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File: 932 B, 1200x720, 8DA8B221-4187-4556-9B3D-1400D84D13B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49265392 No.49265392 [Reply] [Original]

>42% tax
>11% social security
>19% VAT
>25.5% capital gains tax
>2.2€/lt car fuel
>200€/year TV license
>1000€ car tax per year
>median income barely €20k net(fuck those like statistics saying €45k median income)

How the FUCK are you supposed to make it in this shithole???

>> No.49265416

get on gibs and move to Poland

>> No.49265429

Nigger Poland, Africa, the middle east and now fucking Ukraine has moved here

>> No.49265437

>save country
>good education
>smart people
>top passport
>beautiful willing women
>heart of europe
yeh you have it so bad anon kys

>> No.49265445
File: 743 KB, 600x514, 1653120210170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not supposed to make it

>> No.49265449

Just hold your capital gains for a year bro then it's tax free

>> No.49265462

get gibs. move to Poland. live off the gibs. I just spent a night in Poland. One night in a three star hotel was 20 euro. Can buy beer all night from gas stations. It's paradise.

>> No.49265472
File: 9 KB, 255x170, Flag_of_Portugal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>39% tax
>11% social security
>23% VAT
>28% capital gains tax
>2.3€/lt car fuel
>Property taxes
>20c/kw eletricity
>800€ car tax per year
>median income 11.200€ net

be grateful you little shit

>> No.49265498

>be me
>21k a year after tax
>save 60% of my income by being a FRUGALIST
>actually not interested in 99% of consoomer bs things
>buy ETH/BTC every month for years
>mid 6 figures now
>very likely 7 figures within the next 10 years
>it's actually tax free
>learning portuguese right now so I can fuck off to a warm and safe place once I made it

Good luck lads, our country is over but you gotta find your way

>> No.49265506

Are you young?

>> No.49265510

Its smart to work in OPs country and do vacation in your country. Portugal is in my opinion the biggest pump and dump in Europe, waiting for the dump...

>> No.49265515

>save country

Yea safe country filled with shitskins that will stab you any moment if you look at them in a funny way

>good education

Just lol. No German university is in the top 50 in the world. Fucking India has better universities.

>smart people

If you think bunch of alcoholics with only 20% of the population having an academic degree as smart then lol

>top passport

So what?

>beautiful willing women

Just bunch of dumb sluts in open relationships fucking arabs, Turks, Africans and other shitskins

>heart of europe

So what??

>> No.49265522

how old are you anon? congrats!

>> No.49265527

my wife is german and pregnant
we're in germany
i have never wanted to get the fuck out of a country so bad

we cant find an apartment, our current apartment sucks, and with all the muslims and ukrainians we wont find an apartment.

the question has become if we want to have the baby here and suffer in germany more, or have it in the us and not have her parents see it because they're too old to fly.

>> No.49265547

get it in the US for sure. US will still stand strong in 50 years, germany not so much.

>> No.49265548

> How the FUCK are you supposed to make it
You aren't, that's what you get for being historical looser.

>> No.49265550
File: 139 KB, 1186x636, Californian 40% income in taxes and deductions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Californians pay 40% in taxes and deductions and get nothing.
Not free education, not healthcare, not welfare. NOTHING. They make 100k a year and pay 40k in taxes and way more in rent than the average German. In the end they end up with the same amount in the pocket except America is way more competitive than Germany so you have to work harder

>> No.49265558

I'm close to 28 anon, thanks and good luck to you!

>> No.49265563

We're moving to the US regardless but if we move now her parents will not be able to see the baby until she's old enough to take on an 8 hour flight. Her dad has some health conditions and he can't make it.

>> No.49265608

for the sake of your child it should be born in the us. You should talk to a lawyer as well do not make the decision based on a mongolian underwater basked weaving forum please anon.

>> No.49265622

why not move to a cheap country already with a >500k stack and have a good time while waiting for the next cycle? You will spend like 10k per year max.

>> No.49265634

Already am.

We're on month 5 of trying to get an apartment. We're at a point where if I can get her a way into the US and a rental there before she can find an apartment here, we're going to the US.

>> No.49265649

Germany has 0% crypto tax if you hold for 1 year, literally better than the USA or other shitholes.

>> No.49265650

>moving to the America
L o L

>> No.49265660

17.2% bracket tax
11% social security
23% VAT
28% capital gains
1.9€/lt car fuel
60€/month for tv/internet/mobile phone
250€ car tax + 200€ insurance
median income 30k usd ( bullshit )
only way for a young person to have a decent standard of living is staying with the parents

>> No.49265668

portugal will turn a desert in 50 years anon.

>> No.49265694

I'm still accuumulating anon, it's not the time for me to relax already. While mid 6 figures is great for me, i'm aware it's not a "safe forever" amount, especially now that prices for gas, electricity and groveries are exploding. My job is okay and I live with my girlfriend whos kind of on the same grind as I am. I hope we'll move away together one day..

I do daydream about living in thailand often tho, but grass is always greener on the other side

>> No.49265722

yeah but cali has top notch weather, weed and women to make up for it
what does germany have? the social security system is on the brink of collapse and the public healthcare system is terrible. if you can afford it you have private healthcare anyway.

>> No.49265792

>top notch weather
tap water is literally running dry
If women factor into your decision to live anywhere, ngmi
>the social security system is on the brink of collapse and the public healthcare system is terrible.
so when it collapses it'll be like the US, no need to move

>> No.49265808

the education is better than somewhere else. did you study on a german uni and compared it? rest is mostly true though

>> No.49265828

>free healthcare
>free education
anon i...

