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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 114 KB, 993x640, Bitcoin Shuttle to 100K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4855073 No.4855073 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4855142

Bad news. BTC to $13k tonight.

>> No.4855200

Good news! Bitcoin to $25k tomorrow!

>> No.4855232


Its literally 3am in korea

>> No.4855251

Wasting your breath. Japanese do not care about Godzilla, how are they going to care you are down 50% in your Alts?

>> No.4855280 [DELETED] 

i need ETH to buy IOTA..

wanna help?


>> No.4855282

lol. Yup. That was the dip. here we go.

>> No.4855301

I finally bought the fucking dip, I swear if this crashes again I'm suiciding

>> No.4855330

>muh korea

Korean exchanges yes. The actual pump is coming from the china.

>> No.4855350


>> No.4855390


>> No.4855407

Buy some popcorn and watch the show. You will need at least that much.

>> No.4855468

you always show up after its obvious Bitcoin is going up.

>> No.4855762

Ummm. Count the bitcoin crash threads. Literally dozens. Count the bitcoin pump threads. One. Are you a Common Core Math Graduate?

>> No.4855856
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Korea. Knew they would eventually be good at something.

Pump away ............

>> No.4855906

Oldfagbiztard is never wrong. Thanks again for the security feels oldfag!

>> No.4855975
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stfu idiot.

>> No.4855985

Yeah. Don't feel pregnant, kids. I had alt bags I was down on 50% as well. Not huge bags (to me) but bags nonetheless. I just now realized I could recover the 50% loss and go 5x by next year just by putting those alt bags in the last dip with the rest of my main stash at $14720.

>> No.4856003
File: 89 KB, 900x900, 1508794661322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason I'm green this week is because it took a week to transfer btc to my coinbase acc

>> No.4856034
File: 118 KB, 862x436, 1512619733484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OLDFAGBIZTARD, I'm one of the anons who's always been supporting your threads. Do you like my chart?

>> No.4856039

Dou you even peek out your bedroom window? That is because a mining pool got hacked for 60 mil. didn't even scratch one of The Dragon's scales. 4000 Bitcoin is a drop in the bucket.

>> No.4856040


>> No.4856049 [DELETED] 

Alts will be back


>> No.4856057

Crashed as soon as you posted this

>> No.4856080


>> No.4856088

Good work, Anon. You should go to school for Graphic Design. If you do not have the money, seek an Internship. you will go far.

>> No.4856106

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.4856116

I'm not scared at all. Iotas going to 10 dollars very soon. R-right?

>> No.4856137

Welcome aboard.

>> No.4856141 [DELETED] 

jump in a group to bounce ideas and come to a consensus on what to buy and when. havng many pitch in with research and helping pump the price


>> No.4856166

just so you know they might have faked 1 or 2, or 3 of their partnerships just to make it look more glorified

>> No.4856184

Go away Pajeet

Shhh. Go back to bed Bobby. The adults are talking about Bitcoin in this thread.

>> No.4856194

Bitcoin is going for 40k$ this year, not even kidding.

>> No.4856226

oldfag, is there at any point next year we'll see dips like in the past?

>> No.4856257

Luck is with you, Anon.

>> No.4856302

I'd be pretty close to my keyboard from the 15th to the 18th.

>> No.4856315

>That is because a mining pool got hacked for 60 mil
Retard, its because of the difficulty adjustment not some coordinated attack by bch. bch hashrate is lower than usual actually, it didnt steal btc hashrate

kikestream did this to themselves

>> No.4856390

why the hostilities Jin Soo?
go back to pumping your shitcoin, Jihan is getting pretty angry you're not delivering.

>> No.4856612


Yeah. Um. Nicehash kinda took out a whole ecosystem of miners. Thus you have 200,000 unconfirmed transactions. A drop in the bucket, to be sure. Others are gearing up to make that dough.

>> No.4856738

go look at the mempool history, it started pumping the exact moment the difficulty readjusted

>> No.4856848

Just checked. This Anon is correct.

>> No.4857032

good on you anon for admitting that you were wrong, not a lot of people on here has the balls to do that. The nicehash hack probably affected this as well but its not the main cause

>> No.4857074

Tard, what are your thoughts on Monero??

