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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4886790 No.4886790 [Reply] [Original]

post stuff you'd buy if you really make it

>> No.4886807

I'd eat out every night.

At nice places.

>> No.4886820

i respect the simplicity

>> No.4886822

amerifat detected

>> No.4886833

make my own datacenter

do whatever the fuck

>> No.4886857

Slava Ukraina!

>> No.4886867
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I bought this


>> No.4886888
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>> No.4886889

All on hookers. My dick will say no but my soul will say yes

>> No.4886895


Buy a house with a workshop and spend all day tinkering around on things that pop into my mind.

>> No.4886911
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>> No.4886915

$23k for a knife? explain pls

>> No.4886917

And drugs, forgot about that.

>> No.4886927

A large, craftsman style home on 5+ acres of land. Property taxes will still be an easy $2k+ per month where I live, unfortunately.

I’m a simple man with simple desires.

>> No.4886951

probably a 3D waifu let's be honest


>> No.4886957
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>> No.4886966

a reasonable cheap car and a place, probably a nice house, that's actually mine with good sturdy furniture, also a new PC this one is getting old. Then I would play video games and shitpost all day every day, so essentially like now, only with a better PC and in a place where I don't have to pay rent. I would also buy my parents and brother something they want.

>> No.4886997

>be the very best in the buisness, the Leonardo Da Vinci of knifemaking.
>invent the hollow ground drop point hunter
>first to do tapered tangs
>design and handeling is out of this world
>make only a limited number of knives
>be dead

His knives would go for 5k+ even while he was alive but since his death the price skyrocketet.

Its like owning a Van Gogh. For real.


>> No.4887003

honestly if you need more than 100k a year to be happy you're depraved and your brain is fundamentally broken in such a way that you'll never truly be happy and spend your whole life chasing something like a teen jacking off on adderal unable to come

>> No.4887005

Wouldn't want that. All the maintenance required will be an invasion of privacy. You'd need a team of gardeners at least every other day, home maintenance and cleaning crew likely also every other day, you'd use maybe 3 rooms or 1000sqf of the house... You'd almost have to ask permission to live there since there would almost always be staff doing stuff. Not to mention always being suspicious of them stealing or plotting against you because you have better things.

I'd go a humble cottage or log cabin and put the rest of the money into land, wilderness that doesn't require any special maintenance. But that's me.

>> No.4887013
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Buy more money

>> No.4887041
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>> No.4887051
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>> No.4887057


I like how every coin there is dead but one

>> No.4887058

Are those slammers?

>> No.4887064

thats the worst thing i have ever seen

do you use it or does it hang on the wall as an art piece?

yeah i totally agree with the privacy thing

>> No.4887112

It will be an heirloom to pass down in my family.

Value will increase over time.

I`m trying to find a nice drop point hunter to use tho. Should be around 5-7k. I may have a seller in Japan lining up. They love his stuff over there.

>> No.4887118

That's not exactly my reasoning but I was surprised how little I liked that picture when I looked closely

Much better ways to spend that kind of money imo

>> No.4887150


>> No.4887193

Honestly nothing. I'd live from the dividends and I wouldn't have to look at prices anymore. Never understood people who got a wad of cash and blew it on one single thing.

>> No.4887217
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what's wrong with these $4 walmart knives

>> No.4887235

nah, unobtainium and sys is not yet dead.

probably chips, as the artist is depicting the coins to be 'gambling'

>> No.4887261

a nice upper middle class lifestyle without a worry

>> No.4887281

Nothing. If it works for you.

Personally I carry an Opinel No8 (10 bucks online) every day even tho I have a 30k+ knife collection.

>> No.4887295

sure but what the fuck does that have to do with this thread

>> No.4887406

A nice 4-bedroom Manhattan apartment on the 80th floor with Central Park views. I'd make one of the rooms a photo studio and pay aspiring models who just turned 18 to do "photoshoots" there every day.

>> No.4887530
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I did.