>> No.49265863

yeah. when our social system collapses we will become an african warzone. africans/arabs/turks are mostly dependent on welfare and they expect to get paid. if money stops flowing the streets will burn and everyone but the top 1% will get fucked. our social system is too big to fail.

>> No.49265895


>top notch weather
yea i totally love the 100+ degrees during summer
theres weed everywhere dumbass
same with weed, theres women everywhere, in fact ive met more beautiful women in a bumfuck middle of nowhere state like iowa on average compared to cali

in conclusion jill yourself in minecraft delusional shitskin mexican cuck

>> No.49265896

if you think you need any of these then you're a commie and should neck yourself. god bless america!

>> No.49265902

Not at all. You are here to work, to be a slave, and to not notice it. Germany is a mental institute where you work for people who really don't like you. Fuck this shit country, deserves all the hate it gets.

>> No.49265937

you should have the baby in germany and exploit the elternzeit as along as humanly possible, then get out. the only real way to make it in "germany" is to get a us/uk salary but still live in germany and work remote where cost of living is less, or get a job in germany and move to spain/portugal/italy/greece where cost of living is less. this would likely mean moving to 3rd tier location in one of these countries but at least they have good weather, beautiful cities, good food, and hot chicks. germany has none of those things

>> No.49265944

Stage 1. buy trashtoken. Stage 2. waste everything. Stage 3. Cry a river on 4chan. don't be such an asshole. Use Fulbo Galaxy!

>Fun Play and Earn Game
>people can trade NFT football players on and earn a lot of $$$
>Giveaways and presale events soon
>Experienced Doxxed team

>> No.49265948

I think you must be salaried employee right? Have you looked at becoming a consultant?

>> No.49266009

>safe country
not anymore really, and growing worse by the day. just yesterday in berlin a turkish dad choked out a teenager on a football pitch and pulled a knife on people.
>good education
I'll say it's good enough, but there is nothing here that is like oxford/harvard tier, not even close
>smart people
some are smart, most are retarded robots who live to follow rules and get in your business about trivial things. many alcoholic fcked up people here
>beautiful willing women
willing yes, but not beautiful at all. worst women in continental europe in terms of looks
>heart of europe
meaning what? no nice beaches? the alps hold all the rain and precipitation in Germany so its a greay rainy shithole the entire year?

>> No.49266029


Have sex

>> No.49266085

>How the FUCK are you supposed to make it in this shithole???
Keynesianism is based and works. That’s how.

>> No.49266106

have sex

>> No.49266110




> Yea safe country filled with shitskins that will stab you any moment if you look at them in a funny way

Just move to a better area. I know it sucks, but who else will clean our toilets?

> Just lol. No German university is in the top 50 in the world. Fucking India has better universities.

That is not true at all. The rankings are rigged towards unis that spend huge amounts on research, but education-wise I think most German unis are pretty good. TUs are exceptionally good.

> If you think bunch of alcoholics with only 20% of the population having an academic degree as smart then lol

That is mostly because academic degrees are a mostly a meme (not STEM obv), so having a strong trade-focused education is not bad at all

> Just bunch of dumb sluts in open relationships fucking arabs, Turks, Africans and other shitskins

Can't really argue with that - German women are mediocre at best.

>> heart of europe
>So what??

Travelling opportunities is god-tier. It takes me 2 hours to reach Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and 1-2 hours more to go to Italy. It is awesome, especially if you are into mountains, climbing, nature etc.
Also money-wise: either be
> self-employed to 'make it'
> state-employed ("Beamter") to basically not work at all
> IG Metal/IGBCE to get very comfy 100k with very few work hours

... depending on how much you want to actually work.

>> No.49266133

>hurr durr theres weed and women everywhere
cali has the best weed in the weed
and comparing german chicks to cali chicks... just lmao
why youre even so butthurt hans? cant stand the idea that somebody doesnt consider germany the best place in the world. and wtf why do you think im mexican?

>> No.49266150

*in the world

>> No.49266164

Why are you lying anon
>no flats to rent
>everything gets more expensive
>job market in the shitter
>payment bad
>every nigger is coming for the gibs
You living in one of these rich people parts of town with no problems?

>> No.49266174

you forgot 0 crypto tax. it is impossible to not make it with crypto in your country.

>> No.49266177

Seethe faggot

>> No.49266184

Studied stem btw and still having all the issues other anons listed here
>too poor to make it

>> No.49266201

Lmao, the US is fucking dying, anyone going there now is beyond retarded

Have fun with youre imminent civil war, woke culture and the occasional dead kids

>> No.49266222

Barely anyone pays 42% tax as you already stated most make less than 40k so they are not in the highest fucking tax braket retard, 11% soc is already in the 42% so your list is bullshit too

>> No.49266225
File: 18 KB, 512x512, 1653438373776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about italy?

>> No.49266227

german girls are considerably more attractive than the fat spics in cali u dumb nigger

>> No.49266238

>german girls are more attractive than cali girls
lmao keep telling yourself that

>> No.49266246

country is fucked, i met some lower tier people, who moved there from eastern EU like 10yr ago, they claim it was much better back then
now its just fucked, prices up, impossible to buy a house, etc

>> No.49266247

Also, even if you were on the 42% braket this doesnt mean you pay 42% on your income, learn2tax

You sound like a seething child that never worked in its life

>> No.49266256

they are the most hypocrite ugly boring sluts, also 95% of them looks like copy paste

>> No.49266273


>no flats to rent

Already bought a flat 3 years ago.

