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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 200x200, iota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4890070 No.4890070 [Reply] [Original]

Hope you guys are on the IOTA rocket

>> No.4890092
File: 2.02 MB, 5753x2343, awaoken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Estimated time til launch: 1h 45m

>> No.4890210

2,5 giota reporting in

>> No.4890214


>> No.4890235
File: 397 KB, 500x785, you-have-been-visited-by-the-roof-top-korean-of-24814199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t every fucking day for the past week

>> No.4890278

>implying there's any gains in checking /biz/ every fucking day for the past week

get away from my iota

>> No.4890627

It was on korea before tho.

>> No.4890767
File: 92 KB, 500x447, barkseternally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1Giota standing by

>> No.4890862

strapped in. ready for lauch

>> No.4890887

>creeping up to resistance on no fucking volume
this is gonna be fun

>> No.4890898

reporting still moving funds to iota so hope the launch isnt for at least a week

>> No.4890900

How do I buy IOTA? I bet the price would be 5x higher if you could actually buy it somewhere reputable

>> No.4890913

What are the rankings for IOTArines? 5 Gi reporting in

>> No.4890921
File: 71 KB, 360x403, 1503153323744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw waiting for my 50 MIOTA to turn me into a billionaire

long term gains or bust

>> No.4890940

>I bet the price would be 5x higher if you could actually buy it somewhere reputable

And I bet the price would be lower if a lot of people who can't access their IOTA actually could

>> No.4890946

gotta pump up those numbers boi

>> No.4890956

>muh two month old reddit memes
welp, it's better than the refugee meme at least

>> No.4890989


Alright. Call me back too when they actually turn off the centralized authenticator and the system doesn't shit itself

>> No.4891003

result is literally happening rn. kek

he warned you.

>> No.4891013

What do you think the centralized authenticator does? Do you actually think every single transaction goes through it? It doesn't show a single sign of centralization.

>> No.4891027

>call me back when it has already mooned

>> No.4891031

50 MIOTA being worth 1 billion would be 20 million per M

With 2,779,530,283 MIOTA circulating supply, that would be a market cap of $55 quadrillion, or the entire cash and liquid assets of approximately 10 Earths

>> No.4891067
File: 100 KB, 162x162, 1510379960394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw only have $15 in BTC and can't send it from coinbase to binance without a $16 fee so I cant fucking buy any iota rn. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

>> No.4891078
File: 48 KB, 680x496, 1491516063904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing i plan on investing in alternate realities as well. i already have a lot of money in stark industries/oscorp

>> No.4891086

how do you think asteroid mining and interstellar exploration is going to be funded?

>> No.4891550

and off we go. if the Q news were released right now, it wouldn't stop until $10

>> No.4891569
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...So you're saying to hodl?

>> No.4891600

2.7 million GIOTA vs 27 million BTC

>> No.4891651
File: 331 KB, 800x800, 1512683440228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop forcing bro

anyone that was smart enough to get on space rocket already on it, no need to waste energy and time on /biz/ anymore.

>> No.4891704

There are 16m btc and max 21 you mongrel.

I still Favour iota tho.

>> No.4891987

how much is one iota? I'm seeing around $4, doesn't that mean the minimum transaction is $4 because you can only send whole iotas?

>> No.4892009

All the volume are bots anyway. The price can pretty much be anything the whales want it to be.

>> No.4892019
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1.65 Reporting for duty, Sir!

>> No.4892028

This coin has a serious IQ entry requirement that 70% of people fail.

>> No.4892071

You guys late to the party are delusional as fuck. It already 10x. Most you can hope for now is 3x by the end of 2018.

>> No.4892095

$4 for 1 MIOTA = 1,000,000 IOTA

>> No.4892104

It's $4 for a million IOTA you fathead

>> No.4892113


>> No.4892116

why the fuck doesn't isn't that in the tickers? all it says is USD/IOTA

>> No.4892128
File: 12 KB, 275x250, 23559837_538904096458257_2627137814255456504_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor problems.
>15 in BTC

>> No.4892151

There's been a lot of debate in the community. Though the official symbol is MIOTA, and what you're trading on exchanges gets measured in MIOTA, despite it saying BTC/IOTA or ETH/IOTA.

>> No.4892159
File: 31 KB, 1280x344, sgfsgsfdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the biggest competitor, it also has a working wallet and only 75M market cap

>> No.4892218

18yo and working min wage trying to afford college. cut me some slack faggot

>> No.4892221

BTC has 10x'd multiple times when we thought the 10x'ing was over

>> No.4892237

You'd know if you took 5 minutes to research the coin.

>> No.4892244
File: 13 KB, 353x352, 19cl2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had 1k miota
i lost 75%
down to just 250miota
I fucked up so bad

Give me hope please

>> No.4892286

IOTA is the real deal and real life implications and uses. Long Hold Baby!!

>> No.4892301

Cause BTC is King. No other alt has done this so now you're delusional in thinking iota will be the first because...?

>> No.4892305
File: 24 KB, 552x468, 1497135608962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lost it? how did you do that?

>> No.4892317

Why are all sites shit that let you buy crypto with Euro?

>> No.4892322
File: 1.70 MB, 1215x1532, 1502338503915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought over 1K MIOTA at $4 and you guys laughed at me. Now I'm up like 700 dollars. Holding on tho. This baby is going to the MOON. $10 miota by 2018, baby!

>> No.4892326

>tfw people said IOTA was done at $1 when it went back to 50c

I mean why the fuck even bother thinking about it? Go buy LINK and REQ like the rest of the brainlets and wake up to red numbers like the pleb you are

>> No.4892336

panic selling and panic buying

>> No.4892360

im long on iota, hopefully M$ news pushes. Honestly only long on iota and ltc but im retarded and have aids so lets see!