>> No.4857089

>non fud btc discussions
what can you say about btc except it will go up?

>> No.4857119

$30k by xmas
screencap this

>> No.4857186

15666. Fueling complete. Floor is in

>> No.4857201


>> No.4857256

God I hope so. I'll buy another $100 then cash out next month once it breaks $30k.

>> No.4857350

what's so funny? i predicted the 8k to 10k pump over thanksgiving. i predicted the 13k to 16k yesterday too. you'll see when we hit 30k by xmas.

>> No.4857383

Are my goddamn Ether bags going to get any lighter?

>> No.4857571

Eth was pumping this morniing on Bithumb. Just checked. It is still going at $511.56 atm.

>> No.4857600

try $50k boys
normies are just now learning how to even buy btc. some were ahead of the curve, hence the recent spike, but most probably just recently set up a coinbase account, and won't even have their funds available until next week. just wait for the spike we're gonna see from the procrastinators in the next couple weeks.

>> No.4857720

I've had at least 4 family members since yesterday ask me how to start buying bitcoin, with strong intent of doing so, and I'm hearing similar from friends of mine. It hasn't even really begun.

>> No.4857725
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>> No.4857758


are you the original oldfagtard, or the scammer? can't keep up with these retarded tripcodes anymore

>> No.4857849

>>>4857383 (You)
>Eth was pumping this morniing on Bithumb. Just checked. It is still going at $511.56 atm.
That would be nice. I bought 12 ETH at 450. And while it doesn't hurt me because everything else is doing well it is s still annoying. Fucking cats

>> No.4857904
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Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.4858203

This reminds me of the dot com bubble where cab drivers were giving investing advice

>> No.4858227

last small dip to buy in. Floor is in on Bithumb, and it is going parabolic. Up.

>> No.4858307

I want to believe

>> No.4858374

buy in

be prepared for changes of up to $ 1,500.00 in price throughout the day tho

>> No.4858384

Assuming that's correct and every American puts something like $1k into BTC on average, that would be enough capital to double the BTC market assuming 100% float. Since we actually have like 5% float, you ain't seen shit yet. On top of that, the Lightning Network just demo'd on mainnet and is probably going to roll out in Q1 2018. This bubble isn't going to pop before that, and when you can buy and spend BTC with a fucking play store app you are going to see the biggest normie gold rush since California circa 1850

>> No.4858390

Look Curly, This obsession of yours is not healthy. You really should find your real Father.

>> No.4858450

Did the Big Bang Theory do this?

>> No.4858484
File: 421 KB, 500x271, sanji6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't here to quibble; your threads are /comfy/ so I come to them. Not really saying much cause 9/10 threads are "post your address I found my old wallet"; but here's your (you).

>> No.4858537

You think it could go to a million?

>> No.4858552

lol. OK Curly. Truce. Welcome aboard.

>> No.4858716


It's crashing down in korea the past few hours just like it has been here, so I don't know what you're even saying.

Is everything on /biz/ subterfuge, bullshit and confusion? I think so.

>> No.4858753

RIP for everyone falling for the wallstreet jew your gonna get gaped

>> No.4858958

Has not been crashing for hours. lol. has been forming a floor at $19,000.

>> No.4859056

its $15800 now what are u saying

>> No.4859069

Ok maybe crash is not the right word lol. Still it's been mirroring the U.S. exchanges at least superficially.

>> No.4859182
File: 927 KB, 500x324, thehunter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 5-10 years but that's too fucking far in the future. Right now I am feeling 20-25k in the 1 month horizon. Just about in line with the oldfag's predix about korean pump to 20k.

Ya'll ain't noticed that during amerifat hours the asian bots do the opposite of what the asian market will do that night, e.g. if the price is slowly going down during amerihours the korean bots are buying small amounts while the american market traders are selling; that night the korean traders will come in, see how much their bots accumulated, and then pump the market to bring their stake up in value, and then rebalance their portfolio or repeat the above process the next day during american hours.

>> No.4859288


Two trips only.

>> No.4859326

Sharp eye. Curly.

