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File: 52 KB, 770x756, Screen Shot 2017-12-03 at 10.34.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4808644 No.4808644 [Reply] [Original]

Cant be Stopped, Wont be stopped

>> No.4808680

I missed ethereum back then but now i am on iota rocket, feels good

>> No.4808691


>> No.4808704

this will surpass BTC market cap in roughly 2 months.

you've been warned.

>> No.4808714

That's what they said about powr
Time to sell I guess

>> No.4808757

ah there it is
the sell signal
peace biz bros

>> No.4808811

wtf it's not stopping

>> No.4808829

I am scared by this extreme growth

Obviously you can still get in right now and profit, but where does it stop

>> No.4808837
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>> No.4808844

something wacky is happening. inb4 6 dollars

>> No.4808875

looks sketchy as fuck, lets ride and see what happens i guess

>> No.4808879

Tfw wanted to buy it when it was $2.40 but I'm verified anywhere and bitfinex requires a certified English translation of all my documents. Welp, guess I'll never make and die in this shithole, poor, all due to my lack of decisiveness and motivation.

>> No.4808910

broke 5.50 on binance. *insert nervous pepe here*

>> No.4808917

will I regret not buying until tomorrow morning

>> No.4808923


>> No.4808975

Doubtful. Heading back to at least $4.00 in the next 24 hours. No fucking way it won't dip now. We're talking 2000% gain.

>> No.4808988

only 94% gain in the last 24 hours and thats when this thing really started getting hyped

>> No.4809067

Not really a newfag to cryptos but essentially to branching out more than just the newfag top 3. Was wanting to hop into IOTA, didn’t know you couldn’t buy on Bittrex. Now stuck with $6 on Bitttex. Sending it to another wallet costs $5.... What are good coins to put this $6 in. I know that’s not balling, my majority is in BTC

>> No.4809139

buy some xlm friendo

>> No.4809305

Einsteinium might moon

>> No.4809314

Binance doesn't require verification

>> No.4809968

>Friend tells me about Iota a week ago
>Crypto newfag, not verified anywhere
>Still waiting for verification on coinbase so I can buy in
>Iota skyrockets day after day, I watch as hundreds of dollars in opportunity are lost.

Put me on suicide watch boys

>> No.4809984

You're not alone.

>> No.4810004

i lose thousands trying to time the market and short it, and finaly just gave in and longed. When ever you think of your mistake, just think about how bad i fucked up so you can feel better. All i have left is 78$

>> No.4810048
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>shorting a fucking intergalactic rocket
lmao dude

>> No.4810065

I know man, i know. I'm fairly suicidal at the moment and barly keeping it together so lets try not to critique my dumb ass too hard

>> No.4810085

i had 7gi i bought on yandex before bitfinex, didnt hodl. :|

>> No.4810087

just buy iota back in and wait for the korean disparity to stop. it is going up consistently.

>> No.4810101

Yeah, thats what i've been doing, trying to get my money back that way lol

>> No.4810102

dont fret my friend. leave your address and ill send you 10Miota
>tfw that's 50 bucks now
>tfw I have 2700 of those

>> No.4810177

actually bought 7k at 33 cents during the crash should have fucking piled in more

>> No.4810194

Not sure if trolling or not but i will take em, it would help me get back on my feet :)


>> No.4810236

Too late to buy????

>> No.4810242
File: 37 KB, 757x391, amnot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am not trolling

godspeed anon, and hodl

>> No.4810247

Cheers to you

>> No.4810253

thanks so much man <3<3<3

>> No.4810266


Ok, this is just nuckin futs. What the hell even set this thing off?

>> No.4810297

lol you dick

>> No.4810310

>Trading my money making good gains
>place money into btc mid trade
>binance glitches money stuck into btc
>gains so many lost gains
I am livid

>> No.4810321
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I'm so sorry anon, but god decided it was a bad decision

>> No.4810331

I'm going to bed for the first time holding iota.

Don't dump on me please. I just want $6 in a few hours.

>> No.4810336

Would have bought some if it was easier to buy
Kinda feel like I missed the boat now though

>> No.4810341

lol mines dead too.

