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49272403 No.49272403 [Reply] [Original]

>previous thread
Mirror protocol is still valuing UST = $1 and people drained all the liquidity off all the crypto pools by swapping worthless UST for mirrored crypto and then converting the mirrored crypto to real crypto and pulling it off MIR back on-chain.
>Updates (5/31/22)
Web interface has been edited to disallow borrowing of crypto with UST at its nominal value (50x its actual value).
Backend is still the same? Anecdotal evidence: premium of mBTC has dropped from -99.8% to -99.9% today
>How do I profit from this?
Fuck if I know. Buy boomer stocks?

>> No.49272629
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where can I find a short hair tomboy girlfriend to give my 6 figure networth to so that she will hold me like this and tell me she genuinely wants to be around me?

>> No.49272906

u are a faggot its been fixed now and u cant borrow anything now all u can do is buy mbtc and hope they repeg it again

>> No.49272950
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Ohh goybained rajneesh
They fixed the contract so the borrowings are showing up the right price
Nigger cockroach faggot

>> No.49273008
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1080, cute tomboy short hair.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.49273041

wow, triggered much?

>> No.49273058

>t.sissy dicklet

>> No.49273076

Fuck off zoomer goy fag

>> No.49273126

you have to be 18 to post here

Here's how to profit off this since these bagholders are so upset:
1.) Trade LUNC for UST on terrastation
2.) Connect your wallet on mirror protocol (https://mirrorprotocol.is/#/borrow))
3.) Borrow assets against your UST at a rate of 1UST = $1 real USD
4.) Cash out once it's re-pegged. If it's not re-pegged HODLers lose everything, if it is re-pegged, you gain close to 100% of what your mirrored asset is allegedly worth in USD.

>> No.49273175
File: 355 KB, 1987x1437, monerochan uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, you can short the mirror token (MIR) as well, but we're in clown world so it'll probably go up on news that all liquidity has been drained from the shit-token.

>> No.49273190

Turkroach much?

>> No.49273575
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Yeah, basically. Short hair, fit, intelligent, active, ambitious, no social media/msm narrative.. I fear this girl doesn't exist and if she does she definitely wouldn't be seen with me. Unfortunately, money doesn't solve every problem.

>> No.49273757

Just find a girl you like (virgin, young, attractive) and mold her into what you want. Tell her she looks good with shorter hair, etc.

>> No.49274150
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Lads I'm starting to get the feeling they aren't going to burn the LUNC

>> No.49274376

So basically cunts were able to buy $1 for $.07 correct? Or in other words people we able to get UST at its current sub $1 price and then convert it to $1 worth of another asset.

>> No.49274406

Yes because scum vultures are taking advantage of shit like this so eventually they will just say fuck it and abandon LUNC entirely since its causing way more trouble than its worth.

>> No.49274473

>Cash out once it's re-pegged
The probability of its repeg is the same that of UST repeg.

>> No.49274561
File: 1.30 MB, 1087x613, mokbang_oidemitNudelnMaxiteller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, if it is re-pegged, you gain close to 100% of what your mirrored asset is allegedly worth in USD.
So never ok

>> No.49274562

I’m still staking MIR-UST.
apy is 2200% this morning. KeK
on Meth site it says mir token is $13 each??

I was only staking $1k for almost a year on there.

>> No.49274797

How theoretically mAssets can repeg its value? What are they backed by, the real assets or is it just algo shit like UST?

>> No.49274816

Its fucking over for crypto this whole ponzi is a massive joke.

>> No.49274863

it is sad because Mirror was the only marketplace when you can trade tokenized stocks without KYC and with decent liquidity. If it's over there will be no confidence in defi tokenized stocks.

>> No.49274901 [DELETED] 

LMAO. I can't believe the TOP project in this WORLD! So-called Streeth.

>Street Art NFTs by world recognized street artists.
>NFT Marketplace, Metaverse, VR Video Game, Limited Merch
>Doxxed KYC Team
>Audit by CoinScope

>> No.49274936
File: 109 KB, 660x881, 1611575509932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna give it a shot anon, thanks. You listed all the qualities I'm looking for; I'd marry this ideal girl and have a child with her and start a loyal loving family with her unironically. However, I'm extremely undesirable even with my newfound wealth. I'm an ugly loser unironically

>> No.49274973

Yes, basically.

