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49369243 No.49369243 [Reply] [Original]

now i might be retarded in reality but how could this be construed as a correct evaluation of the current situation concerning america and its workforce

>> No.49369265 [DELETED] 

Our reality is a procedurally generated construct to enable suffering and loosh harvesting, these "leaders" and "economists" did not exist before anon screen capped the article.

>> No.49369285

americans earn too much (require big inputs) relative to what they actually produce (outputs)
the fed, mostly being made up of 160 iq phd smart kids, recognize that its a problem want to address that imbalance

>> No.49369310

wow someone even retarted more then me i am truly in all
irregardlessly how can this sustain itself
>no we need wages down not upping
>why come? scream wageman
>because inflation

>> No.49369312

>Labor has power
Huh? Smartbucks and Amazon unions aside, how has labor been powerful lately?

>> No.49369327

>muh monopolios le heckin evil
>muh wagies are perfect angels
>not blaming Feds monetary policy of past 2 years
Are amerishart economists retarded or something?

>> No.49369337

they are frustrated becuase high class escorts give sup par hand jobs

>> No.49369446

you will own nothing, and you will be happy

>> No.49369484

its not infact its totally fucked because of the logistic nightmare the fag fludemic created along with the intentional shortages of building material
i have 5 foubdation blue prints, zoned, and approved, beach front in margate and longport. we cannot get piling
there are no piling anywhere. another major contractor is in the same boat ob our island. we literally cannot get rolls of steelnwire mesh(6x6x10x10 even) piling, and even #5 rebar is sold as soon as as its unloaded at the yards
the framer who comes in behind me cant even get the plate beams
the fucking plumber has to wait days in advance to secure the sewer run and water main hook up , that has to be dug under our footings ideally before framing starts and HE CAN'T EVEN GET MATERIAL
when we do get steel its so marked up that the original price quote from literally a year ago at this point, yes, a year someone has been waiting for someone to drive piling, break ground, tie the piling into the house and finish the interior, NOTHING HAS STARTED, these people, as rich as they are are still paying taxes on a 5 to 12 million dollar lot(usually a double or triple lot) that cant be utilized because theres a "telephone pole shortage"

>> No.49369495

if you have an in demand skill, i.e. senior software engineer etc, you have all the power in the world to demand huge ass salaries and benefits

>> No.49369604

if i was younger id be strongly considering entering the tech market at this point. what used to be good money and somewhat enjoyable work has been replaced by constant disappointment for the home owner, headaches and bullshit for me, and absolute nigger tier local government walking in circles as problems not only worsen in severity but evolve and compound to a point of affecting many other almost unrelated things in such a way that it appears to be a giant cluster fuck now that is totally doomed

>> No.49369771

you're a good one, anon.
if you'd been my father, I might have turned out alright

>> No.49369841

>how could this be construed as a correct evaluation of the current situation concerning america and its workforce
it is time for americans to understand the concepts of "inflation" and "debt"
destroying your country's future and long-term prosperity for short-term gain is all fun and games until you reach the generation that will finally bear the brunt

>> No.49369924


About one million Americans died due to COVID-19, the labor force has changed a lot since then without considering anyone who retired. Labor for a small period of time gain leverage to negotiate their wage rate, but with increasing interests rates, businesses will not be able to borrow and hire as easily, despite how much demand there is for labor. The Fed is attacking the labor market because it cannot tax anyone. The monopolistic rich elite win again because they steal from the people, not the central bank.

>> No.49369960

>wages skyrocket over last 2 years to keep people working
>costs skyrocket to keep pace with wages.
>wages go down to re-balance economy
>costs stay at their new level.
No one ever considers this. Rent NEVER goes down.

>> No.49369967
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>About one million Americans died due to COVID-19, the labor force has changed a lot
what was the average age of those who died? could it be that the overwhelming majority of those deaths were already out of the workforce?

>> No.49370008

Inflation is entirely a phenomenon of the money supply. Nothing more and nothing less. Whining about salaries is absurd and bad for the actual American worker

>> No.49370022


absolute bait

is op even a real article

>> No.49370028

>how could this be construed as a correct evaluation
I will tell you straight up: The FED is in panic. And you should be too.