>> No.4810342

anymore iota giveaway senpai? i missed the moon

>> No.4810361

t. normie that bought @$2.20

>> No.4810388


>> No.4810419
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you were lucky. I wouldn't have pressed confirm again, but it went through anyway

>> No.4810421

Do I sell before I go to bed? I'm tired as fuck.

>> No.4810463

flip a coin

>> No.4810508

god damn i cant do it. I feel like it will shoot up to 6 as soon as I sell

>> No.4810554

>Tfw bought 600 IOTA at 50c
>Sold at 1.50 last week

This is painful. I'm a big believer in the tech but I desperately needed the money, now I'm fucking ready to kill myself.

Pls tell me there'll be a dip soon so I can buy back in.

>> No.4810598

way I see it you sell and you worry and get shitty sleep or you hodl and you worry and you get shitty sleep so either way you're gonna be tired in the morning - personally I'd hodl this shit shows no signs of slowing, it's recovered from every drop so far
also didn't even catch my internet money pun WEW

>> No.4810623

thanks man! not seeing it yet, never received or sent out iota before so not sure how all that jaz works or how long it takes. I really appreciate it, ill HODL!

>> No.4810645

>killing yourself over $3000

lmao that's chump change dumb ass

Even if Iota goes to $10 you only lost what, $5k of gains?

>> No.4810650

>Pls tell me there'll be a dip soon
As soon as you buy it

>> No.4810670

by trying to make up for something stupid you FOMO'd in instead? jesus

>> No.4810691

yes, and its working.

>> No.4810692

I am a poorfag.

>> No.4810697

>BFX iota volume

>> No.4810719

or compromise, set your sell at something ridiculous like 8 or 9. In the morning if a goddamn miracle has happened throw your gainz into REQ and put back your initial USD investment into IOTA.
If no miracle its like you hodl'd anyways.

>> No.4810754

if you're poor why are you gambling on shitcoins anyways just throw savings into BTC ETH and XMR and be patient. jesus christ why do people suck at this

>> No.4810806

>normie friend who has done 0 research on crypto wants to start investing
>he doesn't do much research, buys into IOTA because of it's marketing
>he actually makes huge gains while all my alts bleed


some IOTA person please help me i'm on the verge of killing myself

>> No.4810822


>> No.4810836

Got around to looking at what the fuck iota is
"internet of things"
Retarded and gay

Grats on anons who made a bundle
but this shitcoin is pure shit
Nobody wants microsoft and facebook knowing what is in their fridge.

>> No.4810840

are you my roommate bryce

>> No.4810846

if you did any fucking research, you'd know IOTA is rock solid. I'm studying computer science and EVERYBODY knows about IOTA at my uni. It's not a fad, it's the replacement for blockchain

>> No.4810860

How high could it realistically go?

>> No.4810874

Doubt it'll go past 45k sats tonight theres a hard roof

>> No.4810880
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Is that an IOTA seed? Mine now

>> No.4810892


I only heard about it but I was too busy still reseraching other coins. Completely went under my radar basically.

>> No.4810936
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i would be willing to work for some of that missed moon.
i could give you hentai tips to watch, based on your preferences/fetishes.
i am quite knowledgeable in that aspect.


>> No.4810937

>stealing the wallet of a poor person

>> No.4810967

I'm just SALTy that I sold too early. Doubled my investment but quit there.

>> No.4810993
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sorry I only wank to real women.

Also thread soundtrack

>> No.4810995


>> No.4811005

Any biz bro wanna give me some pointers? New to crypto currency and not trying to hop on the bitcoin bandwagon.

Where do u guys buy this? Is it easily tradeable (sold) like the stock market? What site should I use to buy?

>TL;DR IOTA 4 dummies

>> No.4811007

Who here both XLM and IOTA

>> No.4811015

i could help you with jav's

google yuriko thick

>> No.4811158

Binance. Deposit some Ethereum or Bitcoin and trade it for Iota.

>> No.4811176

Oh, you can just spend real cash on IOTA?

>> No.4811194

I have 848 XLM and 53 IOTA

>> No.4811203

Cant* ?

>> No.4811234
File: 51 KB, 657x527, 1471751160258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only bought 90$ worth of iota when it was 1.30

>> No.4811237

>tfw bought 55 IOTA @ 5.4
I feel like necking myself over missed profits in past 3 days but still confident I'm early adopter.