>> No.4859380
File: 49 KB, 823x1466, zhencang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4u. zhencang is mandarin, do not know the word in korean.

>> No.4859415

What about eth and ltc? Where do you think they'll be in 5 years?

>> No.4859463

I hate mETH. LTC is probably a good buy and less risky than BTC but I only say that because I expect the lightning network when it rolls out for BTC will also support atomic swaps between LTC and BTC; given the above the LTC market will follow BTC

>> No.4859507


and what happens when the boosters burn out???

>> No.4859547
File: 5 KB, 225x224, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4859606 [DELETED] 

Just bought $50

wish me luck 12kDSZJXrksWyMNhD5aBDfFVYsZLeHLrAg

>> No.4859651

Disengage, and switch to Mains.

>> No.4859659


You plebs sure know how to ruin threads. Fuck off.

>> No.4859688

>buying in to a currency that you can't hold
call me when the power's out oh wait you wouldn't be able to hahahah

>> No.4859772

Hey buddy. Long time no see. How the futures will affect the price. Btw good fucking call about btc hitting 14k when it was still 9k!!!! Unbelievable - how did you fucking do it???? Impressed!!!

>> No.4859853

>nocoiners are THIS mad

>> No.4859902


You mean: "disengage XMR and switch to BTC"

(thx for XMR gains from the moon you called, btw)

>> No.4859943

YW. lol

>> No.4859992

Thank you. Bithumb still bouncing up and down between $19,200 and $19,500. Be interesting when they wake up.

>> No.4860080
File: 25 KB, 307x181, Flawless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I see some profit taking starting 2 days out from futures, 3 days for weakhands. Runup after futures to The Big Short. Still analysing to see what buyback will be at that point. You would be fine to hold through it all, but there will be some wild gyrations for those with fists of iron and balls of steel and flawless timing to make some bank.

>> No.4860100

you do know that bithumb is present time and not the future right?

>> No.4860121

Any threat from Jihan and bch? Unconfirmed txs scare the shit out of me...

>> No.4860172

Any way to benefit from arbitrage bithumb/binance without krw account in korea? No tether in bithumb and other coins are way to expensive to buy...

>> No.4860199

Covered this. Nicehash hack netted 60 mil, and took out some miners. Drop in the bucket. Others are gearing up to make bank by catching it up.

>> No.4860234

Yeah. I watch it as a minor indicator to confirm intel.

>> No.4860285

When it's the best time to buy alts? After 19th?

>> No.4860292
File: 1.93 MB, 500x386, sanji_inthekitchen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCH can't "flippen" BTC any more; the new algorithm they adopted pegs the BCH mining difficulty to parity with mining BTC in terms of profitability, so BCH literally cannot become more profitable than BTC to mine for an extended period of time. The reverse is actually more likely to happen right now, as the massive BTC unconfirmed txn pool and high profitability (hash rate doesn't come online as fast as the price has risen) is incentivizing all but the most diehard cashie to mine BTC not BCH. The BCH difficulty will slowly go down in the next few days/hours, and that may cause the price of BCH to fall as well.

>> No.4860382

/r/btc has been predicting a bubble since 7k so who knows

>> No.4860474

that's a lot of "chioa cious bapi pangang" to explain a pump and dump

>> No.4860588
File: 410 KB, 1600x1000, sanji_rustledjimmies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you pump and dump your own shitcoin and walk away with 2k BTC; tell me about how you know everything about pump and dumps.
t. Wolong

>> No.4860646

Exactly. Dragging BTG down as well. Finally gave up on that and put those little bags with my BTC stash.

>> No.4860721

fuck yeah. get home and see the correct tripcode, the shuttle and i'm ready for blast off. when do we launch captain, and should i convert my IOTA to BTC for the ride? have about 25% in IOTA

>> No.4860740

>that massive drop a few minutes ago
I nearly threw up, lads.

>> No.4860765 [DELETED] 

Join this group instead

>> No.4860784

Scotch helps keep that down, mate.

