an entire 2 years. She got sick with covid and I took her makeup off for her and fuck me was it a shock.

>> No.49414871

i remember two of my exes - one Japanese, the other Korean. the first didn't want to show herself without makeup for at least 3 weeks after we started dating. the Korean one it took less - like 2 weeks, but before going to the bathroom to remove her stuff, she said 'I will come back different, so please don't react harshly'. it was pretty cute the way she said it, but yeah the difference is pretty big

both were still kinda cool though. i don't mind average chicks, but the delusional yellow fever faggots who think asian women don't overdo it with the makeup compared to other races are laughable. like heck, any lingerie shop or just general cosmetic shit here has easily 3x the deception-level makeup items back in Europe or the other latin american/us places I've visited.

>> No.49414903

AOC deepfakes have to be some of the best. They really are getting better her, Emma Watson/Stone, Gal Gadot and Mila Kunis.

Once the girls from Friends start scissoring eachother in a 360 room in VR, then i'll say it's over for porn actresses.

>> No.49415041

Prostitutes fares will go so low that you can fuck a 8 for 20 bucks

>> No.49415126

Ive been with korean filipina and viet girls without makeup and they looked fine. Maybe i just got lucky

>> No.49415164

SEA girl I dated looked just as good with makeup as without but she was not very good at makeup.

>> No.49415189

I'm Asian and I can confirm. This is also why asian girls born in Asia and those born in the west look so different, the ones in the west generally never learned to put that much makeup, or at least in the same deceptive way, and generally look more "natural". And of course there are some outliers, but I can guarantee you that most of the Korean or Japanese actresses or idols you see with nice curves got surgeries to look that way, a very large majority of them are desperately flat.

>> No.49415487

based asian anon

true, like the butt inserts a lot of idols etc use to make their butts more shapely, especially prominent in kpop
honestly I feel bad for so many of these chicks, their built on insecurity upon insecurity and the cosmetic/beauty industry is especially shit in the whole of east Asia

I did find out asian women are just not generally for me, though. guess the cultural difference is too much for me...tho I'm not British or us, so at least I get spared the landwhale epidemic and can date normal sized women who don't think growing underarm hair or some shit like this is 'empowerment'

>> No.49415492

Who is this?

>> No.49415738

Tila Tequila

>> No.49415929

Thank God I only date man

>> No.49416300

you haven't tried burgerland 56%ers yet? All girls here use makeup. Maybe EU girls are more natural, but holy hell are they brainwashed idiots.
Sounds like you mostly sexmongered and went to clubs to look for girls. A lot of the younger girls use all makeup, but my ex never used makeup but she was more traditional.

>> No.49416764

Women have a woman window of opportunity where they are most desirable. Most women get gross as they age. Being a woman and not bearing children is the worst mistake they can make.

>> No.49416789

Did porn sites used to put only vanilla stuff on the front page? Or was it always brother-sister interracial painal etc. I never really paid attention back then.

>> No.49417088

That video is Chinese girls. They try their absolute hardest but will never match the natural beauty of Japanese and Korean girls. Their skin is too yellow and their faces are too flat and alien in structure.

>> No.49417233

Still would as long as she put makeup on. Looks like she doesn't have any wrinkles.

>> No.49417390

>natural beauty of Japanese and Korean girls.

>> No.49417740
File: 443 KB, 990x792, RoboWhore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will happen when robo-whores are everywhere?

>> No.49417756
File: 83 KB, 640x759, Ice _Guy_And_The_Cool_Female_Colleague_Holding_Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49417820

This is a blue board you sick freak

>> No.49417849

Yeah but you have millions of back hours of porn so you wouldn't need anyone to fuck for centuries.

>> No.49417853

I have a conspiracy theory that we are all tracked, and porn sites can we use 4chan. I also bet that most /pol/types consume vast amounts of interracial porn, so the algorithms think "4chan user? Recommend him interracial".

>> No.49418603
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Alright I may be a bit off on that one.

>> No.49418643

If say Obama or Trump are characters in a movie, they can deep fake their likeness and voice over the actor.
It’s already a thing. They’re 80% there. The uncanny valley is a bit of a turn off tho.

>> No.49418675

No, it was normal porn.

>> No.49418753

This must be that "transhumanism" I hear so much about.

>> No.49418778

it's funny how even with all their surgeries and makeup, they are still only a 5/10 compared to a white girl.

>> No.49418908

retarded take of someone who has never been to Asia. A lot of the rural girls from China, Japan, and Korea are yellow like that. Japanese girls have really dark girls. Koreans are the most light out of all of them, but they are famous for plastic surgery.

>> No.49419088

Japanese women have the lightest skin you fucking retard.

Tell me you've never been to Japan without telling me

>> No.49419190
File: 83 KB, 820x782, 1652912015790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Japanese girls have super light skin due to the cold climate there my G.

>> No.49419270

Yeah nigga, what they said.

