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49301814 No.49301814 [Reply] [Original]

At what net worth is it acceptable to fly first class?

>> No.49301835


>> No.49301859

I've never even flown business class

t. miser

>> No.49301864

she is based for turning economy into first class for like $50

>> No.49301890

Is she wearing a wig?

>> No.49301910

Probably 50m+

>> No.49301928

Nigger what? I would say 10m is fine

>> No.49301930

Black people are so obnoxious

>> No.49301933

it's only really nice on International

>> No.49301949

What? How expensive do you think first class tickets are? Even at $10M you can comfortably fly first class a few times a year without any worries

>> No.49301950

most of them arent paying for it outright but instead get free upgrades via status

>> No.49301957

What's first class like richfags? I've only ever flown within my country on the cheapest airline ticket I could buy.

>> No.49301975

When your passive income is 7x the cost of flying first class.
Assuming you have 0 debt and liabilities.

>> No.49301976

Called a weave, but basically a wig woven into her natty hair

>> No.49301978

They're gonna turn the bathroom into first class
>those fucking cheese its on top of the sea bake

>> No.49301979

Imagine the smell

>> No.49302016

None. First class is a cope for those who don't have a private jet. It is the midwit meme of the skies.

>> No.49302023

Meals are great and the service you get is amazing. Besides that you don't have to tolerate loud peasants and you can turn your seat into a bed. Being able to sleep on a 12h flight is amazing compared to sitting in a tight economy seat and being woken up every time the fat fuck next to you needs to piss.

In terms of being worth it, I see it as this:
>1-4h flight: economy is fine
>4-8h flight: business is fine
>8h+ flight: first class if you have the money

>> No.49302066

>I is so smart 4 bringin mah fancy food, I gots my lobster, crab legs, we eatin' good
>By landing time it's a lukewarm, stinking mess
You must be black as well with that top-tier logic

>> No.49302083

Fixed that for you

>> No.49302088

>What's first class like richfags?
almost worth it just so you can actually spread your legs out.

>> No.49302107

I have 5m and i would never ever regularly fly even on business. I always get the cheapest tickets available

>> No.49302123

How often do you fly? If it's not that often, I imagine it's alright to splurge once in a while if you're comfortable financially.

>> No.49302137

Maybe that’s because you’re a stingy Jew?

>> No.49302144

Its painful as fuck tho im 195cm so lately ive been thinking maybe i could afford extra leg space now and then its like 100 usd more.

>> No.49302170


>> No.49302204

imagine the sound of snapping jaws, cracking shells, loud sloppy chewing and crunching, followed by singing and dancing and the smell of low tide

>> No.49302241

Jelly poorfag cope. It’s like talking shit about people who have sailboats and not $100M yachts

>> No.49302258

I'm a poor who's flown business a few times and I don't think I'd pay extra for it no matter my net worth

>> No.49302270

mmmmmmmhmmmmm, yea baby we gone eat good today. hand me one them cheezit crackas baby. and axe the attendant for sum free champagne

>> No.49302281

looks like it was already luke warm in the pic. i bet she made the most obnoxious nigger eating noises.

>> No.49302286

The only thing I'm imaging is shoving my cock between her tits until I cum all over her stupid face.

>> No.49302296

Do you really have to sit next to someone still if you fly alone and pay for business class?

What's the fucking point?

>> No.49302327

Comfier seats, more leg room and most importantly, it's quiet so you can rest. Only worth it for long flights, especially if you have a meeting or something shortly after landing

>> No.49302339

excessive consumption

>> No.49302400

The lobster or first class tickets?

>> No.49302405

Seethe. Why aren't you subsidizing their tickets more to pay for more bathrooms?

>> No.49302412

checked. the lobster

>> No.49302470

flight attendants required by FAA laws to suck your dick if you ask but you'll almost always get the faggot. You tell me.

>> No.49302504

Spirit is shit tier, I'd never fly on them for longer than an hour and I was only bringing a backpack

>> No.49302505

Just imagine what the underneath of her nails smell like

>> No.49302578
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I hate flying so much I have panic attacks the whole time. Any moment the plane can fuck up and now youre falling 20000 feet and exploding into the ground.