>> No.4892382

what's wrong with coinbase/gdax?

>> No.4892501
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oh. i kinda did something similar, but i havent sold yet. still in the negative and hodling till im not

>bought a dozen at 3.30 the day i set up my accounts, testing the waters/crypto game in general
>ETH transfers were taking forever so i didnt get the rest of it until the next day
>watch the price hover around 4 bucks all day, wishing i could buy more
>wake up, see my ETH has arrived
>iota is suddenly $5
>panic and buy as much as i can, half awake
>immediately goes back down to $3.50

>> No.4892523
File: 787 KB, 808x805, 1510708539024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin does a run to 20k
>you now have $25 in btc
>transaction fee for miners is $20

You just made a net loss of $10.

>> No.4892526

Both are not available in Germany. Fuck it, we're the #1 economy in Europe!

>> No.4892562


>> No.4892586

literally did the same thing trying to trade half asleep :/

>> No.4892603

Free 1 BTC give away! 100 Raffle tickets!


>> No.4892674

>not just using bitfinex
are you dumb? they even have IOTA/EUR pair

>> No.4892709

stfu bitfinex doesnt support US customers anymore

>> No.4892739

>not available in Germany
>bitfinex doesnt support US customers anymore
do you have autism or do you just assume everyone on this board talks to you?

>> No.4892757

Warum sollte es mit coinbase und gdax in DE nicht gehen?
Hab selbst schon dort gekauft. klappt wunderbar.

>> No.4892769

Buy litecoin you idiot.

>> No.4892770

I got in at .37 a month back

>> No.4892778
File: 47 KB, 400x189, 1512730244725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ich würd mich von coinbase ja fern halten, da passieren komische Sachen im Moment. Würd nicht drauf wetten dass es die in zwei wochen noch gibt

>> No.4892792

Sent to gdax from coinbase then from gdax to binace. Will be free desu.

>> No.4892834 [DELETED] 

This pump group has 5k+ members including telegram https://discord.gg/BHqXfP

Were pumping a coin at 10pm GMT, members get the announcement. Literally free money. Protip: it's not IOTA

>> No.4892836

is this the bernstein/berentein universe? i swore this project was called RailBlocks 2 days ago

>> No.4892868

naja gibt halt grad nen großen ansturm auf bitcoins im moment. denke nicht dass man sich da so große sorgen machen muss.
coinbase gehört noch zu den sichersten plattformen wenn nicht gar die sicherste.

>> No.4892942
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1509988787554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iota is a useless vaporware token. They have no network. It's literally an imaginary "excel spreadsheet" token. They don't have a working tangle. The central oordinator just changes wallet balances. This means the devs can move any token from any wallet at any time they feel like it

>> No.4892976

couldnt buy the stupid iota because i didnt know you had to buy at least 18. now my ether transaction from bitflinex to bittrex is pending since 2 days. fuck my life.

maybe the pump and dump will fix this in 2 hours

>> No.4892990

thats why all the big companies and banks and governments will love it

>> No.4893027

literally liberty reserve. do you know what happened to liberty reserve?

>> No.4893080


>> No.4893110

isn't this what happens when any project with such potential comes along? lots of haters. did you ever realize failure leads to success? i wonder why there's so many partnerships and we're in an upward trend rather than a downward trend. stay woke or broke

>> No.4893116
File: 627 KB, 3008x2000, kwEfpNt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck someone photoshop the flag to have IOTA logo and text written on it

>> No.4893864
File: 898 KB, 2200x1238, iota akbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4894042

newfag here. i withdrew my IOTA from bitfinex 3 days ago, and it's still processing. is this normal?

>> No.4894112

bitfinex is fucked atm. It lags and doesnt process withdraws. I tried to withdraw my iota and eth. Didnt work for hours. Until someone on reddit mentioned to change your currency to LTC and withdraw. Did that and went through in less than 10min.

>> No.4894467

I learned the best trick for this. Immediate and free transfer your bitcoin to GDAX, sell your bitcoin for litecoin, transfer back to coinbase, send to binance. Coinbase is having severe issues with bitcoin. Litecoin is much faster. You’re welcome.

>> No.4894574

you can send them from gdax to binance. you don't need coinbase for this.

you can also avoid paying those high coinbase fees when buying bitcoin if you send your fiat money from coinbase to gdax and buy bitcoin on gdax.
gdax has lower fees and even no fees if your order gets written into the order book and gets filled by somebody elses order.

>> No.4894665

>bought only 50 MIOTA at 0.5$
It's my first 10x rocket though, certainly gives me guts for the next time.

>> No.4895113

Oh I guess you’re right. One less step too. Nice.

>> No.4895167


>> No.4895172
File: 64 KB, 493x493, WAKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shits about to moon waaay harder, about to break out lads

>> No.4895260

13.3 GI reporting comfy.

>> No.4895528
File: 1.83 MB, 256x192, fightakangaroo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can access it, even on binance. unless youre a stupid faggot then kys

>> No.4896116

God damn boi, you make me want to increase my holdings. Only ~1.4 giota here :(

>> No.4896241

It's happening

>> No.4896271

>bought in at 4.70 at ATH a few days ago

Am i actually going to make money off that dumbass decision?

