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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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476255 No.476255 [Reply] [Original]

How do you brainwash yourself into liking "work" and valuing consumerist garbage and thinking the regular money-driven life is worth pursuing?

>> No.476259

Realize that life is ultimately pointless so you might as well pursue the perceived happiness that material items and numbers in the bank give.

>> No.476260

Jokes on you fag

I play video games all day in my mancave and I pay for nothing.

I'm supported by my parents. No job is intellectually fulfilling.

>> No.476262

>I'm supported by my parents

I'd rather work in a mine, rob a bank or go on welfare than depend on my rich parents financially.

Much too shameful and weird.

>> No.476264
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this book:

"Players First" by John Calipari

John Calipari, the famous coach talks about how he got good at the sport:

"Weekends, holidays, just about every chance I got I was in that gym working on my game. I’d take shots from different parts of the floor, practice foul shots, work on my ball handling. I wrote down everything I did.

I tell my guys now: 'You’ve got to love the grind.' That’s something they probably hear from me more than anything else.

You’ve got to love the grind.
Embrace the work.
Embrace the sweat.
Embrace the pain.

And keep track of it all, because it keeps you honest. You’ve got to chart a workout and chart your shots. If there’s not something measurable, it’s not real.

You say to yourself, 'I’m taking five hundred shots before I leave this gym, and I’m doing it every day.' Count them up and write down how many you made.

And if you miss a day, write that down too, so you can look back on that and feel bad about it. You didn’t hit a big foul shot at the end of the game? You clanked a jumper off the back rim that would’ve tied the game? Look in your workout book. Maybe that’s because of the days you slacked off."

>> No.476265

>Bragging about being a basement-dwelling loser.

>> No.476271


that's a bit different than my request. That's how to get good at something, I already know how to get good at stuff.

I'm asking what stuff is "worth" doing and getting good at...

>> No.476278

It's your life and you decide what is "worth" doing and getting good at. The fuck I know.

>> No.476281

right there w you op

>> No.476302

Financial success exists where your needs are being met. Instead of increasing your wealth to match your needs, you can also go a long way lessening your needs to match your wealth.

So find happiness in a simple life on neetbux.

>> No.476306


I've been asking myself that same question since junior year of high school anon.

2 years after graduating college and living as a NEET, I still come to the same conclusion:

You need to find something you care about that makes you forget about all the existential questions. For most people it's either their family or a desire to prove other's wrong. And what helps to fill the void is the consumerist garbage and the work that makes you too tired to remember that your life is ultimately meaningless.

>> No.476308
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>lessening your needs to match your wealth
What's what I do atm. Frugal living, cutting expenses, minimalism, educating myself about personal finances

>> No.476311

>How do you brainwash yourself into liking "work"
As stupid and cliche as it sounds, do a job you enjoy.

I work in IT for a small company, and get to play with a lot of new tech for the sake of learning about it. For example, I spent most of today messing with a 3D printer, just printing random stuff to see what happens. I also got to re-learn some 3D modelling between print jobs. It was a ton of a fun, and I'm honestly looking forward to getting up tomorrow morning to play with that printer some more.

Work for the sake of making money is boring and tedious. But if you do something fun and challenging, work can be enjoyable.

>> No.476315

By knocking up a bitch, then getting a big mortgage working for a salary. I see guys at my office getting eaten out by the managers at every 1-on-1 and they can't even push back cause they got "responsibilities". No raises, no promotions, they're on a ball and chain. I seriously wonder how they make it through the day.

>> No.476321

That's how I live comfortably on my eurowelfare.

>> No.476324


People were doing same shit before corps or whatever you want to blame "slavery" and "sheeple" status on.

You think we got to this point by sleeping in all day and twiddling our thumbs?

How is /biz/ this dumb?

>> No.476334


Not blaming Corps. Just don't see the point of engaging a shitty system.

>You think we got to this point by sleeping in all day and twiddling our thumbs?

Hunter-gatherers didn't have this problem. They engaged in "fun" (hunting, tracking, foraging) in order to survive. And when they weren't hunting they had abundant free-time.

Society started to decline once we got into agriculture and owning land...down hill from there. Then people could simply own land/steal property and enslave others to work on it.

>> No.476340

Fuck you, man. When my boulder rolls down the mountain, I smile, just like Camu told me to.

>> No.476349

>And when they weren't hunting they had abundant free-time.

Yes and all they did.... was hunt, eat, make babies and same tribal shit over and over... that was fucking it, nothing else. Do that for a year and watch yourself bored out of your fucking mind real quick but hey maybe that extreme simplicity is your thing..

>Then people could simply own land/steal property and enslave others to work on it.

Hunter gatherers were doing same thing....they warred, pillaged, stole, killed land and food from each other too...nothing really changed well expect slavery part, they just killed them instead.

Hunter gatherer isn't some Disneyland paradise there buddy, Pocahontas era wasn't that magical.

>> No.476358

>Hunter-gatherers didn't have this problem. They engaged in "fun" (hunting, tracking, foraging) in order to survive.
I guess if it's "fun" for you to risk your life to feed yourself until next day you should definitely do it right now. Turn off you pc, make yourself a spear and go innawoods.

