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49316716 No.49316716 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe I tried using technical analysis. It is complete and utter bullshit.

It's quite hard to fathom just how bullshit it is. There's all these worthless indicators which don't truly indicate anything about where the price might go, and that's part of what made me believe in it. Surely it's not the case that everyone is just being an idiot by creating these indicators, right? Wrong.

RSI, MACD, Bollinger Bands, blah blah blah. None of them actually work. Do you know what this means? It's fucking psychotic. It's schizophrenic. It's literally magical thinking at its finest. All this programming, mathematics, design, theory and everything all going into the worthless magical thinking of schizo people. I even fell for this so hard myself I tried to make my own trading bot. It is indeed like astrology.

Pathetically enough I also fell for dumb ass famous "successful" traders. If anyone is marketing themselves as a successful trader they are either insanely lucky or a scam artist.

There's bound to be at least a few "successful" traders when so many people are falling for this magical thinking nonsense. It's like having a bunch of monkeys running around on keyboards. If you have enough of them, one of them is bound to create a Shakespearian piece of literature eventually. Same principle.

The scam artists who aren't actually "successful" often hide their losses or do trades with a fraction of what they have whilst selling worthless group invites, which is where they actually make money.

If you were like me, you may have been confused at how these scam artists did live trades with such success. It's simple. When a scam artist does live trades with a large following, what they say goes. They make a trade, their audience watches it and copies and they look like geniuses. They know full well that their audience alone makes them successful. They have experience trading without an audience to be able to tell. Truly sad.

TA is magical thinking on steroids.

>> No.49316890

TA is useful, but like Neil peart said, we need both the heart and mind united in a single perfect sphere. You need to use it along a sentiment analysis of the market and it has to be a study case based off that specific market. For crypto, paying attention to the Open interest, longs to shorts (using only binance and FTX as reference) and what the whales are doing vs the sardines, is a good thing.

>> No.49316935

This is illogical. It makes no sense to say it works but only when you combine it with something else. Either it works or it doesn't work, regardless of anything else you do. It flat out does not work.

>> No.49316962

Edge is meme blablabla
Why poker pro players are all in final table tournaments if poker is all random ? Retard alert we're in deep bear market retards all over the place leave all markets

>> No.49316983

You're a very weird and discomforting person. I don't know why you're talking about poker and calling me a retard. Jerk.

>> No.49317002

Everyone who is anyone knows that you can't just use indicators to TA. Not only that, it's EXTREMELY easy to misuse indicators.
The best traders don't use many indicators, except a 20, 50 and 200 MA. Those are literally the only thing you really need to be a successful trader.

Literally just learn to read a chart, it's not that difficult.

>> No.49317059

It's very obvious I wasn't saying anything about only using technical indicators. You're just trying to waste my time by being a deliberate nuisance. Especially when you bring nonsense out of the ether like how the best traders use certain indicators which you and I both know is just coming from nowhere. You're a burden.

>> No.49317072

Meant to reply

>> No.49317083


>> No.49317091

Highly rude

>> No.49317120

TA is unironically saging

>> No.49317149

How do you think firms like Rentech, Jane Street or Jump makes money?

For sure it's not by investing in some "fundamentals" created by a russian fat burger eater

>muh HFT

those are not HFT funds, Jump is a bit maybe

>> No.49317181

I don't know. I don't know anything about those firms. I really have no clue what you're talking about at all. If it is not fundamentals then either they must be lucky or be manipulating the market

>> No.49317206

By finding correlations on the market, backtesting them and then abusing them until they stop being correlated. What do you think they do, look for cups and handles on charts

>> No.49317207

if more people talk about something, it might reflect in the market, so you check the volume

if there is no volume, they talk about it but not buying


>> No.49317224

you just arent smart enough is the problem. the market is extremely complex and aware of itself, so the signal is jammed. you're butthurt because an eceleb retard led you astray. read a book nigger

>> No.49317228

What is your point?