>> No.4896455

I got reqt today im hoping this moon's

>> No.4896467

That's 1 Gi you fucking idiot

>> No.4896485

wow easy there bud you're not /pol are you

>> No.4896499
File: 292 KB, 900x600, Kimchi-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that resistance
C'mon you kimchi fuckers let's go

>> No.4896527

>I only have $900 of IOTA

i'm all in though

don't think it's going to be possible for me to make it by just holding at this point

>> No.4896547

get away from my IOTA

>> No.4896556
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>> No.4896585

It has been at 29000 sats FOREVER what are the gooks up to this time

>> No.4896625

i'm not FOMO at all

i'm NEET, $900 is literally ALL I have lol and it's in IOTA

I just don't think it's possible for me to make it in crypto this late in the game with such a small amount of starter cash

>> No.4896629

why not, shit looks good man.

>> No.4896648

didn't mean to reply. Just HODL man you'll be golden in a month. At least by your standards probably

>> No.4896668

And I bought on an average of 1.68. Not too bad. There is always more time to grab some on the dips!

>> No.4896689

Oh shit we're going places STRAP IN

>> No.4896702

>tfw actually holds the 4.70


>> No.4896738


>> No.4896761


>this late in the game
>IOTA just started trading on bitfinex

>> No.4896782

here we go boys, whooooshhh to 6, 7, 8

>> No.4896792

it's literally the same thing

calm your autism, tinydick faggot

>> No.4896851



>> No.4896870


>> No.4896888


>> No.4896918

Get away from my IOTA

>> No.4896924

the crypto bubble has to pop before another coin makes bitcoin 2009-2017 gains though

no way i'm retiring on ~200 IOTA haha

>> No.4896925

Where can I store my IOTA tokens, And what's the best exchange to use?

>> No.4896926

exactly. it's like saying
>1 kilo megawatt
not allowed in SI. i bet ur some dumb ameriblubber

>> No.4896931

Sell now buy the dip

>> No.4896957

50k MIOTA here

>> No.4896967

>only green trades
>doesn't move
whyyyyy kimchi pls

>> No.4896972
File: 18 KB, 480x534, 1512574780601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get away from my iota

>> No.4897006

>fifty thousand million miota

youre gonna be able to buy your own moon in 3 years

>> No.4897053
File: 2.58 MB, 500x281, tumblr_om85n0waWL1r2hy3ro1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IOTA right now

>> No.4897092
File: 124 KB, 771x960, The Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought iota under $1
who else Chad mode

>> No.4897111

>in at 1.30
>swung it a whole lot for like another 45%
hold me biz I'll make it

>> No.4897138

fifty thousand Million IOTA

>> No.4897143
File: 70 KB, 1030x727, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought 3 GIOTA at 70 cents

>> No.4897164

Bought in at $1.49.

My only regret is not selling at $5< and using the proceeds to increase my stake when it dipped. Unfortunately, it was in the middle of the night and I forgot to set a sell order like an idiot.

HODLing this one until late 2018.

>> No.4897181

guys I think this is it

>> No.4897187

Has ANYONE cashed out IOTAs from Bitfinex in the last few days? I am waiting for my 200 Mi for 3 days now

>> No.4897213
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bought 7,5k at 0,55 =)

>> No.4897216

10 dollars inc

>> No.4897223

I feel the same way, but I am notoriously bad at swing trading. I really want to grow my stack. Only sitting on 3.5 Giota and I want so much more.

>> No.4897359
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>> No.4897365
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>there is no going back after 4.85

>> No.4897385

a bitcoin is 100,000,000 satoshis

would you yell at me if I said that I own 100,000,000 satoshis? I bet you would because you are a petty little cock smoking queer

>> No.4897414

I only have $75 but money is money

>> No.4897433

He's being autistic (understandably) about the units. There's no kilo, mega, giga involved in the official notation of bitcoin. There is however in the official notation of IOTA. It's nonsensical to say k MIOTA as that would stand for kilo mega iota which would be 10^3*10^6 which would just be 10^9 ergo giga as prefix. And finally, the insult is aimed at americans because the average american has no fucking idea about scientific notation since you use an outdated system for your every-day-units.

>> No.4897457


>> No.4897475
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>> No.4897479


well called

>> No.4897533
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Imagine if it was 47k with these sats

>> No.4897617
File: 167 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171209-004326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you realize this is just the beginning from a big dip and new ath is inevitable after BTC goes on a run also, 13$ in 3 days

>> No.4897621

I didnt buy in. I feel like its not a smart moment to buy right now..?

>> No.4897677


>> No.4897679

Tfw people think it's going to pass 5 tonight sold at a comfy 480

>> No.4897700

look for your best pink wojak bud

>> No.4897725
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get in loser. were going to the moon.

>> No.4897733

almost baited me into taking profit too early there

>> No.4897789


>> No.4897796
File: 446 KB, 808x805, 1501755362588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw still didn't buy any IOTA because of bank issues for days
> missed on that big ass fucking hike to the stratosphere over the past few days


>> No.4897815

>tfw people laughed when I said this market is predictable
top kek /biz/ stay poor

>> No.4897821


>> No.4897842
File: 165 KB, 1660x789, 1512543919202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is the next big dump

>> No.4897855

I'm out with some profit at 5.10 or as soon as a turnaround becomes visible on the 15 min candles

>> No.4897893

btw the resistances we're hitting are all in iota/btc, not dollars, so keep an eye on that

>> No.4897932

every time I've gone in on IOTA I've been burned for selling too soon


>> No.4898027

I sold at 4.87 can it dip a bit i want to get back in pls

>> No.4898029
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 51384ED6-7D0B-441E-B871-0A233B268868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>binance disabling withdraw

>> No.4898042

it's been like that for iota

>> No.4898056
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$5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5

>> No.4898086
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>> No.4898095

Wtf it's stuck

>> No.4898116
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>> No.4898124


>> No.4898169
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>i am now in the profit zone


>> No.4898171


>> No.4898172
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>> No.4898209


>> No.4898225

hahaha gonna say it again :this shit is going to 3th place on marketcap in the next month. Make your minds up now anons , are you really gonna keep on hating and fudding on it , like the people saying bitcoin is a bubble since 2010 or do you actually want to get rich.