I dont get how even important rich people like elites and presidents risk flying on planes, this shit is so risky if you think about it.
Your life depending on some random machine which can fail any moment

>> No.49302673

What's wrong with Cheese its? I love cheese-Its. That's literally the one thing that they're eating that's fine.

>> No.49302693

Kek clean it up wagie

>> No.49302696
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At least you have someone new to rape before Bobo crashes you into the mountain. Always carry a dozen Viagra in your person on the plane.

>> No.49302703
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We gaan

>> No.49302725

Maybe they've already perfected body swapping and have backups in their bunkers

>> No.49302732

its a common way for them to get murdered.

>> No.49302761

Last time I flew I was a skinny cunt so economy was more than enough, still had room to read and relax. But as I plan on becoming more massive (finally hit 190lbs) it might become more of a bear in the future.

>> No.49302804

manlet detected

>> No.49302877

Modern planes are very hard to crash even if you deliberately try to do it. If the pilot fucks up there are systems in place to correct the error.

You should be more worried if you're driving on a road where there are thousands of idiots in control of 2000kg metal boxes moving at high speeds, many of whom are drunk or on drugs, and if one of them takes their eyes off the road for 2 seconds and smashes into you it's over

>> No.49302898

imagine the smellerino

>> No.49302938

$10 Million for sure.
If you're flying international especially, first or business class is a must.
It's only 0.001 of your net worth.
It's a no brainer.
Anything north of $20 Million is private jet.
Private jet is more affordable than people think.

>> No.49302939

thats for people with high position jobs where the company pays. you dont pay for first class yourself.

>> No.49302971

However, when I make it I want to try one of those insane first-class cubicles on a long flight like to Japan or Europe

>> No.49303162
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I can literally lie horizontally on a comfortable bed on board of a travel bus.
Never fell twelve thousand feet either.

>> No.49303180

What travel bus? Do they have them in the u.s.?

>> No.49303255

Odds of dying on a bus is a lot higher than on a plane. And at least in the US you have to sit with a bunch of mentally ill people and often hobos

>> No.49303305
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Not proportionally. Not cheap.

>> No.49303308

It's totally dependent on whether you're flying domestic or international.

Below are the rough costs:
>$200 - $400 domestic economy
>$600 - $1000 domestic first class

>$800 - $1200 US to Europe economy
>$6,000 - $10,000 US to Europe first class

As you can see the delta on domestic vs. international is huge and even bigger on US to Asia routes. So while many normalfags can afford to fly domestic in first class every once in a while, flying international first class often exceeds what a normalfag would spend on an entire vacation.

I think to fly domestic first class you need networth of $1 million and international first class more like $20 million.

>> No.49303345

I am incredibly attracted to flight attendants

>> No.49303377


I used to be scared of flying and get anxiety attacks, visions of russian anti-air systems shooting me out of the sky, that sort of thing.

I read this book and now I enjoy flying, knowing what all the little sounds you hear are and how turbulence, etc works really helped.


I'm thinking of doing a private pilot's license even.

>> No.49303518
File: 642 KB, 2100x1050, cirrus-aircraft_vision-sf50_c1_2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ever achieve $10 million + net worth, I will buy a Cirrus Vision Jet for $2 million and get my private pilot's license. Flying commercial, even in business or first class, is the most demoralizing experience ever.

>> No.49303591

With a good credit card you can get enough rewards to take first class flights regularly

>> No.49303792

you're willing to throw away 20 percent of your earnings on a money pit hobby lmao

>> No.49303867

Can just charter across country for around $85k round-trip

>> No.49304061

The jet will probably last 20+ years, and depreciates less than you'd think -- so it remains an asset. I'd probably fly about once a month from Miami to the Dominican Republic.

>> No.49304090

If I fly 10+ times a year that adds up quick.

>> No.49304146

Airplanes are so fucking loud, why did movies lead me to believe that they were quiet? You have to speak up to the person right next to you to have a conversation.

>> No.49304193

what kind of plane? jets at cruise altitude aren't so bad

>> No.49304226

I flew Southwest last year for the first time ever and it wasn't quiet.