>> No.476363

This post was addressed to >>476334 faggot

>> No.476375

>i see other people work, have money and enjoying their life
>why cant they be a poor dirty sack of shit like me?
abloo bloo bloo bloo

>> No.476378


>implying people don't hunt for fun and pay big money to escape their office cubicles to get back to nature

we evolved to hunt, give someone a gun and a bow and teach them how to shoot and hunting is one of the most fun things they can do...its genetic

>> No.476384

>all they did was hunt, eat, make babies and same tribal shit over and over... that was fucking it, nothing else

sounds better than being stuck in a cubicle all week praying for the weekend only to waste it shopping and drinking.

>> No.476390

>weekend only to waste it shopping and drinking.

then stop shopping and drinking on weekends....?

>> No.476401

Then change your life if how it is now is making you unhappy. You sound determined to find reasons why working is depressing, rather than putting that effort towards finding something you enjoy.

>> No.476406


i don't, that's just what everyone does now

>> No.476412

Who cares about everyone else? What they do with their time is none of your business. Worry about yourself instead.

>> No.476413

>putting that effort towards finding something you enjoy.

what did you brainwash yourself into "enjoying" ? accounting?

>> No.476416


don't jump into a conversation when you don't know what its about?

i was replying to a guy who was criticizing 'hunter-gatherers' as a whole. in modern society, as a whole, people spend their free time drinking themselves stupid, shopping or other trivial shit.

>> No.476421

because some people actually can afford to have free time to spend it on whatever they want

>> No.476422

>drinking themselves stupid, shopping or other trivial shit.

Some people enjoy that, what's your beef with them? My comment still applies whether it was to you or person you're speaking for.....don't go shopping and drinking?

In hunter-gathers they probably spend a lot of their free time smoking up some shit and shopping for shit to trade with their neighbors..

>> No.476424

You're right, nothing in life is fun. It's all unpleasant for everyone all the time.

I can read. But you can't, because my point stands. It doesn't matter how pointless or trivial you think those pursuits are. If that's how other people see fit to spend their time, then so be it. There are a million things to spend free time on and it's not up to you to decide which of those things everyone should be doing. Decide for yourself and let everyone else do the same.

>> No.476427
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>You're right, nothing in life is fun. It's all unpleasant for everyone all the time.

if you need to be "paid" to do the activity, it probably is unpleasant, duh.

Still no one has answered my question, how did manage to trick themselves into enjoying cubicle work, or hammering some nails in wood for a living, etc...Funny how no one can explain it

>> No.476430

I answered your question already >>476311

You must be incredibly depressed, deluded, or both, if you think every job must be unpleasant by definition.

>> No.476434


you didn't even say what your true job is, the title, what it involves...chances are you aren't proud of it or really care for it, just want a pay cheque.

the idea that you get some fun out of playing with a printer is even sadder. What went wrong?

>> No.476436

Or autist. Sage the tread

>> No.476437

>how did manage to trick themselves into enjoying cubicle work, or hammering some nails in wood for a living,

We didn't...I don't think anyone really tricked anyone into thinking working was fun...even before the cubicle days, it was something always needed to be done.

Become a park ranger yo

>> No.476443

Read the way of man by Jack Dinovan, MAN THE FUCK UP.

>> No.476444


he's a gay. and a self-hating one at that. two qualities that are rather silly.

>> No.476452

or waste it while browsing 4chan
>my life

>> No.476454

I like having internet, electricity, AC, AND food securely given to me as I have time for my niche hobbies
Why is that so hard to get?

>> No.476458

>intellectually fulfilling
Has no sense of gratitude for his parents provision and doesn't try to make them happy by succeeding. People like this deserve to stay in the basement. Isolate the parasite so it can't harm more people

>> No.476471


don't project the hate you have for your job on someone who is apparently job-free.

>> No.476476


It seems you and I are the only enlightened minds on this cesspool of a board.

>> No.476477

Even when it does come down to mindless grinding of slave work, you need to keep it in perspective of the long term goals. Of course you don't want to drone away for your whole life but sometimes that work will help you chase you life dreams.

>> No.476490

honestly OP you came to the wrong place to ask this kind of question. this board is full of people who worship the concept of giving away your labor for a pittance and also everyone here is a wannabe machiavellian internet sociopath who thinks they're a 200 IQ patrick bateman albert einstein hybrid lol

>> No.476524

After 12 years of school I decided i would never want to "work" somewhere where i have to get up at a certain hour and be somewhere.

Fortunately i lucked out and my e-ventures payed off, i work from home and get paid 24/7 (and sometimes i take month long vacations where i don't do anything).

Couldnt be happier.

>> No.476527

What's wrong with drinking or shopping?

>> No.476531


God dammit, I love that. He is so right.

And i know this. And I hate myself for not doing it, and letting life slip away. I've been having this attitutde for over 10 years.

I remember in grade school thinking "I'll lose be skinny by 8th grade!" I'm 23 now, and that's just one example of how I always have ideas, but never goals and the steps to accomplish them.

>> No.476540

Just step up and do something you want to be doing.

No one (especially on thia board) ever asks the big fucking tough questions "who am i and what do i want?"

Even not choosing is a choice and i guarantee youd rather be completely lost in time, mesmerized by the experience of dollowing a passion everyday than playing it safe to live up to everyone elses expectations.