I suggest you keep on hating, and buy in 2 years from now when the food and drink vending machines at your shitty day job in the garbage sorting factory only work on iota.

>> No.4898235

ew i have .98900000 of an iota i cant sell gr9

>> No.4898257
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1511531488228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys just remember, resistance at 5.5,next two days full moon

>> No.4898276

why should we listen to troglodytes

>> No.4898291

it is probably in for another small dip before the 5.5, or at latest from 5.5 down to 5'ish

Hell right now the 31k sat are getting tested hard as fuck

>> No.4898293

Here comes the next impulse wave!

>> No.4898307
File: 42 KB, 638x629, 1505433967046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five dollar now niggers

>> No.4898317

>bought scattered on the way up a few days ago when it was surging

>swing traded the past couple of days during the volatility to increase my stack

>now sitting with a juicy pot of glorious Iotas

Fuck this is comfy.

>> No.4898358

trade it to BNB and sell that way

>> No.4898360
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>> No.4898365

31k sat didn't hold. give it another 20 minutes

>> No.4898387

>nvm bitcoin is just rising
no panic bois, it's just the big boat making some waves

>> No.4898404

Next is bch.

If all you niggers wouldnt fucking dump it as soon it hits $5 it would go beyond it, maybe even to 5,50 or 6.
Greedy fucks ffs

>> No.4898428
File: 77 KB, 900x900, 1512738845618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, regardless of our expectations in the next 12 months etc.

Can we at least agree that, for those of us holding with long-term intentions, this is one of the most comfy holds we've had for a while?

Even with the BTC fuckery, I haven't worried about holding IOTA a single time.

>> No.4898432

That is fucking brilliant

>> No.4898461

holy shit anon god bless you. i'm new to all of this so forgive me for being a retard, but thanks man

>> No.4898498
File: 83 KB, 600x448, 1469472155491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just started messing with crypto the other day and i am still somehow not nervous about throwing my money away. i think this is a good ship that will sail on pleasant waters

>> No.4898513

How does this work?

>> No.4898515

if we make it through this drop we are going to like $15

>> No.4898523

yeah i brainfarted and worked it out
fuck binance i want bittrex but they wont verify me

>> No.4898558

binance is fine just use your bnb to have 50% fees and you won't have to worry about decimals

>> No.4898583


what the fuck does that mean?

>> No.4898630

if you buy some BNB on binance and change your settings to use that for transaction fees, they charge you half the price for transactions. BNB is binance money, so paying fees with their coin costs you less

>> No.4898635
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>> No.4898646



>> No.4898652

Literally an on/off switch in your account profile.

>> No.4898663

come back tomorrow

>> No.4898669
File: 181 KB, 1600x978, IMG-20171207-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bnb is a coin that trades on Binance, I guess they released it themselves. You can buy that coin and trade with it like you would eth or btc. It has its own pairings. And binance offers 50% fees on it. Someone else can attest to how much the value of Bnb fluctuates though.

>> No.4898674

you can have lower transaction fees if you use bnb on binance to pay for those transaction fees
but when you begin trading on there and do not outright buy some bnb to begin with, they shave it off the currency you're trading
so thats why i ended up with .9 of an iota and then couldnt sell it back into bitcoin
so then i traded that iota into bnb
and now im ready to make more money on iota

>> No.4898695
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Read the whitepaper and got in for 2 GIOTA @ $0.70.
Feeling comfy as fuck but wondering if swing trading would be worth it?
I'm so bullish long term that I don't want to deal with the stress and potential fuckups when I know it has a bright future.

Anyway, what are you long term holders projecting price wise?
I'm thinking that if we can break $6, that we will go to $15 by New Years.
I'm expecting a flood of new investment in the days following christmas (families spreading the good word, coupled with strong announcements and media coverage to give a big push.

Also, does anyone actually consider RaiBlocks a legitimate challenge?

>> No.4898701

Any news when it's possible to move iotas out of Binance?

>> No.4898717

we will break $10 today

>> No.4898728

dont be greedy and stupid. if you can cash out half your stack at 6 you'll get a chance to rebuy more later

$10 EOY would be amazing

>> No.4898734

got in at 35 cents, cashed some out for some DATA, looks like a solid iot platform and more secure

>> No.4898765
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i'm too lazy to do the math, is it more profitable to sell iota/eth or iota/btc given the transfer fees and all that?

>> No.4898836

It looks like its finding it hard to break 30k sats? Should I sell my ark and buy iota?

>> No.4898849


What if they only had like 5-10 % of sold iotas in reality and preparing for epic scam.

>> No.4898862

It's because the BTC is unsettled again. People are drawing their IOTA gains to get btc right now, which is why it's having a hard time.

Just give it a few more minutes, it will keep trucking

>> No.4898865
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look I understand the basic argument and I understand scientific notation and I understand the metric system but this is still retarded

it's like if you yelled at me for saying that something is 100cm instead of saying it's 1m

it is literally the same FUCKING thing, and while it is slightly awkward with units of measurement, when it comes to iota it makes tons of since to just measure in miota because, surprise, THAT'S WHAT THE FUCKING EXCHANGES DO IDIOTS



>> No.4898872

same , bought for 120 dollar some more.
But it really sucks. I would have more money to invest, but not the balls.
I found a video about an german who invested 1 Ti at the ICO with 7k $, so he arrived at lamboland, dunno how you can hodl so long and even find such a "worthy" ico. He posted a update Video when it was 400k, and then he still hodled it to 5 mil... Now im sad with my 300 bucks of winnings. I dont see IOTA at 3 figures, perhaps lower 2 figures. But would be just 1-1.5k winnings if im lucky

>> No.4898893

So comfy.