>> No.49370083

>Not working until 70

>> No.49370095

>>49369285 If this isn't bait takes like this is are wages have been stagnate for decades.

>> No.49370100

I will tell you straight up: Anyone who types "FED" in all caps is a retard who can't handle details and should be ignored.

>> No.49370198

Isn't it funny how wages stagnated for four decades, but as soon as Americans start making more, they must "SHUT IT DOWN" immediately? Are people too stupid to see what is happening?

>> No.49370225

It was fine when wages stagnated for 40 years and goods increased 5% a year for 40 years, but god forbid people get a 10% wage increase "SHUT IT DOWN SHUT IT DOWN THIS IS OUT OF CONTROL"

>> No.49370281

average retirement in muttland is 62
will probably go up soon, but you have no idea how spoiled the average american is (for all their complaints about how "hard" they have it)

>> No.49370299

uh-oh shlomo got triggered

>> No.49370410

Nah, it's just a good red flag for schizo Boomers whose specific advice you should ignore. You know, the types who keep thinking that silver squeeze is just around the corner or that the number one priority before hyperinflation is paying off your mortgage.

They "get it" but don't get it, ya know? For some reason they often think "Fed" is like "ECB" or "BOJ" or something.

>> No.49370651

A large middle class is undesirable. A large amount of savings is undesirable. They don't want average people to have any bargaining power in the economy.

>> No.49370701
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Wagies can't stop losing

>> No.49371194

It's real


>> No.49371319

Wages have been stagnant for a long long time. Only retarded faggots think inflation is because of wages going up. Inflation happens regardless of wages.

>> No.49371564

America is trying to take the largest surplus value from its workers. Same for high housing costs, now you have to work longer for the same house
> Oh but it's an asset
Stupid mutts

>> No.49371632
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wages stay stagnant because of inflation; at best they can keep up, at worst inflation outruns wage increases. that happens by design because US doesn't use inflationary economics as an investment (we print 1 billion to fund this project, increasing our long-term productivity) but for micro-political gain (we print 1 billion to feed niggers, if we don't they will not vote for us and/or burn down their cities)
when the US spends more than they produce, only way to keep the payments going is through debt or inflation (or to reduce spending, something incomprehensible to americans)

debt is already at 30 trillion, inflation is already near 10% (nominally, real stats are almost double that)
it's not particularly complicated
americans either stop printing and borrowing recklessly, massively reduce spending to make up for it and suffer substantially for a few years
or they can keep ignoring the problem, choose either the default or hyperinflation route and find out what happens

>> No.49371681

>He noted that Volcker had “always said that the big concern of finance is wage gains will mean that the purchasing power of all of our investors, who have bank accounts, and stocks, and bonds, will have less power over wages.

Basically, they own you, and want to make sure it stays that way.

>> No.49371713

I just started CDL school. I figured with the fed raising rates and supply chain disruptions all over causing inflation, I should get off my ass and work long enough to at least prevent me from selling any assets when SHTF, but If I’m gonna get jewed down on my wage after I graduate, I’ll just go on SSDI and call it day.

>> No.49371742
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>> No.49373037
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They are sort of in charge. A lot of the woke stuff is coming from senior devs and such. The companies are scared to oppose them for fear of losing them all. Neftlix is finally cracking down on them and I suspect other companies will too soon. Adverse market conditions for workers will scare them all back into line.

>> No.49373181
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Ah, back to this again. Given enough time, every fad come back into style.

>> No.49373222

>Noam Chomsky
Dude defended Pol Pot during and after the genocide, one can safely disregard his political opinions

>> No.49373312

I don't think wages are the cause, just a symptom of the disease that the Fed unleashed. But how THE FUCK can you justify a barista starting at $20/hr? That can't happen in a non-Zimbabwe tier economy.

>> No.49373316
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>Broken clock
So you are a big Allen Greenspan fan?