Wake the fuck up. Your coworkers / family etc , you dont owe them an explanation. Youll owe yourself a fucking huge one on your deathbed if you chode out and take "good enough" in every god damn aspect of your life.

Excuses are easy. "Youre talking new age hippy nonsense, what if i have no passion?" Just start doing shit op. You already said you fucking hate work so why are you trying to get tips on hating it less? You hate that shit. Dont do it. Become a vagabond. A hustler. Enteepeneur. Hobo. The qorld doesnt need one more mediocre call center employee ao fucking dont do it. Go do other ahit til something clicks. Fuck.

>> No.476541

At least you're aware of your failings. There's nothing worse than someone who isn't aware.

>> No.476547
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>Wake the fuck up. Your coworkers / family etc , you dont owe them an explanation. Youll owe yourself a fucking huge one on your deathbed if you chode out and take "good enough" in every god damn aspect of your life.
>Excuses are easy. "Youre talking new age hippy nonsense, what if i have no passion?" Just start doing shit op. You already said you fucking hate work so why are you trying to get tips on hating it less? You hate that shit. Dont do it. Become a vagabond. A hustler. Enteepeneur. Hobo. The qorld doesnt need one more mediocre call center employee ao fucking dont do it. Go do other ahit til something clicks. Fuck.

shit that's deep.

>> No.476561


No, I think it's far worse to be aware, accept it's wrong, yet do nothing about it/continue escapism than be ignorant.

>> No.476562

I don't know whether I agree or not, and when I say that, I mean it. I don't know.

>> No.476565
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Here's how I see it in this instant in time (I'm crashing from an amphetamine binge after 40 hours no sleep, while slightly drunk):

Ignorance is bliss. You are either stupid enough to not know better, or you fool yourself enough to believe that it's not worth the effort or you're incapable, so you never truly try. But you truly believe you're justified.

Or you know you can do it, see it's possible, and you may even know how to do it. But you never do. Let fear of failure dominate your life and you sabotage your future by preventing failure...by never trying. There's plenty of metaphors that summarize the concept. Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, etc.

>> No.476566
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These 2 things I do not do.
>valuing consumerist garbage
>thinking the regular money-driven life is worth pursuing

I just do this one.
>brainwash yourself into liking "work"
Though I don't really brainwash myself, I just embrace reality. I get the impression people like you are afraid of the real world, you want to hide yourself away from all the meanies in your hippy commune or something. Have you ever questioned why there are so many douches and assholes in the world? Is being afraid of them the answer?

Some people believe simply existing and pleasuring themselves as much as possible for as little short term effort is how not to waste their lives, however watching these people, seeing how they abuse and exploit others for pleasure or just stand there watching and doing nothing out of fear, I can't respect them and I don't want to have anything to do with them.

These people are fatally flawed however, where they are lazy you can be diligent, where they think in the short term you can think in the long term, where they give in to temptation you can resist it. Eventually these attitudes become ingrained psychologically, you wonder why you ever made such a big deal out of it in the first place. Meanwhile everyone else is wallowing in their own mess.

>> No.476636

What the fuck is the anime in your pic??

I've seen so many pics like this from that anime.

>> No.476650


it is very good and /biz/ related

>> No.476659

Thanks man.

>> No.476670

You just jelly he's sorted a cushy life for himself on easy street.

>> No.476672

Yeah, nah, fuck that. too much hard work and dedication.

>> No.476681

It must be nice to experience fun & enjoyment.

>> No.476691

>one must imagine sisyhus happy :3

camus confirmed for naive pied noir who would have read more schopenhauer

>> No.476696

Or pursue knowledge and use success

>> No.476711


vague replies.
pursuit of money or "success" or "knowledge" obviously doesn't lead to any fulfillment whatsoever. I've attained all of those already.

>> No.476981

>People like this should be euthanized.

>> No.476989

realize that life is a game, your own version of success or fulfillment is whatever you make it through your beliefs and actions but you are still bound by the rules of the game, and to experience a whole lot of the content including a lot of the most fucking awesome things out there, you need a high score in terms of the points assigned by society aka lots of money.

of course, this isn't going to brainwash you into liking "work", in the sense of the bullshit busywork that entirely comprises most jobs and makes up a major chunk of even most engaging jobs, there is no brainwashing yourself into liking that through any other means than 12-16 years of institutional schooling without ever coming even close to enlightenment, opening your mind or thinking for yourself, which in turn requires being pretty fucking dumb. but finding something that is engaging, has some form of somewhat positive influence on the world, provides some degree of fulfillment and accomplishment and pays well as well should be entirely doable provided you're smart enough to figure all this out in the first place.

ignore people entirely consumed by the desire for money. it is an illness of the mind brought on by obsession, better at least than the obsession of a NEET autist with anime because at least it's providing value to society but no less harmful to one's state of mind and long term happiness. the truly successful are those who live hard and work hard for money not out of desire for the money itself but with the knowledge of what it buys.

>> No.476993

I live for nights, because I'm only happy in my dreams.

>> No.477005

what do you do
please advice

>> No.477008

I luv u

>> No.477010


Not OP but I'm reading this thread and agreeing with all of it. Depression is a bitch. How do you find something to make life worthwhile?

