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49286349 No.49286349 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49286382
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>Elon Musk is a grifter

>> No.49286391

Elon bros...

>> No.49286405

Compare jawlines

>> No.49286409

Sorry, I don't take opinions from ugly people.

>> No.49286411

if you care about this you are a literal niggerbrain. i mean this in the strictest sense, your brain is indistinguishable in form and function from that of a nigger.

>> No.49286415

Did they make him look down like a fucking stooge? Kek.

>> No.49286416

elon being a grifter isnt exactly new

>> No.49286418

What the absolute fuck does anyone even mean when they say grifter now?

>> No.49286427

>it's another elon attack article
Damn he really called it didn't he

>> No.49286433


>> No.49286446
File: 476 KB, 596x716, severalyears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have so many coin creators been choosing to just sink their coins value with retarded comments recently? Is it really too hard to shut up?

>> No.49286447

I don't even like Elon but when did he ever say he was a programmer?

>> No.49286469

sorry, jamal. you will always be a niggerbrain.

>> No.49286477


lol, he doesn't even have the confidence to look into the camera. Why are so many of them like this? Nothing is less bullish than a timid weakling who doesn't even smile for the camera for 2 seconds.

>> No.49286480
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>dogecoin co-creator

I remember him.

He's permanently asshurt that his creation could have made him a billionaire, but he dumped it all for practically nothing. Now he's hyper anti crypto and seethes at rightoids for holding it.

>> No.49286483
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Oh no

>> No.49286482


>> No.49286485
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>who cares if he is worth hundreds of billions
>i bet he can't even solve a leetcode medium

>> No.49286491

The Elon cycle:

1. Buy shit coin
2. Post a sideways reference to shit coin on Twitter
3. Sell shit coin

Repeat every few months when you need some spending money.

>> No.49286495

>grifter calls elon a grifter
cool story

>> No.49286497

Make that 2

>> No.49286499

Well no one answered my question, why would i post again

>> No.49286513
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>make post
>don't post for two minutes

>> No.49286516

He isn't wrong

>> No.49286520


>> No.49286538
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>> No.49286546

take your pills

>> No.49286563
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So which is it, is it a samefag thread or what

>> No.49286566
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>> No.49286590

>copy/paste btc/ltc protocols and change some values in the config file

Worship me you fucking plebs!

>> No.49286642

Did we? Let’s fucking hope. Looking forward to the Ryoshi announcement .

>> No.49286665

all me

>> No.49286682

>that hairline
1 BTC says He’s going to troon out within 5 years.
I do t know why but that hairline is a canary in the mines for impending troonism.

>> No.49286792

His paypal origin story paints him coding 100 hours a week, all bullshit but it's part of his lying self mythology

>> No.49287018

His first two companies were software put together by like three people. Claiming his ability to program was all bullshit is retarded

>> No.49287040

Beep boop Elon musk beep must post

>> No.49287195

you caught me

>> No.49287228

he was literally the "idea guy" and his ideas were always shit. He originally wanted to call it x money or something like that instead of pay pal

>> No.49287634

They did call it X. The name was changed to paypal after they merged with another company. Honestly i just want someone to give me some real evidence that Elon is this big fraud. Every thread it's just people asserting that obviously he's a fake, and no one ever gives a reason to believe that

>> No.49287879

it's true
elon musk is basically a trust fund baby
not sure why so many people worship him

>> No.49287897

keep slurping up that PR BS, dummy

>> No.49287911

Either Elon is crazy fucking lucky or really good at choosing which companies to invest in. First Paypal then Tesla and now SpaceX

>> No.49287932

I think he means he basically created Tesla and Spaceex but can't code so it's a grift. Even though he probably can.

>> No.49287933

Whompy Wheel

Also when is my tesla suppose to be self driving? He said by 2020

>> No.49288005

pumping dogecoin with tweets is a pretty grifty thing to do

>> No.49288061

What is a elonmusk?

>> No.49288116
File: 284 KB, 584x520, 1646220385210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this seriously it? This is the level of stuff we now use to call a company a scam?

>> No.49288146

False advertising? yes

"In 1914 the Federal Trade Commission Act, which states that false advertising is a form of unfair and deceptive commerce, went into effect. Under the act, the term false advertising extends well beyond untrue advertisements."