>> No.49317240

well i agree that candlestick patterns is usually a big meme

but Jim Simon himself talks about MAs here for example 10 min in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5kIdtMJGc8

Also more quant stuff like OI, liquidations and short vs longs is interesting to look at. or bollinger band break outs

>> No.49317253

> What do you think they do, look for cups and handles on charts
not since the jews stole the triangles from the babylonians has simple ta been worth a shit. no sympathy for retards who don't bother to catch up to the current meta

>> No.49317259

that you use sentiment + TA to form a trade

>> No.49317265

You're a passive-aggressive burden and a loser

>> No.49317280

you dont even know the definition of passive aggressive. you're like an ant compared to me

>> No.49317282

They just look for correlations, sometimes it's a correlation with an indicator, sometimes with some real life metric, sometimes with another asset. What they really want is an arbitrage and they look for something as close to it as possible

>> No.49317284

it works to a certain extent, but it takes a lot of discipline and most of the traders you find online are just retarded
the fact that nearly every trader tries to sell you educational services is a tell-tale sign that it's not nearly as successful as they make it out to be, part of the reason is that behind markets there's brokers trading against you which causes things like bart patterns since there's a series of liquidation events when brokers fuck up shorters then longers or vice versa

currently we got a well-defined resistance at 28.6k
if you coupled that with knowledge about liquidations you could have made decent money
but it's hard and you have to manage your risk well

>> No.49317291

Charts tell you what people did, not what people will do. It really is obvious that it doesn't have meaning at all.

>> No.49317314

rentech uses an insane amount of data for their algorithms to predict future trades, and every firm you listed uses quants. none of them do TA

>> No.49317324

That really doesn't follow. You just say a truism about how no volume means no one is buying then you make that conclusion. It's nonsensensical but you are already talking about bollinger bands so it's clear you're a bad person already

>> No.49317328

yes, what do you think an indicator is? RSI is just a correlation of the last moves vs the current move, and their strength/derivative

same with MACD

>> No.49317331

Kinda sounds like you're looking for something that flatout tells you we go up or down, but things aren't that simple and the only traders that actually make money are very secure in their risk analysis (so using all possible market dat along with TA to determine their thesis and where their stoploss or "invalidation point" is).

You make it seem like people that do TA ONLY use TA, which is completely false. Also I personally don't like indicators since they always lag behind what's actually happening. Support and resistance areas are much more accurate in helping you determining entry and exit points AND invalidation (stoploss). That's the point of TA, not as a magical forecasting thing.

>> No.49317338

you just seem to argue in bad faith with me

Of course if you see peopel talk about 10 stocks, but only 2 of them got vol, you buy the 2 with vol. What is the problem ?

>> No.49317361

what do you think "TA" is other than abstracting a market to an indicator about a trend, or range?

quant is just describing you use multiple indicators together with something, basically. say blockchain movements of a wallet, or cars on a parking lot on walmart

>> No.49317373


Yeah but if chart tells you people bought at lets say 10k, you can imagine they will want to sell before it goes down under 10, because it would loose them money.

So that explain how resistance and support works, a lot of other stuff is pure witchcraft magic tarot reading, and need to be aware of scammers, but the fact that BTC time and time again respects old established price levels is something you can use to work with.

It will not tell you the future, the direction in what market will go, but you have to calculate what you know, what you can guess, and manage risk.

That is how I understand it, but I am newbie and have not yet earned (won, like in crypto lottery) any real money, but you can look at it like lottery, only here you have more control over parameters than in regular lottery.

>> No.49317379

>How do you think firms like Rentech, Jane Street or Jump makes money?
insider knowledge
>oh yes goy we make money because we all have math PhDs

>> No.49317391

The problem is you're a bad person, a burden and a loser because it's clear you are wasting my time. Talking about buying something with literally no volume obviously has nothing to do with technical analysis. I'm guesssing you're going to say you're exaggerating in which case what you've said is absolutely worthless because the volume on something actually important means nothing compared to what people are talking about

>> No.49317399
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this dude holy kek

>> No.49317401

You can literally see price actions reverse when MACD lines cross over. Stfu

>> No.49317415

You're just a burden

>> No.49317416

the macd crosses AFTER the prices have reversed, how are you this retarded?