>> No.477011

Man, thank you, I almost commit suicide, you're post is the answer.

>> No.477013


>> No.477014

>hippy commune
>Someone took the time to make that picture
People like you are just disgusting. I would try and kill you slowly if I had the chance.

>> No.477016

This is the most depressing thing I've read all day. What was his whole life even for?

>> No.477320

There's a mine in the town over and other than long hours its a pretty nice place to work. Pay is like 20/hr starting. And nobody's swinging a pick Axe when there are much more advanced and profitable methods

>> No.477357

>bankers and stock brokers cause less damage than figurine collectors

top kek

>> No.477360

>Much too shameful and weird
>Living by societies standards.

>> No.477383

Fun is a perceptual phonemenon so change your perception. I made investing a game that I want to be the best at. A lot of the work was dull at first but the excitement that builds when an idea is panning out justifies it.

Why do you think keeping up with the Jones's is a thing? Competitive = fun. Now I chose not to make "stuff" a competition so I'm not consumerist at all, but you could do it that way if you really want to want stuff. Consumerists stare down their noses at me for chasing money/ capital and I look down on them for buying trinkets and crap. It works I guess.

>> No.477444

>>Living by societies standards.

It's my standard not societies.
Lots of societies/cultures are fine with kids living with their parents until they are married...I'm not okay with that personally.

>> No.477470

more damage to the world maybe but im pretty sure they are happier with their lives

>> No.477501

>joined the marines
>still investing in businesses
>exercise everyday
>doing a job that directly effects my friends lives
>a nice sense of accomplishment being a pog
>when I get out I can do the same job and make 3 times as much.
looking forward to contract work

>> No.477511

people with such jobs are rarely happy

>> No.477514

sure they are working their ass off but at least they have nice shit and probably fuck lots of hot women which is more than any anime obsessed neet can say

>> No.477534

that doesn't actually make people happy at all.

>> No.477565
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>>joining army during peace time
>>confirmed for needs to be babby sat and taken care of by government
>>confirmed for mental problems and lack of initiative

>> No.477586

I joined during a war
have a ribbon and everything to prove it

>> No.477687
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>no jobs can be fun ever
>what is being a surgeon
>what is being a soldier
>what is being a programmer
>what is being a scientific researcher
>what is being a carpenter
>what is being a pilot
>what is working in finance

just a few examples of what I would consider fun, challenging and fulfilling jobs OP. Just because you personally haven't found something you enjoy doesn't mean the rest of us are miserable too.


>> No.477690
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>>what is being a surgeon
>horrible hours, on call 24/7
>high stress
>high liability for malpractice

Have you heard of Slomo? Neurosurgeon who quit after he realized being a surgeon destroyed his soul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn87-mcnoVc

the rest of your examples, like soldier are obviously horrible and don't need explanation.

>lol a bus driver in the air
>sitting on your ass 10hours a day

>>working in finance

Confirmed for underage and never had a job outside McDonalds or Starbucks.

>> No.477697

>high stress
>lots of work hours

god damn, no wonder you're not successful you fucking faggot. You want some job where you're pampered 24/7, and you don't have to work hard.

>confirmed for underage and never had a job outside starbucks or mcdonalds

because I'm sure you have a sterling career history yourself :^)

>> No.477702
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We're going to eventually come to a point where most things are automated, and most people won't have to work anymore. Hopefully some sort of basic income system will be enacted by then and we'll have all the free time in the world, assuming the system actually changes and wont just go on because that's the way it always has been.

Assuming you could live a comfortable life without doing any kind of work, what would you do with your free time?

>> No.477704
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>>lots of work hours

that's not the problem with being on call. The problem is your life gets interrupted all the time, your dinners get ruined, going out gets ruined, your sleep gets ruined, your gym/exercising/hiking gets ruined, everything gets ruined and you can't schedule anything for certain...

>because I'm sure you have a sterling career history yourself :^)

I can tell by the jobs you listed that you're naive and never held a real job, or been on call 24/7.

What do you want to be "when you grow up" kiddo ?

>> No.477705

Simple; What i do for work is what I would be doing anyway if I had enough money to not have to work.

I also get to use more expensive equipment, and the stakes are higher, which makes it more fun.

>> No.477706

Have you considered being a park ranger?

What exactly do you do

>> No.477709

not an edgy loser who's totally unfulfilled with his life

>doctors are on call 24/7

>> No.477710
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>Assuming you could live a comfortable life without doing any kind of work, what would you do with your free time?

Hobbies, video games, hunting, gym, canoeing, walking dog, seeing movies. Get a bit of land in the country and have some farm animals, chickens, etc. Learn archery. Tame squirrels. Marry good woman, have some kids. Smoke a pipe, grow a beard. Travel a bit.

No work ever.

>> No.477712
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>>doctors are on call 24/7

>he can't read the word "surgeon" properly
>literally still in high school

>> No.477714


I work at a petty large, publicly traded company on a small team.

Most of the internal software development happens on large, strictly controlled teams. They have their planning meetings, formal design documents, tight schedules, etc.

Then when the project has to be put into production, all the flaws in the design become apparent, and they come to us.