>> No.4811257

USD on bitfinix

>> No.4811260

>55 iota

Hope you mean Giota lol, enjoy pennies.

>> No.4811297

>buying IOTA

I hope a nigger rapes you

>> No.4811347

Holy fuck this is the saddest thing I've seen on biz

>> No.4811369

No just go for it anon

>> No.4811372

even compared to the guy cumming over his crypto kitty?

>> No.4811396

i hope 100 yass
i want everything else to collapse,only iota will reign

>> No.4811423
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i wondered the same thing yesterday, now the price doubled

>> No.4811538
File: 218 KB, 748x500, 3dcac7f6-f268-4633-bc5b-2d3b2c3082a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats so great about bitcoin?
since these coins aren't backed by anything they compete on technical features right?
so what is bitcoin best at? what protects it from other coins?
why did twitter pick bitcoin for their mobile cash app if other cryptos are technically better?

>> No.4811577
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>> No.4811640

>bought IOTA at $0,5

>> No.4811680

whats IOTA, MIOTA, GIOTA????

>> No.4811688

Sitting on 1Giota from 1.3


>> No.4811705

miota = million iota
giota = giga iota

>> No.4811713
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>> No.4811729


See you all on alpha Centauri fellow iota marines.

>> No.4811750

>>4811423 I went all in man, it's going to the goddamn moon. I would never forgive myself for missing this moment in history.

>> No.4811756

honestly surprised you were helpful. Thanks Anon

so, 1 IOTA costs, right now, about $5.50. is that correct?

>> No.4811764

I love BBC so I don't see anything wrong with that

>> No.4811784

Adding 4 eth next week regardless of price. No fucks given. All in IOTA. This is better than gambling.

>> No.4811830

How do we know that they don't just print more iota?

>> No.4811857

No problem. 1 MIOTA (1 million iota) costs $5.50. We use MIOTA since the price of 1 single iota is harder to work with

>> No.4811884

almost 5.85 now

>> No.4811935

Which exchange for IOTA purchase: Bitfinex or Binance?

>> No.4811951


>> No.4811959

probably go to USD$8 within the next 5 hours

>> No.4811967

got 5gi of this back when it tanked to 600M cap though i saw it way before that....i kinda kicking myself...but at least im in

>> No.4811969

>>4811951 It's back up, phew.

>> No.4811979

wait for correction then buy buy buy
then hodl your dick

>> No.4811996

predictions of iota by 1st of jan 2018?


>> No.4812017

$100 so buckle up

>> No.4812045

Me. Plus REQ. pretty comfy

>> No.4812050

Literal pyramid scheme.
Wait until a project finishes or people realize its worthless and a few tIOTA get dumped.
Back to $0.5 like its worth..
Remember, any sensible project only needs 1mIOTA

>> No.4812092

As long as you learned something it wasn't a total waste OP, knowledge is valuable too.... kinda....

>> No.4812131

Should I Left my IOTA in my portfolio o should I made money trading

>> No.4812160

ok then I have 55 MIOTA. Thanks for the clarification. Hats off to you good sir. Or madam???

>> No.4812181

hey 50 bucks is 50 bucks

>> No.4812217

Literally impossible for this to go anywhere near LTC BTC and Eth price isn't it? Tfw smalishl position

>> No.4812350

>thread goes silent
Everybody sweating with me right now?

>> No.4812361
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Hope this trash is getting ready to crash

>> No.4812366

>m]122 / 13 / 73 / 1 [Update] [Auto] No new posts
nopD i SIOLD

>> No.4812377

FFS taking 30 mins to show my ETH deposit into Bitfinex. Is this normal

>> No.4812384

i literally just went all in
on that last drop

>> No.4812393


>> No.4812399

iota the future

buy now, 6 bucks tomorrow

>> No.4812411

it's the opposite.. it's only gaining because of its "partnerships" and marketing

>> No.4812413

Psht 6 bucks? lets see another 100% gain

>> No.4812425

Didn't Bitfinex ban US traders? are they allowed as long as you just say you aren't from US when you register or something?

>> No.4812439

They only needed a username and email when I signed up this morning

>> No.4812457

just dropped 5 BTC in at .00044

Was too lazy to buy in when it was $1.18 because binance is trash, rip my easy 600% gains. I'll see you all at 30$

>> No.4812480

how many minutes is 'normal'? I'm missing the train

>> No.4812501
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More like say goodbye to 2 or 3 of those BTC. Sorry m8.