>> No.49317450

No, it doesn't sound like I said that at all. I very explicitly talked about probability moron. I don't know why you're saying people don't only use TA. You're also a moron for believing arbitrarily that it only works *on top of something else*. Either it works or it doesn't. Stop adding arbitrary rules to tell me it works

>> No.49317460
File: 57 KB, 1005x731, easy to read no indicators needed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything your original post was about indicators, not actually about TA.

Let me put this into a metaphor so you can wrap your brain around it, since TA is outside of the scope of your knowledge.

TA is sort of like riding a bike, indicators are your training wheels. So, you start out riding your bike and keep falling over, you slap on a set of training wheels. But, you still fall over, what do you do? Put on more training wheels. Now you've got two sets of training wheels on your bike, and it's even more difficult than when you first started. What's the solution? More training wheels. You've got training wheels in places that don't make sense, and are literally hindering your ability to learn how to ride the bike. What's the solution? More training wheels!
You do not need indicators to TA, you do not need indicators to learn how to TA.

This is how you do TA. Fuck cups and handles, fuck Bollinger bands, fuck RSI. Learn to read the chart as it is.

>> No.49317476

No, it wasn't. I used indicators as an example of how much faith there seems to be in this nonsense. You are an irredeemable idiot by this point. I'm done talking to you. You are very clearly a passive-aggressive loser

>> No.49317531

>Tfw you reply to bait threads out of sheer boredom.
Alright, see you later faggot.

>> No.49317554
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By criminal behind the scenes association. A conspiracy. The bosses get a call and snowball prices whenever wherever and the suckers follow for their pitful spiteful pennies and penis.

>> No.49317557

Tongue my anus. Imagine not trading with support/resistance lines and weighted volume. Stay poor

>> No.49317615

Wow, you make me want to become a crypto youtuber.

>> No.49317712

I couldn't agree more. You are absolutely correct. This is one reason I stopped following crypto influencers. They are essentially Shillers. I have found more peace investing in DeFi and right now I am getting set for the Equilibrium DeFi EQ token launch. It's safer to be my own personal analyst and not depend on some TA by some persons.

>> No.49317734

I don't know if TA works or not, I suspect it probably doesn't, but I'd be much more inclined to believe it if any of its proponents could produce a shred of evidence that it works.

>> No.49317735

support/resistance ranges/channels are legit. the rest is pretty worthless.

>> No.49317747

They're really not legit at all actually

>> No.49317824
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>> No.49317837

The key to investing is to figure out if something is worth doing BEFORE you do it. There is absolutely no evidence of TA being anything but shit so you shouldn't have tried it in the first place. Same goes for options.

>> No.49317867

Cherry picked nonsense

>> No.49319420


>> No.49319450


>> No.49319670

Price, volume, time.

Indicators are just combinations and derivatives of these variables. These things are useful. You just failed risk management.

>> No.49320032
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In my work, I once had a meeting with some pretty high up dudes at NASDAQ.
My work isn't trading related, but during small talk I mentioned that I dabbled in trading and I passingly mentioned technical analysis.
They both laughed and said something to the effect of "Oh, you mean economic astrology/divination?".

>> No.49321562

It's very clear what I meant. Stupid vague one word question

>> No.49323645
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everyone’s different. they’ve served me very well, and i live on the beach.

>> No.49323779

You are just one of the few that have lucked out

>> No.49324788

Kek, nice larp, oldskool troll. Still better thread than all of that shill and demoralization stuff.

>> No.49324986
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>it's another failed traders who gave up thread
always funny to see people complain about TA, when all they need to do is take a few hours of their life and backtest a strategy for the past years to see the winrate of said strategy, apply it and unironically have a way to make a lot of money. I guess its just how it is, poor stay poor and they deserve it if they cant even take a few hours of their life to learn anything about markets.

>> No.49325037
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TA exists to launder institutional gains from insider trading and market manipulation as the product of some kind of mathematical analysis. The fact that the gullible trip over themselves to believe in the ruse and blame themselves for doing it wrong when it doesn't work is just icing on the cake for those on the inside of the hustle.