Can fit 1200 racks, but I only have 30 running mining. Will add more in January.

>> No.4887562

what the hell. what's the cost of this? what sort of location is that

>> No.4887602

That's a nice looking marble

>> No.4887748

too bad it's infested with cancer

>> No.4887776

Dogecoin literally rising today.

>> No.4887839

is that a fucking cave?

>> No.4887879

i dont know honestly

>> No.4887890

its the bitcave

>> No.4887935


>> No.4887944

Well that's pretty neat

>> No.4887946

$100k/year is barely enough for a single person to cover his own living expenses in the average non-shitskin suburban or urban neighborhood in the US. My salary is exactly $100k and I worry about money on a daily basis. And white neighborhoods are only going to get more exclusive and expensive as the population of our race continues to decline.

>> No.4887972

plenty of cheap white places in the midwest... thats where Im heading

>> No.4887975

I had no idea you were a /biz/bro too

Sick setup

>> No.4887996
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A decommissioned cold war air command center, inside a mountain. $230k on gov. auction.

It's a unfinished part of the complex. Looked like this when I bought it.

>> No.4888006

How? I make 12k a year, with ten times that I'd be living easy.

>> No.4888030
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To me Making it would be 10+ Mil.
This house is 3 mil, I'd spend 5 on income rental properties and the other I'd bank and live quite comfortably in this house on the left.

>> No.4888031

do you happen to live in a country where the streets double as toilets?

>> No.4888041

thats so awesome... just live there

>> No.4888043

who the fuck are you? are you famous?

>> No.4888065

Enjoy eating at McDonalds lmao

>> No.4888072

its satoshi nakamoto himself

>> No.4888075

That's an undesirable part of the country that's on a permanent decline. The only places worth living in are white neighborhoods near or in major urban centers with strong economies, and all of those places have very high costs of living.

>> No.4888077
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>> No.4888085

>$100k/year is barely enough for a single person to cover his own living expenses in the average non-shitskin suburban or urban neighborhood in the US

you're just a dirtpoor fag larping, probably even brown too

>> No.4888093

batman is this you

>> No.4888107
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>> No.4888114

thats your opinion I guess. the midwest prarie is very desirable to me

>> No.4888117

nice. bought with crypto gains or what? you expect to run this place with a net profit?

>> No.4888119

No I live in the Midwest with my dad you cuck loool

>> No.4888129

i asked before I saw you bought it for $230k, I was thinking you're like bruce wayne or something

What auction website did you use to buy the property?

>> No.4888137
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>> No.4888305

Thats insane man. How deep is the entire thing?

>> No.4888307

I do. 32 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, home cinema room, gym, etc, I'm all set.

Bought from other gains. It currently runs a profit of $110k/m mining monero.

>> No.4888353
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>if you really make it

>> No.4888362
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i have never felt this kind of envy

>> No.4888381

>$110k/m mining monero.
wtf, surely thats before costs right?

also post more pics

>> No.4888388

What website did you buy from?

>> No.4888398

so basically waste life and health to have

what exactly?

>> No.4888522

>It currently runs a profit of $110k/m mining monero
How were you able to acquire the 2000+ rx480's necessary for that? AMD cards have been in very short supply all year. And how does the power utility let you use a constant 200MW of electricity? Seems like that would put a pretty big strain on their infrastructure.

>> No.4888532

I have 2 580's and a 480. Am I waiting time not mining xmr?

>> No.4888553


>> No.4888560
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Kys fatty

>> No.4888563
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Only $40K, but I can't justify it unless I'm filthy rich and all my other needs are well fulfilled.

>> No.4888626
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It's not very deep, 60-100m at any given time, but the there are kilometers of tunnels, both for trucks and personnel back when they needed to get armored vehicles in. For example when I got the backup power installed.

Currently does 21.56 xmr/day. ~30% running costs.

