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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 130 KB, 1080x1080, 46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49256487 No.49256487 [Reply] [Original]

That's right folks $46. Get in or watch the most obvious alpha centauri space mission pass you by right in front of your face, as your faggot ass uses the browser every single day for hours on end browsing this shitty site looking for the next doggy-doo-dick $10k mc shitcoin to make you rich, while the BAT logo sits there taunting you calling you a retard. get in or stay poor faggot. nigger.

>> No.49256521

Oh look, it's this thread again.

- Sent from my Brave browser

>> No.49256590
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>> No.49256598

Community call tomorrow. MAU update in a few days.

Wen search ads? I'll feel a lot better when BAT is back over 50c.

>> No.49256664

i will sell at $46.99

>> No.49256685


god im dumb

>> No.49256740

Token not sneeded and BAT will NEVER pump too much. It's literally given away for free, I earned 100 of it and never read any of the ads or clicked on them, and I can't even do anything with it or withdraw it without having to KYC my browsing info to the Jews which I'm not doing for 30 United States dollars

Can't believe you retards actually BUY this shit, like you pay for it with your own money lmao so fucking dumb

>> No.49256788
File: 31 KB, 550x638, A359DEBC-B039-4377-8DBB-96A3478034B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where those fucking nazi’s from the last BAT thread?

>> No.49256833

based bliggity

>> No.49256836

enjoy your free $4600 in bat when it moons retard

nice 88 digits on the nazi post. idk what you are talking about though.

>> No.49256924

Only someone who sees their own attention and time as worthless thinks BAT is free. Poor and worthless faggot spotted.

>> No.49257010

>I'll feel a lot better when BAT is back over 50c.
The Golden Bull run seems it might be officially back. BTC will exceed 100k and BAT will realistically settle around $7-8. If search ads are released in the next 2 months I can see double digit BAT. Thing is, you know they can release that and self serve at any time, but they won’t tell us until maybe a week in advance if at all.

>> No.49257084

The worst part about BAT is the community.
I despise you all.

>> No.49257237
File: 94 KB, 1280x728, IMG_20220530_180704_254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT is heavily, heavily oversold right now. It's sitting on the price range where it's traded almost the entirety of it's volume since the ICO, and OG batties like me that bought back in the day are starting to come back and buy more with fresh cash for the first time in years. The diminishing volume on BAT and the huge reduction in exchange balances are signalling that the accumulation phase is nearing completion, and now we can go much higher on the next subsequent pumps to new highs. Anyone that was holding bags of this had 2 chances to sell near $2, so if they missed the first one they almost certainly exited on the November pump. The only holders still left inside this coin are expecting much higher prices.

The price structure alone on this is good if you were a purely technical trader, but when you add in the search ads and the increase in utility and fundamentals etc etc that's when it becomes a very asymmetric opportunity with limited downside and 100x potential (or more). I can't for the life of me understand people that unironically shit on BAT

>> No.49257319

giga bull flag

>> No.49257532
File: 91 KB, 1454x752, bat vs bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price relative to bitcoin has been following the same trend for years, it is pretty much at a fair value.

>> No.49257543

How high are we going?

>> No.49257721

Are we still having a coke boat party?

>> No.49257723
File: 97 KB, 1280x725, IMG_20220530_183215_625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The BAT/BTC chart is just a huge flag. If it does end up being the bear market gainer or "the new LINK" like some people have been saying, then it will look something like the blue line which is LINK/BTC from this same point. It all depends on whether Brave can pull it off and actually release search ads and stuff in a timely manner I suppose.

>How high are we going
I will keep the majority of my stack until well into the double digits

>> No.49257784

Will 2k BAT be enough to make it?

>> No.49257790
File: 117 KB, 713x657, 1618001042559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe thot poster can supply some high end hookers. i guess they would be called escorts or something at that price range though.

>> No.49257833

nice id, c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-qqq COCK GOB

no 2k isnt enough to make it, unless you live in the shittiest 3rd world country on earth. it will make you some good money though i suppose.

>> No.49258193
File: 390 KB, 800x1200, 1652127255773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets come up with some good questions for the community call tomorrow! One off the top of my noggin I just thought of as an excuse to post this picture is "What sort of products will be prioritized on the Pay with Bat store?" As for me, dragon dildo strap-ons would be my first request

>> No.49258219

Imagine the smell of that string. this gristles my groestl.

>> No.49258237

>"What sort of products will be prioritized on the Pay with Bat store?"
you mean like the swag store or what

>> No.49258261

I just did a market bought 61k BAT am I gonna make it?

>> No.49258283
File: 308 KB, 1536x2048, 1653248871555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the plan, just Brave swag?

>> No.49258305

this girl must go to the gym to only work on her ass the entire time and then leave

>Is that the plan, just Brave swag?
no i think thats just the first thing they are testing it on

>> No.49258310

Is the swag store gonna consist of more than just Brave shit? Is it gonna be a full blown consignment marketplace with verified sellers and power drills and wiper blades etc.? If so, holy fuck we’re hitting $40 this year aren’t we?