>> No.49288150

we get it, you made some money from TSLA and now u wanna defend daddy elon

>> No.49288160

We never should have listened to Elon or this Doge retard in the first place. It's still a fucking memecoin. If you want actual utility, there's MATIC or even MUST on their blockchain

>> No.49288231

I've never touched any of his companies. I don't even really want to care about him, he's just some fucking dude, but it's the Trump thing all over again where there are so many people who just rabidly hate him and just make shit up. It annoys the hell out of me to be forced to defend someone i don't actually like, but it annoys me more to see masses of idiots just repeating bullshit at each other
Damn i guess Tesla's gonna get sued to death, then. It does meet the legal standard for false advertising, right? You're not just throwing around terms you only half understand?

>> No.49288260

>Damn i guess Tesla's gonna get sued to death,
It's literally happening now


>> No.49288287

Who has the bigger titties?

>> No.49288309

>In August 2021, a Tesla owner filed a complaint that Tesla "fraudulently concealed its engineering failures" in regards to Full Self-Driving and falsely represented the capabilities of the product.[37]
Well, i guess you're right. If a complaint has been filed by one guy, that's enough for me

>> No.49288312

You can tell the man was born poor by teh ammount of basedish crap he consumed that made him get these giant tiddies.

>> No.49288324

>ignores all other lawsuits
kek keep coping

>> No.49288333

>late tesla trucks
>left holding the twitter bag
>other car companies moving on the electric car market
it's over

>> No.49288368

That is the lawsuit regarding false advertising. I don't particularly consider design flaws that lead to safety issues a conman trait given that blue chip car companies can also run into that

>> No.49288371

Forgot about the Tesla Roadster

>> No.49288396

looks like a chud

>> No.49288406


musketeers are a sad bunch

>> No.49288432

Hard to tell, theyre both fatfaced soifags

>> No.49288447

I get it dude, you have no interest in being convincing, you're just trying to score points. I'll stop asking for sincere opinions on the topic

>> No.49288475

I gave you all the proof tight here.

not my fault your a musk stan

>> No.49288485

Actually opposite happened, Elon said that his 12 year old children write better code than palmer and his anti bot spam script was useless pos, Elon also called him a tool - On Twitter

>> No.49289232

Is this the fag that sold his doge for a used civic?

>> No.49289261

He’s somewhat right Bitcoin maxis will win alrcoin fags are dead

>> No.49289285

it’s funny all Elon dick suckers in this thread focus on guts looks because he is 100 percent right about Elon

>> No.49289408

Meds now!

>> No.49289746
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>Sorry, I don't take opinions from ugly people.

>> No.49289770
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Kek, Musk has probably written code when this guy was still wearing diapers.
>“[Crypto is] a inherently right-wing, hyper-capitalistic technology”
What an absolute faggot.
Actually go read the whole interview.
The only thing I agree on, is the general sentiment around people that noone wants to create value anymore.

>> No.49289779

>keep slurping up that PR BS, dummy
The irony. Keep slurping up the blatant coordinated attacks on him.

>> No.49289816

or maybe he was just born into a trillionaire family and his bio is bullshit. why did paypal go like 10 years with no competition at all? it’s as organic as fucking google.

>> No.49289847

space x took millions from taxpayers. his internet platform took billions from investors and it will never be profitable. type "elon musk scammer" into youtube and see what comes up.

>> No.49289861

hello jackson

>> No.49289882


>> No.49290148

he did not create tesla and he does not contribute to spacex in any meaningful way

>> No.49290162
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Is juju kaitsen any good

>> No.49290203

Its aight

>> No.49290233

its very obvious he's struggling with serious regrets and hates being reminded crypto exists. Now he needs to rationalize his failures like this in articles to soothe his conscience.

>> No.49290365

its for women. any anime with pretty boy faggots is fujo bait.

>> No.49290381

All anime have pretty boys

>> No.49290405

>Dogecoin creator says
You might as well take my advice on the matter instead.
All fields.

>> No.49290415

one scammer calling another scammer a grifter. rich

>> No.49290421
File: 1.50 MB, 1364x1102, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elon@tsla:/home/tmp$ ls
>elon@tsla:/home/tmp$ cd..
>elon@tsla:/home/tmp$ cd..
>elon@tsla:/home/tmp$ cd.
>elon@tsla:/home/tmp$ cd
>elon@tsla:/home/tmp$ cd ..
>elon@tsla:/home/$ ./twitter.sh

>> No.49290457

Not really. there is set of artistic choices that make it obviously the author is trying to appeal to women.

>> No.49290481

Is it good tho? What about code geass should I watch that instead

>> No.49290523

i never watched it because its for women. cg is good though. Watch kaiji, its a great anime and about a giga gambling degen.

>> No.49290551

Kek I remember there were tweets that guy asked elon to support he's coin and now he's salty elon has taken over. That's what he fucking does with every company ever.

