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49396754 No.49396754 [Reply] [Original]

>hate my job
>think of switching
>medical assistant
>pharmacy tech
>payroll clerk
Why the fuck are they all dominated by women? I feel weird as shit going for jobs like that

Any recommendations for me? I'm stressed the fuck out right now. I hate my job. I hate the pay. Want something that can be a career to some degree and pays minimally 50k where it can result in promotions that cap at like 70k

>> No.49396800

FUCK my brain is going to shit. I actually think I'm going to rope. No, I don't want a slut. I want a wife already and I want to move out.

>> No.49396833

A good chunk of American men are actual retards who bought into the "le trades" or worse, NEET memes. Women were smart and got their degrees.

This exact scenario played out in the Black community over the past few decades (with disastrous consequences) and now other races are copying it. We are in for interesting times.

>> No.49396887

>le trades
JESUS I hate myself so much for this. I did a 2 year degree for this dumb shit. Pays SHIT and the work is ASS. Only journeyman make okay money. Not good. Just okay. There are people who did 2 year degrees too for fields in the medical industry and dwarf in one year what journyemen make. Like by a 2x without 80% less effort.
SHIT I hate my life so much right now.

>> No.49396917

PA here, I found a niche within the medical field doing Men’s Wellness concierge medicine. Literally the only speciality not drenched in toxic estrogen. We mostly manage ED treatments and hormone optimization (testosterone, growth hormone, etc) with a few other things we cover. If you can accept having to look at a handful of penises each week, it’s literally the perfect job in terms of a chill working environment with good coworkers who get along and run everything smoothly with no drama.

It’s the first job I’ve had that wasn’t heavily oversaturated with females and having them removed as a variable is mind blowing in terms of how much easier the work day goes by without their constant bitching and gossiping and laziness.

Plus it’s all cash so no globohomo insurance administrators meddling with our affairs.

>> No.49396968

too much schooling for my age. I fucked up. I dropped out my sr year of college and since it was a part time program, it would take 2 years to finish my sr year. At that point if I did do that, I'd aim to be a teacher, but I fucked up so bad that at this point I just don't want to deal with school anymore. Just want a decent niche/a job that doesn't want to make me jump off a bridge.

>> No.49396979

>2 year degrees too for fields in the medical industry
what degree?

>> No.49397009

RN and respiratory therapist are ones that come to mind.

>> No.49397025

massage therapists too

>> No.49397084

He’s probably talking about an Associates degree in nursing or some similar bridge program

How old are you? All you need is your pre-PA undergrad courses followed by a year or two of experience in some sort of clinical setting (medical assistant, scribe, etc) and then PA is school is only 2.5 years. I had several classmates in their late 30s/40s who’d switched careers and did great.

>> No.49397107

27, but I feel like I need to find something now. I feel like I'm racing against time. I still live with my parents too. I'm tired of that and feel like a child. Can't really think of what to do.

>> No.49397215

Anon you need to realize the age of male dominated soft skill workplaces only came about because a shitload of guys had money and benefits from WW2 and they were all psychokillers so they weren't taking no for an answer for their comfy jobs. What we are seeing now is the natural conclusion, either we go to a major war to reset the balance or go through a huge depression where soft skill jobs will mean fuck all and at least men can be the masters of their patch of dirt.

>> No.49397305

Because it works. All you need to do is be tall and work out and fuck a woman's brains out and she will work like nuts and provide for you in some shitty job.
And all these tryhards are working their ass off lmao when black guys just keep winning. How is working hard playing out for Chang's and Pajeets?? Ah yes they have that middle class lifestyle but all their women hate them loool.

>> No.49397308

would you mind sharing what trade you got into?

>> No.49397348

I feel emasculated and want to be the provider

>> No.49397368

Beta behavior.
You're conditioned to believe that you can only get women if you pay for them :)

>> No.49397388

>You're conditioned to believe that you can only get women if you pay for them :)
Nope. Not beta. It's literally the masculine thing to do. If you aren't the provider, you are a child.

>> No.49397427

Men in marriages as beta providers are statistically lower testosterone (go read about this shit - it's actual fact). It's a physically weak man's way of coping in life - trying to bypass nature's quality with abstract economic trickery. Women can provide for themselves in 2022.

>> No.49397462

>Men in marriages as beta providers are statistically lower testosterone (go read about this shit - it's actual fact). It's a physically weak man's way of coping in life - trying to bypass nature's quality with abstract economic trickery. Women can provide for themselves in 2022.
I've literally trained my body more than 99% of people on this planet. That includes you. I still feel like shit when a potential companion makes more than me because it shows my brain is weakZ That's not beta. That's called being objective.

>> No.49397481

Whatever dude I can't help you. Just know that your dream girl is getting blown the fuck out by some big dick dude with no job because she doesn't give a shit about your autistic world views and just wants to have fun while still young.

>> No.49397501

whats the big deal you are surrounded by pussies waiting to be fucked

>> No.49397512
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>tfw studying cyber security
>tfw just started work as a dishwasher for 15.50 an hour to bring in shekels until that point

>> No.49397536

>your dream girl is getting blown the fuck out by some big dick dude with no job
nah dude she's getting blown out by some oversocialized manlet with a job while I stroke my big dick alone in my parents' basement. This strategy works and is satisfying enough in your 20's but leaves you nearly as ruined as a post-wall whore once you get older. The difference is the NEET man still has a small chance of becoming productive again, while the post-wall whore will never regain her youthful charm.