Our goal, is to just "get the fucking thing working" before the deadline, and then to "make the fucking thing scale".

We can quickly figure out what assumptions went wrong, and how to restructure things so they work.

The other teams do the boring part; we just have the fun and exciting part over and over again. Its a constant stream of fun logic puzzle.

Sometimes code is the answer; sometimes throwing a million or so in hardware at the problem is the answer. Our time is valuable, and hardware can be the better option; especially if it means we can play with cool new toys.

I could probably retire now, but I'd miss the excitement, and the fun toys to play with.

>> No.477715

only reason anyone works is because of pussy,

even the poorest, homeless live better than the greatest kings of the past.

its their relative wealth that is lacking,

and only the top 20% get to reproduce. Without top tier looks/top money you're shit out of luck (except accidental/planned pregnancy traps).

Men dedicate their lives to buy expensive cars...to have sex with pretty women

>> No.477716

>surgeons are not doctors

>> No.477717

>claim to be about love and peace
>want to torture someone else just for disagreeing
Ironically people like you are why tyrants and other douches can rise to power so easily and make the world a horrible place. When you are convinced you are absolutely good and others are absolutely evil, anything is justified.

>> No.477721

That is actually true; at least in the UK.

The guild of surgeons requires new initiates to give up the title of "Doctor" when they become a member.

It all goes back to the battles between the barber-surgeons and the doctors.

>> No.477723


we're talking about surgeons
not all doctors surgeons.

surgeons work on-call.
Not all doctors work on call.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.477727


My friend is poor as shit and picks up hot chicks at clubs/bars and fucks them in his van.

He isn't even good looking, he's like 5/10 and has a belly.

>> No.477729
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>I was an officer in the Marines
>I was an attorney
>left it all to live in SoCal as a NEET, doing occasional acting work because I don't want to do anything else

am I m-maxed out?

>> No.477730

I have never ever met an employed person who was happy.

Not a single one.

From street sweeper to 100m property magnates.

They all told me they hated it, suicidal.

I honestly thought they only kept doing it because they had nothing else to fill the time with.

>> No.477731

Surgeons aren't on call 24/7 though. They're on call in shifts.

>> No.477734

>am I m-maxed out?

dunno what that means, but ya, What else can u do?

>> No.477737
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>and only the top 20% get to reproduce.

Go watch Idiocracy, my underage friend.

>> No.477738

I'm happy.

Most of my team mates are happy.

We love what we do, and would be doing something close to it for free, if we had unlimited money.

>> No.477740

I played xbox for 14 hours today, finally calling it quits. My mom has been cooking me whatever flavors of pizza rolls I want all fucking day. Yeah, it's suuuure terrible not working.

Suck it plebian wage slaves

>> No.477741
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Well... I still haven't fucked two chicks at the same time, so there's that.

>> No.477743

Real life girls aren't that picky if you put in some effort. Work a bit on your appearance and try acting confident. Sloots nowadays are EZ as fuck brah

>tfw Americans take pride in never missing a day of work
>tfw they get stressed during their free time because they feel they must not work
>tfw they don't take holidays.

>> No.477749

>tfw they don't take holidays.

There are a couple of reasons for this.

One place I worked promised 4 weeks of vacation per year to every employee. They just didn't allow you to take it.

Another place paid out cash for unused vacation days, so all of my co-workers worked every single day, for that end of the year bonus.

>> No.477755

this fucking image,

I was the most edgelord anarcho terrorist nihilist with a hardon for neitzsche and western philosophy, and a moral superiority complex.

Now I'm going to be a finance/trader to rob as many people as possible, get as rich as possible purposefully in a way that doesn't help anyone else. Last night I was trading on patterns in a line graph that probably caused someones death in the 3rd world.

I don't care.

>> No.477756

it is much more boring than that

>> No.477757

not necessarily, besides the point is that when I get more advanced and have more to invest I will look for long positions. I will speculate on international conflicts, natural resource depletion/crisis, riots, natural disasters, bank runs, infrastructure collapse, weapons technology etc.

I could have become a doctor, but the hours are fucking horrific, you have to deal with non scientist patients everyday, surrounded by idiot nurses and faggot female doctors with feelings and ethics.

>> No.477759

>get as rich as possible purposefully in a way that doesn't help anyone else
Are you actually going to do anything with the money or do you plan just to collect it? Or is the process of getting the money what you like best?

>> No.477767

I will wholly enjoy the process unless its just a grind at a dead end job,

but yes I will use the money to concentrate power,
An organisation, largely flat, with token figureheads, token operations, and token agendas. The true organisations objectives will be funded publically and legally.

I was thinking maybe a pseudo social enterprise hell bent on profits and land grabbing in emerging markets (3rd world).

By the time anyone figures out what we're doing with govt contracts, sponsorship and donations we will have transferred the land+assets to untouchable dummy organisations which continue to serve the original organisations objectives.

Nothing can go wrong.

>> No.477771

you will be speculating on boring things like whether a new drug will enter phase II trials or whether the fed will raise interest rates, you will spend hours drinking in the facts and learning, you will try to get to grips with the red tape, fees and bureaucracy in financial services

the hippies who call us evil capitalists are just deluded, it is nowhere near as edgy as they make it out to be

>> No.477774

Your pension fund is probably invested in weapons companies.