>> No.49304245

>It’s like talking shit about people who have sailboats and not $100M yachts
It's not THAT egregious. First class flights on average cost $1300 a pop whereas chartering a private jet for a flight costs $4K-$13K per flight hour and you can split those costs with 10-20 other people you actually like instead of randos on a commercial plane. In certain cases, its outright cheaper to charter private.
I reiterate, first class is the midwit meme of the skies.

>> No.49304359

Agreed, movies are a huge lie when it comes to aircraft. Movies have like a light hum, when in reality I have to have my earbuds on full blast to hear anything. Also, I've flown 50+ times in my life and never have been in a wide-body aircraft, which are the only types ever shown in movies.

I hate flying so fucking much it's unreal. Just got delayed on Monday on a layover at EWR of all godforsaken places.

>> No.49304422


>> No.49305116

any as long as you open the right credit cards and put your normal expenses on it
you do live in north america, right anon?

>> No.49305592
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Pretty great, it’s like flying in a nice restaurant instead of a bus. Pic related.

>> No.49305636

you know QR codes are just texts right, chuck?

>> No.49305684

How do blacks have money to travel? No one in my hard working all white town does

>> No.49305711

I have flown upgraded classes a few times because I exploited credit card sign ups really hard from like 2010-2015. It's super nice for transatlantic flights but my main motivation is just the extra space. Flat beds absolutely GOATed

>Imagine the smell

>> No.49305713

been on about 6 first class flights with BA, 12 hour trips, london to SF, never experienced a long haul flight in anything other than first. quite a relaxing experience, nice food (for an airline) 3 course meal type thing, good atmosphere, quality free alcohol but i understand you get that in economy too, though lower tier. one nice thing is airport lounges, the BA one at heathrow t5 (concorde room) is great. avoiding plebs and proles I'd always a massive bonus
only time i would fly first is if someone else pays, companies' pay for first as their staff are actually rested on the other side of the trip, i'd guess most first class travellers are on a company's expenses or their own business's travel. i'd only pay if i was flying alone, made £500k a year at least, and that was expected to continue, no way would i bring children into anything above economy or pay for a family to fly in first

>> No.49305733

I realized after I posted. Hopefully none of you degenerates try to board my flight.

>> No.49305744

You can get domestic tickets for like 50 bucks, at least before covid

>> No.49305754

Literally none of them save a dime. In contrast to whites, who generally save 15%-20%. That 15%-20% is the difference that allows them to travel, buy jordans and gucci, and Lincoln Navigators.

>> No.49305767

brainlet negro

>> No.49305876

Any tips for the best travel credit cards ?

>> No.49305880

depends on what airline this is and the length of the trip, intra europe business class is just 2 seats where there is usually 3, and food served. short haul there's not much benefit to business class agreed
i would only be concerned flying a private jet, where the rich people die, usually unskilled pilots in bad weather
commercial airlines rarely crash, so infrequently it's headline news if one does, compare that to driving a car where thousands die daily to the point it's not news, there's nothing to be scared of with airlines, just avoid the shit tier ones or those with the worst track record (even they are better than cars though) and avoid the boeing 737

>> No.49305892

I’m also named Charlie and I wouldn’t mind a trip to vegas today

>> No.49305926
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sir we've upgraded you to the premium airport transport package. look for the hooker named shirley holding up your name she will lead you to the limo

>> No.49305935

its called a "hair hat", and yes pretty much all black women wear them (if their hair is not dreds/afro/bald)

>> No.49306088

First class makes no sense to me.
If it's a short flight, is there really a point in spending more just to have more legroom and maybe better food for a flight that only takes 1-3 hours anyways?
In intercontinental flights the prices of first class are absolutely ridiculous, so I don't know who can afford these prices other than people with 8 figure net worth. A economy class ticket costs like 1000 and a first class 3-10k, even if I had a million dollars I wouldn't be able to justify such a spend.
I think the real answer is that the only people flying first class are people that fly on their company's money or are well into 8 figures.

>> No.49306648

Zy, Of G-Won, tell us your wisdom.

The Universe has graced you with a name.

>> No.49306676

two of the same dubs are responses here

>> No.49306715

Imagine having to sit behind those two for 8 hours. The smell...the voices...