>> No.4898896

Do you think I should Ark or buy Iota? I feel like Iota has more attention at the moment and is probably a better short term trade, Ark is finding it hard to break 30k

>> No.4898921

Can't sell anything lower than 1.0 though...

>> No.4898926

for the next 24 hours i'd bet my money on IOTA even if it already trucked all this way from 3.8 nonstop

3.8 support even during the BTC run-up was strong

>> No.4898956

why not change it to btc or eth , transfer it to bitfinex and deposit it there. But it would cost some money. Bitfinex has deposit fee now on iota too (0.5 mi)

>> No.4899024

Charge your phone anon.

>> No.4899058

if you trade IOTA decimals into BNB, you should have plenty of BNB to sell

>> No.4899093
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Bitte nigga, it's just normies congesting the platform. In zwei wochen alles wird wieder gut

>> No.4899142

>people go to watch btc
>make IOTA dip
fucking gooks at it again. Get that juicy 4.75 or 4.5 while you can. It won't be there for long

>> No.4899149

hab eth über any gekauft und auf bitfinex gechanged. eth warn sehr schnell drauf.
ist coinbase so viel billiger hatte es grob verglichen macht doch nicht viel aus?
wieviel hodled ihr germanbros an mi? wahrscheinlich wieder mehr als meine lächerlichen 97, (gekauft mischkurs 1,4..)

>> No.4899165

drin für knapp 3000 stück. läuft.

>> No.4899195
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I won't be able to get any for a week am I fucked

>> No.4899228

If they announce Q, yes you are.

>> No.4899234

durch pro drauf gekommen, da wurde ja die werbetrommel des öfteren gerührt.
zu welchen Kurs?
Hab gestern nacht youtube wegn IOTA durchforstet es oben auch geschrieben. Jemand hat 1 Ti bei ICO mit 7k gekauft...
Sitzt jetzt auf paar mille, bin so neidisch. Hätte die Kohle um weiter aufzustocken. Nur 1 Mi lag bei unter 1 cent vor knappen 2 jahren der run ist ja schon heftig. Würde gern auf 500 aufstocken, aber da muss man schon aktuell ne Menge an Kohle in die Hand nehmen, und ist mir es nicht wert, außer es gibt nen massive dump auf unter 2, mal sehen.

>> No.4899244

Literally how to I get my iota off of fucking binance? Not buying anymore if they're just gonna hold it hostage on the exchange

>> No.4899269

bei 1.3 mit ca 2000€ und meine 500k dogecoin. wenn bitcoin.de nicht solche scheißkinder wären hätt ich für 7k eingekauft.

>> No.4899311

Wait until the new wallet comes out, the current one is unreliable. I use Binance, just keep in mind they've got IOTA withdrawals suspended at the moment.

>> No.4899326

holde 210 seit 1,25 überlege nachzukaufen

>> No.4899361

wenn ich fragen darf allin in IOTA,
oder noch andere coins?
halt sonst nur noch xmr, weil ich da eben wegen darknet den fortbestand an nutzen einfach sehe. Also ne richtige Anwendung.

>> No.4899368

The wallet is fucked at the moment, currently awaiting the release of a new one, as I believe the current one can potentially lead to issues where you may lose coins in transfer.

It sucks, but it's either wait until the new wallet (next week, if I remember right, but it may be the one after), or trade it out for BTC/something else and hope you don't get fucked by the price differential.

>> No.4899390

ich swappe je nach kurs in bitcoin und arbeite nebenbei mit einem kollegen an einem bot der momentan im testlauf ca 2000%/monat raus holt. Sollte ein guter Monat werden

Aber ja, momentan alles in IOTA

>> No.4899409
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>> No.4899413
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und nein, kein bullshit ;)

>> No.4899438

ja mal sehen wie der Preis sich entwickelt werd mir morgen technisch Mi nochmal anschauen. Ich glaube in den 3,6-3,8er bereich kommen wir nochmal. Vielleicht hau ich doch noch nen Hunni rein. Keine Ahnung bin konservativer Investor und komm von Aktien, bin diese massige Vola eben nicht gewöhnt und versteh einfach nicht wo die Bereitschaft an Unmengen herkommt. Kauf halt eigentlich eher nach Risk Management, was ich Verschmerzen kann. Nur blöd wenn es dann mal mooned, dann trauert man eben nicht mehr investiert zu haben.

>> No.4899459

nette arbeit kamerad

>> No.4899469

No, never. It will dump anytime the tech isn't even out it's all just speculations and being developed as we speak. Unless you want to be a bagholder for 3 years. The best option right now is Monero, heavily devalued and its true value is more than a thousand dollars.

>> No.4899496

gönnt euch 50/50 IOTA / CARDANO (ADA)

>> No.4899549
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guys i have like 220 IOTAs and planning to buy 150 more, am i going to make it?

IS iota going to be 1000 USD in one year?