It is perfectly analogous to Art. Big players set up a ruse to launder money and dodge taxes, and midwits down the totem pole support the scam culturally to seem cultured and educated and fit in.

>> No.49325083

90% of traders LOSE. What do those 90% traders do in common, they all use a combination of those indicators. That's not an edge. Smart money knows that retail use those indicators and they will keep fucking you for as long as you play. You are right most "traders" are scammers who play guru in order for you to pay them.

Finding an edge is possible, you just have to do something that the majority of the market participants don't do.



>> No.49325448

What is the current meta then? How do I learn to trade? There is too much shitty and outdated information around.

>> No.49326009

no one is going to give you free alpha.

>> No.49326107


>> No.49326307


>Says TA doesnt work

Every cunt under the sun uses them indiactors. Part of the reason 95% of traders lose money

>> No.49326328


try fib time and fib channels. Noob

>> No.49326746

The meta is taking other people’s money by selling services and financial products. That’s what the professionals do, they make financial products like ETFs and sell brokerage services and whatever else, and they take their cut and funnel in big money. They go for big institutions like pension funds, or they target rich people, and at the margins they put ads on TV and YouTube telling you to open a Fidelity account.

As a retail trader you can’t beat this reliably, it’s a gamble. You either get lucky or not. It’s very intuitive when you see what conditions are like in average underlying business. There are tens of thousands of businesses you can look at in public markets, and their executives (when they’re actually aligned with the business) are all trying to grow as much as possible so they too can get rich. But most businesses do not have explosive growth, most businesses don’t even necessarily have average growth. A small number of businesses have explosive growth, and most others grow very modestly or not at all. In a “normal” market, equities are usually priced as conservative bets on company performance. In an inflated market a bunch of equities may be highly valued because there are a bunch of very fantastic bets floating around. But the insiders themselves don’t necessarily know if they’re going to successfully make their business explode, even if they have great ideas or a vision for how they COULD explode, it just isn’t possible to know if everything will align correctly. Contracts go south, market and global conditions can quickly change, some competitor ends up winning out, a big lawsuit happens, whatever. It really doesn’t matter how much you know about the business, there is always risk, and the risk is usually priced symmetrically with the potential reward because people are paid lots of money to try to find the asymmetric risk, the “easy” bet to make.

>> No.49326784
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>> No.49326920

What does that mean?
Thanks, but how to make money as a standalone investor/trader then..can't be just luck?

>> No.49326937

Or put it this way, the money really is in telling people you know how to make them money, or that you’re giving them the opportunity to make money. You sell them that. When some rando guy who was an investment banker for a while starts up his own hedge fund, he often has a vision for a product. Maybe it was the og people who sold volatility, or the quants who sell some algorithm, but the point is they go to rich people and institutional investors and say “I’ve got this new edge to put in your portfolio” and they get millions of dollars to manage and a cut. It doesn’t really matter if their shit is bullshit and underperforms, it potentially takes years to figure that out for sure. During that time they could make their own millions off of fees, and they could make connections and develop new products once their current one burns out.

But it’s important to note that even these people really don’t KNOW how to beat the market, and to the extent they’ve actually identified a niche in the market that pays off for now, it’s likely temporary and it is still just reducible to a good bet. That doesn’t mean they weren’t clever, but there are also a lot of clever people who make bad bets all the time. But the point is rich people want to buy clever people, so the real goal is to convince them you have a decent bet, something only their big money could buy. That’s a part of why finance is so opaque and dense, uncertainty is the ground for selling certainty. That’s what insurance does, they want you to think something bad could happen when it won’t.

>> No.49326950
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>> No.49327025
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I'm not a technical analyst to understand your rant. I'm just familiar with the basic candles, spot trading and hold. I'm more into fundamentals and Kolnet seems to be my latest pick as it meets my criteria.