>> No.49306746
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They got comped those seats for the last raysis complaint they made. I have ran this gambit myself.

>> No.49306779
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the internet never forgets

>> No.49306824

Followed by airbnb or hotels which is 300 a night. Plus expensive drinks and food renting a car etc.

Are you 12 or just an idiot?

>> No.49306841

If it's more than 6hrs I pay for business.
A lay flat seat is a must for overnight travel if you have to be productive at the other end.
I will sometimes fly premium economy if my schedule lets me get there the day before.

Premium is double economy and business is double premium economy and first is two and a half times the cost of business. Not worth it unless you have cash to burn i.e. net worth 30m +

>> No.49306869



>> No.49306931

>thinks you can’t live in mid-tier hotels for less than 300 a night
kek, no wonder you’re too poor to travel

>> No.49306973

ALWAYS pack your own parashoot and bring it on board, or wear it under your clothes. And only buy tickets for seats next to an emergency door. If shit goes downhill nobody will be able to stop you from saving yourself and you get to watch everyone crash into the ground while gently falling to safety.

>> No.49307039

That's a man
Notice the following:
-forearms and upper arms
-facial planes

>> No.49307082
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you are a baiting moron. you can't take a parashoot onto a commerical flight. they will confiscate it in check ins and you will then spend the rest of your day answering questions relating to you being potentially involved in terrorism instead of you being on your flight.

>> No.49307089

Is it to hide their curls? Or what's the reason for that? Looks uncomfortable

>> No.49307094

Literally never, it's a fucking scam
Just fly economy and when you get uber rich, fly private.

>> No.49307177


>> No.49307211

Parashoot? You mean fucking parachute hommmmgg

>> No.49307217
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As If a nigger is capable of foresight

>> No.49307263
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why are amerinigger females the fattest demographic on the planet? why do humans keep feeding them and allowing them to vote for free healthcare? lol

>> No.49307286
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i meant you are a faggot

>> No.49307304

That's the only way to fly transatlantic.
Coach is only tolerable for 3 hours or less flights.

>> No.49307454

How do I long skinny negresses?

>> No.49307473

there's only a couple thousand of them in america at best and shorting popeyes isn't a sound financial decision

good question

>> No.49307538

>chutelets seething

>> No.49307862
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>t. baiter

>> No.49308329

Because poor people food is filled with corn syrup

>> No.49308498

No it's just a category 4 sheboon niggress.

>> No.49308780

The engines can break at any time.
A bird or debris can fly into the turbine during takeoff
The gas tank can leak,

It seems insane to trust your life to a machine, especially these days where theres probably niggers and mexicans who do the maintenence or checks, all it takes is one lazy nigger to forget to check something critical.
Im equally scared of being on the ocean.
Im not scared of driving cars, I drive an SUV which is pretty safe, and atleast you are close to the ground

Kek I actually went skydiving once, never again too scary.
I feel like that would be a huge risk because everyone would be panicing and even normally rational people would probably freak out and tear the parachute apart fighting over it or all try to grab onto me when jumping out

>> No.49308856

only worth it on long haul international

>> No.49308900

you skip all the bullshit
faster security
faster checkin
dont have to interact with poorfags really
better lounges
never have to rush anywhere
dont really have to worry about anything the airline will usually fix whatever
this really is illustrated well in Dubai flying business+ with Emirates for example

>> No.49308930

yes agreed turbomanlet detected

>> No.49308954

depends on the airplane
if its a good one no get a window seat
if all seats dont have direct aisle access you’ve been scammed

>> No.49309035

I am a Platinum flyer, I travel business and get access to first class lounges everywhere.
The experience depends on the airlines.

Middle Eastern airlines like Emirates and Qatar are the best
Followed by the Asian airlines such as Cathay and Singapore Airlines

Everyone else is a long way behind.

Qantas, BA and Emirates have the best first class lounges.
I enjoy being able to avoid the great unwashed in the terminals and go straight to the lounge and then to the gate for priority boarding.

Emirates first class lounge in Dubai is the whole floor of the airport terminal and you can take a lift from the lounge directly to the aerobridge, it is a amazing.

>> No.49309065

From the Korean who sells wigs down the street, behind bulletproof glass.