>everything gets more expensive

True, but it does not really affect me that much. Our household income is ~200k€ (both me and my wife are roughly at a 100k) and even with one child and another on the way, we dont have any financial problems.

>payment bad

As I said: go Beamter or IGM/IGBCE with a master degree from a reputable uni and you will be good. Esp. if you get into a state-regulated role (defense, safety, etc.)

>job market in the shitter

Not at all, job market is great. At least here in Southern Germany and for finance/software/business - roles.

>every nigger is coming for the gibs

There are quite a few foreigners in my neighborhood, but mostly Japanese, Taiwanese, Italian, Austrians.. still 80% Germans though (mostly boomers).

>You living in one of these rich people parts of town with no problems?

Not that rich, but also not exactly a bad part of town. No problems.

>Why are you lying anon

I am not lying

>> No.49266308

>anon is rich
Then stfu retard. You can have a comfy live everywhere if you’re rich

>> No.49266336

Companies will pay you based on the value you provide. If you get 20k€ net, you provide no big value to your company and are replacable. Seriously, how old are you? Become a project manager or something.

I know salaries like 80k a year sound ridiculous to many people, but they are really on the lower end, it's not unusual to make 100k or more with experience.

I'm a software developer, net to 45k€ a year and save about 25k€ of it every year. I hope with some clever investing I'll be done in about 10 years.

>> No.49266347

Congrats, you found the long-nose fellow's main intentions. The white man will suffer for his political correctness.

>> No.49266355


Alright, then follow my advice:

> get a masters degree in cs/se/engineering/etc.
> get a job in IGM/IGBCE
> marry someone who did the same

and voilà, following your definition, you are now 'rich'.

>> No.49266365

Buy GME.
I hate this fucking country so much.

>> No.49266383 [DELETED] 

Haha, you're losing your cash on trash and then cry on 4ch on every topic. Be smarter, kiddies, look at Enegra

> Token supported by actual shares
> Legit company operating for 10+ years
> Multi-billion $$$ assets backing the shares!

>> No.49266427
File: 67 KB, 800x400, 7F154A6C-B8B1-4262-8DAC-6F9EEFDBE32C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lots of taxes but pay no taxes because the tax collectors doesn’t have the resources

>> No.49266429

Europe is still more or less OK. Just don't expect anything good out of living and it will all be fine

>> No.49266435
File: 5 KB, 250x173, 1649322548052s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me, what?

>> No.49266458

>No German university in the top 50 in the world
LMU, TUM, Heidelberg

Quality of Education is okay. Sure its not Oxford or Harvard, but most decent Universities here have exchange programs with international top tier Unis. Also the actual stuff you are learning is basically everywhere the same. Classes are just bigger here and research is not as prestigious, since American Unis have more money.
Sure, you won't get to Wallstreet with a degree from FH Buxtehude but you can still land a lot of decent jobs

>> No.49266459

>safe country
You either don't live in Germany or you live in bumfuck nowhere with a population of 5000

>> No.49266560

>Quality of Education is okay
thats literally all of germany in a nutshell
>its okay
>its not that bad
>sure its not as good as X but it could be worse
literally mediocrity the nation
the only thing germany is world leader in is giving gibs to other countries lmao

>> No.49266564
File: 246 KB, 640x427, mudslime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but at least you are not racist towards niggers, turkroaches and other welfare parasites so it's worth it, right cuck, keep slaving away for mr shekelstein?

>> No.49266630
File: 254 KB, 1024x1024, 6F417011-AF25-4D1C-880A-CB5F291DC6F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over for you germancucks. You are literally getting outbred by Islamic BVLLS. Your women are getting seeded by superior Islamic seed and your genes are dying out. Your sons will get bullied in school and your daughters will be bred by Islamic BVLLS. It’s already starting in Kitas where little Kevin is getting bullied by Mustafa, Ahmed, Mohammed for not speaking Turkish/arabic. Pic related another successful conquest by an Islamic BVLL.

>> No.49266650

>bitching around about problems that don't exist
Tipical Kraut

>> No.49266656

>save country
Visit any big city and leave the main roads, looks like an romanian ghetto everywhere.
>good education
It's absolute dogshit in 14 of the 16 states.
>smart people
They elected eco-commies.
>top passport
Ever made vaccation as a german? You get scammed everywhere once they find out.
>beautiful willing women
SMore like short haired, old and overweight teasing women.
>heart of europe
Great for Blitzkrieg and toll taking, sucks in every other regard.

>> No.49266666

That's a jewish women.

>> No.49266686

Who cares about eurocucks? Leave my board.

>> No.49266714

I am a German but know the US well. Imo you should have a better chance in the US all things considered. Both places are absolutely fucked in relative terms US. It’s what I would do. Good luck anon

>> No.49266797
File: 117 KB, 768x1024, 1649555442346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get paid almost $200k a year to do what only earns like $60k a year in Germany. Plus I get the benefit of lower taxes and cost of living. God bless America!