>> No.49327053
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>> No.49327160
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>> No.49327210

If you want to trade you can just try to be clever, but just know it’s all a gamble at the bottom of it. I’m not discounting fundamentals or even reading graphs to try to find out where the crowd is or whatever. I’m just saying that it’s never certain. Retail traders gamble with their own money. Sure, you can trade on margin, but you’re still looking at getting wiped out. A hedgie doesn’t necessarily have to worry about getting wiped out. Of course they really don’t want to be wiped out, it would fuck their career, but I’m just saying if you make your money on fees then taking losses isn’t the end of the world. You get to keep all of the fees you’ve already made, so your real goal is just to keep convincing people to give you money. The retail trader just isn’t playing that game, they’re playing with their own money. They can have a great year, but then a bad year brings them back near the average and wipes out their big gains. Their money is always on the line, the climb up is very hard when you don’t get to profit from other people’s money.

>> No.49327269

It's all just gambling OP. Might as well gamble on something that's actually fucking doing something. The HBAR foundation baby.

>> No.49327289 [DELETED] 

I agree, it's all bullshit. Maybe in the old days of buying and selling physical stock certificates it could be a useful tool.

Even then, it only really makes sense if you're looking at it from the outside. For example when you're describing the psychological process of a bull trap - when those people are all aware of this happening and trying to profit it, it changes things completely. It's like participants of an experiment being told they're part of an experiment, it messes everything up.

>> No.49327321
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Because the only TA you need for crypto is this one

>> No.49327337

I agree, it's all bullshit. Maybe in the old days of buying and selling physical stock certificates it could be a useful tool.

Even then, it only really makes sense if you are the only person who knows these predictive tricks. If everyone else knows them, they will all try to profit in the same way. For example when you're describing the psychological process of a bull trap - when those people are all aware of this happening and trying to profit it, it changes things completely. It's like participants of an experiment being suddenly self-aware they're part of an experiment, they will now behave completely different, it totally messes everything up.

>> No.49327734

Have you tried trading without a bot ?
making a bot is wayyyy harder than doing systemic trading by yourself, like really. Some things come with experience, I guess you don't have a lot of it. However I strongly agree that indicators are irrelevant. But Order flow and price action is.

>> No.49328149
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>> No.49328300

All TA is just there to get you into a position and give you some basic risk managing metrics

>> No.49328384
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>> No.49328506

all you really need is stochastic and macd 2bh. but the other stuff helps you figure out how the machine moves.

>> No.49328863


>> No.49328866

maybe, also could be a natural trader, and the lines visualize what i already know to make me feel more comfortable at execution time. as i said, believe it’s worked for me. everyone’s different, tho

>> No.49328894

High iq posts. 0 of the billionaires got there by trading their own money, they got there by other people trading on their platforms or with their coins/stocks.

>> No.49328937
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I don't trust the TA anymore when it's not working during the bearish of the bear market. I mainly trust the goal of a project and its solid fundamentals, Equilibrium perfectly meets my standard committed to building sustainable future.

>> No.49329060

TA can somewhat be useful for short term. It's the same way you trade intuitively, given an absence of other information, you set your limit order based on what it was priced at in the past. In the long term, things move semi-randomly due to happenings.

>> No.49329084

you are the reason you lost your money, not TA

>> No.49329099

Or by charging a commission for financial instruments like COW

>> No.49329540

how much time did you devote to developing a strategy?

>> No.49329697

from 6am til ~4pm every day for 2 years


>> No.49330118

What about playing games? Or crypto gaming coins.

>> No.49330166

T.A ain't bad, but holding and staking on gems like RIDE, is much better for me IMO.

>> No.49330731

you fucking idiot

>> No.49330776


>> No.49330838

Yea bro I don't even look at charts or price changes any more, just buy and sell at random.

TA is a meme, it's all a random walk. If you look at charts you're certifiably retarded.

>> No.49330869

TA is a meme.

But random walk is false. Fama and French decidedly proved that value beats indexing.

EMH is a polite lie for normies since they can't into financial literacy

>> No.49331105

Well said anon, its time to DCA and diversify. NFTgames has been my go to source of income for now. MInted some Queen bees during Honeyland public mint and hoping to make passive income once game launches in Q4

>> No.49331203

the only successful trading strategies are insider trading and front-running much larger mutual and pension funds when earning reports come out.

prove me wrong.