>> No.4812516

>83 billion marketcap
anon I don't think it's going THAT high

>> No.4812522

doubtful, im here to hold.

>> No.4812526

Not this year but definitely next year it will

>> No.4812541

That's what I thought when I had invested ARK and it shot up to 120k sats from 25k. Then it slowly bled all the way down to where it is today at 30k sats. Still holding ARK but if I had sold at the top I'd have 4 BTC right now instead of 1. Good luck though man.

>> No.4812557

It will go to the grave like the shitcoin that it is

>> No.4812587

Bought 160 Iota at 2USD , now its 5.3. Exciting.

>> No.4812590

Can someone tell me why the ETH/IOTA price is so much higher on Binance than on Bitfinex? I've never used Bitfinex, but Binance was quick to register for. Does Bitfinex make it difficult even for crypto-to-crypto trades or what?

>> No.4812698

It was less than $1 a week ago.
It got microshit support and it got to $5.3
How high can it go in the next 7 days just based on that and the momentum it picked up?

>> No.4812711

Because finex is sketchy as hell,

>> No.4812728

>paying a premium at an exchange that never works

>> No.4812787

Shut the fuck up you corporate tool
It's going to crash all the way back down to $0.05

>> No.4812819

Fuck man. People want to know whats in their fridge by looking at their phone while at work. Most people don't give two fucks about companies spying on them because either, "Why would they do that?" "I have nothing to hide really" or the old "They all do it anyway so what does it matter?". The fact that they can show that neato app off to their dumbass freinds at work and show them how hip and cool it is enough.

>> No.4812825

>finex is sketchy as hell
'splain yourself boi

>> No.4813154

Wtf im rich now

>> No.4813261

What site can I buy iota from, wanna get in on this

>> No.4813275


>> No.4813313



>> No.4813331


>> No.4813347

appreciate it.
tried that, got a message saying U.S residents not allowed or something

>> No.4813365
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>Praise KEK
>Please give me IOTA if you have a lot I have 47 but I cant afford any more


>> No.4813498


>> No.4813520


>> No.4813555

this prophet better make me profit

>> No.4813608

By the holy 5s you will see a rise to 10 dollars maybe not tonight.

>> No.4813761

Where would you recommend buying IOTA?

>> No.4813786


>> No.4813792

it stopped

>> No.4813828

3.90 wew lads rides over

>> No.4813843


>> No.4813849


should i buy the dip? is the pnd over or it's going back to 5$?

>> No.4813867

Rides over? I'm loading up on this dip

>> No.4813925

I wanted to sell at 5.50 but binance wont confirm my funds fuaaaarrrrr!!!! Anyone else? ;(

>> No.4813954

>Selling before $10
R u retard?

>> No.4813962

Fuck youbitch

>> No.4813993

Mmmmm yes it can sweetie

>> No.4814000

network effect

>> No.4814008

now that iota is in the top 5 market cap I'd forget about any massive dips. probably here to stay no matter the possible correction.

>> No.4814041

Exactly. Ride out these tiny dips. This is going over $100 in 2018

>> No.4814062
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brief dip happening now.

buying opportunity is now or soon, or post pink wojacks forever

>> No.4814065


>> No.4814082

>these huge buys at $4.5

>> No.4814094

Ripple is going to be back above it tomorrow in mcap.

>> No.4814131

Cripple isn't going anywhere matey

>> No.4814145


>> No.4814156

Not it isn't but IOTA is going somewhere: down.

>> No.4814202



>> No.4814207

And it is down by $1.1 in the last hour and half.>>4812698
>it got to $5.3

>> No.4814213

I actually keep buying

>> No.4814219

FOMO isn't over, we will see it at 6$, r-r-r-right?
t. fomoing retard bought ath

>> No.4814261

you're doing it the right way anon

now that you bought high, make sure to sell low as well

>> No.4814293

raising again, now buy in again for the 6$ today

>> No.4814317
File: 1.04 MB, 631x839, you know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys im new what do i download to invest in this ill fucking do it right nowi got a fucking htc 10 it can handle a fucking APP HAAHAHH

>> No.4814368
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completely missed out on the dip because bitfinex is not working

>> No.4814382

Not holding IOTA seems silly at this point.