>> No.49266815

money is definitely better there but your pic is a far more accurate representation of your country, culture, and society and you know it

>> No.49266902

>implying German women don't crave Tyrone's BBC
And now you also have to compete with Abdul lmao

>> No.49266976

the whole world gets its BBC fetish from american cucks. its all invented by you and spread by US cultural dominance, which is hopefully soon coming to an end

>> No.49266984

Holy fuck I just want to live somewhere that doesn't tax me into oblivion and require me to drive a car everywhere I'M TIRED OF LOSING ALL OF MY MONEY JUST TO EXIST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.49267022

how the fuck are you not getting an apartment, just go to fucking immoscout and buy or rent one.
unemployed nigger detected

>> No.49267028

Worse in every way, but if you have rich parents it's top comfy

>> No.49267037

but all those tyrones will stay in EU and the fetish remains... sure tall blonde german sluts appreciate it though

>> No.49267138

HAHAHAHAHAHA Kid your fucking self Sandnigger, go find a job that doesn't involve violence or drugs.
You can't breed Camels here Xd

>> No.49267140

>42% tax
big deal
>11% social security
this is clearly a safety net for your own good
>19% VAT
comparatively low in europe.
>25.5% capital gains tax
your average person isn't going to invest or pay capital gains tax, only rich assholes who have enough money to throw away at investments pay this.
>2.2€/lt car fuel
use public transport
>200€/year TV license
get hulu, netflix, etc.
>1000€ car tax per year
use public transport
>median income barely €20k net
this is unfortunately true, lots of companies are exploitative and don't pay their employees enough

>> No.49267208

Jews won WW2, idiot.

>> No.49267405

>How the FUCK are you supposed to make it in this shithole???
You have deported them before.

>> No.49267445


>> No.49267517

>digital nomad
>only pay cheap monthly health insurance
>own company that pays 0 taxes

life is good outside of the rat race

>> No.49267523

move to Italy like all the rich monkeys do

>> No.49267546
File: 356 KB, 731x822, 233322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no income tax
5% social security
5% VAT
no capital gains tax
0.9€/lt car fuel

>> No.49267558

>cant drink
>no women
>backwards society with archaic rules
i'd rather be poor somewhere better desu

>> No.49267583

Arabs are the only based Islamic people (if they still are in the UAE).
Cockroaches need to be nuked

>> No.49267593

I'm self-employed. I can offer to give an entire year's rent upfront but they won't rent to you unless you have an employer.

What they're looking for is someone who's going to rent 20 years, not someone who's looking to rent a single year.

When we go to apartments we are usually in groups of 5, or they are showing 10 groups that apartment that day. I've been told by landlords they got 50+ responses to their listing.

>> No.49267620

>I'm self-employed. I can offer to give an entire year's rent upfront but they won't rent to you unless you have an employer.
im self employed too and I never had a problem getting a contract done
if I can get a face to face with the landlord I have a 100% hit rate. I just tell them some vague stuff about my work and mention that money is not a problem. they never asked me for any contracts, income statements or anything like that
the problem is getting the face to face in the first place, as theres millions of people applying for every shithole apartment as you mentioned. but once I get to talk to the landlord in person I could always get a deal done. you just have to know how to sell yourself. if youre single, quiet and make good money you should be every landlords wet dream.

>> No.49267621
File: 1.27 MB, 260x195, A048B7DC-BC97-4299-94D5-C9D2B5015A1A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the worst part about Portugal is that there aren’t any Nickelback fans there

>> No.49267639

>cant drink
>no women
there are lots of parties with people getting hammered and chicks (many Eastern European / Russian beauties) in hot pants or mini skirts going hard at it.

>> No.49267651 [DELETED] 

make money
buy chungusinu.com
learn to hold

>> No.49267652

You aren't. Germans are bad people.

>> No.49267667

>Germans are bad people
heeb detected

>> No.49267670

Don't be anti-Semitic, fool.

>> No.49267680

Kek, thinking 20c/kWh is a lot... get on our level, before the current thing started it was already at 30+c/kWh here, I don't even want to look at the current prices anymore... prices increased over 60% in the last decade, before anything happened, now it will only excel in getting more expensive.

>> No.49267700

>Don't be anti-Semitic, fool.
- jews

>> No.49267708

You are not supposed to make it, keynsianisn is a suicide cult

>> No.49267756

Why are you blaming an external party for all your problems?

>> No.49267776


>> No.49267790

When did I say that? I barely have any problems.

But the "germans are bad" mindset is clearly pushed by kikes along with muh white guilt.
It was 250k at most, cope abramowitz lookin nigga.

>> No.49267800

>no income tax
>5% social security
>5% VAT
>no capital gains tax
>0.9€/lt car fuel
b-but how can they have roads and schools?

>> No.49267803
File: 50 KB, 1019x640, 1643030062616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>42% tax
>big deal
Literally yes
>>11% social security
>this is clearly a safety net for your own good
This is mostly going to pensioners, it's common knowledge that when today's middle aged and younger people retire, there will be no money to distribute to them. In fact it's already so bad nowadays that an additional 100bn are paid each year by the state to maintain pensions, i.e. a significant share of your income tax is going to social security even though people already pay into social security.
>>19% VAT
>comparatively low in europe.
The rest of Europe pays less in income tax
>>25.5% capital gains tax
>your average person isn't going to invest or pay capital gains tax, only rich assholes who have enough money to throw away at investments pay this.
You pay this tax on all gains >800€ (crypto is be exempt if you hold for a year or more), having just 10k invested is enough to breach 800€ in capital gains
>>2.2€/lt car fuel
>use public transport
Not always an option, especially for people living outside of major cities. Furthermore, trains are late so often people are genuinely surprised when they reach their destination on time.
>>200€/year TV license
>get hulu, netflix, etc.
He's talking about the Rundfunkbeitrag, which is an ~18€ payment you are forced to make each month to pay for public broadcasting. This is often criticised as even people who do not use the service at all have to pay, and a lot of money goes to bullshit entertainment programs
>>1000€ car tax per year
>use public transport
see above
>>median income barely €20k net
>this is unfortunately true, lots of companies are exploitative and don't pay their employees enough
Yeah, though Germany is particularly bad. Wages are absolute shit and highly qualified people are constantly leaving the country, especially in the IT and Finance sectors

Germany isn't as bad as people say, but there are problems and many people being forever fucked financially if they aren't born rich is one of them

>> No.49267840

Public transport is for people who smell like piss

>> No.49267861

No, Germans are obviously bad for committing the holocaust in which they murdered millions of innocent people including Jews, communists, homosexuals, and many other groups, but that is not the point. The point is that generally speaking Germans are warlike autists prone to authoritarianism. If losers like you blamed minorities a bit less for your problems, maybe you wouldn't be such a loser!

