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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49287454 No.49287454 [Reply] [Original]

How are you preparing?

>> No.49287473

I am eating ramen my parents bought me

>> No.49287479

>only a return to conservative values can save it
how about just a functioning monetary system that isn't in constant crisis

>> No.49287482

Got a blue collar job and just saving money

>> No.49287488

based free ramen slurper I just had a gratis hotdog myself

>> No.49287492

>conservative values
Chud restaurant that served shit tier food in a flyover state closed, literally nothing of value was lost. The building can now be rented for a better purpose like a women's health clinic or nonprofit.

>> No.49287495
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based and ramenpilled

>> No.49287519

>how about just a functioning monetary system that isn't in constant crisis

pick one.

So, you mean a conservative set of monetary values?

>> No.49287542

Thats an old enough concept to be considered racist and fascist now. If it didnt exist in the paradigm at the 20-years-in-the-past-from-now cutoff, its not a conservative value. Remember: conservatives are okay with trannies representing them and werent only about 5 years ago.

>> No.49287548

no, i mean a functioning one. keynesianism is a response to the failures of the old system, MMT is a concession to the rapaciousness of a totally uncontrolled system

>> No.49287573


restaurant owners are literally the dumbest lowest tier of business owner in the usa. full of morons with no skills or experience doing it acting like they DESERVE peoples business by just existing. so many shitty terribly run restaurants. we're talking people that never even did a google search to understand most restaurants fail within the first year and how they need to cope with that.

>> No.49287599

you know this is bullshit bc he blamed wages when waiters make like 2.50 an hour. dude just had a shit restaurant and then blamed biden for it like a child

>> No.49287667

The West is broken.
People want to make top dollar earning in the West, but don't want to pay anything for what they buy.
Happily they trot off to Walmart to buy cheap East Asian goods at a fraction of the cost it would take to make them locally.

People are stupid hypocrites and don't understand that their desire to consume cheap goods, is driving own their own wages.

>> No.49289399
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Thai Prostitutes
1000 cans of Spaghettios ( w/ meatballs)
1/2 metric tonne of Silver ( Mercury dimes)
2 Cattle prods
1 Corvette
1 tricycle
10 cases of Mexican Coca Cola
5 TB of GGG porno
10 TB of Monke Vids

>> No.49289710

>look at the shitty note I found on Facebook

>> No.49289737

Conservativism is just liberalism from 10 years ago.

>> No.49289768

Who says 'no longer open' instead of just 'closed'

>> No.49289781

Kill the jews and let the country heal. Simple as

>> No.49289789


>> No.49290151

recession is useful to weed out unprofitable businesses like this shitty restaurant that barely made any profit.

>> No.49290208

> functioning monetary system that isn't in constant crisis
That is racist, fascist and antisemitic, I hope you know that.

>> No.49290221

>keynesianism is a response to the failures of the old system,
No it's not, keynes and his theories were always considered something to be skeptical of by top classical economists of the time. It can fucking work when it was still on the gold standard. Not in the absolute clusterfuck clown world monetary system we are in now.

>> No.49290225

Clenching my butt hole
Good luck, I have maximized my butthole clenching powers

>> No.49290244
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>No one will buy our 28 dollar avo eggs on toast

>> No.49290260

The business's shutting down were already doing horrible. They are in denial. Most owners I’ve met are midwits who took out huge loans expecting the business to pay for itself. They deserve it.

>> No.49290327

Fiat is basically keynesian on tutorial mode. No risk whatsoever. Just print your way out.
Funny that they still fucked it up.

>> No.49290332

preparing shorts

>> No.49290420

Restaurant staff is some of the lowest form of unskilled work and this man is complaining cuz they got a raise for the first time in 30 years or somethin

wonder why ''conservativism'' is dying

>> No.49290442
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Nice try, fed

>> No.49290533

> a return to conservative values
A return to conservative values you say?

>> No.49290756

>muh conservative values
that "conservative" boomer probably spent all his free cash on a new house/RV/boat and can no longer make payroll.
society doesn't owe you a successful business, boomer.

>> No.49290962
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>How are you preparing?

>> No.49291218

pick yourself by your bootstraps instead of whining, boomer

>> No.49291282

This. There’s way too many of them, and that’s before the recession factors in

>> No.49291343

i want to organize a self made solar oven to cook and sterilize water with

>> No.49291414

Can take the heat stay out of the kitchen entrepreneur cucks. There’s a risk involved with any biz because the rewards are far greater than any wagey could ever dream of.