>> No.4814396

Trying to cash out half my gains and it keeps telling me errors or the whole site just goes down


>> No.4814439

Binance was fucked up, that's why it dipped. It will moon once the east coast wakes up.

>> No.4814446

exactly this :(

>> No.4814452

it's pumping again. dont get left behind.

>> No.4814477

Not gonna cash til this thing hits $50. Hold with me boyzz.

>> No.4814575


130bn market cap required for it to hit 50 dollars

lel id love it to happen but i really cant see how

>> No.4814579
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i fucking hate that there are not a single big market where you have most of the good coins. and every time i want to transfer some shit from one coin to another, i have to wait like 40 mins. have missed the dip because i was trying to transfer cash from liquid to this shitty bitfinex. REEEEEE

>> No.4814595

HOLDING!! It's gonna go back up,!

>> No.4814624

It's on its way back up!

>> No.4814649


buy in and hold to 6$!

>> No.4814669

yo gimmie a quick guide pls

>> No.4814691

thats why you gotta take your time an accumulate while everyone thinks its shit

>> No.4814712

>buy ethererum on coinbase
>transfer them to binance.com
>buy iota
>lose half your money

>> No.4814727

it's over

get out or get poor

>> No.4814731

yeah that happened to me. Fuck.

>> No.4814748

>this fucking volatility

if you aren't daytrading on margin right fucking now then you deserve to be poor. i've made literally +100% in 1 hours

>> No.4814886
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>still in train of waking up

>> No.4814901

it's in the value zone, i'm waiting to see what it'll do in the next hours

>> No.4814907

Dude, that dip happened so goddamn fast it was insane.

>> No.4814938

ITT: newcomers who don't know how to play it cool and sell instantly when a dip occurs. thanks for allowing me to buy at $3.50

>> No.4814949

I bought more.

>> No.4814960

Also, I should add, this is my first serious crypto investment since btc. I just thought of the weak hands shit and sat on it. No regrets.

>> No.4814965
File: 81 KB, 713x809, 1504217001553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, this shit is amazing. I will look at this good damn chart again the whole long day, wont I?
>tfw could have sold it all before going to sleep at 0.013 IOTA/ETH, and just buy back in now at 0.0109
I'd have fucked it up anyways, I guess :D
I was sleeping relly good, also worth something, no?

>> No.4814980

why is bitfinex so fucking slow reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.4814995

If there's another huge (I'm talking 80-100% increase like today) spike tomorrow, the correction is going to be fucking insane. I'm talking like down to 2.50$.

>> No.4815015
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>> No.4815040

I don't think it is either. I honestly believe this is a top three coin. However, I'm telling you that a huge spike like that is going to garner the results we saw earlier today, but in respect to the severity of the spike. It'll be a good opportunity to buy more and hold it, I think it will recover afterwards as it has before.

>> No.4815065

So, sell everything at the spike (or where you one thinks the spike might be) and buy again after the correction?

>> No.4815089
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yeah, we'll see... bloody hell.

nah, that's just a trick to get rid of you, and they will move ahead without you :D :D :D

>> No.4815091

the fomo will make it reach the spike again within a few hours

>> No.4815119

Yes. Look at the gains of the previous day and sell at around 80% increase. Around 7.50$ is where I would start to sell.

>> No.4815135

>reaches $7.50
>ATL after that at $7.60
wat do?

>> No.4815174

Obviously don't sell 100% of it, just hedge your bets. If it corrects super hard, and it IS going to correct if we continue to see explosive growth like that, you'll be able to buy quite a bit more with it. Like I said, look at the previous corrections.

>> No.4815185

>implying you can time this shit

>> No.4815192

how is it possible to predict that there is a huge correction happening?

>> No.4815207

It's less about timing it exactly and more about just having the liquid to buy more. Look at how crazy it overcorrected today. If you had sold at 5$ and bought at 4$, you still would have made some. Even if it's 20% of your holdings. You don't have to nail it exactly.

>> No.4815227

Is it wise to buy now?

>> No.4815245

almost passed $5 again

>> No.4815248

I say buy 50% of it now, and try to snipe the correction tomorrow. If it's anything like today's, you'll have a good chance.