>> No.49267870

rundfunk beitrag is total bullshit. its literally just a subsidy to prevent these dinosaur companies from going under, which is where have of german government money goes: subsidising big industries off the back of workers with low incomes. it sa total fucking scam.
I used to work in the news and you would sometimes see like 2-3 even 4 camera crews (of 2-4 people each) from ARD or ZDF at a SINGLE event! whereas companies like reuters, AFP would have one single camera person. this is what we are paying for, we are keeping the jobs alive of people earning way too much money, who refeuse to adapt because they dont need to, they can just force the rest of us to pay them, even if we dont own televisions.
it's such a perfect example of how fucked up germany is

>> No.49267873

look at that nose! My German senses are tingling

>> No.49267891
File: 13 KB, 246x205, 1650790793674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tv license

>> No.49267928

yes, you need to pay 18 euros a month because tv exists in germany. even if your house has not cable connection, even if you do not own a television, you need to pay this money so that a bunch of faggots can keep working at a non-viable company that nobody actually wants. it's just a corporate handout. and if you dont pay, the finanzamt comes after you and threatens to charge you fees and seize your assets. germany is the new leader of the freeworld because of trump right? fuck this place

>> No.49267930

Payments Germans are forced to make to fund public broadcasting, regardless of whether they use it or not.

>> No.49267942

In Germany the mandatory TV licence is also known as "democracy fee". Not even joking, you couldn't make their insanity up.

>> No.49267946

It's called Rundfunkgebühr ...and everyone has to pay this even if you don't own a TV.

>> No.49268014

PROTIP: how to not pay
>Cancel your payments
>once they send you a letter go on to their website
>use your number to log in
>change the adress to a Bundesland with another Rundfunkanstalt
>if you get another letter just do it again with a different adress

check nie gezahlt dank umzugsmeldung on gez-boykott forum if you dont believe me

>> No.49268019

it totally ensures their unbiased reporting!

>> No.49268035

Taxes are coming this year 100%. Our government excels at taxing shit out of existence.

Only reason we didn't have taxes earlier is because our government is still omega incompetent. We aren't the friendly crypto hub that everyone talks about.

>> No.49268048

>Germans are obviously bad for committing the holocaust
I hate the fact that the holocaust never happened.

>> No.49268064

Nope faggot. The FDP literally passed a new law that now not manifested the 1 year tax free hold rule but also got rid of the 10 year waiting period if you stake your cryptos.

>> No.49268066

>yes, you need to pay 18 euros a month because tv exists in germany. even if your house has not cable connection, even if you do not own a television, you need to pay this money so that a bunch of faggots can keep working at a non-viable company that nobody actually wants. it's just a corporate handout. and if you dont pay, the finanzamt comes after you and threatens to charge you fees and seize your assets. germany is the new leader of the freeworld because of trump right? fuck this place
It is not about keeping jobs.. it is about media monopoly and controlling the information stream.

>> No.49268074

I'm already exempt from paying this because I'm a officially a mentally retarded neet that lives off of gibs. feels great to be alive.

>> No.49268090

The royal family is smart money wise and is running it's own funds (e.g. Abu Dhabi Investment Authority), investing the enormous oil profits in all kinds of companies globally, from big US tech to small cap highly specialized companies. Tourism also brings in quite a lot of money. I work in the Dubai hospitality industry and we have been picking up a lot of steam since November 2021, basically reaching pre covid levels.

>> No.49268099

top kek imagine having to fund the government so it can continue to produce propaganda and indoctrination media
sheesh disregard any defense for Germany ITT, you truly are cucked and ngmi

>> No.49268137

Nigger I'm looking at a Submariner wrapped around a few hundreds next to my ledger with bands on it.
Look at history everyone hated the jews for thousands of years, are you trying to tell me hundreds of civilizations across thousands of years just hated them to offload their problems onto someone else?

Gess what religion Epstein was, guess what religion Bezos has, guess what religion the CEO of blackrock has, guess what religion everyone in the federal reserve has and most importantly guess what religion most people on the WEF have.

How many people did Stalin kill? How many people did Mao kill? How many people are being killed in modern day china right now? How many people has pol pot killed? How many people have the japanese killed during their worst?

I don't hate minorities except turks and globalist jews.
Neither am I defending the holocaust, I'm just saying it's hypocritical to pick out that event and that event only saying all germans are bad when I did not witness it and both my grandpas were coal miners during the war.

Turn on your fucking brain.

>> No.49268146

they could keep the monopoly and employ 1/3rd of the people is what im saying. ive been on the ground and witnessed it myself. other companies would have to downsize when faced with decreasing revenue and could cut people who are not needed. you do not need three camera teams of 4 people each to stake out the entrance to the ampel coalition talks. you need one person with a camera to film the 15 seconds of the representatives arriving

>> No.49268198

>generally speaking Germans are warlike autists prone to authoritarianism
100% true even though seething germs will never admit this
also just lmao for blaming muh joos. stupid germans voted merkel for 16 years straight and now wonder why everything is going to hell. and dont tell me about rigged votes, people LOVED that old bag even though she brought nothing but misery to this country.