>> No.49309283
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Before I get accused of larping

>> No.49309290

Cost me 2k hawaii to east coast. I'm worth 6mil and passive 100k but rarely do it, not efficient.
Every dollar saved is a dollar earned.

>> No.49309367

Why must you travel so much? I haven't left my house in 1yr, and I work remotely (tech). What is so important that they must have you in person? Gay escort? What is your occupation.

>> No.49309418


I own a business that does capital machinery.
Lots of site visits, manufacturer visit etc.

That graphic covers a lot of years, it is my total flight history since the mid-2000's.
Most of those routes I have flown many many times

>> No.49309447

Literally taught us in flight school "how to make a small fortune with your own plane" answer: start with a large fortune.

I did this, had 2 planes from a while. Don't don't my dude. Yes there are great perks, but flying is a full time job, and upkeep is hugely expensive.

>> No.49309522
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black womyn are the most educated demographic on the planet
they literally fill higher education with their superior intellect and you're gonna call them poor and too stupid to not eat 10k calories worth of corn syrup a day?

CHUD ALERT, educate yourself you dumb rural retard!

>> No.49309540

I agree, if you get that wealthy there are services where you can charter or share others private flights.
Owning a jet is crazy money.

>> No.49309743

Give smart glasses to a wagie and tell them to do the inspection walk for you, while you watch through his eyes in a bunker. Just my take. Good for you though, hope business is good!

>> No.49309789




>> No.49309835

>most obnoxious nigger eating noises
Honestly, I can't say I've heard that racial complaint before

>> No.49309994
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Mischling kike here. I bring picrel when I fly because hot water is usually always free and I can buy a mountainhouse for 7 bucks and tsa cant do one goddamn thing about it. I like MREs as well because I did my time in the military.
Save your money faggots.

>> No.49309998

>Just got delayed on Monday on a layover at EWR of all godforsaken places.

EWR is terrible. Though old LGA still ranks as the worse experience to possibly have.

>when in reality I have to have my earbuds on full blast to hear anything

gotta get some sony noise canceling. Its the only way to make it on flights

> I've flown 50+ times in my life and never have been in a wide-body aircraft

ya, the old days of a widebody for every route are gone. If this fuel pricing last long enough we all will be paying triple and future planes will be even smaller.

>> No.49310142
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>hasnt flown in a c-130

dude the free flights are like the best thing about retiring from the mil. Ive had threads on this subject.

>> No.49310174

>First class makes no sense to me.

fly by yourself domestically, first class will be worth it. Otherwise, look at all the shit people refuse to check anything trying to save money. I have seen large pizzas being brought on planes, guitars, and multiple large bags per person.

So you will spend all the time in a small seat, trying to push your bag into a spot that doesn't fit since some dumb ass brought 350 pounds of stuff onto the flight and had no curtesy to leave any space.

At least in first, you get a dedicated bin for your one bag. No matter what it's not a great experience in US domestic for the most part but you can either be the prize horse or the fucking cattle in pens to be milked.

PS: look at the large majority of videos on airplanes where BS went down. Its usually never in first. Do you want to be in the middle of a jogger fight?

>> No.49310214


Well, you should not look at the news that corrupt Ukraine will more than like sell off the weapons Americans gave them including weapons to take down planes. Global Terrorism might have just drastically gone up.

>> No.49310229

best cost saver if you can do it is amtrak. I have had the time of my life on those trains.

>> No.49310252

yep because build back better didnt pass the funds will be funneled to defense contractors.

>> No.49310277


No, I have not. My friend's father use to take those flights. I hear it only works for retired people as you need a lot of flexibility for those type of flights.

>> No.49310321

First class is only worth it for international. Nothing fancy about first class domestic, at all.

>> No.49310326

exactly, totally sucks while you are active unless its an absolutely trustable route. If not you are air force or navy lodge for a few days but at the end if you spend like 350 bucks for a hotel room for 3 days and the flight is free who gives a shit.

>> No.49310335

All black bitches wear weaves. None of the niggers you see with nice hair is actually theirs. Did you not ever know this?

>> No.49310361

Curls? Because black women and men have the same kind of nappy little spring hairs. They wear wigs because they can't do shit to their own hair. Fucking niggers.