>> No.4860813

Fucking crazy i temember when .01 btc was like $1 now .01 btc is $150

>> No.4860843
File: 135 KB, 1167x567, SKIPPYS'WATERLOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not post discords in these threads

>> No.4860855

I had some bourbon earlier which is probably why I'm in an autistic enough mode to get into this.
I just bought 150 bucks worth of BTC and I'm terrified.

>> No.4860860
File: 81 KB, 1239x802, bithumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit.

>> No.4860885
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>massive drop

>> No.4860909
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I'm a complete retard and a /v/ immigrant, put that in language I can understand.

>> No.4860930


>> No.4860933
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>> No.4860952

Guys, anyone saved the "BTC-is-collapsing-on-itself" graph from one of the LULs threads?

>> No.4860985

hold on to your tits, it's about to blast off

>> No.4860990

lol. Hey Al. Say Hello to my lil' frien'. Your sis was hot. Rip.

>> No.4861005
File: 8 KB, 259x194, sanji3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price keeps touching the yellow line and then going back up so it will probably keep touching the yellow line and going back up because people in the past have been willing to buy at the yellow line before and they will probably continue doing so because so far it's been working for them. Since the yellow line is going up, that probably means the price will keep going up too.

>TA is a meme
That's the point. If enough people believe in the meme, it becomes true. See /pol/ & donald trump.

>> No.4861038
File: 136 KB, 1024x676, gotowar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world chico, and everything in it

>> No.4861049

You can thank us

>> No.4861190

A pro bitcoin discord. I just fell off my chair. Thank you.

>> No.4861408

Does that mean I should look into mining btc again?

>> No.4861546
File: 188 KB, 487x364, sanji5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC mining depends on the price of electricity in your area and your cost of capital (how much you pay in interest for borrowing money and/or how much capital you have saved up).

>> No.4861725


Not just mining - BTC has too much going for it:

> first(!) IOU in history that can't be inflated through printing (HUGE!)
> lightning network not far from roll-out
> bitcoin unlimited on chain scaling (1GB blocks)
> survived almost everything thrown at it

Meanwhile, BCH is just a Bernie Sanders occuping a state with fellow socialists, complaining about fake problems no one has - and getting others to join "the revolution".

BCH exists only because it gave out "free coupons" by forking BTC. Then it was pumped enough to discourage people from just dumping immediately.

(Anyone remember Groupon?)

This airdrop model really bombed with BTG, because whales got lots of free coins too - which they carefully and gradually "de-accumulated" at max profits. To then buy BTC.

BTG "mining fairness" assumes users care about mining at all.

Even the "transactions are too slow!" thing got old fast: compared to IOTA/XRP/RAI/whatever. Even if BTC is a dinosaur, it's Chad and BCH is just a virgin bambiraptor at best.

BTC is too big to fail. BCH is too big to succeed (can't evolve - no devs).

I'm wondering if there's anything BTC can't survive...

>> No.4861887

>(Anyone remember Groupon?)
oh man that's an old meme

>> No.4862042
File: 17 KB, 280x210, blackleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm wondering if there's anything BTC can't survive
Congrats; you reached bubble-mania before the normies. Yes, there is always something a market cannot survive, at least in the short run.

>are you saying BTC is in a bubble
EVERYONE knows its a bubble. The question is are you stupid enough to go long, or autistic enough to go short. Either way, you're fucked. If you are Chad enough, by which I mean if your chakras are aligned so well with the universe that you are a demigod, then you'll know when to stop being long and go short, and it will be the Big Short. It's too far ahead right now to predict, but since everybody wants numbers I could see somewhere between 20-25k going to 5-8k, at which place BTC will stabilize for quite some time.

>> No.4862062
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Sweet summer child.
That was first manipulated short testing waters lol.

red wedding Anon incoming.

>> No.4862072

Are you retarded with that Bitcoin unlimited part and 1gb blocks ? That's for BCH not Bitcoin you idiot.

>> No.4862147

Wow so eager to pretend you’ve got all figure it out; are you a wizard? Nah you’re just anon

>> No.4862173


I suggested BTC will survive.

I didn't imply the price would ...

>> No.4862481
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>> No.4862536
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I'm just a cook, the advice is worth what you pay for it.