>> No.49258330

they are going to expand it but they are starting with just the brave merch initially

>> No.49258364
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>> No.49258387

tomorrow he will be saying that hes filing a complaint about bat to the sec kek

>> No.49258533

I’ve been saying this for years. I generally don’t like most crypto. Imagine having to invent a new technical term called “ponzinomics” to validate the use case for your scummy shitcoins.

>> No.49258674

When goggles.
When pay with BAT.
What will pay with BAT look like? What will that mean for vbat - increased use case for unverified users?
When is self serve coming?
Progress on themis?
Progress on roadmap 2.0 where it says

>BAT utility for search engines.
>Use of BAT for e-commerce.
>Use of BAT for VPN and various private communication platforms.
>BAT rewards for content verified on IPNS.
>Ability to use BAT for content pinning on IPFS (file sharing).

Also BAT in gaming? Any plans? Maybe a games section in wallet or some way to utilize vbat in games.

>> No.49258704

An anon in a previous thread said something like the integration of simple games with scoreboard on the new tab page so I can demolish everyone in them. People would love playing them.

based cam bless him

>> No.49258706

Don't you all get tired of posting the same copium for months on end? Brendan doesn't know what he's doing and it's never going back over a dollar.
>b-but X & Y are coming in 2 weeks

>> No.49258834

I’ve been saying this for years. Brave needs games not email. Games will keep users on Brave longer which equals more ads and better anon profiling based on the particular game selected

>> No.49258849
File: 126 KB, 1431x536, Screenshot_20220530-193702_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scratches from the dog, you just know.

>> No.49258858

The main issue with Brave is this fucking KYC imo

BAT should be sent directly to the Brave Wallet (on chain)

Having to fill a KYC to get a few dollars each month is a non-sense

>> No.49258912
File: 229 KB, 1242x1811, 6A9E0709-8F34-4C50-A25A-33F4CA573CD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TP is always around Miami thots posting with them. You can have the escorts since I’ll be busy breeding tp. Those hips are made for child bearing

>> No.49258958

Pretty much every crypto gives their token away for free. At least Brave is paid by advertisers to do it.

>> No.49258964

Dude you really don’t think Brendan got advised by jew lawyers that work closely with Gensler to help him prevent getting XRP’d? If he could stop KYC without going to trial he would’ve did it yesterday

>> No.49258965

hmmm...if they brought back a kongregate style tab that users could keep open in the background that could be quite lucrative and boost token trade volume.

>> No.49259036

>I just did a market bought 61k BAT am I gonna make it?
39k to go and you’re a BAT capo regime with a make it stack for collateral

>> No.49259090

that would be awesome, they could just show ads in the game and you earn BAT and the dev of the game earns a % and then brave earns a %. theres so many opportunities for them with stuff like this that they really should be exploring

>> No.49259098

Well I had 21k to begin with

>> No.49259114

well then you only need 18k more. BrO id will make it

>> No.49259141
File: 426 KB, 780x1014, 1653118848704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are gonna make it anon

>> No.49259178

Yea the bro id is bullish

>> No.49259204

I have 140k BAT. Am I gonna make it??

>> No.49259232
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>> No.49259259

Fuck yeah

>> No.49259289

140k will make it for sure. whenever you sell to cash out your millions, make sure you save some and set aside at least 10k bat minimum even when you think it couldnt possibly go any higher, and let it ride and see what happens

>> No.49259321
File: 518 KB, 624x465, 1647255506625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love u

>> No.49259381

It's on my to-do list, though I've got a few other things I've been busy with. Will likely have to be a community effort for the time being however.

>> No.49259411

>It's on my to-do list
whats on your to-do list? making brave games? do you work for brave or something idgi

>> No.49259424

How many BAT should I buy if I want to have 1m in USD by 2025?

>> No.49259483


>> No.49259491
File: 62 KB, 300x250, 2lvinc2c7uARQt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contract for them, but also do other contract work. Most of the Brave-tan artwork I made also, the 4chan Brave ad campaign was me too (pic related)

>> No.49259510

Yeah good luck with your Pi network browser Chuck E. Cheese tokens, fucking retard

>> No.49259564

nice. all we need is a game as simple as this


>> No.49259773

I sold all my BAT because if it was any good it would've gone up and not cratered. Never made a dime in years. Sad.

>> No.49259821

>I sold all my BAT because if it was any good it would've gone up and not cratered.
smart move. i mean its not like the entire crypto market went down or anything

>> No.49259860

> buy top
> sell bottom

>> No.49259865

Is a cup of coffee $46?

>> No.49259890

Again, I doubt it's big on their priorities so it'd have to be a community thing for the time being. I know some people are doing NFT stuff, some maybe a Minecraft server, but I'm not familiar with official progress of big things like selve serve.

>> No.49259901


>> No.49259902
File: 273 KB, 1708x1096, NICECHART.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a difference between a ~50% retrace (BTC, ETH) and 75% capitulation but people hate actual facts in a shill thread so go ahead and downvote me, niggers. :^)

>> No.49259947

all alts retraced similar amounts to bat if not more. even btc went -63% from top to bottom. suck a dick john.