You're arming 13 year olds in africa and the middle east who are raping and pillaging nearby villages for an african warlord.

>not edgy.

>> No.477778


I can't help but feel embarrassed when I read your posts.

>> No.477780

Hang on, your confused by the idea he enjoyed himself playing with a 3D printer? Like, one of the coolest new technologies in the universe. Look, man, it's clear why YOU can't enjoy your job, because not understanding that concept would pretty much make you clinically depressed. I used to have a job in medical genetics. God it was so interesting. I would also give my left nut to be playing with a 3D printer. I can't make you like your job mate, you either do or you don't.

>> No.477781

>implying anyone invests in weapon companies to be edgy
financial analysis is dull; if you're just investing in destructive enterprises to be edgy then you will get blown out quickly by shitty businesses.

If 13 year olds are shooting up malls in Africa I don't give a shit, as long as the dividend is safe. Most people invest that way too so it's not like being a sociopath gives you an edge in finance of all places.

>> No.477788

>it's not like being a sociopath gives you an edge in finance

This seems like the best possible place for a sociopath to thrive.

Maximize profits at all costs.

If that means starting a non profit (for profit)...

If that means starting a war... so be it.

Also I was making the point that finance is as edgy as I make it seem, these are actual realities,

History is ripe with examples of trading with the enemy, profiteering from socially destructive phenomenon etc

A sociopath is in the best position to not be affected by social costs, long term social damage, etc

Take one employee, Sarah, a former teacher, with a large family and several children who will also have children, socially conscious, recycles, donates to the red cross.

Now take Bob, Bob is an atheist, he did lots of drugs in college, he has no children, and doesn't want any, he masturbates and occasionally uses prostitutes and cocaine. Bob is INTJ, sociopath, he is indifferent to violence/murder, suffering. He does not care about anyone else and has no conscience.

Who will make the better investor?

>> No.477791

Bad example: your teacher will hire Bob to manage her money. But Bob is competing with other bobs, so being a sociopath gives him no edge. A Bob who is so edgy that he targets unethical businesses will lose to an ethics-agnostic Bob every time.

The chip on your shoulder is painfully obvious and it will cost you money

>> No.477797

having children and being invested in a future that you cannot live to experience will cost you money.

bob the actual sociopath is ethnics neutral, he sees year on year profits from Glaxosmith Kline, and evaluates their business model to determine it is more profitable to invest portion a of the fund into glaxosmith as opposed to barnados.

To the lay person, or the feeler, they will perceive bob as edgy, and rightly so, however to him they are just numbers and character strings. Ethical "good" people are less likely to invest in unethical businesses despite instances where they're better investments.

Ex goldman sachs guys do interviews, they will tell you that they laugh with their MD's about ripping clients off.
Sarah would be an outcast here.

We know its good business not to hire women who will take maternity, or to hire women in general because they are lower IQ than men, weaker, and cannot separate their emotions from logical thought, Sarah is at odds with these business practices and may snitch. Bob just sees them as a series of business decisions, if it became more profitable for him to whistleblow, he would, if it was more profitable to hire women (busty 22 y/os for admin to keep the autists working hard) then he will.

that chip is called intelligence, it suffers no fools.

>> No.478712

>I've attained knowledge
Probably not. Generally the more knowledge you acquire the more you realize you have no clue about.

>> No.478720

>if you need to be "paid" to do the activity, it probably is unpleasant, duh.
Or it takes enough time in your life that it's necessary to be paid for you to eat and live comfortably.

>> No.478721

says the guy quoting some asshole.

>> No.478723

Until his parents die and the energy he lives on only expands outwards into the abyss and disappears.

>> No.478733

You are not addressing the core issue, which is that Sarah is irrelevant. She is not going into finance so how Bob competes with her is irrelevant.

You are moving the goal posts. Your first post suggested you would seek out unethical opps, now you just don't care. My point was that the one who doesn't care has an advantage over the one going out of his way to find unethical businesses, glad you agree. But everyone in finance doesnt care, so you don't have an advantage by not caring. That is the norm.

>> No.478740

I spent my teenage years in the psychiatric world. I guess I want to just be happy and well rounded and I've been doing a pretty good job.

>> No.478746

Why would you even consider suicide if you don't even know how to live your life? Suicide is a last resort.

>> No.478750

>ethnics neutral

Also, don't have to be a sociopath.
Autism works as well. Works wonders in the tech industry. Both have no empathy.

>> No.478766

definitely bob

>> No.478793

Besides the occasional savant-syndrome this is pretty much the only benefit.

>> No.478839

I can't. And I've been red pilled on work since I started after college at 22.

I hate every single fucking day of it. I see drones conning themselves that they enjoy it. I just cannot. I look into space like a man totally bored.

Been doing this now for 14 years.

>> No.478842

What are you doing and why are you still doing it if you hate it so much?

>> No.478846

Save up. Invest. Get out.
It's the only thing you can do to stay SANE.

Fun fact: be careful whatever you do isn't worse than what you did. I know one guy who swear sup and down he'll never be a "COG in the machine"... so he starts his own business where he works 16 hour days and makes less than 2k a month. He has less freedom than the drones.