>> No.49310377


>> No.49310405


It sounds like an amazing way to fly cheap as I know the same friend as mentioned before is also mil and he had to spend a couple of days for his flight. The boy was happier than a pig in shit.

What is the best destination you have been to using one of those flights?

>> No.49310450

How in da wurld ya'll be gettin' dat food on da plane??? nigga pls ya'll crazy

>> No.49310484

That is disgusting. I would rather sit next to the woman in OPs post

>> No.49310520

the most trustworthy flights are the hawaii flights but also the most crowded.

>> No.49310524
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>At what net worth is it acceptable to fly first class?

When the difference in price is not an issue
When I go out for lunch with my working buddies, where we go is NOT determined by price but by what we are in the mood to eat.
Sushi is twice as expensive as wings but that has nothing to do which one we choose.

>> No.49310539


dehydrated meals, would not create a terrible smell in the plane, and it's contained.

Pick mountain house anon!

>> No.49310545

then do it. Sorry if I have some chili mac. By all means enjoy your flight with a cooked crawdad stench.

>> No.49310607

>and being woken up every time the fat fuck next to you needs to piss.
The 4 times I've flown internationally I've always made sure to get a window seat to prevent that
I won't eat airline food but that's just a trust thing so I only need to interact with anyone else when I need a piss and it's others being inconvenienced due to it
>longest flight I had was California to Indonesia

>> No.49311250

kek not with lobster at 35$/lb and king crab 43$/lb

>> No.49311303

Unless you're in your 80s and on the brink of death where money has no real value, I'd say $10m.

>> No.49311364

youre retarded
anything over 5 hours you take a xan and slug 10 beers on way to airport and yourll wake up good to go
longer the flight, the better
t. blacked out from runway to runway beijing to dulles

>> No.49311395

>t. illiterate moron

>> No.49311532
File: 215 KB, 2048x1152, E5C5660B-455E-4B15-BA86-00B1F7323A00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Business class is retarded, just pick a cheap airline with no business class and buy the first row, preferably the sit on the side, so you can spread your leg in front and on the side with no restrictions
That’s basically the only thing that matters

>> No.49312468

>only time i would fly first is if someone else pays, companies' pay for first as their staff are actually rested on the other side of the trip, i'd guess most first class travellers are on a company's expenses or their own business's travel.
This. I fly business class US- Europe and US-Asia. I'm not paying for it. Its cool, but not worth your own money. Fuck that, Plus most of the people around you are fucking tools who think they're better than everyone else because their company paid. Smug pricks that you do not want to be like.

Buy coach, pass out, arrive. Spend your money on hotels and fun.

>> No.49312544

>t. blacked out from runway to runway beijing to dulles
Yup, executed perfectly.

>> No.49312676

Don't have to wear a mask if you're shoving food down your throat the entire flight

>> No.49312762

I flew first class all the time as a consultant. Just get airline status with the help of their credit card. It's not all it's cracked up to be. Longest flight was NYC to SFO. The food still sucks, it's nice they give you alcohol but I don't like drinking on a plane. I stole the free blankets and made a good side hustle reselling them on eBay desu

>> No.49313439

>Buy the cheapest shit flight
>Drug yourself for the duration of the flight
This is the true way to save money. You're going to make it.

>> No.49313603

It's a scam

>> No.49313841

I made 600k through crypto and flew international first class twice this year. I thought I could afford it, and now I'm out of money.

>> No.49313898

i never seen crawfish that big before? where did they get that? from thailand or some shit?

>> No.49313952

look at the size of her, she can devour all that shit long before landing, or even before it gets cold. she might even ask the guy next to her for some of his cheez-its

>> No.49313965

cars and motorcycles are way more risky

>> No.49314014

I love (you).