>> No.49268213

Imagine if you didn’t give half of your money to the government. Germany would be third world

>> No.49268223

Irrelevant to the point he’s making. Taxes are low in China too

>> No.49268296

>100% true
honestly wish this was utilized in a productive way.
>people LOVED that old bag even though she brought nothing but misery to this country.
It didn't and still doesn't matter who carries out the will of whatever lobbying complex you wanna choose

>> No.49268300

Then leave j*w retard

>> No.49268368

>How the FUCK are you supposed to make it in this shithole???
You're not.

>> No.49268401

Nice bait lmao

>> No.49268408

Lmao, you exist to pay off your generational debt. You live in a whole structural system created merely for that purpose. If you didn‘t get this until now you‘re borderline retarded.

>> No.49268452

Enjoy your oil ban too!

>> No.49268488

>>Look at history everyone
>we've had this royal family for hundreds of years so are you trying to tell me god hasn't given them the right to rule over us?
>>guess what religion everyone in the federal reserve has
>>guess what religion most people on the WEF have.
>have culture that encourages literacy, music, individualism and preserves cultural canon
>IQ is the best predictor of being financially successful
>how do they always end up in these positions?
imagine being so dense, you enterntain a worldview built on literal fallacies

>have fun at the fußballverein hannes
>drinking beer is part of our culture
>everyone who doesn't work with his hands isn't doing real work
it's like you want to cuck yourself

>> No.49268508

>Be me
>be burger
>0% income tax
>3.90/ gallon of gasoline
>0-20% capital gains tax
>8% sales tax i guess its like vat

I'm making 90k in an area that costs $1000/month for a 3 bedroom house.

>> No.49268520

Isn't cap gains in Germoney 0% for crypto as long as you hold it for a second? Stop whining.

>> No.49268544

It's more like a TV tax

>> No.49268562
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Ich zahl keine Steuern

>> No.49268672
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Mexican anon here from last thread. Daily reminder to thank you germancucks for paying for my free CS degree and the free Bafög bucks you gave me. I’m pissing off to the US once I get my degree and I am NOT paying my Bafög debt back ihr Opfer.

>> No.49268889

Have you tried in the last year? Since Germany took in half a million Ukrs?

>> No.49269048

And there’s still no revolution.
Just goes to show (((their))) absolute control

>> No.49269094
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The jews don't need to do anything Germany has always been retarded.

>> No.49269187

i am german and i am also the most introvert guy in the world.

i had 2 gf who approached me first and pretty much did everything for me

>> No.49269201

Yes it’s without a doubt an amazing country if you are a boring grey waste of life who enjoys the idea of a routine so rigid you may as well be a robot, enjoy no culture, are a passionless golem, enjoy pensions and everything to do with pensions, and are fuck ugly. Been stuck in this appalling shit tip for 3 years but thank fuck im out of here in 3 months. Allowing this country to exist after the war was a huge mistake.

>> No.49269245

Try Estonia.
The highest inflation in the EU for the last 5 months its been double digits - thanks, Putin. Inflation in May - 20,1%
>20% tax
>33% social security
>20% VAT
>20% capital gains tax
>2.1€/lt car fuel
>NO TV tax yet
>no car tax yet.
>median income barely €11k net
Food prices higher than in Germany and most of EU, rent prices and real estate prices have raised the most compared to 2010 in the whole of EU. about 150-170% rise compared to a dozen years ago.
Natural Gas prices (for heating houses) have gone up 330% compared to a year ago - and that was even before the fucking Ukranian war.
electricity prices have gone up 100-300% and are higher than in most of Europe .
So pretty much we have Norwegian prices with Greek/Portugese salaries.

>> No.49269448

you can thank progressives like scholz and merkel for that. they do retarded shit to """help""" people (mostly foreigners) while actually helping big capitalists and fucking the german people in the ass. now they are going against russia, their first fucking provider of oil (and therefore energy) simply because hurr russia bad.

>> No.49269490

>thanks, Putin

he unironically believes in putinflation

>> No.49269523

>America is way more competitive
Are you retarded?

>> No.49269657

>42% tax
>11% social security
>€45k income
Holy shit lmao, so if you make €45k you get to keep 21k? I thought I had it bad taking home 1k aud a week.

>> No.49269701

Estonia used to buy 80% of gas from Russia until the war started and now we will stop using russian gas by end of the year completely.
My heating bill in October was already bigger than on previous years coldest months (January-February)
Gas used to be 0,44eur/m3
now its 1,88 eur/m3

usually my february and january heating bill was like 150-160 euros max.
this year it was close to 500 euros for those months. + 500 euros in rent + 75 euros of electricity bill and another 20 for water and garbage colllection.
Try paying that shit while you earn 1200 a month after taxes.

>> No.49269710

>Portugal is in my opinion the biggest pump and dump in Europe, waiting for the dump
you mean we haven't dumped already?

>> No.49269800

blame your own politicians for that you stupid fuck. you and your whole country are not entitled to russian oil.

>> No.49269931

I pray to god russia gets glassed by nukes any day now fuck those roaches

>> No.49270013

so that you can steal their oil?
I hope they nuke your shitty country instead, faggot.