>> No.478862

Simple, I don't. A job is a means to an end. Just that, nothing more. I'm a cog in a machine and if they let me go tomorrow then ohwell. I prepare for it so it doesn't hurt me financially, because that is what matters. I matter more then my job does. My girlfriend matters more then my job does. My co-workers are all cool, but we all are under no illusion that most of us would be friends outside the company.

Your life is your life, and a job is a small part of it.

>> No.478863


Every time you pay taxes, you're supporting parasites. Maybe the basement dweller types, but other types.

>> No.478883


That's a funny name for government.

>> No.478906

dude wtf are you smoking? all the trashy raver sluts I used to party with have like 2-3 kids a piece and no man around (2-3 from different guys)

The poor reproduce, the rich just replace themselves.

>> No.478907

I would say it is a part of your life, I don't think small is right when you use a pure time spent ratio. 1/3 of the day you are working this excludes time getting in, out and to work

The part you said about colleagues is so money though like everyone is cool with each other at work but no one pretends like they will be best buds outside of work

>> No.478911

IDK if trolling but seriously people only think this through from the consumerist 9-5 perspective they were force fed.

We live in america, you are not going to starve, if you're savvy and you toughen up a bit (ie can avoid confrontation you dont need and are smart enough not to be bumming around illinoise in december) you can just go on a fucking adventure, my boy andrew, total virgin neet, but he loves pot, and beaches.

Dude saved for a plane ticket to hawaii (oahu) and brought clothes and a tent, spent 2 years living in the jungle, sleeping on beaches, begging for food / selling some weed to tourists. Sounds sketchy? maybe weeds not your thing? that isn't the point, the point is instead of playing dota2 and fighting with his folks about when he'd get a job he just said "you know what fuck this, I like 2 things and I know it deep inside, weed and the beach" and he made that shit happen.

He didnt wish it would happen, he didnt say "someday" , he had nothing better to do than follow his dreams (insignificant as they may seem) so he fucking followed them.

Just go do shit, the hardest part is abandoning your comfort zones, the internet 24/7 , air conditioning, enough skrilla to hit a taco stand. My friend that shit will be their, please for the love of god don't wallow in mediocracy.

I'd rather see a homeless man in awe of a breakfast burrito enjoying the sun in his hair and the soil particles dancing with his smelly feet than a "well rounded" yuppie frowning through the day and leading a life of quiet desperation.

>> No.478912 [DELETED] 


>> No.478922

Every great life has had in it a great renunciation. Let me say that again: Every great life has had in it a great renunciation. There is no other way . We simply can’t continue our lives the way they are if we want to be great . Small incremental changes are no longer enough. Reading a few books, taking a few workshops, and taping a few affirmations to our mirrors is no longer enough. If we want to be great, great changes are needed, great strides forward, a great distance placed between ourselves and all the ways we have, up until now, conducted our lives. We need a new perspective. A grand perspective. A world -changing perspective. If we want to be excellent then we have to stand on this earth in excellence. Renunciation! A bold examination of our hearts. To stand on the earth and ask, “Is this what I want my life to look like? At this age in my life, is this where I wanted to be?” If the answer is no, then we must renounce everything, immediately and with great force. We must remove everything that holds us down in any way. Oh, but I’ll just sit this one out, we say. Tomorrow, we say. Next time, we say. Yes well… no more small measures. Our life begins when we are born but our life story begins when? We are given the gift of the Book of Life and we stay forever on the first page. We have everything and we have been given everything, yet we deplore everything. From Shakespeare: “But thou contracted to thine owne bright eyes… Making a famine where abundance lies…” Carl Jung said this: “I asked myself, ‘What is the myth you are living?’ and found that I did not know my myth, and I regarded this as the task of tasks.” If we really want change in our lives— and we say we do —it is not enough to periodically consider the path, or to view it as a part-time endeavor . It’s going to take everything we’ve got, and more. It is the fight of our lives, more important than anything else, forever.

>> No.478926


Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself, ehh? So what is your goal, myth, purpose, etc?

What are you doing now

>> No.478931

quoting a book actually but i'm a hospice nurse. "keepin' it real" as they say.

You see one man die and its morbid, if you can embrace the final moments and usher them on to the great magnet in the sky day in and day out, well, lets just say I haven't questioned why I bothered to get out of bed in the morning for a very long time.

Stop looking "through" your life stranger on the internet, just look "at it" , I can't help but think you've somehow managed to prime yourself to ignore everything beautiful.

Its not all as dross as you'de like it to be 87mpAsya

>> No.478956

>>>Living by societies standards.
>It's my standard not societies.
>Lots of societies/cultures are fine with having sex with women over the age of 14...I'm not okay with that personally.

>> No.478964


>I will protect my virginity forever

that's your choice.

>> No.478973
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How do you scape the system, becoming rich?

>> No.478989

Let me know when u find out bruhhhhhhh

>> No.479010

I don't, OP. I'm a businessman larvae.

>> No.479029

Men being awakened at 6:30 am by alarm clocks and leaping out of bed and fighting traffic to get to a place where they made lots of money for someone else is how we have a stable world where you can post this on 4chan on a computer while using the Internet to do so without getting mugged, raped and murdered in the interval

>> No.479066

We could have all that without the outdated work model. Actually, working beyond a certain point is bad for productivity. Four hour work days would be much better.