>> No.49291463
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>Only a return to conservative values can save it
What a fucking sore loser. "The world is shit and it's the other people's fault, they need to change" is leftist loser mindset. No true conservative would ever act like that. The simple fact that the restaurant owner gave up as soon as things got a little rough is proof that he's far away from the values he's asking the others to hold. Zero self-responsibility. Fuck him, he can go and join the other sore losers in voting democrat.

>> No.49291617

>return to conservative values
We have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.

>> No.49291621
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>a return to conservative values
A return to conservative values you say?

>> No.49291624

I would but ramen is unhealthy

>> No.49291658
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>Primark CEO says they have no choice but to increase prices this autumn
>Forced to turn their whole business model - dirt cheap clothes for poor people addicted to buying shit - on its head

This is the canary in the coalmine for me. Supply chain and material costs rising so much that companies are forced to act illogically and against their commercial strategy.

>> No.49291682

>restaurant owners are literally the dumbest lowest tier of business owner in the usa
I challenge that with non-cdl contra t truck drivers. Fill out a form, rent a truck and you're a business.

>> No.49291896
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Maybe some kind of new currency tied to your social security number that can be shut off at the governments whim. Maybe you could get a UBI in it in exchange for giving up property rights. When the majority is poor how could they resist voting for it

>> No.49292276

>muh cuckservative values
these people deserve the most exquisite torture. a slow and methodical dismemberment with a bone saw would be a good start.

>> No.49292324


checked and decent stack desu
get some hot sauce for them spaghettios fren

>> No.49292327

>Why doesn't anyone want to eat my boxed pancake, runny eggs, and cheap wonder bread toast? Such a mystery, it must be those millennials wanting $1000/hr
>t. A 60 year old high school drop out who never left their home town and failed to keep up with the times

>> No.49292364

all according to keikaku. you'll be begging for a neocon zionist globalist after this terror campaign is over. sorry about the homelessness lmao heil israel

>> No.49292369
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>Conservative values

How can sending more money to Israel lower costs in the US and save restaurants? Help me out here..

>> No.49292375
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>> No.49292383 [DELETED] 

Based. Most older conservatives are absolute pussies who would gladly lick boots while wearing "don't tread on me" shits as long as they were given what they want. 90% of the conservatives I want would absolutely love a dictator who wouldn't take away all freedom of thought and individuality if it meant they didn't have to put any effort into life. They're worse than most liberals I meet because at least the liberal is stuck working at star bucks and can't effect anything with his whiney bullshit. The conservative boomer will gladly fuck over everyone and everything if it means they can placidly stand around waving a flag, eating McDonald's, and pretend everything is all good.

>> No.49292405

This as well.

Most restaurants serve shit, in filthy, substandard conditions to human slobs that can't operate a frying pan or bother to use a toaster oven.

Just watch some episodes of Kitchen Nightmares from the US series. Most of those "restaurants" deserved to fail and so do most of the new ones that popped up in the last few years.

>> No.49292417

>return to conservative values
>muh country muh economy muh politics
it's literally a global recession
retard deserves going out of business for thinking muh sport team politics caused this and not his own brain damage

>> No.49292505

absolute state of cuckservatives, if food was good in the first place you would've still had clients
the time for boomers to rope has come, anyone above 50 should minecreft themselves for the betterment of humanity

>> No.49292551
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>NOO!!!!! THIS ISN'T FAIR!!!!!

>> No.49292593

>that whole letter
Restraint owners are some of the most entitled business owners i swear to god.

>> No.49292659

Quit being anti-semitic. I stand with Izzrul!!!! You zoomers dont even stand to piss!!

>> No.49292787


>my employees won't work for slave wages anymore and now i can't exploit their labor, which i am admitting is the only reason i make any profit at all

Lel cool story bro, hopefully walmart is hiring, start pounding the pavement

>> No.49292871

>How are you preparing?
I started a garden.

>> No.49293026

This owner is not alone. If they were then I would agree with your sentiment. Many such cases…very sad also the restaurant industry is notorious hard 3% profit is doing well what the fuck kind of business is that

>> No.49293317
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Shit. I knew I forgot something.

>> No.49293465

> The simple fact that the restaurant owner gave up as soon as things got a little rough is proof

He created a small business, even for a brief time. What have you created?

>> No.49295046

Restaurant margins actually are tight.

>> No.49295100

Shitty restaurants going under is extremely bullish.

>> No.49295162
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I think he means slavery
only way this note makes sense

>> No.49295198

A return to gold and silver coins.