>> No.49419290

You don't have to go to Asia to see how ugly Asian women are. Go to Toronto's Chinatown and you'll see the full extent of it. Asians are just like any other race; they fall on a bell curve. The only difference is that if you hate chinky eyes and the fat fish lips, and don't mind a lack of tits, no ass (though sometimes still wide hips), endomorphic bodies, etc. you're in for a bad time. I used to date a 7/10 Hoa Chinese girl and it wasn't worth it for her huge teeth. She had to get a couple removed just so her mouth could close. Long legs and a nice w/h ratio but no ass. Ultimately it's the psychology that is the killer. They are bugmen at heart, vulnerable to consumerism, devoid of idealism or independent beliefs. Even their alphas are emotionally meek.

>> No.49419342
File: 146 KB, 1160x311, horms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do mind*
Here's some proof.

>> No.49419362

Makeup should be illegal

>> No.49419481

As someone who has exclusively had white GFs his whole life, you are retarded if you think they are any better. Even if that were true, their fucking masculine attitudes are the worst. Give me the most mediocre bug woman that doesnt aggressively compete with me any day.

>> No.49419584

they hire girls with hot bodies, swap out their faces with model AI generated faces and release it

>> No.49419814

you have to get them into BDSM/kink and then train them to be obedient and submissive

>> No.49420496

no, the jews at mindgeek intentionally push incest/interracial and other disgusting shit -- look up the reddit ama where "katie at mindgeek" admitted to this. she cried antisemitism when random user asked "why is incest so popular on porn sites"
also block your fucking trackers.

>> No.49420524

that's just them training you to take care of them and give them attention, read the manipulated man. men are fuck animals raised by women to protect and pleasure them

>> No.49420665

northern japan is cold. you'll see more dark japanese people the further south you go. japanese girls have super light skin because many of them make an effort to shield their skin from the sun.

>> No.49420693

she's been off the rails for at least 10 years now.

>> No.49421118

still better than a woke white woman

>> No.49421643

not if you're the one training them and getting them to prove their loyalty and submission

>> No.49421725

Something tells me she fibbed on her Form 4473.

>> No.49421912

The face of trumpism

>> No.49422072
File: 2.94 MB, 540x960, 1653146492915.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this natural beauty!

>> No.49422115

>Chinese/Vietmanese specimen
>Noticeable filter over the mouth during first half of video
It was a solid try, anon.

>> No.49422170


Is that really Tila Tequila? Bro wtf

>> No.49422492


>> No.49422687

it already exists its called the bible

>> No.49422758

Not really, but the front pages of porn websites display different videos depending on where you live. Try it with a VPN in incognito mode, if you're browsing from say Congo, it will mostly be ebony stuff.

>> No.49422877


>> No.49422949

it was always normal shit people uploaded.

>> No.49422965

Nothing you subhuman coomer retard

>> No.49422974

Porn industry will die once Islam takes over the world

>> No.49423142
File: 67 KB, 395x480, Mohammad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn will be filled with 4 year old boys and grown men fucking goats. LMAO

>> No.49423237

The problem is mostly server side, kikes want to promote niggers and only sleazebag kikes tend to host porn sites. Even if you filter the images out you'd mostly end up with a blank page.
On the client side image classification is still nascent tech. but its improved enough it may be possible now

>> No.49423346

Foul servant of Morgoth, you won't deceive me today.

>> No.49423877

Wonder what kind of girls you have been dating, my chinese ex looked perfectly fine without makeup and was not wearing much or any most of the time

>> No.49424220
File: 57 KB, 636x600, 1654480651085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always read incest manga, but i cant watch the porno version because they always insert "step" in everything. "oh STEPbrother!" it’s fucking annoying. we know you’re not really related, can’t you assholes properly pretend to be real family members?

>> No.49424265
File: 269 KB, 1080x1069, 1645184967845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste. I prefer authentic all american country boys myself.

>> No.49424283

try setting the country to somewhere other than muttland and 95% of nigger porn magically disappears

>> No.49424357
File: 235 KB, 800x1225, when_the_world_becomes_prison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont try to logic anon. Youre dealing with self-hating bugmen that simultaneously hate slightly different looking gooks while also fuming that other races prefer gooks to western whites.
You'll never win, especially when roasties and non-passing trannies dogpile all day and all night to convince you that your dick is lying.

>> No.49424552

see how white they are trying to appear with thie sirty brown skin?

this is why racism exist, its violent jelaousy.

>> No.49424627

Porn industry is safe. It doesn't feed on nostalgia, but providing fresh meat. I can't stand Faye Reagan's face anymore and love Reislin. She's walling soon. We'll just pick another.

>> No.49425665

all this cringe yellow worshipping whitoids in this thread, where the fuck is the biz talk

>> No.49425748


>> No.49425766

>Before: six
>After: five
Hong-mei didn't survive the procedure.

>> No.49426003
File: 2.67 MB, 246x251, 1649427426989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens to forensics? All child porn goes to zero. Security cameras data become useless in court.

>> No.49426051
File: 331 KB, 1300x1300, 435664567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. This is a HUGE issue hugely downplayed. Blockchain based security camera data validation is gonna be massive. As I predicted here years ago.

>> No.49426745

asking questions like this is late stage Weimerica republic