>> No.4862561


My point: BCH and Bitcoin unlimited are just forks. Same codebase.

It's proof that whatever BCH and Bitcoin Unlimited can do, Bitcoin can also do if needed.

On short notice.

(Whether BTC will/should/can/won't is a different matter).

>> No.4862912

Well, I am in direct contact with Olfag, who is unable to post atm. He says the kid is wrong once in a great while, but not very often. He is also arrogant, Like Oldfag, which Oldfag thinks will serve him well. Oldfag is wrong once in a great while as well, although it is tough for him to admit it, he still does. Oldfag is in getting some work done atm. He was killed in 78, lost part of his face. They brought him back and gace him a new face. Every few years he has to go under the knife to get some work done to ah, keep up appearances, just like Grichka and his Brother. Btw, odd chart movement. Triple Crown, and we are off to the races. Red Rum, you there?

>> No.4862917


>> No.4863052
File: 199 KB, 1156x400, 1507923015547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking dammit these bags are so fucking heavy....


>> No.4863117
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Yeah, in the long run buying BTC right now is like buying APPL in 1989, but in the short run, especially with leverage, that can sting a bit. MtGoxxers only just broke even last year if they ever even got their coins.

Who is the kid and red rum? Do you guys give yourselves codenames or something? Fucking faggots.

>> No.4863185


>Btw, odd chart movement.

Tell me about it!

For hours I followed BTC on 5 different exchanges. Kept double-checking to make sure I'm actually still looking at BTC.

E.g. the swings in bitfinex were insane while Kraken didn't have any real trading happening.

>> No.4863877

Lol. Off to the races all right. Oldfag should be out from anasthesia and back with us in a couple of hours. We are carrying out his orders in the interim.

>> No.4864218


I agree. Longing/shorting BTC is insane. Unless you're a major exchange.

(Shorting the BTG fork, however, would've been smooth sailing. Without a single bump).

I disagree about where the bubble starts and ends.

Heck, oldfagbiztard's estimates are too conservative (and thus - very reliable!).

Bitcoin ISN'T overvalued right now. And even $50,000/BTC is a bargain.

If the market panic sells, that's not proof of a bubble - that's just the market being retarded.

>> No.4864627

Lol. To Oldfag ( you) are The Kid, aka "Curly". Red Rum is one of his associates who is a World Class Steeple Chaser breeder. This breeder's top hores is Red Rum, so Olfag refers to them by that name when he sees thier posts .

>> No.4864643

oh, how the devs pulled the rug under the banksters.

until quantum processing justs us all.

>> No.4864719


Tell him he's the hero 4chan needs, but not the one it deserves.

>> No.4864743

Um. Oldfag told ne over scotch by the fire that it would take a computer occupying the time, space, and energy of the solar system to hack bitcoin.

>> No.4864754


>> No.4864984

these qubit buses sure do stack up faster even than btc's price action

>> No.4865037

I have bad news for all you mutts, world war 3 is starting, sure we will have some new fiat millionares who cant cash out, but hey, whatever floats your boat eh, mr 0.5 bitcoin.

>> No.4865090
File: 435 KB, 500x281, d0d7668346ba7b0bcc1451bfe615acdf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"how long in bytes the private key is"

32 bytes, or 256 bits

"then how many combinations of numbers it will contain"

There are 2^256 different private keys. That's a little larger than a 1 followed by 77 zeroes.

"what is the fastest computer or network of supercomputers"

At its peak around August 2011, the Bitcoin network was checking 15 trillion sha256 hashes per second. (See http://bitcoin.sipa.be/))

"how long it would take to crack a private key using that computer"

If we assume it takes the same time to run an ECDSA operation as it takes to check an sha256 hash (it takes much longer), and we use an optimisation that allows us to only need 2^128 ECDSA operations, then the time needed can be calculated:

>>> pow(2,128) / (15 * pow(2,40)) / 3600 / 24 / 365.25 / 1e9 / 1e9
It's 0.65 billion billion years.

That's an very conservative estimate for the time taken to break one single Bitcoin address.

I'm a cook.

>> No.4865139

how come you still browse this board although you're so knowledgeable?