>> No.4899593

no. 1000/MI is absolutely ridiculous. 100-300 is a very optmistic estimate for EOY2018

>> No.4899612

sieht nett aus. Ich hatt mir das mit Bots vor Tagen auch überlegt.
Kenne crypto seit 2012. Bin deswegen auch eben vielleicht auch vorsichtiger. Ich hatte Kumpels die eben bei MTGox 200k verloren hatten (bzw. sogar jetzt noch klagen), was schon hart war wenn man es miterlebt. (Kehrseite von Cryptos)
Und deswegen relativ spät erlebt. Bei Trades arbeite ich auch mit Robotern (Agenatrader).
Mir ist bewusst, dass keiner seine Bots die er sich erarbeitet hat verschenkt, deswegen frag ich danach garn nicht.
Aber kannst du Tipps (Seiten/Links) whatever um sich schnell in das Botthema einzuarbeiten. Kann klar auch selber googlen, aber jemand der im Metier tätig ist, hat ja oft einen gewissen Überblick. Ich wäre dir sehr dankbar.

>> No.4899618

so if u make 100k - 300 k its ridiculous?

>> No.4899629

No, it won't be 1000. Well be lucky to hit 100

>> No.4899667

Puh, das ding läuft aus einer absolut inkompetenten Mischung aus bollinger bands, RIS, und SMA. Der code ist ungelogen keine 20 Zeilen lang, wir haben bis jetzt noch nicht am echten Markt getestet aber das kommt diese Woche.

Und mit mtgox kenn ich auch ein paar leute die auf mehrere 100k warten. Soll aber angeblich jetzt bald von Kraken gekauft werden, mal schauen

>> No.4899700

Spricht was dagegen einfach einen limit buy bei ~$3.50 oder so und limit sell bei > $6 zu setzen?
So schnell wird der wohl nicht dauerhauft die 6 Dollar marke sprengen oder?

>> No.4899725


>> No.4899741

Can this shitcoin fuckin die already

>> No.4899753

also mir ging es nicht um die Technische Analsyse seite, dass ist ja eben das "Geheimnis" meistens.
Sondern die technische Seite einen Bot zu bewerkstelligen, sich da schnell reinzufinden. Also gibt es da vorgefertige Templates Skripte wo man nur Werte anpasst. Irgendne gute Seite mit der man sich gut einlesen kann.
Kann Py, und HTML, etwas Java, C und eben Agenascript. Keine Perfekt aber eben verstehen lesen und anpassen und kleinere Codes schreiben.

>> No.4899759 [DELETED] 
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IOTA is the pupet coin.
Wise people invest only in a time-tested coins with a good income as the Diamond (DMD) https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/earn-dmd-diamond-alternative-wealth-storage-solution

>> No.4899797
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wir verwenden gekko, läuft in node.js. da gibts auch reichlich fertige scripts die natürlich dementsprechend schlecht laufen

also rein von der trendline her würd ich mit keinem kurs unter 4.5 mehr rechnen bevor wir das nächste ATH angehen

>> No.4899830

How and when did you find out about it? I don't mind researching at all, but still looking for places to find news out.

>> No.4899854

Im Bot (zumindest so wie ich es mir vorstelle und bei Daxtraden kenne)
kann man eben dann Teilverkäufe etwas besser programmieren. Hab im Agenascript auch Strategien (einfachere wie Open Range Break Out oder auch selber welche mit Backtests.) laufen die sich eben rentieren, nur im Aktienmarkt sind die Renditen halt anders. Deswegen finde ich das mit Cryptos sehr interessant, finde nur den Einstieg eben nicht mit, sozusagen mein Werkzeug, deswegen habe ich danach gefragt.

>> No.4899946


Gekko schau ich mir an danke.
Nutzt ihr beiden eigentlich irgendwelche Cryptoforen (neben wahrscheinlich bitcointalk) und biz (wobei hier viel eben mittlerweile geshilled wird)?

Mir sind bei Cryptos relativ viele Fehlausbrüche aufgefallen, die ich bei Dax zwar auch kenne, er ist auch zickiger als andere, aber bei Crypto teilweise noch heftiger. Hatte aber keine aktuelle TA gemacht, meine letzte war vor 3 Tagen. Will eigentlich evtl nachkaufen eben Bot oder Verkauf / Kauf limit setzen und erstmal nicht mehr auf den Kurs schielen, wahrscheinlich die beste psychologische Methode um sich nich zu ficken.

>> No.4899957
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tfw traded ALL of my IOTA to REQ and got REQ'd

>> No.4900031

Ich kann nicht sagen wie es an europäischen börsen ausschaut, ich komm ursprünglich von der NASDAQ OTC:BB wo die aktien zirka so seriös sind wie die schlimmsten shitcoins. Darum finde ich mich wohl in dem markt hier auch recht gut zurecht.

Wirklich spezifisch Foren ansteuern tun wir kaum. Google findet das was wir brauchen in allen Ecken. Reddit ist gut für fact checks, 4chan ist ungeschlagen was speed von news angeht, und ansonsten einfach immer die Augen offen halten und alerts am handy setzen.

>> No.4900064

Can anyone tell me if I put a OCO order pair on bitfinex will they take 2* 0.1% in fees since it puts out 2 orders? I already read through the bitfinex fee documentation and can't find the answer.

>> No.4900170

joa nutze alles + twitter.
und wie gesagt eben pro, hatte vor Iota ca vor 2 Monaten erfahren eben reddit , pro, twitter. 4chan ist halt hardcore viel fud eben und larps die meinen sie wären großinvestoren, eben genau mit req, das wurd gehyped, und mehrer threads wo viele larps mit unmengen an req coins, wollte evtl auch zu schlagen, aber aktuell siehts technisch nich so mega aus.
War eben deswegen auch 4 Monate nich auf biz, teilweise interessante Leute die auch Ahnung haben wie ihr und wschl auch wisst, was teilweise hinter IOTA steckt und dann eebn die die nur irwas aufgreifen und fuden oder shillen, ist überall so aber bei 4chan eben schon extrem, zumindest meine subjektive Beurteilung, aber ab und zu findet man eben auch mal einen Diamanten hier, bzgl gute Unterhaltung oder gute Infos bzgl. crypto.