From the website of the Department of Fortifications, they auction out all kinds of properties, from islands to shacks, bunkers and forests, etc. http://www.fortv.se/sv/FASTIGHETER-TILL-SALU/Salda-objekt/ (Swedish).

Its all CPUs, bought up old HP G7 blades from data centers. 2x opteron 6276 in each, 4g ram, no disk. 1700 nodes, power draw of ~470kw. Each blade does 1030 h/s. When I expand i will go GPU, saves a lot on power draw.

>> No.4888660

How far are you from civilisation?

>> No.4888714

Oh looks like I was off on the power usage calculation by an order of magnitude. 470 KW sounds more reasonable.

>> No.4888732

that's awesome, wish we knew who you are or what you're doing with it

>> No.4888761

this shit is ugly as fuck lmao

>> No.4888785

jävlar va kul. so how much money have you spent on it apart from the $230k to buy it? does it have water and plumbing

>> No.4888820

This is fucking awesome anon. Super jelly. If you need some on site security let me know söta bror.

>> No.4888838

you deserve to die poor and alone

>> No.4888856
File: 240 KB, 1280x718, singaporeatnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you wanna live in the middle on nowhere? You must be an oldfag.
I'd rather a million times live in a place like pic related

>> No.4888866

I would wear a new pair of socks every single day. Nothing like new socks.

>> No.4888886

>astronomical living costs
>a bunch of fuckheads
no thanks

>> No.4888931

>>astronomical living costs
I thought this thread was about when you are rich? and honestly, it's not that expensive, I've been there.

>> No.4888967

>being rich implies having to throw your money away on dumb living costs

>> No.4888983

too many people, too much noise, queues, traffic, pollution, crowds... call me an oldfag but i'd rather live like this fag >>4886911

>> No.4888999

That's bunkerbro from /diy

>> No.4889005
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200% COMFY

>> No.4889018

One of three things in this post can be true

>Larping on a thai noodle message board

>Has such a poor ability to manage money that double the average income in the US isn't enough

>Lives in a high COL area with a garbage salary, is probably working 2 jobs

>> No.4889026

Ayyyy bunkerbro! Glad to see another /diy/er.

>> No.4889027

Ive lived in the big city my whole life, its shit

>> No.4889034 [DELETED] 

What's the point of having money if you're not gonna have fun?

>> No.4889035

yo if you're interested in investing in an even bigger hydro-powered monero farm in switzerland, let me know. in talks with manufacturer + power plant atm
give me a (You) and ill drop you a mail.

>> No.4889044
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Pretty far, 1h drive to nearest grocery store.

Quite a lot, yeah, got full plumbing and water. When the facility was active it had around 100 people working in it 24/7.

>> No.4889052

Dedicated Shiposting Mobile Center Yacht then I'd roam the seas shitposting and shilling with 5000 pajeet anons crew

>> No.4889077

What's the point of having money if you're not gonna have fun?

>> No.4889088

what do you mean by this?

>> No.4889091

LMAO I already seen this pic, you bought a funking underground bunker like in GTAV, congrats.

>> No.4889108

fun doesn't imply living in a shithole plagued with problems

>> No.4889113
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Lambo land is not a meme

>> No.4889116

>home cinema room
Can you post this? I love home theaters

>> No.4889120
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I will live here and go on a vacation to a resort every year.

>> No.4889129

I did too. The countryside is just too slow though. There's really nothing much to do. Someone in their late 20s like myself, needs more excitement. Don't know about you guys. Maybe I just got too much energy

>> No.4889154
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I would have a few of these

>> No.4889158


its that a freakin


with a laser beam on its head

>> No.4889163


>> No.4889170

>no one mentioning the shark with a lazer attached to it's head

>> No.4889204


heh nothin personnel kid

youre too slow!

>> No.4889211

I'd buy my mom and my sister a house, buy my dad a car he likes, get myself a house. If I got really wealthy I'd start a NFP benzo recovery clinic.

>> No.4889230
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>> No.4889238


>> No.4889255

Where do I get one of these?