>> No.49373437
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The Fed's primary purpose is maintaining the Oligarchy's position in society, well paid workers is contra to this goal. Corona was an excuse to provide exit liquidity to the Oligarchs, now they'll crash the markets and buy up the pieces for cents

>> No.49373632

>But how THE FUCK can you justify a barista starting at $20/hr?
Nigger, rent is >$1500/m for a studio apartment and gas is >$5/gal, why the fuck would someone work for a sub-subsistence wage?

>> No.49373690

You don't have to live in the downtown area of a big city without roommates. Also, driving a car is not a necessity. Low skill jobs like fast food aren't careers and shouldn't and cannot guarantee you home ownership and other luxuries.

>> No.49373723

Many Cars are 50k when the world was shook by Ford raptors costing 50k only 10 years ago. 100k corvettes now.
Are you stupid or just retarded ? Wages must climb with QE inflation or else face insolvency nationwide

>> No.49373757

We are past this retarded argument. Now basic things like your morning Starbucks are in danger of disappearing because no one wants to waste their time pouring it for such tiny pay that won’t even cover their commute to work, not to mention food and medicine. They would rather spend their time at a factory or something. So say goodbye to your Starbucks because no one wants to work there.

>> No.49373765
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kill yourself.

>> No.49373774

I can feel the heat from here burgers, the uprising will be soon ™

>> No.49373782

>we have to inflate wages too
If no one can afford to buy, prices come down. You don't combat rising prices by inflating wages too, that exacerbates the problem.

Sounds like the free market at work.

>> No.49373829
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>> No.49373860
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>1M fewer Walmart greeters, broom pushers, and condiment tray carriers
How can burgers possibly ever recover?

>> No.49373923

It’s not the “plandemic”, a lot of shit that isn’t made here is coming from places that are genuinely fucked or china, who is actually trying to fuck with us

>> No.49374231

It's a good thing, they can make their own damn coffee.

>> No.49374496

These people are just pure fucking evil.

>> No.49374533


>> No.49374669
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>> No.49374762


Anon I... lol

>> No.49374782

There's a reason pol pot got more from the CIA than they did the USSR

>> No.49374864

Welder faggot here. I build custom towers for boats of all sizes. I deal mostly with anodized aluminum, schedule 40 and 80 of varying sizes and stuff like that, as well as plate and some other odd things. The price in material Has atleast doubled since the plandemic and is becoming more expensive as gas rises. Niggers WILL tongue my anus.

>> No.49374876

China was Pol Pot's main backer, USSR was backing Vietnam, which is why the US also helped Pol Pot. Lefties leave out the fact that Deng's China was the main backer of Cambodia because it hurts the whole "America caused Pol Pot" idea.

>> No.49375021

Don't you remember when the government was paying people to not work, and the corporations had to compete with the government bribing the economy to crash?

>> No.49375757

Good to see that the cryptocurrency that the governments are refusing to support is being used as support to war-inflicted citizens in Ukraine. You just can't hate it, preach against and not look like an idiot.

>> No.49375798

I own an electrical shop, and 200-amp meter sockets are gone. Luckily, thanks to my lurking places like /pmg/, I saw these shortages coming and loaded up on them when I had the chance. If I didn't need them for my own business, I could easily sell them to other contractors at 3x the price I purchased them for.

>> No.49375838

Do retards really think wages can't cause inflation? What do you retards think happens when wages are higher than productivity?

>> No.49375850

>Its real
>Source is a communist website

>> No.49376313
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you only had to search the source anon, you didn't had to go full retard.


>> No.49376335

>driving a car is not a necessity
So you've already accepted the pod, cityfag?

>> No.49376451

We're barely a few centuries past the era of indentured serfdom and slavery being commonplace, the past 7 decades have warped people's views on what is "rights" and "necessities".

>> No.49376516

>bring down wages
I wonder if this is is correlated to the government and military struggling to fill positions. Right now they're is no reason to work for the government with them not raising pay.

>> No.49377513
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>> No.49377737

It is literally impossible to participate in society in America without a car

>> No.49378611

you some vestiges of your rights remaining which is deeply problematic and a threat to our democracy