>> No.4815254
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Sure, if you know what the fuck you're doing.
well, we'll see how we all manage this situation.
>sell all IOTA
>all in linkies
>lose it all

>> No.4815262

Strong hands buddy. I've been holding BTC since 450.

>> No.4815263

high market cap already

only 5 dollarydoos

this coin will make no millionaires

whats the point when it will never even hit over 50 dollars

>> No.4815284

Yup, passed now

>> No.4815285

What do you think when this is going to happen?

>> No.4815297

thats the point
this thing will go far beyond 50$

>> No.4815300

I'm loving having bought a sizable chunk a week ago, but those that FOMOd, you bought into nothing but hype. The product is unproven and the partnership has been severely over stated by the community. Take a moment to actually look at what the Microsoft 'partnership' is. I believe iota has alot of potential, but this is not it's time.

>> No.4815319
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>this coin will make no millionaires
>implying it hasn't already

>> No.4815332

Realistically when this shit is breaking it's ATH? Going to nap now, what stop loss should I set?

>> No.4815362

Also, what would be the best currency to sell it for if you plan to buy iota again after the correction? USD, ETH, BTC? Pretty new to this.

>> No.4815368

probably in 5 hours

>> No.4815370

>I say buy 50% of it now, and try to snipe the correction tomorrow. If it's anything like today's, you'll have a good chance.

>stop loss

where do you buy your IOTA?

>> No.4815386
File: 1.99 MB, 280x202, 1505262111314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coinbase sucks so much dick. i swear to fucking god it took them 9 days to transfer funds then un-fuckin-verified me. when i asked why i got an email 2 months later giving me two reasons why

>mfw both reasons were blank bullet points

fuck coinbase, dont usem if you dont have to

>> No.4815392
File: 138 KB, 640x1439, 1512429805082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.4$ below ath
Hope I won't become iotamarine

>> No.4815395

how high are we going today? thoughts!!

>> No.4815404

how do i get iota

>> No.4815413
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>two blank bullet points

>> No.4815428

2.5 dollaroos

>> No.4815463

Just be patient it will come back up over that. And don't be a regard buying so high next time

>> No.4815466

>what is bitcoin best at?
being the first

>what protects it from other coins?
the idiocy of msm led normies

Buy Monero

>> No.4815500


Check this faucet

Just wait like 30 mins while it uses your CPU for a bit, then cash out. It uses your CPU to mine monero and gives you iota for compensation

>> No.4815521


>> No.4815529


at bitcoins market cap this coin will be worth ~ $100 lol

you really think it will go beyond that?

>> No.4815572
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strap in boyos, its above $5 again and shooting towards 7.5 today

>> No.4815586 [DELETED] 

i own 20.000 petaiotas making a giveaway tomorrow put sharpies on poopers

>> No.4815641

going hiiiigh again just hit 5$

expect today 7$, next days 10$

>> No.4815648

FUCK OFF, I fucking despise these pajeet beggars. I even got banned LARPing as one with a very obvious fake address with the words nigger, faggot and jew in it

>> No.4815710

nice bulltrap *insert dj khaled here*

>> No.4815826

He's offeringn a service, not begging. This is amazing, I love biz

>> No.4815844

Are you from India ?
If not be careful, you think, act and write like a pajeet.

>> No.4815871

>that dip again
people loosing their cool, eh?

>> No.4815898
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holy fucking rollercoaster

>> No.4815921
File: 132 KB, 2173x684, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking pajeets with the 1-minute charts sweating their asses off

>> No.4815929

IOT market is projected in the trillions in 2020. Iota will have a slice of that. Barring that, crypto as a whole will (conservatively) triple it's marketcap by late summer.

>> No.4815930


>> No.4815933

I just bought in at 5.28 dollars. I'm going to become a bagholder aren't I?

>> No.4815942

nah, you're gonna be rich in a month

>> No.4815945

Let's go! Spot 3 here we come, sooner than expected

>> No.4815983


>> No.4816007

it's over boys. pack your things. we need to find a new moon mission.

>> No.4816026

this. It's a scam, never actually paid me my fucking 500 iota I tested with

>> No.4816032

I'm buying more now.