>> No.49270274

The economy is effectively state owned so they just use their revenue

>> No.49270550

very based, take as much as you can from this joke of a country

hartz 4 und der tag gehört dir

>> No.49270592

There's not much politicians can do about it in the grand scheme of global economics.

>> No.49270651

they could have simply not done anything against russia in the first place. instead, they want to cut all the trade with russia. do you really think that that's "not much"?

>> No.49271689

>How the FUCK are you supposed to make it in this shithole???
I'll let you in on my plan.
>be me
>dual citizen
>born and living in Germany
>enjoyed 'free' (thanks ma and pa) health care and education
>never took the vaxx (sorry gran)
>will have finished my STEM degree within the next few months
Next I'll buy some rural properties in the US to satisfy my innawoods needs and work for the horrendously inflated US wages that they are paying in my field. During that time I'll (continue to) go to the gym and bang the hoes in the small college town that I'll be living in.
By the time I'm thirty I should have some paid off properties plus some cash.

I will all this with a smile on my face, knowing that not a single cent of taxes will go to this hellhole. Europe is artificially killed and I won't be there for it.

>> No.49271821

isnt estonia magnitudes better off than the two shitholes right next to it?
one actually got deleted from chinese systems for being uppity and being a non-country, if i remember right. wonder what the eu did about that, probably nothing.

>> No.49272621

I just want to murder some politicians and bankers, fuck

>> No.49272961
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>hold crypto for a year
>after that year it becomes TAXFREE


>> No.49273113

£60k tax free
Free housing
Free flights home for holidays
Sunny weather

Get on my level Klaus

>> No.49273223

Why are salaries so low in this piece of shit country. What Americucks don't take into consideration when comparing themselves to Europeans is just how much money they make.
>Specialist Doctor
300-800k in USA, 100-150k in Germany
>Software engineer
100-500k in USA, 50-120K in Germany
>Blue collar jobs
50-100k in USA, 30-60k in Germany.
It's all such a fucking joke. Sadly it's pretty much impossible to move to U.S. or Canada as a doctor without american nationality.
America is a bad place if you are a useless human that doesn't want to work and just smoke weed, get drunk and hit their wife and 5 retarded children. If you are actually smart and hard working the U.S. is fucking paradise.
Germany is the reverse, if you are a racist east German piece of shit that has nothing better to do than get drunk on cheap beer and watch RTL all day while getting Hartz IV, this country is fucking gold. But if you are smart and hard working and want to get out on top it is so fucking hard to get anything done. Wages for high skilled jobs are low, high positions jobs are 95% given through nepotism and taxes fuck you in the ass and mouth.
As some have already said the last thread, only way to make it is starting an own business, but that's not as easy done as said because of the retarded amount of bureaucracy and how fucking slow the bureaucracy is here.

>> No.49273251

>>beautiful willing women
My man has never been to Poland

>> No.49273451

i can attest to that sadly

besides the point on the women, beauty is subjective but one thing is with german millenial women and younger gens is objetivly true, that is a large proportion of them is hardcore feminist who votes globohomo exclusivly and is eternally unhappy

>> No.49273921

thanks for playing reichfag, enjoy being a rusko cuck

>> No.49274542

$20, €10
$2k, €700
$20k, 0€

Please go abroad, one idiot less in this shithole atleast

>> No.49274596

>How the FUCK are you supposed to make it in this shithole???
you can't, this is what you get for giving women the right to vote, see you after this shitty society collapses

>> No.49275341

Everything negative said in this thread is utterly true, and more
Everyone in this thread who is exploiting this c*nt is utterly based
Everyone with a cluster of brain cells utterly hates this country and the """people""" in it, and either has a remote property, or plans on fucking off / has already fucked off
The govt will try to fuck you over in every way, enslave you, and spit in your face and expect you to be happy and grateful about it, and every NPC will reinforce this sentiment
Germany and the German spirit and soul died a long long time ago, modern Germany should have never existed, and in a way it doesn't bcuz this is a golem country, a charade, puppeteered as a walking corpse
If you think American boomers are bad you haven't seen German boomers, German boomers are the boomers of boomers, 10x more vile and despicable
The avg German loves paying taxes and thinks it is a good thing
Apart from some high-tier engineering, every other quality of Germany is exaggerated and depends on its old reputation, everything about this country is utterly mediocre in every way, this country is sytematically designed to be frustratingly mediocre, and to keep the people (You) in a frustratingly mediocre life, all to exploit everything in it for profit and control
Not even dooming/memeing, I've been here my whole life and around a lot, everything is true, all of it, and I have not even tangentially adressed the more grim and fucked up things
The only good thing is the crypto tax, once that is gone it'd be an ancestral moral duty to nuke this place, but it's not like most of the above does not equally apply to any (Western) European country, everyone is fucked in their own way, but Germany is the poster child of the golemization of the European people and Western civilization
Thanks for listening to my Minecraft-Dystopia-Server roleplay exposition, you can find the IP in our discord!!!
I truly love this country and not going to prison for thinking and saying the wrong things ^^

>> No.49275625

The country itself is wonderful. It's the people, their mindset and the system/politicians that's bad.

>> No.49276250

thats kinda what he said

>> No.49276446
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>make $50k a year
>only pay $9k in taxes
Ah, feels good to live in the land of the free.