>> No.4900182

Get away from my IOTA

>> No.4900248

glaub du zahlst doppelt, so wie ich verstanden hab zahlt man für die Ordererstellung. bei bitfinex.
Also wird Order erstellt und gelöscht, bezahlst du trotzdem. Aber ohne Gewähr, so habe ich es zumindest verstanden. Vielleicht antwortet jemand anderes.

>> No.4900308

what's with all these fucken Russians or some shit. literally the first time I've seen a foreign language on a board

>> No.4900330

cyka bliet idi nahui
piz dets

>> No.4900346


>> No.4900348
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>> No.4900365

They disabled xmr too wtf its like they disable anything thats mooning

>> No.4900404

german creator of IOTA, so german guys are invested suka blyat

wenn du hohes Volumen tradest würde ich eh zu biance gehen und BNB kaufen. Bitfinex wird ja auch gewarnt weil sie indirekt ja mit Tether zusammenhängen und paar von MT. Gox 2.0 shillen, was teilweise zumindest wie ich mich reingelesen hatte nicht komplett Aluhut ist, könnte was dransein aber aktuell hoffentlich noch alles safe, bis eben mal nen gescheiter Wallet da ist

Nutzt ihr beiden überhaupt ein Wallet
>>4900064 ?
Hab meine eben wegen den Problemen noch bei den Börsen gleassen auf. reddit hat einer 20 GI oder so verloren.

>> No.4900417

just cash it into LTC and get those out. They have like zero fees and transfer more or less instantly

>> No.4900419

are you even fucken Russian. can't even spell "blyat" right. troll ass bitch

>> No.4900421
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>> No.4900441

i'm very obviously native german as hinted by the 10+ german posts lol

nope, meine IOTA liegen alle auf bitfinex für die BTC swaps und swings. Nachdem die "wallet" sowieso nur ein tangle viewer ist (siehe proof of stake), ists scheiß egal wos jetzt genau liegt

>> No.4900487

I put "or some shit" in there for a reason. I wasn't sure if it was Russian or not

>> No.4900530

Habe ein wallet aber auch erstmal auf der Börse gelassen wegen den Problemen. Im Forum von iota steht auch irgendwas wenn der HOST flöten geht beim light wallet geht der Kontostand auf 0 und man muss man irgenwas refreshen, glaube den seed neu eingeben.

Ich werd einfach einen limit buy an der unteren trendlinie einstellen, im schlimmsten Fall cancle ich den morgen einfach.

>> No.4900533


hier der Post übrigens.
Wie machst dus bei den Swaps mit Steuern. Müssten ja versteuert werden, nur die History bei bitfinex ist ja eh nicht die beste und ich glaub das FA wird einen da eh fisten bzgl Nachweise.
Zum Cashout dann in XMR und mal 1-2 Monate ins Ausland?

>> No.4900749

Das Steuerrecht in Österreich ist da eher unentschlossen, vor allem bei crypto-crypto swaps, da die Steuer ja dann theoretisch in crypto gezahlt werden müsste, was natürlich kein Ding ist.

Ganz ehrlich, so weit bin ich noch nicht, aber wenn alles nach Plan läuft können die Ärsche von mir aus ihre 40% haben. Ansonsten BTC ATM für alle bargeld needs

>> No.4900841

So, schluss für heut. Ohne stop loss ins Bett, no pussy, never scared, never regret

>> No.4900852

okay wusste nicht, dass du Össi bist.
Bei Deutschland ist das wie gesagt nach meiner Info schon geregelt. Hodl >1jahr nüschts, und sonst E.st. Will aber nicht wissen, wieviele "Luckkiddies" die eben in FB einfach BTC gelesen haben und bisschen Kohle bei Seite, das nicht versteuern. Bin mir auch sicher, da kommt früher oder später eh vorallem in D, das FA und wird etwas fisten, mal sehen.

Aber Leute ich bin mal weg. danke für die Tipps bzgl Bot.

Hoffentlich bis im nächsten Iota Thread, ich frag dann einfach nach den Össi gekko botler ;) und >>4900530 du bist der OCO trader.
Vielleicht sind wir im nächsten Thread schon bei sub 6,

>> No.4900934
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You bet I am!

>> No.4900979

Bought 11.8 Gi at $0.27. Super comfy.

>> No.4901023

jesus fuck I'mm jelly... I bought 1.2 giota at 16000 sats and im comfy.. id be in a coma i were you

>> No.4901055

Putting your pinky and middle finger over your ring finger while making that hand sign feels awkward

>> No.4901096

That's nothing, my dad literally bought 100Gi at $0.53.

>> No.4901152

this will literally hit $500 in a year or two, its not late yet

>> No.4901168
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Any reason to expect a dip to down? I know a lot of people want to cash out at $5. Why is this project getting so much hype? Do they have anything tangible to show

>> No.4901204

Now I know how Chad got his face and hair

>> No.4901215

fucking dumbass

>> No.4901225

>this will literally hit $500 in a year or two, its not late yet
this happens, you're all invited to my island

>> No.4901287


1) Create a binance account. Use referral code 11682017 if you feel like being nice since you're using my guide - or don't, up to you.