>> No.49331210
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I would consider Splinterlands, Honeyland Game, Nitro League here. Loved the decentralised car racing and its graphics. Honeyland is pretty unique as nft bees are the main characters nearly compared to clash of clans as warriors.
You have a good bet.

>> No.49331240

Do they have a native token yet

>> No.49331301

>It's all bullshit
Maybe for someone that has no idea what data is like 99% of retail investors, however, someone with an deep understanding of statistics can Quant somewhere

>> No.49331308

You've caught on to a secret. Science is no different than TA, it's just measuring things and detecting indicators. No different than augury. Look up the word "augury" and you will learn what I mean if you don't already know. It's hokey bullshit, no different than archaic religions.

>> No.49331366

Splinterland has been my best game so far. I however came across this game during my research, learnt their token HXD will launch in June. Still keeping tabs on updates in their website though

>> No.49331409

TA is entirely about liability prevention/compliance. By giving the illusion of semi-predictability and fairness, the degenerate gamblers and string-pulling cartels are able to limit the scope of regulations. It also helps that they now own their regulators lol

tl;dr: it is not used for what you think it is used for

>> No.49331606


>> No.49331656
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This was a trade from today. My execution was shit and typically I wouldn't buy it this high up but it had alot of volume coming off strong earnings, pivot break on the daily with a 5min falling wedge and ORB(opening range breakout) all lined up (multiple time frame analysis). The ideal entry would've obviously been the first pivot break but it had already gapped over it and then just ran straight up with no good looking entry on any time frame, so I was looking for a buy set up off the 9ema on the 5min. I record and log as many of my trades as possible and fine tune things all of the time. The trade went a minimum of 1.6 : 1 Risk/Reward (not ideal) and depending on what means you used to stop out and manage the trade it went as high as 4:1 and I was targeting upwards of $197-198 (targeting 5:1 / $1000 risk to make $5000 etc) Wasn't as clean of a trade as I would have liked and I was tired so it was more of a "test" trade with small size than a money making trade. Currently reviewing it and picking through the nitty gritty. The exit strategy I was using for this one was stops under the red/green/green bar sequences. Each time you have a red bar and then 2 consecutive green bars you put the stop loss under the low of the lowest of the 3 bar (typically it'll be the red one but not always and with a few cents of wiggle room so you don't get stopped prematurely).
>trader anon
Figure you faggots may be interested.
When entering a trade you should always....
1. Know where you are going to enter
2. Know where you are going to exit if you're wrong. (Knowing this allows you to calculate how much risk you are taking for that trade. If your entry is $95 and your stoploss is at $94 then you know that 100 shares is $100 of risk)
3. Know how you are going to exit if you are right. Partial lots, pivot exit, 9ema breakdown, etc...
4. Know your price target and make sure it has a minimum of 2:1 R/R potential.
5. Make sure the broader market isn't moving against you.

>> No.49331713
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30 minute ORB*
Honestly it was a pretty shit trade, but I enjoy being transparent as that's how you learn.

>> No.49331797
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More sauce

>> No.49331863

I feel TA is utter BS
FA seems more like it and regardless it's still just some gimmick trial
I just buy and stake ALBT in the LP and APY gets higher as I stay longer

>> No.49331873
File: 387 KB, 1721x773, bkkt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saucing yall up today baby

>> No.49331915
File: 146 KB, 770x548, TGT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce it up! Love ya frens.

>> No.49331919


If TA works at all, then it should out perform a purely random trading strategy over time, even if pure TA informed trades aren't always good.

Markets aren't completely efficient so its not unbelievable to me that some TA techniques may work, but they're usually close enough to efficient that I'm very skeptical of the well known techniques. If there are TA techniques that do work, they're probably closely guarded secrets held by statisticians working at hedge funds and investment banks.

>> No.49331945 [DELETED] 
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I will give you guys the biggest alpha of the year (perhaps of all time). Then I will delete it.