>> No.49314029


so the viewer can hear the dialogue? also,action movies where a plane starts to crash always turn up the volume after a tense quiet period, because the editors know that it will give the viewer more anxiety

>> No.49314139
File: 26 KB, 445x412, 30c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 people you actually like

>> No.49314233

who tf eats that much. im a big dude, not fat but a solid lad and im full after a few pieces of toast. how do these people sit there an eat banquets like it nothing. that'd be a week's worth of food to me idgi

>> No.49314397
File: 765 KB, 2048x2046, erangel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends what kind of net worth. You can have a million dollar house in London and three kids and definitely not worth even buying business class.
I'd say income level million a year minimum.
Only people I can think who take first class are Fortune 500 CEO, CFO when they go on vacation. Kind of people who get tens of millions bonus each year.
That and avgeek YouTubers and celebrities, and oil magnates their family too.
Better hiring a private jet. Even F1 drivers will travel either business class or a few take a private jet and they make millions each year.

>> No.49314412

Waste of money unless you have a lot of air miles, even then you should be selective. Better if the company pays for it.
Think of what else you can do with that money if you pay for it. Mostly just not worth it.
And some airlines, the business class sucks.
I'd rather upgrade my hotel than my flight which will be over in hours.

>> No.49314678

>he doesn't bring a personal parachute on every flight
I bet you think the bracing position is to keep you alive too huh

>> No.49314711

I upgrade both with credit card points.
Most people talking about whether business is worth it, have never flown long haul flights internationally.

>> No.49314944

no one asked.

>> No.49315291

you like STDs? What is the evolutionary mechanic that explains this?

>> No.49315796

like pressing the fast forward button

>> No.49315956

who the fuck even flies business but not first class or private charters or private jets?
is it some top wagie whose employer company pays for the flight or what
or someone who can pay but cant really afford business class?

>> No.49316078

When Syscon was at 0.075 I wasn't here and didn't hear, when Syscon was at 1.3 dollars I heard the news but wasn't privileged, Now that Syscon is at 0.2 dollars this is my miracle beckoning. When Syscon goes to 100 dollars I will testify how I moved from miry clay to mansion.

>> No.49316105

I've flown first class with a $5k networth a few years back.
God I love it when companies pay for your sorry ass.

>> No.49316200

Middle class.
Private jets when you make it.
Can work out cheaper believe it or not.

>> No.49316298
File: 299 KB, 1012x1510, privatejet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fly private only these days, will never do cattle class again. The difference is greater than you can possibly imagine.

Flying from London to a popular European destination (say, alpine areas, the Mediterranean, etc - 2 or 3hrs flight time, that will cost about £10,000 for a 4 seater jet or £12-15,000 for larger like 8 seater.

How much do normies pay for flights, like £200 if you're lucky. So let's say it's 50 or 100x more expensive. If you have 50-100x as much money/income as a normie then it's very affordable.

My NW is a mere $14mil but I make 2-300k straight up (in stables and ETH) each month, so spending 1/10th of one month's income on a flight is not a big deal.

I have never flown business or first class but I can't see how it would be much different to cattle class except a bigger seat. It's the same fucking shit in the end, the same airport experience pretty much. Still only for poor people.

>> No.49316490

Deploy the niggers eating seafood in first class fud

>> No.49316540

I flew business with Qatar once from Europe to Singapore due to a work trip. Flight was like 3000€. It was amazing. All you can eat on the flight with good food and dinner service, literally had a bed in a cubicle I could lie down in even though I'm 6'2". Service was outstanding. Could pass anyone waiting in line and had access to a lounge which was great, could take a shower with Rituals and what not with great food.
The experience was absolutely perfect but the price was just too high. Literally more than my salary for ONE flight.

>> No.49317322

That sounds so fucking boss. But you need to have a certain net worth to start considering it. Otherwise you are like those normies buying a fast car on 5 years worth of monthly instalments

>> No.49317423

>t. /pol/ larper.

>> No.49317466

that's nice, dear. now it's time to snap back to reality -- you don't want to be late for your morning shift at walmart.

>> No.49317796


When you can justify first class, you might as well have a private jet. Then you can eat all the cheez its

>> No.49317826
File: 529 KB, 640x360, crabs in bucket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's coping mentality. There are people out there who fly private, why wouldn't that guy be one of them? You are being a crab in a bucket rn

>> No.49317849

let me stop you right there champ, I stay in AMERICA

>> No.49318701


Son, doesn't matter if you're the queen of England, you have to show your passport to fly international, this is pure larp.

They also have obviously never flown international business or first.