Serious question, I have the money.

I want a similar looking one that is silent.

>> No.4889264

Jag ftype and pay off loans on remaining 5 houses.

>> No.4889301
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no clue
let me know when you find out my dude

>> No.4889310

A $100k salary means ~$66k after taxes. Mortgage + property tax + utilities + maintenance on the average home in a desirable white city in a strong economic area are going to run you at least $50k/year (the average property tax alone on a 4-bedroom house in the town I live in is $20k/year). Food is going to run you another $3k/year on the conservative end. Transportation $6k, Healthcare $3k or more depending on your job. That leaves you with a grand total of $4000, before even considering all the other random expenses that will come up throughout the year. Face it, $100k is not a very good salary in the United States if you don't want to live around niggers and spics.

>> No.4889329

In Asia.

>> No.4889336

I'd rather die than take care of a kid. They're so noisy and annoying.

>> No.4889393

i just want to pay my student loans and buy some modular synths

>> No.4889396
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Don't have any pictures of it finished, just the ones I took for /diy/ when discussing sound proofing, as I didn't want sound spilling out to the level bellow. (Sound travels inside a mountain).

I'm fine with my setup not doing it so much for the money, more to just heat up the complex, got 3.2mw if I need to expand.

>> No.4889409

Just move to Eastern Europe. Eating out at a good bistro with fresh and tasty food costs $12/person in Kiev. Less if it's a Thai place.

>> No.4889429
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>> No.4889461

The only explanation is that you are making extremely retarded choices with your money.

>> No.4889479

Thanks. Ah yeah, I think I remember that thread. You do the room within a room / floating room?

Haven't seen this, looks nice! Look into the speaker and processor manufacturer Meridian. For projection screens consider Stewart. I like Sony projectors. Don't fall for the Runco meme.

>> No.4889483

see >>4889310

>> No.4889510
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I wish your dream comes true!

>> No.4889534
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I'd buy a house, and lots of residential buildings and terrains.
I might launch my own business too, with the help of my father who was a CEO back in the day.

And I'd throw myself into motorsports, I don't actually have time to do it, I already have the money though.

And I would buy this car as a daily

>> No.4889570
File: 33 KB, 1350x900, bad-dragon-dildo-extra-large-fantasy-cosplay-anal-silicone_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889616

What kind of lifestyles do you guys live??? 150k here and there's not a lot extra after bills. Do you all not have cellphones, take vacations, use cars? Winter tires on 2 cars and a truck alone are like 5k.

>> No.4889617

alright, that's a good space heater lol
anyway if you're looking for a good Investment you can think about it: with an investment of 1m we will take a 30% comission, you will break even in about 100 days (including the comission, ofc no guarantee) because we got cheap electricity and we can buy a couple thousand vega GPUs (we are negotiating the Price right now)
we looking to raise 3m and got about 500k so far, we also got a smaller farm running already

>> No.4889619

Great to see another anon making it.
I happen to have money laying around, could I mine moneros in a residential house? I'm talking a big setup as well, something like yours.

>> No.4889646

anyway if you want to think about it and still have interest feel free to mail us at tara.bera@gmx.ch

>> No.4889666

timestamp or you're lying

>> No.4889698

I'd buy my parents' house from the bank for them so they wouldn't have to make any more payments on it.

>> No.4889699

Singapore isn't a shithole, it's one of the most functional, clean and stable places on earth you retard

>> No.4889705

refer to my posts, same applies to anyone ofc, minimum of 50k though.
you can run it in a residential house but ist limited to the amperage you can draw, which is mostly very striclty calculated for households, not for mining farms
we will run it in a hydro plant

>> No.4889720

Resorts are a poor man's idea of which rich people do when they live large

your parents are poor, aren't they?

>> No.4889734

I make about the same, but I'm a manchild that lives above my dads garage. I help pay some expenses, but, the house is paid for. So most of the money is just gravy. I have no friends so I never waste money going out. I live in Florida so no winter tires. I have a car, that was expensive but otherwise don't spend on much.

