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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49274982 No.49274982 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone get rich or get poorer when following anyone's advice on here?
I never followed anyone's advice and I'm still poor. Nothing changed.
What about you guys? Anyone here got rich from following a strangers advice on here?

>> No.49275013

honestly 2x'd and 3x some money i was willing to lose a couple times. i can't really take most of the stuff shilled on here as real investments. I've made some money on btc/eth back in the day but i can see how the shitcoin casino is funner with 10x's

>> No.49275028

it's like sifting dirt out of a river for gold. most of it is going to be dirt, rocks, and other debris, but you might find an easily missed shaving of gold amongst it all.

>> No.49275036

LOL. I can't believe the the finest platform in this WORLD! So-called SparkWorld.

>Solves the whitelisting and randomized minting problem for NFT drops
>Staking and prediction income
>Full Transparency
>Doxxed Team

>> No.49275102

99% of the time shit coins are slowely bleed. Then they randomly pull a 10-100x. So most people buy and bleed for weeks, months, or even years before selling at a loss. And eventually at the bottom everyone who every bought the coin is down, then it pumps and does a 100x when the least amount of people own it. But those that do make assloads of money if they sell and don't get greedy and hold,

>> No.49275215

I went pretty much full schizo for a while and tracked all the calls from biz for 6 months to see if I could find a pattern and identify good calls by the grammar...but it was pretty much shit. No one knows shit here.

>> No.49275410

your not going to find the unique advice anywhere else that uses up votes and down votes. By the nature of unique and esoteric advice it will not be popular or believable.

>> No.49275503

unironically kys, furfag

>> No.49275533

it's not even furries, it's literally just leto
i fucking hate leto so much

>> No.49275694
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>> No.49275702

I would unironically have made it if I threw 100$ at every coin shilled here and took profit a x500 and x1000 only

>> No.49275748
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>> No.49275817


>> No.49275822

I'm up 10x on my investment a year ago following advice from here

>> No.49275825
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>> No.49275938

/biz/ is a financial rorschach test.

>> No.49275982 [DELETED] 

Kek, stop wasting ur time anon, just check SparkWorld

>It helps Gaming NFT ecosystems distribute their NFTs to real ppl
>Fair Prediction Launches
>A more promising, engaging and fair way to whitelist people and distribute the NFTs.

>> No.49276004
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did anyone fall for ur scam, yet? how much money have u made?

>> No.49276172

I got a job based on using a particular job board someone on here recommended. That was seven years ago, and I've stayed in the same industry since.

Not sure what I'd have made if I hadn't gone into telecoms though, so it's a bit ambiguous. For all I know I might be richer now if I hadn't got that job. But I managed to increase my net worth through it, so I suppose odds are it helped.

>> No.49276200

i do the opposite of what /biz/ says and i make money

>> No.49276616

I made close to 10 thousand off the poop coin meming the current celebrity trial.

>> No.49276741

imagine getting this shitter shattered over a fucking basket weaving forum
Christ Almighty.

>> No.49276897
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That doctor from this debonair wet soft moon vivaciously smugly mightily climbed that shrubbery.

>> No.49277127

I got richer by not following biz's advice lmao.

I posted about KDA when it was .30c, got fudded and told i would never make it.
i still held on and sold kda at $21.

that alone netted me like 400k.

I posted about flux as well around .40c, got fudded to the ground yet again by jeets
I didn't listen, held my bags and sold flux at $2.30-2.40 range. Made roughly 80k off that.

I also posted about matic when it was 20c. guess what? got fudded. But still kept my matic bag, made $90-100kish off that.

I posted about SOL at $22, im sure you get it by now, got fudded. Sold SOL at $258 absolute top before crash. (Even though i sold SOL at the top, it was a shit investment) however people need to realize hype drives the market and not fundamentals. 99.5% of people in crypto are here for the money and not the tech

I made roughly $730k by not listening to biz.

