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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 93 KB, 1080x677, IMG_20220530_130430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49249781 No.49249781 [Reply] [Original]

This is sustainable right?

>> No.49249796


>> No.49249811

Take profits you stupid motherfucker

>> No.49249842

Yes keep it open you can make it with that position

>> No.49249883


>> No.49249906
File: 64 KB, 498x498, 1637878371876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds about right kek

>> No.49249951

Taje profits niggerfucker. Good enough for a screenshot, good enough to close position

>> No.49249991
File: 49 KB, 1080x318, IMG_20220530_131535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I dare god to liquidate me and free me from this hell.

>> No.49250053

Good job, bro. My long entry is pretty low too. I'm not closing until at least $80.

>> No.49250071

You have to be a special kind of retard to long this, on leverage too lmao, natural selection at work. Can't wait for all you fags to get liquidated.

>> No.49250101

>Special kind of retard
Feels good to be a shiny

>> No.49250127

never post a long on biz
holy shit dude, get out nowwww

>> No.49250390
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I am a glass cannon, please snipe me plz

>> No.49250428

Youre a special kind of retard aren't you, bet you told the teacher about the broken glass before you stepped on it

>> No.49250485


>> No.49250558
File: 80 KB, 514x515, F4DC4620-E4F9-4FA1-A3E3-64E683B29E35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An underage larping as a businessman, who gambles his entire fortune ($122) with absolute crap trying to turn it into 1 billion.
>Basically every lunc holder is a delusional Vincent.

>> No.49250656

3,000 profit and now OP is down top fooking kek

>> No.49250769

Why are you forcing a meme?

>> No.49251017

I’m not forcing it, im just one of those posting. We agree that Vincent is anyone that buys lunc and is pissing in the wind while thinking they will become ultra millionaires. It’s a great kek desu

>> No.49251053

how diluted is the pool for the retards who bought LUNC? my brother bought LUNC and I have no idea if he's above or under water.

>> No.49251297
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At some point I will get burned.

>> No.49251351

What is this new age retarded vincent zoomer shit

>> No.49251422

it's a character from some netflix "adult" cartoon

>> No.49251509
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>> No.49251538
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>It’s a great kek desu

>> No.49251635

i'm with you bro
$20 today

kucoin is horrible though, shit UI, scam wicks everywhere, no market orders

>> No.49251659
File: 68 KB, 1065x382, IMG_20220530_142843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeeee fuck lunc fags

>> No.49251676

If it’s good enough to screenshot, it’s good enough to sell. Brb opening a short

>> No.49251691

It’s simple. Vincent is someone who gambles a pissy amount on something like shib, lunc, safemoon..thinking they are genius businessmen they then proceed to fully buy in and post about the fairy tale that it will make them millions and millions of dollars. Vincents are delusional. There are Vincents everywhere on /biz.

>> No.49251719

Profit with Enegra? EZ!

> Token backed by actual shares
> Real company existing for 10+ years
> Multi-billion $$$ assets backing the shares!

>> No.49251784

KuCoin is not letting me set my order in - i’m tapping buy after setting up my order and nothing happens. any idea why?

>> No.49251833

no one fucking cares about your boomer tier old fag meme, nigger. stop reducing people to just their names and go back to calling people faggots and niggers like a normal person.
>we agree that
making your cringe self seem like a bigger entity is really weak and small chin energy my guy, yikes

>> No.49251898
File: 70 KB, 1080x524, IMG_20220530_143852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ight I'm done. Not bad for 600$ investment.
Gonna go spend it on some cheap ladyboi bussy. See ya lads

>> No.49251916

Because your trying to buy.. only true lunchads sell this shit to the ground..

>> No.49251938

Very nice anon. Thanks for letting me know I could short this to ground now.. just opened 5x short.

>> No.49251953

>True Luna Chad's
Tribalism is why /biz/ stays poor. This is about making money, nothing more.

>> No.49251954

>stop reducing people to just their names.
You sound like a pussy Vincent. You are the meme lmfao

>> No.49251979

Fair enough.. feels good not gunna lie tho to have been here a but early to see the hype grow and buy a bag at 0.00007 a couple weeks ago. Now I'm gunna short 2na with my air drop..

>> No.49252015

Cringe forced Vincent meme pushed by one dickless poster. Didn't get a free moon bag of of lunc paid for by an airdrop, will never make it.

>> No.49252021

Like wise. I bought around 0.00008 and flipped it into his trade.