>> No.49276608
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>42% tax
top German tax bracket is 45%. But average tax rate in Germany actually paid is 15%, dye to incremental rate brackets
>11% social security
it’s 9.3% SS, but there is also unemployment insurance (1%+) and long term care (1.5%) Plus healthcare.
>19% VAT
yes, but that is the standard rate, most things you use are at reduced rate of 7% VAT
>25.5% capital gains tax
it’s 26.375% (incl surcharge). BUT it is a tax haven like 0% on crypto gains if you hold longer than 1yr.
>2.2€/lt car fuel
I drive an e-car
>200€/year TV license
it’s just part of taxes, a property tax charged on every household
>1000€ car tax per year
0 euro for my Taycan because it is electric
>median income barely €20k net(fuck those like statistics saying €45k median income)
star is skewed due to tons of part time workers and students working 10yrs until graduated

>> No.49276614

I used to live in Germany but moved to US.
Indeed the taxation level in Western Europe is a fucking disaster and no your healthcare is not free either.

>> No.49276673
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>> No.49276691
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only for private Veräußerungsgeschäfte, not on capital gains faggot!

>> No.49276714

>top German tax bracket is 45%.
No it's not. If you are single then you pay the highest tax rate (depends on your Steuerklasse)

So i wonder if you could sue the government for not giving you a female so you could lower your taxes.

>> No.49276745

But techno music and anal gay sex??

>> No.49276899

the worst thing that is not on his list is people like you. lots of people like you.

>> No.49276970
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>> No.49278406

You are not supposed to make it by design

>> No.49278427

In most countries getting gibs mean you can't leave

>> No.49278451

France is 65% taxes

>> No.49278488

Lol, you're wasting your money on trash and then cry on 4ch on every topic. Be wiser, kiddies, check out Enegra

> Token supported by actual shares
> Legit company operating for 10+ years
> Multi-billion $$$ assets backing the equity!

>> No.49278583

>No German university is in the top 50 in the world
depends on the degree, german universities are absolutely in the top 50 for plenty of degrees

>> No.49278613

Seems dumb now but techno music was the reason i moved back to germany after being offered a working visa overseas. Make of that what you will

>> No.49278655

>education-wise I think most German unis are pretty good
disagree, but it's probably even worse outside of germany.
researchers getting forced to teach student is very bad for teaching quality.

>> No.49278989
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Skulduggery, crime, mercenary operations, privateering, prostitution, immigration. Same as it's been all throughout European history.

>215 sqft
>Space for 2 people.

>> No.49279161

literally a soulless streamlined cuckshed, lmao and at that price
this is only one two steps away from ze pod

>> No.49279498


Arguably worse. Ze pod is isolated and atomized, but at least that means it's private. They expect you to have a roommate for zis pod in particular.

If you're American, count your blessings and don't squander your opportunity. Know that things can get much, much worse.

>> No.49279552

>(((University rankings)))
Kek, are you guys retarded? The rankings are notorious for their bullshit trash assesments and biases. If you use that as a measure of success, you're ngmi. Prestige is one thing, but in terms of education, any university can get you into a good position so long as you're capable. Do NOT fucking rely on the rankings or give it any thought besides maybe, an indicator of prestige.
>t. mathlet student at a German university.

>> No.49279564

>europoor thread

>> No.49280874

kek uncle adolf was right and you are just super kiked like the rest of the west

>> No.49281772
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Based mexicanon, i can relate. My mom is from CDMX and i live in germany. The people are enviers and seem very cold sometimes. I can't even pinpoint what's wrong with these pendejos. Everything needs too be black on white here, for every piece of shit you need a piece of paper. The people are like cattle and most of the time ultra lefties. They have no interesting topics to talk about, just wörk, vaccation, the newest vaccine, what the politician schlunzekranz said about the war, blahblablah. It really is as mediocre here as the other anon said. I just want to fuck off to a small village or somewhere else. Even mexico might be more fun than here

>> No.49281970

uhhh cool?

>> No.49282010
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>I'm self-employed. I can offer to give an entire year's rent upfront but they won't rent to you unless you have an employer.
Can confirm. It's hilarious.
I made it in 2017 with crypto.
When I was looking I had literally 1.5 Million Eurobucks in cash in my bank account.

Everybody just asking for work and income lel.

At the end, I found a place that was advertised on a site for student rentals but was a normal large apartment and the couple living there wanted 5k€ for their old furniture. Got the place because I was the only person willing to fork out 5k for their stuff.

To then get accepted by the real landlord company I had to give them a PERSONAL GUARANTEE signed by my dad (boomer with a normal job). Income verification and credit score of my dad.
Meanwhile, I had like 4 Million or so in total assets which meant nothing to them.
Such a joke of a country.

>> No.49282327

>The people are like cattle and most of the time ultra lefties. They have no interesting topics to talk about, just wörk, vaccation, the newest vaccine, what the politician schlunzekranz said about the war, blahblablah.
This is one of the worst things, you don't even feel like you're with real living breathing humans, literal NPCs, they just talk about the most extreme banalities, work, and [current thing], that's all theu ever do

Can also confirm, decrepit bureaucrat boomer country that can't modernize (and never will), most don't even want to accept any x years of advance payment
The only time you won't have this problem is when you rent expensive shit that the avg guy can't afford, suddenly nobody gives a fuck anymore where the money comes from or what you do or stupid petty clown shit like that, easily the worst Western / 1st world country

>> No.49282563

Dont move to the us.

We are a racemixed and jewed shithole.

Your children will be raised to hate their roots and kneel to niggers. Think about it.

America lead hundred thousands of german americans to kill germany.

You will never have a white community ever again. Think about it

>> No.49282609

Can german anon tell me how bad is the racemixing problem. Is the german millenial right?

Cant he move to eastern germany

Unfortunately, most german girls are sluts, this is known