>> No.4889739

How much would I make off a 100k$ investment in total all things included in a month?

I'm willing to set it all up by myself and what not.

>> No.4889784

That's the stuff. As a yuropoor, mindblowing to go to Canada and see people having a literal forest as their backyard.

>> No.4889796

no you forget its filled with shit

>> No.4889873

for 100k you most likely cant draw enough power in a res building, we barely made it work with 30k, also heat will be a big problem for a residential building, which are well insulated
it depends for what price you can get the vegas and what power costs you have
id say somewhere between 20-30k (At the moment!)

>> No.4889957

>wanting to live in singapore
about as reddit as it gets in east asia

>> No.4889968
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>> No.4890002
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>> No.4890006

Dont move here. We're full kiddo.

>> No.4890009
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It's coming.

>> No.4890051

Because batteries are going to be needed in increasing amounts in years to come. Lithium is going to be a prized commodity. If you have spare money, buy lithium or even better lithium production capabilities. You will really make it then.

>> No.4890078

the reason you won't make it is because you want that retard place
look at bill gates, he still runs around in wallmart clothing

selfmade people appreciate efficiency, that's why they are selfmade

t. 23 yo CEO of 2.5 million worth company

>> No.4890085

A-anon, I-I don't think they want to 'take care' of the kids in that way...

>> No.4890086

I guess you do not live in a first world country. 100k is working class in my city kiddo.

>> No.4890087

metrosexual homosexual detected

>> No.4890112

Nice Larp f@ggot

>> No.4890126
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Still a student, with a full-time job it.

Got back to my parent's place, I make 1 200€/month, got a nice car but it's rather expensive.

My monthly expenses are a little less than 300€

>> No.4890145

So Elon Musk will buy lithium form me?

>> No.4890170

one day, i'll get a lot of land in south dakota or montana for $1 million and build a house in the middle of it, anyone who enters it can fuck right off
nobody near me and a wonderful arsenal of guns with maybe some animals and a private 1 gbit fibreline

can't wait to fuck off from germany.. the great plains is my dreamland

>> No.4890194

>wanting to get fucked by tornados

>> No.4890244
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>> No.4890247

Lol Montana sucks you're dumb. Nobody will ever walk into your shitty windy cold ass field to fulfill your fantasy of shooting someone dead for trespassing.

>> No.4890271

See this guys got reasonable goals. The rest of you are delusional. I just want an expensive microphone and even that is pushing it.

>> No.4890306


in germany you learn to build your house from bricks, what should i care about some tornado

have fun in your $500k LA apartment you share with 2 other people

>> No.4890312

>gigabit fiber in the middle of nowhere
kek, the best you'll be able to get is 1.5mbps satellite internet with 5000ms pings and a 1gb data cap for $150/month.

>> No.4890316

It would be safer to go flip burgers at Mcdonald's at this point and it would take you a small week

>> No.4890327

20B - 200B of Lithium in world's oceans. If the price goes up too much someone will figure out how to filter it cost effectively. Cobalt is a better bet, byproduct of copper and nickel mining mostly.

>> No.4890359

thats billion tons

>> No.4890371

flipping burgers in mcdonalds will give you 300$ a month at best in russia, new consoles are for rich kids here.

>> No.4890387

Wtf are you batman

>> No.4890389

Middle class. Been to resorts as a kid when I couldn't really enjoy them.

>> No.4890416

>he thinks bricks are impervious to American storms
can bricks withstand an F4-5 coming over top of it? does Germany even get tornados?

>> No.4890430

Yes, he will. Well, he will with the government 'green energy' subsidies he receives. He is probably flat broke apart form those lol.

>> No.4890437

There are nice resorts. Look at Amanpuri in Phuket. Private villa type ones are the only ones worth going to.