>> No.49290573

Guess who wrote that

>> No.49290586

Reminder this dude is an actual incel bitter that he gave up all his savings for a shitty used car in 2015 thinking Dogecoin would never reach the numbers it managed to peak at.

>> No.49290674

I've seen kaiji already

>> No.49290805


>> No.49292504

Who cares?

Id rather be a grifter with what? $300 billion. Then be a totally cool programmer making $80k a year but like I know python bro.

>> No.49293055

>>49286446 see >>49286480
>not my problem hodlers

>> No.49293231

Why? We all know what Elon really looks like, before his hormone therapy

>> No.49293288

he's contributed much more than you, random internet fuck.

>> No.49293291

This is the right answer, he's salty he missed out on Doge

>> No.49293347

this guy lives in a constant state of aggravation. it’s hilarious, and he totally deserves it.

>> No.49293385

he created dogecoin to troll bitcoiners. he never knew doge would be embraced. once it started becoming somewhat popular, he got the boot. now he just whines on the internet like the impotent basedboi he is.

>> No.49293414

Yet Elon makes a profit off of everything he touches, including this fucking memecoin. The Doge dude just sounds like a bitter bitch.

>> No.49293444

Having an opinion is a dopamine hit.

>> No.49293643

This guy's net worth is 1 million dollars. Lmao. He could have been a billionaire

>> No.49293667

>dogecoin co-creator who dumped everything at 0,000000000001 is seething hard now that the shitcoin is mooning and blames Elon Musk

>> No.49293669
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>Created dogecoin
>Still has to work as a codemonkey

>> No.49293670
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>> No.49293686


This guy this doge coin creator is one miserable little attention seeking piece of shit who fuds crypto every chance he gets. No one cares about you you ugly insignificant incel. Hope some minecrafts you SOON. No one with a brain cares if Elon can code or not. This guy begs for attention every week by these type of clout chasing tactics. I hate this little bitch with a passion.

>> No.49293714


He is an absolute RETARD who doesn't want anyone else to make it. I don't like Elon, but he could easily have this loser minecrafted and no one would care.

>> No.49293717

Why is elon responding to his bait?
He's a poorfag and Elon musk is the richest man on earth.

>> No.49293743

Yeah get angry at this guy for trying to get attention by trashing elon musk. How dare he criticize a billionaire? Billionaires should be worshipped as long as they aren't Jewish right chud?

>> No.49293752

Yeah I totally agree bro. Elon musk should really kill people who don't like him. Damn, we need to start a religion about worshiping this guy

>> No.49293783

Basically this, he could of made it if he held on to his doge instead of being a faggot

>> No.49293948
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Compare hairlines while we're at it

>> No.49294001

Please show me the first program that Elon Musk wrote.
Technically I wrote my first hello world at 9 with a teach yourself C++ book.

>> No.49294035

Anon, I love Fukumoto too, but, just because an anime adopts a modern style thst is easy to use... It does not make it an anime for women.
A good example of this is Parasyte the -Maxim' aka Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu' where it used the same style to make people look 'pretty,' but it's really just how it is drawn.
Ghost in the Shell is also another example as it's adoption goes back to the early 2000s. I wish more anime used a hand drawn style with god-tier shading, but, we have to face the music... You should stop being a nigger and use your brain more objectiv3ly as the standards you are going by now will undoubtedly make you miss out on the good stuff still coming out today.

Jujutsu Kaisen is fun and is animated well, but, plot wise it's only somewhat interesting. Since it is an attempt at shounen and I don't think most people watch such things for the plot.

Watch Gantz if you want something bizarre and not too old yet is fun to watch.

>> No.49294186

I can't tell behind all that fat

>> No.49294240

This guy this doge coin creator is one miserable little attention seeking piece of shit who fuds crypto every chance he gets
>could have had personal worth in hundreds of millions
>bought a used honda
could you imagine how much you'd hate the world?

>> No.49294302

hair is life. if you have no hair you have no life

>> No.49294519

I never liked musk but with how he makes people seethe I want to start liking him just to farm the salty tears of redditors.

>> No.49294568


>> No.49294634
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basically, imagine missing the out on that. it would be hard not to turn into something like he is right now.

>> No.49294746

You always liked musk

>> No.49294782

the dogecoin guy didn't create dogecoin to get rich
it was a self-aware joke

>> No.49294810

this. dogecoinboy is a failed grifter so he's just jealous

>> No.49295114

Elon was coding as a teenager, wtf do people literally except someone 20 years later in top management positions to write React code that compiles immediately and then "dunk" on him that he can't code like a good lil wage slave anymore?