>> No.49397566

Omega BlackPill

>> No.49397592

1. You will never be in "cybersecurity" or "IT" or in general.

2. You will always be a dish washer.

I don't say this to harm you anon, but, tech should be a hobby not something you "study" in hope to get out of a poverty job.

T. Infosec FAANG. YNGMI.

I really hate the people that push the message that anyone can make it in tech. You won't.

>learn to code.

>> No.49397654

I have coded anon, I am just switching to another field because I hate just coding. Not actively looking for any FAANG shit either to start with.

>> No.49397675

You guys are crazy. Have it all backwards. Women in the workplace is GREAT. See, the problem is y'all are on the wrong the side of the equation.
Sure, if you are fat and uninteresting with little to no social skills (which to be fair is a lot of 4chan) it sucks. They are women; by nature they are more shallow, cliquey, and toxic than men but also much more attuned to social hierarchies. Workplace is just as much interacting with co workers and clients as it is being actually good at your job. The type of guy who gets social anxiety trying to talk to a hot chick is going to get sniffed out and ostracized by females very quickly.
But if you're good looking and charming it is the complete opposite. Emphasis on good looking (remember women ARE shallow). You want to be most attractive guy in the office for the best results; you can spend more time flirting in an office full of women than actually doing any work. Mistakes will be overlooked, you will never be fired (who wants to fire the hottest guy in the office?). Everywhere you go they are happy to see you, unless they are the dykey uber-feminist types and even then all you need to do is virtue signal some retarded leftist talking point boom you're good. Just make sure to never have sex with them until AFTER you get another job, for obvious reasons.
It amazes me that this board gets so little action that they would prefer an all male workplace to getting paid to look at tits and ass all day.
Do yourself a favor, go to /fit/, read the sticky, and start hitting the gym five days a week. The gains you'll get in only a year will be better than any shitcoin you can possibly invest in.

>> No.49397682

can you elaborate on this?
are you just trying to push back on the idea that *everyone* shuold be in tech or do you believe that the industry is heavily oversaturated to the point of unemployability?

>> No.49397694
File: 595 KB, 605x662, knowtherules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are crazy. Have it all backwards. Women in the workplace is GREAT. See, the problem is y'all are on the wrong the side of the equation.
Sure, if you are fat and uninteresting with little to no social skills (which to be fair is a lot of 4chan) it sucks. They are women; by nature they are more shallow, cliquey, and toxic than men but also much more attuned to social hierarchies. Workplace is just as much interacting with co workers and clients as it is being actually good at your job. The type of guy who gets social anxiety trying to talk to a hot chick is going to get sniffed out and ostracized by females very quickly.
But if you're good looking and charming it is the complete opposite. Emphasis on good looking (remember women ARE shallow). You want to be most attractive guy in the office for the best results; you can spend more time flirting in an office full of women than actually doing any work. Mistakes will be overlooked, you will never be fired (who wants to fire the hottest guy in the office?). Everywhere you go they are happy to see you, unless they are the dykey uber-feminist types and even then all you need to do is virtue signal some retarded leftist talking point boom you're good. Just make sure to never have sex with them until AFTER you get another job, for obvious reasons.
It amazes me that this board gets so little action that they would prefer an all male workplace to getting paid to look at tits and ass all day.
Do yourself a favor, go to /fit/, read the sticky, and start hitting the gym five days a week. The gains you'll get in only a year will be better than any shitcoin you can possibly invest in.

>> No.49397698

Gee I wonder what happens when you give niggers and minority preferential treatment in school and job selection. Hmm what could it be ?

>> No.49397768

>writing all this text about wahmen
Ask me how I know you’re a betacuck, who gives a fuck what women think.

>> No.49397802

>Do yourself a favor, go to /fit/,
Dude, stfu. You aren't even on my level.

>> No.49397853 [DELETED] 

Well you see anon I’m unattractive in a way that working out and clothes can’t fix. I have a small jaw that crowds my teeth in a way braves can’t fix. Vitiligo patches on my upper lip that also makes half my mustache hair white and my skull has a large flat spot due to being laid on my back too long as an infant because my clavicle was broken while being born. The office roastie scene is not for me. How do I profit off this by the way?

>> No.49397876

Fucking hell theres a lot of simps and losers on this board

>> No.49397890

Well you see anon I’m unattractive in a way that working out and clothes can’t fix. I have a small jaw that crowds my teeth in a way braces can’t fix. Vitiligo patch on my upper lip that also makes half my mustache hair white and my skull has a large flat spot due to being laid on my back too long as an infant because my clavicle was broken while being born. The office roastie scene is not for me. How do I profit off this by the way?

>> No.49397973

>just become the most attractive guy in the office, bro

>> No.49397974

>I don't say this to harm you anon, but, tech should be a hobby not something you "study" in hope to get out of a poverty job
You just described every H1B in tech

>> No.49398082
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1620911650622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a small jaw that crowds my teeth in a way braces can’t fix. Vitiligo patch on my upper lip that also makes half my mustache hair white and my skull has a large flat spot due to being laid on my back too long as an infant because my clavicle was broken while being born

>> No.49398582

>he thinks a great body makes up for a beautiful face or impressive height
it does not. and it never will.

>> No.49399583

>Desk Job
>Allows personal calls
>Can keep pictures of pets and children
>60% is talking on the phone and maintaining relationships

Oh gee bill, Idk why women choose those types of jobs and not Warehouse Laborer at Lot #53.

>> No.49400083

good post dude