>> No.4890451

Seriously? Consoles are for the "Poor" kids in the Us. People with money build a gaming PC.

>> No.4890462

Hur mkt kosta din rigg?

>> No.4890467

Yeah that's the type of place I had in mind.

>> No.4890475

Jag är avundsjuk. Om jag nångång har tillräckligt med pengar skall jag se om det går att fixa liknande i Finland.

>> No.4890496

There are a lot of things in the oceans, they are pretty big. eventually, it is possible if we run out of minable sources but for cost-effective reasons Lithium would have to be worth a fucktonne before that happens. There is gold in the oceans too, a lot of it.
Indians filter sewage waste to get the gold peop[le poo out already and yet we still don't farm the oceans for it. They are really big, like really big, and the filtering process would harm them probably.

>> No.4890516

Id buy nothing big or special

a small hotel room sized apartment right next to where I work

>> No.4890545

>where you work
this is after you make it m8, working wont be a factor

>> No.4890553
File: 180 KB, 1000x667, eurointernational-dallara-t05-renault-carbone-9373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not an F1 car, it's a Formula Renault 3.5 series car. Enough thrills of an F1 car but with plenty of spares and a much lower level of maintenaince required. I wouldn't buy the car, I would pay a team each year to race in series across Europe. I used to race cars when I was a teenager and was on my way to F1 when I got bogged down by money troubles, so I would get back into the game and use my money to leverage myself into a position to become a professional driver again. As the quote goes "how do you make a small fortune in motor racing? You start with a bigger fortune"

>> No.4890691
File: 138 KB, 982x600, bugout-bag-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know some of you already have those things but as none-american i want to have it

>> No.4890696

I just want the best pc and monitor ever in a really nice comfortable room to play a bunch of video games without having to worry about bills for like 1 year and then kill myself.

>> No.4890710

whats the point of hedonism

making it is what brings joy more than anything else. so what if I "make" it? what is that supposed to mean? that I have a couple million? maybe a couple hundred? I'd do it like a more modest Donald Trump and just keep working in my own tower. because I haven't "made" it till I have achieved biological immortality and rule over the entire human expansion

>> No.4890745

>he wants to live forever

>> No.4890785

Sounds like a real hastle. Why not hire a personal chef?

>> No.4890863

Already made it. Haven't bought very much yet…a rowing machine on overstock and some SEO for a couple websites I own.
May buy a nice Jeep in a couple years, but I only want to buy stuff that can help me make money or get healthier.

>> No.4890952
File: 1018 KB, 1024x768, motivation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it f a m

>> No.4891006


Dude this is actually so fucking cool. Do you have a blog? If you don't, I will honestly offer to code and host a site for you (at no cost) if you document the progress of your crypto dungeon.

Hit me up if you are interested. This not a scam, I am genuinely intrigued.


>> No.4891007
File: 71 KB, 475x475, buenov2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That RX7

>> No.4891122
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>> No.4891157
File: 1.25 MB, 2550x1701, baa87b6f5ae016edf99fcdfdecab2be1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4891496
File: 1.42 MB, 1426x572, rs200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the famous B-group rally cars.

An investment in itself, if you manage not to trash them.

>> No.4891719

Mfw im canadian and has a forest in my backyard :S

>> No.4891756
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x853, bentley-mulsanne-grand-limousine-c505209102016185624_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy ride but looks bad. i'll take a bentley instead. cars would be literally the last thing i spend money on though

>> No.4891769

Design and build some nice houses in the middle of capital cities. Maybe a nuclear bunker in the sticks for shits and giggles

>> No.4891793
File: 169 KB, 2000x1000, serveimage?url=https:%2F%2Fs-i.huffpost.com%2Fgen%2F1793358%2Fimages%2Fo-HAPPINESS-facebook.jpg&sp=e1cbf47cb16699805ff713050edf19ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4891798

It will be soulcrushing unless you can fill it with a family and lots of friends
whats the point of eating out if you're alone? It only tastes good if you can share it with someone

>> No.4891818

rental properties so I can become a rent jew.