>> No.49332133

No TA TA fuck

>> No.49332212

This has been my source of income during this bear market. Splinterland has been top of my list. However minted some Bees from Honeyland public minting today. I'm eagerly awaiting gamelaunch in Q4

>> No.49332714

how much money have you lost so far?

>> No.49333104
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you're a full blown retard, technical analysis indicators are math derived from price action. you're literally crying and bitching on a mongolian basket weaving board about how you're a shitty trader and cant comprehend the visual information infront of your eyes.
im a self-made professional futures trader and I only use technical analysis, i make thousands per week with hundreds of dollars at risk and you want to sit there and say technical analysis is magical schizo thinking?
well you know what they say, trading isnt for everyone and its safe to say you fall in that category. enjoy your wage cage moron

>> No.49333177
File: 39 KB, 750x710, CatYodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't lost overall, but obviously lose on individual trades as that's part of the game. Been trading full time for 3 years and part time for several years prior.

>> No.49333508

How the fuck is this thread still going? Kys nonTA faggot

>> No.49333557 [DELETED] 
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>indicators and trading gurus are bullshit therefore TA doesn't work!!!!
Shit fucking argument. Look into price action trading, no indicators. All 4 books from Al Brooks are on PDFDrive.

>> No.49333681
File: 53 KB, 500x397, 1633426322744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this. Al Brooks is legendary. He was originally an eye doctor but got sick of doing that shit and didn't start trading until his like early 30's or some shit, now regarded as one of the best technical traders on the planet.

>> No.49333743

It's not useless, but if you're just using indicators, and following the book, you're not really analyzing anything.

You need to understand the nature and beauty of the market and its fractal nature.

>> No.49333811


>> No.49333863

You don't need indicators. You just need to feel the market anon. You have no faith, I can see that—with your charts, and your graphs, and your numbers, and your formulas. You lack what an old friend of mine once called a certain je-ne-ca-pa-un-la-qoi. He told me before he died it was French, but never said what the words meant. I like to think that he never told me on purpose. Like I wasn't meant to know, y'know? Like I'm not really meant to know whether the price goes up or down... Or you're never meant to know who Stotch was or whether he'd be proud of who you are today. I'll say this though: I have one indicator that I always look to in times of doubt and need... It's faith. Do I have faith right now? Am I faithful in this trade right now? Am I faithful to my faith right now? Am I faithful that I'll still be buying le Bitcoin tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, next decade, right now? I don't know anon. But I do know this: whatever Stotch thought he knew about the markets, money, repetitive strain injury, God's plan even—it all pales in comparison to the human connection you and I have with the people on this board right now. Love yourself brother, and maybe everyone else will allow themselves to love you too. Ciao.

>> No.49333976

anon you only had one job and that was pressing the OTHER button and you failed miserably

>> No.49334096

anon do you have a twitter or something?

>> No.49334210
File: 2.13 MB, 209x207, 1653486422602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the true believers of TA have a god complex. Every single one of them thinks that he alone is the only one smart enough to get it right. Just scroll through this thread and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.49335441


All you need is volume, indecision candles and Fibonacci. Everything else is a joke.

>> No.49335507

Technical analysis is just a probability modifier. Following the trend is like +10%, having a good pattern is like +5%, getting a good candlestick is like +5%. With this information you can very easily lose money like a retard or make money, albeit slowly. It's not about winning every time, it's about winning more often than you lose. Most lose money not because they're bad at trading but usually they put in way too much on way trade and rack disciprine to control themselves.

>> No.49335577

Anons sharing knowledge instead of being faggot trolls you love to see it


>> No.49335982


>> No.49336026

Nobody really knows what rentech is doing. They literally tower over every other hedge fund. None of the people they hire are steeped in TA because they know it’s retard

>> No.49336036

Bull pictures = buy
Bear pictures = sell
Crab picture = toss everything in a monthly dividend stock and take a month off.

>> No.49336081

This is correct, because 90% of people buying stocks don't do technical analysis. To get rich you have to predict what the horde is going to do, which means you must be a little schizophrenic. Dividends and earnings don't matter at all because almost noone uses these things to determine which stock to buy.