>> No.4816049


Same, please dip more and fill my buy orders :D

>> No.4816071

I predict it dropping to 4.05'ish, forming a double bottom into green dildo straight to 6

>> No.4816110


>> No.4816124

Falling for microsofts newest scam

>> No.4816137
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okay, now who of you smartypantsies saw this coming, sold at 0.0118 IOTA/ETH, and bought back in something below 0.0108? Who? Anyone?

>> No.4816138
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>> No.4816149

that's a lot of meme lines for one chart

>> No.4816189

Just the right amounts.

>> No.4816215


a coin that has zero application will far exceed the market cap of amazon, google and other companies that actually make money and have value

come on guys im enjoying the ride too but crypto has a dark future

>> No.4816223

Bought all mine at 0.3. I ain't selling that shit nigga

>> No.4816266
File: 5 KB, 238x212, wjk22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Th-This is just a temporary dip?
It will go back to 5$, right?

>> No.4816307

no, never
>being this fucking retarded

>> No.4816363

just going back 5$. now its settled at 5$.

but what a roller coaster..

>> No.4816444

not looking too good anymore

>> No.4816491

>0 application

>> No.4816506

name 5

>> No.4816517

Gees calm the fuck down, Rajeesh and Shriharta.

>> No.4816527

The volume keeps going up.
Is this good for us anons?

>> No.4816550
File: 6 KB, 260x194, fk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get made boy!! we're going down and im going to be and eternal bag hodler!!!

>> No.4816551

somebody plz tell BTC to stop growing for a day so i can get some good satoshi for my IOTA.

>> No.4816557

Literally any electronic device can be made for IoT whether it makes sense or not.
Smart cars, smart fridges, fucking smart dildos for cam sites you name it

>> No.4816584
File: 408 KB, 790x970, 1512309944500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking smart dildos for cam sites
>tfw this spawned a whole new industry

>> No.4816597

if it's that easy you fucken mongrol then why don't you do it....tired of hearing u fucken basement freaks say this tech sucks, this coin sucks, this sucks. YOU suck, your life sucks....jump off a fucken bridge or shove a gun up your ass and spin it u lil BITCH!!

>> No.4816601

Electric vehicle charging, autonomous vehicle data input management, data marketplace, instant and feeless P2P transactions, AI/Machine learning (Q)

>> No.4816607


and that makes the coin valuable how?

>> No.4816692

All the things need the currency as fuel to exchange data like a bunch of microtransactions

>> No.4816726

shut the fuck up

>> No.4816797


iota is only 2 years young and severly overhyped. few substance. will crash down soon. sell when you still can. it will be one of these coins that have a moon mission at the beginning and them slowly drift sideways downwards for at least half a year.

>> No.4816810

Mark my word:
by the end of the next week, IOTA will be 12$

>> No.4816816

it has a high market cap cause its all premined, the calculation is wrong with this one. you cant compare that with btc or xmr.

>> No.4816856

no :D 2 dollar

>> No.4816934

>that whale
pack your bags boys

>> No.4817073
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Is IOTA gonna double bottom before resuming?

>> No.4817214
File: 23 KB, 320x320, 10693734_714436328636451_1800706000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how to interpret the current ups and downs... is it already bleeding out slowly? Is it going to catch up again?

>> No.4817474

probably not, iota is going to probably hit 2 dollars by tommorow

>> No.4817692
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>> No.4817909

Bought at 5.3 gonna end up a bagholder forever.

>> No.4818013

On it's way back up!

>> No.4818206

no it is not abort this shit before it goes back to 1$

>> No.4818708

im fucked

>> No.4818738
File: 1.63 MB, 1502x1127, 21f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filled at $3.8, gonna wait for $4.5

>> No.4818746

Going back up. It was refill time.

>> No.4818751

please just shut the fuck up idiot

this is serious for some people here

>> No.4818935

Yeah ...
I bought in at 5.3 dollars.

>> No.4818953

Hold my bags while I go lambo shopping.

>> No.4818986


>> No.4819007
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her we go again

>> No.4819169 [DELETED] 


Market caps are a poor metric for coins, especially ones like LINK.

Imagine a bunch of big corporations establish a bunch of nodes and end up staking 900MM, this is an exaggerated example to illustrate my point, the remaining 100MM would then be traded between small companies and individuals hoping to set up their own nodes. LINK could easily be worth 100 USD then.