2) Send them some crypto. I recommend using something other than Bitcoin since btc is congested right now. HERE IS A TRICK I USED: I had Bitcoin since before the forks, so I split out my BTG and sold it all. BTG (and BCH, for that matter) have much faster moving networks right now. Use Coinami to split BTG - it's the only reliable and safe way I know of. BCH can be split using Electron Cash. If you want more details about this, ask me - all I ask in return is that you use 11682017 as your code when you sign up to Binance.

3) Turn whatever crypto you sent into btc if you didn't send btc directly. There is only one trading pair with IOTA right now for Binance, and it's BTC-IOTA.

4) Buy IOTA. Voila! You're done. Don't be worried that withdrawals of IOTA are turned off right now. If for some reason you want to liquidate your position, just trade the IOTA back to BTC and you can withdraw that (or take it one step further and turn that BTC into something that's moving faster right now, if you like).

>> No.4901344

Way too much coins to hit that number.

>> No.4901483

that's what I'm thinking too.. I don't see this coin going higher than $100. The real difficulty here is to discern how the crypto markets will look like starting next year

>> No.4901517

you can trade ETH as well for IOTA

>> No.4901523

Gonna put a paycheck (~$400) into IOTA with the idea that if it crashes then whatever I didn't need the money anyway, if it rockets then cool.

Is the IOTA wallet on their website good to use? >>4901287 seems a little complicated, I've never done crypto before.

>> No.4901642

try to understand if you want to make it anon

>> No.4901652

ok I'll try my hardest, I'm gonna try to make it bros.

>> No.4901660

new wallet due soon, you can keep it on binance in the meantime

>> No.4901708

I'm such a poorfag and I wanna make it too anon.
lets do it together.

>> No.4901717

I will try to help you anon. 1. Make a binance account. 2. Find somewhere to buy btc or eth. 3. Transfer to binance. 4. Trade your btc or eth for iota.

>> No.4901727

you can ETH for IOTA

>> No.4901754

I have 73 Miota,
Will I make it?
if so, when?

>> No.4901790


>$15 in BTC
You need to get on your hustle, my friend.

>> No.4901814

I use coinbase, I use ETH, it's cheaper in fees

>> No.4901833

Buy LTC on coinbase then transfer your LTC to Binance. Sell your LTC for BTC. Once you have the BTC, you can buy as much IOTA as you want. Good luck!

>> No.4901854

I know anon. I just bought $30 of IOTA and am planning to invest even more. Gonna work on diversifying my portfolio as well. New to this stuff, but I'm learning a lot along the way.

>> No.4901890

whats wrong with using eth to buy iota

>> No.4901894

I'm waiting for it to go to $5.00 before I fill my sack

>> No.4902075


>> No.4902150
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you faggots where panic selling eariler, now your kissing its ass because i went back up, fuck the lot of ya

>> No.4902162

can it maintain $5 for 24 hours?

>> No.4902172

i was thinking of waiting until $6 to buy in. thoughts?

>> No.4902187

time to fill it

>> No.4902197

On Binance? Since when? I don't see this trading pair. If you're referring to Bitrex, I don't know anything about them since they will not let Americans trade there anymore.

Regardless, ETH is congested right now too thanks to cats right?

No, the wallet is crap. Hopefully a better one comes out soon - I've heard this is coming in a week or two. For now I am trusting Binance not to JUST me - I realize this might not be smart, but it's preferable to using that dogshit wallet for now.

>> No.4902206

so cosy right now

>> No.4902221

Hey, I stand corrected. There is in fact an ETH/IOTA trading pair on Binance. My bad!

>> No.4902224

>Coinbase takes a few days to verify
No offense but I hope iota doesn't go up for a few days so I can get in on this. After that I wish you all the best.

>> No.4902228

Why would you wait until $6

>> No.4902229

fuck no, it's going to $8 by the end of the day

>> No.4902237

probably not, last time it was 5 it dropped to 3

>> No.4902242

I'm not exactly sure what the coinbase transfer fee for ETH is. Probably higher than LTC tho.

>> No.4902245


You're doing it wrong...

>> No.4902246

fak i'm cozy too got in at 80 cents

>> No.4902262

Tfw want to buy some IOTA but is currently at ATH

>> No.4902268

congrats may you live a long and healthy live anon

>> No.4902269

teach me senpai. I want to be rich like everyone else...

>> No.4902274

im waiiting till $10

>> No.4902289

I hate humans so much - I can't wait for you all to die

>> No.4902378
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>> No.4902389


>> No.4902473


>> No.4902534

The Chad Gemini

>> No.4902557

First ever alt I bought. $250 at 63 cents.

Very comfy.

>> No.4902574

what is that?
It doesn't sound good.
I've used the buy low, sell High Method and got a free 9 Miota from it

>> No.4902810

nigga im saying dont use coinbase, use gemini, their fees are cheaper

>> No.4902897

i gochu senpai.
already in.

heres a question, what alt will go up 50,000% by the end of the year?

>> No.4902936

Isn't that the question we all want the answer to? My best advice us to do some research. I like Data Dash on YouTube personally, for starters.

>> No.4903056

>he doesnt cut the head off a chicken and bet on alts depending on where it drops dead
Unironically, Pepecash.
Has meme support and can be memed into existence. The kind of people who like crytocurrencies, (parasites on the internet and libertarian memers) also like pepe

>> No.4903242

Those were insanely different circumstances than now lol. The whole dynamic of BTC after dip and IOTA natural dump during BTC dip panic caussd this 5 to 3 dip from 80c run up.

You have to watch this as correction from 3.5$ bottom, up to 5$ dip sellers,which just happened and it wenr down to 4,60 amd up again since it corrected. 5$ is natural bottom price right now. Until sunday it will only go up. What happens to BTC on monday, because of futures is up to speculation.