>> No.49276632

It's not over annon. Stop buying shits and start investing in good alts. I'm investing in EquilibriumDeFi on polkadot and I'm enjoying cool rewards.

>> No.49278216

yeah best you can do is slightly overweight and addicted to instagram.

>> No.49278305

dont listen to this fucking retard, I had a virgin gf who was and EASY 8/10 on the worst days, the only problem is after about 1 year she got fat bro, fatso mc fatso like 80 kgs on a 1.66m height thats fat bro, and for 2 years I kept telling her to slim down with me (we were both fat) I lost the fat, she didnt, and for 2 years I kept telling her to slim down until she eventually dumped me because I was calling her fat. You cant manipulate people bro trust me, I was super tryharding with the nonobvious manipulation, if she has atleast half a brain functional she will just reject whatever you say that she doesnt want to do, maybe on the short term she will try what you say but in the long run you will NEVER change a person. Trust me. (or trust the replitian pic retard, idc)

>> No.49278352

my bad, youre the reptilian, i meant the green id guy

>> No.49278565
File: 86 KB, 326x306, 1652710172939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>close to 100%
so basically risk my money to make an x2 with a very big chance of that not happening?

>> No.49278624

How fucking old are you niggers? Seriously what chance do you have to find a female who is still a virgin this day and age unless its a literal child?

>> No.49278827

I fucked some dumb whores in uni and I have to say none of them were virgin, thats exactly why I kept a relationship with her. From my point of view, chances are slim to none, I won the lottery there but she dumped me so who cares Im back to square one now, she destroyed my ability to love. Im 25 btw.

>> No.49279002

>my girlfriend got fat and stayed fat because she knew I'd just whine about it
She got fat because she knew she didn't respect you and knew you wouldn't do anything about it.
Risk your money for a chance at a x25 with a very big chance of it not happening.
online dating, unironically

>> No.49279077

>She got fat because she knew she didn't respect you and knew you wouldn't do anything about it.
no nigger, we came to a conclussion that we both would slim down, but her response was she couldnt, nigger I can smell you never felt the touch of a woman
>online dating, unironically
I was going to respond thoroughly but you're mad trolling. kill yourself

>> No.49279099
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Is this why luna c is dumping benchod

>> No.49279253

>online dating

>> No.49279341

wrong guy nigger

>> No.49279547

Surprisingly, if you date women in other countries many are virgins. This is shocking to the mutts among us.

>> No.49279751

>t. hasn't dated a woman ever

>> No.49279854

Im actually from EU but whatever you say nigger, keep living your delusions

>> No.49279887

When you fuck a virgin they tend to bleed all over the bedsheets.
I'm sorry to hear that

>> No.49279973

>this low level of trolling
stop making a fool of yourself

>> No.49280022

I have 100k original Luna. It still shows up as luna in my metamask rather than Lunc.
It also says it's worth $800 but I will only be able to swap it for $8.
What is going on? Can I extract $800 from this?

>> No.49280044

nigger average women in germany begin fucking when they are 13 years old by the age they are considered adults they have been run over by an entire soccer team

>> No.49280051

is it too late to do anything with 4k in ust on anchor? i think i may have moved it to terra station
>t.idiot who was busy during the meltdown and didn't sell

>> No.49280071

>buy something
>burn half of it
>trust others will do the same
yeah, long shot bro

>> No.49280157

Like the other dude said, let the faggot live in his delusions.

>> No.49280503

>bleed all over the place
Virgin detected. They will just complain and leave a little bit of blood on your cock. Idk why virgins think virgin females just fucking guah blood out when their hymen breaks.

>t.lost my virginity at 14 to my then 14 year old gf who was also a virgin

>> No.49280553

How many virgins have you had sex with?

>> No.49280855

you reek of virginity

>> No.49281060

Only one
>hurr durr anecdote
Yeah im sure you've fucked 100s of virgins and all of them flooded the bedroom with blood.

>> No.49281279

>run over by an entire soccer team
Rookie numbers for the modern woman.