>> No.4865246

That's assuming there are no weaknesses in the private key generation.

>> No.4865351
File: 121 KB, 519x397, sanji_smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there a weakness, there's also a ~300 billion dollar prize to find it.

Staring at charts is boring and it's valuable to see what the general 4chan consensus is. Also run into interested characters like OP, and they are very valuable to follow.

>> No.4865382

>If we assume it takes the same time to run an ECDSA


>> No.4865402
File: 9 KB, 200x160, 1492434772401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also that was like the 3rd hit on google for "how long does it take to crack a sha-256 encryption." If you know even a little more than the average, you get way better mileage than average.

>> No.4865468

>If there a weakness, there's also a ~300 billion dollar prize to find it.
It doesn't have to be a bug in bitcoin, it can be a bug in any tool or device used to generate a private key. OpenSSL for Debian was reduced to something like 30,000 unique keys because a maintainer was annoyed by valgrind complaining about memory reads and commented out the two lines of code that gave OpenSSL most of it's entropy.

>> No.4865495

Oldfag is thinking of creating a coin designed for biz and backed by some of his gold mining, pt group metals mining, and rare earth mining interests. Im probably going to get my ass chewed for this, but email him at reddingtonwetworks@gmail. Com, and let him know what you would like to see in a coin. I'm trying to get him to set up a seperate email for crypto, that one reeks of some of his other business that I do not care for. It amuses him to use it here.

>> No.4865554

It's not difficult to look up the exchanges cold wallets and find the public key yet every bitcoin "hack" to this date has been phishing or on the exchange's end. You might be right but it's 8 years and nobody has found it.

>> No.4865587

Yeah. We did a dry run on the Norks last two days. 53% failure rate. I don't think we are going warr for the next couple of weeks at least

>> No.4865610

>You might be right but it's 8 years and nobody has found it.
Are you retarded?

>> No.4865739
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, mrprince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into hybrid PoS/PoW coins; I think mintcoin had an open-source scrypt github available for it and it was hybrid. The economic theory behind it suggests the price rise and adoption would be much more stable if you begin with a large PoS interest rate on the initially mineable coins, but have a low block reward. Over time on a logistic curve, increase the block reward to miners while decreasing the interest rate linearly. Finally, begin halving the block reward in the same fashion as BTC while the interest rate approaches it's asymptotic value (say 1%/year). Now you have a distribution system that constantly incentivizes holding at the beginning while also incentivizing people to adopt the coin as early as possible in both mining and holding during it's expansion phase, and that leads to having a much lower concentration of wealth than BTC has, which means a more widespread market and faster adoption.

>> No.4865790
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Probably yeah

>> No.4866582
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ETH is not on a tear

>> No.4866630

Fuckit, i just sold all 120 of my LTC i bought at 45/ltc

I'm all in btc

>> No.4867129

OK. Back from the Nether world. If it follows the pattern on the last few hours, there should be an average $200 - $300 dip around $16,900, floor formation gyrations, go flag pattern, then move up from there.

>> No.4867286

I did noy want him on before the anesthesia wore off, but he insisted.

>> No.4867358


Most interns are a dime a dozen. This one is golden, but has a tendency to helicopter.

>> No.4867424

Sorry about Eth, Anon. It was moving up earlier.on bithumb. Just hard for anything to breath right now.

>> No.4867614
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Oldfagofbiz, please tell me my BCH isn't in vain.

>> No.4867793

> mfw kraken so overwhelmed, it was stuck for 40 minutes at $15950
> wishing I could somehow arbitrage this
> my heart goes to those stuck with massive sell orders they couldn't cancel (logging was a 1 in 20 chance)

>> No.4867873

Didn't see that little mini dip coming. Happened to fast for me to say anything. I did sell and buyback on it, and made bank. Nerves of steel, even under anesthesia recovery.

>> No.4867884

It's going to crash a lot of fucking times,hold on tight

>> No.4867956

Yup. Can Confirm. A lot of crashes on the way to 100K.

>> No.4867959

this makes me fkn nervous.

>> No.4867968
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>> No.4867991
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>how to arbitrage this
Buy idiot. That's what I was doing the whole fucking time.