Volume is king, and nothing creates volume like futures

>> No.49252052
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>> No.49252153

This is the easiest long ever, shorters are going to get absolutely rekt

>> No.49252235

based but gay

>> No.49252244

>Liquidation price is where the price was like 3 hours ago
Jesus Christ do leverage fags really? Your liquidation price should be way lower.

>> No.49252259

I stay away from leverage trade currently. My plan is to buy EQ token at public offering and I am sticking to that

>> No.49252275
File: 30 KB, 600x584, B76CF20E-CFCD-44E8-9C88-429391E2A810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grrr someone tell me why my long/short button on KuCoin does nothing

>> No.49252343

I sold, shorted, sold, longed, than shorted again.

>> No.49252362

Sorry no short at the end. Just sold.

>> No.49252452

The end value of this pos scam token is 0. People really falling for this again.

>> No.49252494

I shorted.. looks like a tasty time at 8.90 what you think?

>> No.49252508

Which is why we are shorting this shit now. OP did well with long early but long term that might not be the play

>> No.49252510

>End value
Whoooo fucking cares? I didn't invest in lunc or Luna for the community. I invested because it had the most attention both in media and in regards to volume on exchanges.

>> No.49252938
File: 27 KB, 419x444, 1639070888406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed I just longed WAGMI

>> No.49253030

Can somebody explain to me why it’s bullish? I’m not touching this with a ten foot pole

>> No.49253076

number is lower than it was before

>> No.49253093

Your post sounds like anyone who has ever invested in crypto not just coping shitcoins

>> No.49253134

More room for trading with leverage.

Most volume from exchanges(including stocks) is created by leverage trading.

>> No.49253149

Yeah no shit I get that but why this, a project that literally destroyed lives? Why not another coin?

>> No.49253167

Did you fill in all the required fields

>> No.49253211

It's not bullish at all. retards think it is bullish because its in the news for crashing to 0 and everyone knows about it. Short this on leverage after binance listing tomorrow and thank me later

>> No.49253249

>Literally destroyed lives
>Thinks people who gamble with millions care
Because your thinking too emotionally about it. Follow the money, the money is currently supporting this very hard.

>> No.49253266

as I said, people are buying it because it's price was higher before it crashed. It's nothing more than a temporary hype play that will crash hard when the news around it starts to fade.

>> No.49253282

>Short on binance after listing.
I would highly suggest doing otherwise, listings are usually a high pump that dump to a new resistance level. I'd wait until initial pump starts to decline before even thinking about it.

>> No.49253283
File: 81 KB, 740x724, 4a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit horseman

>> No.49253313

>News around it
Yes anon, a project that has been in the top 10 for nearly a year is just hype. There is a lot of institutional money sunk into this.

>> No.49253333

Top tier kek

>> No.49253507


>> No.49253846
File: 2.56 MB, 480x480, cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bragging about playing with a man's asshole
you ruined it bro

>> No.49253856

It's broken

>> No.49253974
File: 89 KB, 1080x567, IMG_20220530_162553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lied

>> No.49254050

Why did it start to pump god damn it

>> No.49254100 [DELETED] 

While ATM I can't tell but if you are convinced, you can give it a trial. As for me, I'm very much positive on _SYS_ for a great green run in the coming weeks. Sy.scoin's latest roadmap is incredible, delving into significant technological advancements in anticipation of future economies of scale.

>> No.49254124

Accurate for majority of posters in luna related threads.

>> No.49254130

It makes no sense

>> No.49254153

>Makes no sense
If you read the actual thread you would have read that kucoin leverage trading started at 12.

>> No.49254174

So what? Why do people wanna long it instead of short it? It’s a scam project and it never should have even remained to exist

>> No.49254204

Short it than. Quit whining.

>> No.49254286

Short it then you fag, I dare you. You'll get liquidated eventually

>> No.49254328

I legally can’t even short it

>> No.49254352

Not my problem.

>> No.49254593

Letting the government tell you what you can do with your money, NGMI

>> No.49254768

jesus christ wtf is going on

>> No.49254789
File: 66 KB, 1080x422, IMG_20220530_170513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know, don't care.

>> No.49254846

Holy fuck I just ape longed and instantly lost 50% lmao

>> No.49254886

Where the fuck is this?

>> No.49254937

Nice gains, is a perpetual a never ending contract? Also, can I use Luna as collateral? Don't know how to trade futures, usually trade margin

>> No.49255006

Same, I bought 10 LUNA but I feel like I'm missing out if I just hold

>> No.49255188

How lol it went up in a straight line

>> No.49255383

Longs getting liq'd right now lol.