Projects when i listened to biz:
rubic when it was at .16c
rose when it was at .3c
all bsc memecoin/ shitcoin scams
Link at $22
pancakeswap at $2.10

i made more money not listening to biz, and when i did listen to biz i ended up bagholding longer than i should have because of the circle jerking shills who promote diamond handing pump n dump or rugpull scams.

So all in all, don't listen to biz and you will make money. This is basically reddit 2.0 now, biz isn't the same as what it use to be.

>> No.49277181
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I listened to a bunch of faggots when they asked me to buy in on SHIB and then I saw the fucking founder rugged and left, and to see this now, with a big bag of that shit in my fucking bags is making me want to manually obliterate myself

>> No.49277198
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I bought link and im down 90% vs eth and have been overperformed by the entire market

>> No.49277201
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I've seen you posting your furfag posts for a while now and you don't seem like a bad fella so I'll tell you what I know:

If it's good enough for a screenshot it's good enough to sell.

Investing in legitimately promising DeFi protocols during bear markets is one of the easiest ways to make it. You'll have to sit on your hands for a while but once things start to take off you'll be much better off than trying to time the market.

After experiencing a massive leg-up in your portfolio (entering six figures for instance) market sell everything and take a month off from trading. Enjoy the money and don't get greedy.

Use logarithmic charts.

Don't marry your shitcoins or fall for "the community" larp.

--basicslly, what you need to do if you are a poorfag is spend some time in the shitcoin trenches. You don't need much capital at this stage in the game. You can turn three figures into five. Don't invest in retarded tokens or rugpulls, obviously. Use your own discernment. Once you do this you will need to update your strategy to mid/highcap alts with promise and utility. L1s are easy mode. Buy the blood and be patient.

Again. Don't get too mixed up in the social niceties and pleasantries. It will make you weaker. I am only doing as much rn because it's a bear market and there's not much else to do until the next legup.

Trust and listen to your intuition.

Selling is the hardest thing to do. At the very least, adhere to hard-and-fast rules for taking profit and don't sell everything *just in case*.

Good luck and godspeed, anon.

>> No.49277200

r u ok fren?

>> No.49277270
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Did you not hear?

Ryoshi left because he wanted to stay away from the faggots who were planning to take his coin and make it a scam shit, he dropped way before and left. Leaving his easy 100x pump behind.

He dropped them and has been in hiding ever since. It's been a year and he changed his pfp to an eagle and it is being believed it's because he came up with a token called QOM and the project is called "Shiba Predator" and he probably wants to get it fucked up because of how the new ones are using the SHIBa name and the Shibarium concept to try to make this legit but they're going to just rug again

>> No.49277347
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One last point:

Invest with intention. Don't make the midwife mistake of over diversifying. Diversity of assets and asset types/classes is only recommended when you want to maintain your seat and position of power/wealth with blue chips (e.g. when you get to six or seven figures).

Also: you will need to figure out what strategies work best for you and carve out your niche. Maybe you'll be good at NFTs? Maybe you'll be good at shitcoining and scalping profits. Maybe you'll be best to apply an investor mindset? The best traders only make a few trades a year. But this doesn't work for everyone. Find out what works best for you, and again--hone, develop, and trust your intuition. Don't ignore the signs and don't be blinded by greed. The axiom "be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy" exists for a reason.

>> No.49277401

unironically i made 5k during the whole everyone making their own shitcoin after doge popped off, loopring, and FTM

stopped thinking about everything after wonderland tanked

i absolutely have no idea what could you do now

>> No.49277415
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That's enough phoneposting for now. Don't get got and remember to wash your penis.

>> No.49277434

You're poor because you're a retarded faggot furry poster.

>> No.49277465

I'm hoping the ICP bullshit turns into a pile of gold. Could be shit.

>> No.49277566
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define ok

>> No.49277630

Some guy made a thread about a huge arb opportunity he was doing manually. I cucked OP, automated it and retired a week later.