>> No.4891852

Even if I never make it big like this i'm still taking my wife, guns, truck, and what ever modest retirement I make and moving away from the cities. I guess I was smart never falling for the "got to debt my self in to a over priced house and car to be happy" meme. I'd honestly be happy with enough money for a small house in the woods, food on the table for my family, gas in the truck, and keep the tax man at bay. I think that's why I can sleep at night after a day of trading.

>> No.4891871

>whats the point of eating out if you're alone? It only tastes good if you can share it with someone
i cant enjoy a meal unless im alone. also goes for pretty much anything else. including sex

sometimes you have to deal with shitty people tho

>> No.4891973
File: 2.91 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, anon, they're overrated.

For the money, you're better off buying several smaller toys of varying kinds, you'll use them way more.

>> No.4892070

Why would you own two cars and a truck? Are you retarded?

If you are making over 100 k and not saving 20 % you are making incredibly bad decisions with your personal finances.

>> No.4892112 [DELETED] 

this. also why 3 cars

>> No.4892146
File: 294 KB, 1920x1080, w3J6gAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rent a Conan Exiles server with full nudity and hire 39 other female players to be my sexual servants so I can do things like pic related

>> No.4892149
File: 24 KB, 351x468, 129227144344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also want to own this

>> No.4892161
File: 111 KB, 623x907, 1505198836883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all look the same anon.

>> No.4892441

Buy fake friends and marry a gold digger.

>> No.4892585

I could easily see the use in that many cars. 1 car for daily driver, 1 classic for special occasions, 1 pickup truck for hauling. If you have a wife it is as simple as each of you having a truck and having the pickup on the side.

>> No.4892599
File: 1.21 MB, 1206x6128, living in the past.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on the degree of how well I "make it", I'd buy starting top to bottom.

>> No.4892725

he posts regularly onn /diy/
made a lot of money during the online casino boom. and bought an old nuclear shelter

>> No.4892882

This is the mentality of the stupid middle class in the US. They are living way beyond their means compared to what you are owning. If you are earning below 100 k you shouldn't fucking own a single car, let alone three.This is why they are overweight, broke and unhappy.

>> No.4892919

An S2000 costs 4-5 MRS wtf

>> No.4893018

I don't waste time thinking about such things.

>> No.4893055

I wouldn't even want to buy shit. I just want to fucking play guitar, go to the gym, go camping, have 2 or 3 dogs as best friends, and spend my time exploring different parts of the world by myself every couple of months

>> No.4893123

So you will pay for dog sitters?

>> No.4893423

I eat out alone all the time, its great
But its funny how often a server will show me to my table and put 2 menus down, and then pick up back up and say woops, because 2 is the minimum amount of people they ever expect.

>> No.4893493

No Datsuns??

>> No.4893577

Is that the mansion from Hitman?

>> No.4893720
File: 184 KB, 500x666, 4f01d9af00b8e73a_0813-w500-h666-b0-p0--rustic-living-room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coziness

>> No.4893746
File: 93 KB, 889x501, Pemberley-by-Rocky-Mountain-Tiny-Houses-3-889x501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And an advanced cuckshed to tow around

>> No.4893815

I'm not saying it has to be Singapore, the point was a large city

>> No.4893871

i wouldnt know. this guys owns it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ira_Rennert

>> No.4893878

I bought some amazon gift cards with BTC from egifter. Got myself a new Nikon D7200 and some workout clothes.

>> No.4893896

A nice little house that's it.

>> No.4893933
File: 10 KB, 188x196, 1363027103258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But its funny how often a server will show me to my table and put 2 menus down, and then pick up back up and say woops, because 2 is the minimum amount of people they ever expect

Hah. Funny.

>> No.4893982
File: 169 KB, 1180x700, skloniste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I'd build a nuclear shelter so awesome I'd never want to leave it.