>> No.49295179
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>transformed entire auto industry of world
>shoots space rockets
>builds tunnel networks

meanwhile somebody copy pastes crypto code and make their shitcoin and call grifter while elon even only reason dogecoin had ever price increase

>> No.49295258

>he basically created tesla and spaceex

Actual retard tier thought process. He bought tesla and government funding created space ex.

>> No.49295472


This isn't even about Elon Musk you retard. This is about this seething little incel every freakin week going out of his way to fud what he created and all of crypto just because he sold too early like every other retarded autistic on this board. And also, he is a pathetic attention whore. He is fudding every week and loves to see his pathetic name in the news and floating around twitter. This has nothing to do with Elon you effin brainlet.

>> No.49295510
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>> No.49296065
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Elons companies are all owned and managed by ((them))
He is just the controlled opposition le based billionair meme just like us guy

>AI will be the end of humanity, let's merge it with our brains xD
>Lol let's put millions of sattelites in space so every inch of the planet is raddiated with 9G and surveillance, MARS!!! right??
>let's make every car celf driving so we can't control where we go, bad credit points? sorry you ain't going to make the trip with "your" car ;-)

>> No.49296260

they hated the frogposter for he spoke the truth

>> No.49296262

Here since you're a lazy nigger

>> No.49296335

I'm up the second-last episode now.
Great action, story is completely serviceable. IMO, they overdid it with the humor (though it was funny) which removed serious emotion from otherwise serious scenes. I also feel like there wasn't enough bonding time between the characters, they act like great friends when they really have barely worked together or known each other for that long.
IMO, objectively a 6 or 7/10, but I enjoyed it as 8/10.

>> No.49296340

You can’t even spell “than”. You don’t ever have to worry about either scenarios coming true for you.

>> No.49296369

>controlled opposition
you have to go back >>>/pol/

>> No.49296407

If you pay attention to the tweets you'll see that Elon is being propped up to be our next Republican celebrity president.
They want him to be liked by most people so that he can get the NWO globohomo shit going. That's why he's getting Twitter and cracking down on bots. It's all one big play to have stricter surveillance and identity everyone. He's made many tweets about NWO and all this other faggy shit but the past year he's been more chill. This is probably all by design.
Elon is gonna be like a more likeable Trump to pacify everyone and get them hearded up before shit gets bad in 2030.
They want him to be your real life Tony Stark.

>> No.49296422

I never liked gantz, dropped it a few times actually. Even though edgy senin is my fav genre. Ajin is much better than gantz. Parasite is top tier and no its not the same as JJK. You only have to look at JJKs fanbase to see that its full of retarded fujos. Parasite is a more abstract senin with a philosophical angle.

>> No.49296449
File: 274 KB, 792x832, 6e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HAHA I made this shitcoin called DOGECOIN I can't believe people are so stupid to buy it!
>Here I sold everything, fuck you people, I gained 10k hahahahahahahaha
>Oh no, wtf is happening? Why is this shit pumping?
>Selling now and I would be a BILLIONAIRE
>FUCK YOU DAMN ELON MUSK, FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.49296521


Jackson Palmer is unironically more intelligent than Elon Musk, you'd know that if you ever watched one of this Youtube videos.

>> No.49296789


>> No.49297014

I mean, of course Elon Musk is a grifter. Elon is the kind of faggot who just HAS to sue for the title of "founder of Tesla" (a company he didn't join until a year after it started and had demonstrable prototypes), just so he could feel special and act like he's tony stark marvel man. With everyday that he says or does something retarded or completely contradicts something that he had previously said or done, his grift falters just a little more, and he loses just a little more adoration from the public. Eventually enough people will realize that he's a grifter and start to ignore him.

That doesn't mean crypto will crash and be worthless, the technology is just finally reaching maturity and decoupling from the stock market. The underlying concept and digital infrastructure that cryptocurrency offers will be useful and even necessary in the coming multipolar world (as countries move away from the SWIFT system). Not to mention cryptocurrency will always have a use in the black market, for buying drugs and other services (which was its primary user base in the early days).

Cryptocurrency will probably correct in terms of value, in fact it's likely due for a severe correction as we exit the era of sky-high speculation and Wild West grifts. But there will still be an underlying asset and financal tool at the end of all this.

>> No.49297126

Ah yes, being attractive is an important prerequisite for being a good programmer

Fucking midwit

>> No.49297556


>> No.49297631

Pretty sure the man with the highest IQ on Earth is a poorfag.