>> No.49259988

nah, you already have mine in your mouth baggie
shoulda sold at $1.80 dumbfuck

>> No.49260012

i forgot you spend all your time in bat threads including copy pasta and images saved on your desktop because you sold the top

>> No.49260013

> when losing half your investment is cool

>> No.49260048


This dude is fuming over losing 1k. Poor people are always like this.

>> No.49260106

the guy is obsessed. i cant imagine what type of 4th world shit hole he lives in.

>> No.49260156
File: 18 KB, 600x450, 72c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit, someone's fucking up our shill thread! quick just deflect!
>what's our angle?
>idk say he's poor or something maybe if we can have one interrupted thread we can create some exit liquidity
>genius, I can try to say he's a dedicated nolife FUDder too, that will totally discredit them because people totally read these threads and believe us!
i'm not the ones who keep making these lazy, shit threads for actual years now so who's really wasting time here?

>> No.49260170

Chips ahoy would eat this the fuck up

>> No.49260178

It's not just one guy, there's a fair number that switch out. Even I contribute sometimes. Didn't you get the notice?

>> No.49260185

creating exit liquidity from a bunch of poor faggots on this gay website lmao

yeah i can tell what type of shitty coins you fuck around with. you cant pump a top 100 coin from a shill thread on biz you absolute fuckin retard.

>> No.49260196

You are wasting your time. I assume since you are so much smarter your talents would be better spent doing something else.

>> No.49260237

>they have no actual rebuttal because I am absolutely spot on
lmao @ ur lives

>> No.49260250
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>> No.49260257

yes you are right, you caught us ok. we are trying to shill our coin to dump on the $10 worth of liquidity available from this website. now stop ruining our threads, you are making it impossible to dump

>> No.49260263

>you cant pump a top 100 coin from a shill thread on biz you absolute fuckin retard.
I’m not sure I agree with this but I get your point

>> No.49260285

People post here because they are bored and want to call people faggots. That’s it.

>> No.49260361

Thank god

>> No.49260385

Well yea, I like calling people niggers and faggits just as much as the next man, but these BAT threads, a rigged election and my controversial political views made me start using Brave again and looking at 4chan after a brief hiatus. I fell asleep at the wheel when orange man was running the show. It also made me take a closer look at BAT as one of the few viable crypto investments with a product I actually use

>> No.49260471

Speak for yourself. Biz is great if you know how to filter, good memes, good bantz, good alpha, interest rates, all that. Also the shitcoin lottery, though I don't partake.

>> No.49260574

i just like to call people niggers

>> No.49260745

Self-serve ad platform
Brave swap rewards
Pay with BAT
Brave search ads
BAT purchases for ads growing at a fast pace
Brave talk improvements
Brave CEX
100m users by EOY
Marketing campaign
Interactive ads
Publisher ads
Crypto DAPP store
One-click staking from wallet
Multi-chain support
Integrated VPN
Improved tipping functionality
Brave NFT store
BAT use in metaverse
Celebs and podcasters promoting it for free
Duckduckgo now censoring results which drives more users to Brave
People hate Google
On-chain metrics show accumulation and record low amounts of BAT on exchanges
Grayscale BAT holdings increasing

>> No.49260970
File: 130 KB, 1008x630, 1653254148895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking better believe it. I made the yacht post a few times over the years. If we hit 42 dollars. The florida yacht party is on.

Make sure you have your bat off the exchange and in a private wallet. That will be the entry to get on the boat. Prove you held 1000 bat or more before we moon

>> No.49260997
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>disable all ads on brave browser cuz you could not pay me to view an ad
>literally havent seen an ad in years, my web browsing experience is kino
>over three million ads blocked btw
>buy BAT
>hold BAT

>> No.49261011
File: 210 KB, 755x1072, 1653912984019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I spotted all of you here.

>> No.49261042




>> No.49261300

4th row 3rd across. MAGA my niggers

>> No.49262223

Lads is 10k the suicide stack still?

>> No.49262480


>> No.49262544
File: 19 KB, 349x150, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how you bros lookin so far this month?

theres no way that they can keep paying out 20 bat per month per person with the amount of liquid supply left. the price has to go up and the amount of bat received will have to go down

>> No.49262637
File: 19 KB, 397x281, may22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad

>> No.49262656


>> No.49262662

By 2025 i should be a fucking rich man because I am picking up GSTAR and CALO at presale prices

>> No.49262697

use Brave

>> No.49262745

im on my computer basically all day. i dont use brave news though, maybe thats where i am missing out. i like the news thing i just forget that its there.

>> No.49262748

This is why anyone who is not a mouth breather buys the tokens. Its physically impossible for every user to have over 25 tokens yet they are giving out that amount each month. Its just a waiting game at this point and the accumulators are getting fatter.

>> No.49262749

what region are you set to? I'm on brave everyday and I'm at 10 this month

>> No.49262852

i think search ads is going to be the thing that really pushes it over the edge. they will have to buy and distribute a ton of bat for that.

>> No.49263158

when do they land

>> No.49263188

Why do people use a browser that's literally malware?

>> No.49263311

Does the brave wallet count?