>those with huge sell orders
Probably some eurofag that got caught sleeping; you can't EVER sleep with crypto.

This is why I can't work for someone or have someone work for me. Fuckin' caring about people and shit, disgusting.

>> No.4868023
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>> No.4868038

Korean, anesthesiologist was looking at my charts, asking what they were. I explained briefly. She dropped what she was doing and jumped on the phone. Can't understand Korean, but she seemed pretty animated, like she was barking orders to troops.

>> No.4868045

I'm FOMOing so hard right now, i cant sell my ltc bags, theyve treated me so well... But btc, you fucking slut

>> No.4868082

are you going to convert your BTC into another alt coin or cash?

also, how do you know if big short positions are being made with CME? is there some way to see the positions being made?

>> No.4868146
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>> No.4868148

Wise words, Anon. don't ever sleep with crypto.

>> No.4868158

Just bought 2k worth of eth. It's gonna come back lads.

>> No.4868160

I'll need a telescope to see you from where I will be in a few months.

>> No.4868167

just go half ltc half btc

>> No.4868186

7 hours later, dude you called it exactly. Impressive.

>> No.4868197
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Gimme your 2 cents; 4 years ago this was my baby but I can't compile windows wallets because I am a script kiddie >>4865739

>> No.4868224

I pull some profits from time to time, but not much. When MILTEL pops, I buy physical gold. Hold it till the threat of war passes, sell it for a 20% premium, then go back in.

>> No.4868277

>Buy idiot. That's what I was doing the whole fucking time.

No, I mean AFTER already having the BTC and no more funds.

If only BTC didn't have such ridiculous confirmation times.... I would've funded the purchases with pure arbitrage.

>> No.4868336

Win some lose some. i thought what was happening now was going to happen at !6.9K, not 16.6K. off by $300. not good. Anesthesia. Still caught the move and made bank.

>> No.4868349


Though sleeping 100% in fiat doesn't seem too financially intelligent, either.

>> No.4868387


Genius! Lesson learned!

>> No.4868408

It's making the next floor on bithumb. At the end of the flat.

>> No.4868472
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Check next post.

>> No.4868510
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>> No.4868564

Kraken traders prefer to pretend dips don't exist. Because it's easier to just ignore them than 40 attempts at logging in.

>> No.4868573

its all good man, I didnt buy into it yet

>> No.4868576

seriously? Isn't that... ironic? The whole reason bitcoin exists is to cut off paypal and the likes, i thought

>> No.4868583

Missed the second mini dip. Was flapping my trap. Oh well, only missed 2K.

>> No.4868611

im selling some btc at 20k and buying alts with it at these low low prices.

>> No.4868957

Here comes the small Korean dip I was expecting.

>> No.4869054
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Borrow USD against your BTC and lever up XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.4869213

Monero is getting ready to Bust a Move, if you are looking to put some profits in something, while Hodling your main here.

>> No.4869613

Pls give me some adbice, im the 120ltc bagholder. How should I play out the next two weeks. I'd send you some your way if your advice pays off

Pl0x help me fight international kikery and pay off my student debts. Fucking wallstreet gotta shit everything up now

>> No.4869715


>> No.4870012

lel is more like a half lol but keep predicting mang ;)

>> No.4870110

Litecoin is getting ready to start moving up again. Hang loose tonight. fomoing in to BTC coming up on sixteen nine is not wise. If we see a minor correction about there, or they manage to bulldoze past it, then buy in.

>> No.4870128


>> No.4870278

Thanks for the heads up. Gonna put some profit in there.

>> No.4870309

Thats what I'm doing, planning on putting most of my gains in monero. Pretty soon I'll be drinking fresh orange juice all night long.

>> No.4870441

And Monero Busts a move minutes later.

>> No.4870617


>> No.4870675
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Merry Christmas

>> No.4870923
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Shit oldfag, i just get off the Alts train
lost 40% of my bitcoin.
What should i do now?
i need your advice

>> No.4870924
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damn thanks for the heads up

>> No.4870962

Gotcha, thanks man. Wish you the best!

>> No.4870980

Y-you too Anon