>> No.479112

>No job is intellectually fulfilling.
I have to disagree there, plenty of jobs do that.

>How do you brainwash yourself into liking "work"
By finding a job that is worthwhile, a job that is so fulfilling it becomes part of your life and even outside of work, you bring your work home and in your spare time work on it for free.

>> No.479139

>By finding a job that is worthwhile, a job that is so fulfilling it becomes part of your life and even outside of work, you bring your work home and in your spare time work on it for free.
How does one do this?

>> No.479140


because i honestly have nothing better to do

>> No.479158


Some jobs are intellectually fulfilling.

I enjoy solving problems, and software development gives me ample opportunity to do that.

>> No.479174
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>homeless live better than the greatest kings of the past

>> No.479177

I like my job

>> No.479181


>sociopaths are evil

Sociopaths are just people that have realized there is no substance to social rules and its just a circlejerk.

>> No.479208


My dream is to buy up the entire real estate of a small village and be everyones land lord there, living in a huge dracula style castle, and i'll be super mysterious and have my own butler whose name will be Baxter.

He will be my spokesperson and he'll also be mysterious

>> No.479211


>> No.479220

Actually, studies have shown that it's a form of brain damage. It's like autism.

>> No.479225

You can see the arbitrariness of social rules and still feel compassion/empathy. Sociopathy is not merely seeing the rules for what they are, all people do that. Sociopathy is an inability to experience certain parts of normal human experience. It's a handicap in a lot of ways.

>> No.479227

>wow my brick piece of shit is huge, dying of a common cold at 40 yo is great now

>> No.479233

I realised that you or 99% of people cant make it if they dont have a jewish friend/connection

We got a new manager at work and he is jewish (or half jewish but still jewish), he is only few years older than me, and he is cool bro, listens to metal and has metal tattoos, we kind of get along because other managers are boring old fucks, during brakes we talked about gym and shit. So like a month later he is telling me he is gonna open a new (small, just handful of people) department within the company and he needs someone he can trust to run it (me!). I mean I am hard working person and I get shit done but its been four years with the company and this is the first change of position/even semi promotion that I got (I did have pay raises before though).

>> No.479245

>Only the top 20% get to reproduce
This is what people actually believe.

>> No.479262

>have a huge house full of servants
>die of typhus at age 13

>> No.479568

were you a law dude as an officer?

>> No.479573


>> No.479577

life is to experience pleasure

money buy that kind of thing

now dont become a crackhead or a cokehead because of that, just buy expensive hookers and clothing

>> No.479581

Mainly for me:

I never told people that I was unemployed, I never told people when I was employed. But somehow more girls talked to me more while I was employed - even though my spending was the exact same employed as unemployed. Probably the eyes think, when you work a lot, you can see the tiredness in your eyes.

But right now, I just see employment as a needs to an end. Take care of my family and myself.

>> No.479589

There are other two options:

>a) Live in a cave hunting other animals
>b) Do everything described, but harder, with food being optional, for the well being of The Party.

>> No.479617

negative hedonism is better

>> No.479625

>brainwash yourself into liking "work
Why would I do that? I just understand that I do work because I like money and enjoy spending it to buy things that give me enjoyment.

Sort of A to get to B to get to C.

Yes I could just go strait to C but it would be a really shitty C. I want a good C.

>> No.479627

You mean a means to an end you illiterate fuck

>> No.479630

That is why it is important to have an emergency fund. So that you don't have to live in fear of losing your job. Have a wife, kids, and mortgage? You just need a larger emergency fund.

>> No.479631

I got hired at the job where I got my apprenticeship as proces operator

The job itself has many physically and mentally demanding tasks as well as unpleasent things and, at times, a high stressload

The pay is good though

However, what I have always told myself is: I work to live, I do NOT live to work

And once you realise this, any job can be fine, because the job is a means to and end. You work so you can pay your bills, eat food, get drunk, go on vacation and so on.

I'm pretty frugal, so I don't have many needs except for a working computer and an internet connection (and a car to get to work because I live in a rural area), but no matter what job I have had, my basic mind about it was that I needed to be there if I wanted stuff and lifegiving food and shelter

Also, I never want to be on goverment wellfare, this is a sworn goal of mine

>> No.479632

>engaging a shitty system.
What is your alternative?
>Hunter-gatherers didn't have this problem. They engaged in "fun" (hunting, tracking, foraging) in order to survive. And when they weren't hunting they had abundant free-time.
You cannot be this naive

>> No.479634

>Also, I never want to be on goverment wellfare, this is a sworn goal of mine
Why? Don't like to get what's rightfully yours as a tax payer?

>> No.479636

>However, what I have always told myself is: I work to live, I do NOT live to work

I think that's the mentality most people have and it's kind of awful. basically it says you just work for money and the job is meaningless to you, just a way to get a pay cheque.

I'd rather find work that is somehow satisfying and related to my hobbies/interests.

>> No.479645

this is why there are hundreds of underemployed musicians and starving artists. trying to live to work is noble but what makes money often is not what is interesting/rewarding

>> No.479647

we did evolve for millions of years to do those things

>> No.479669

How can we have all that?

>> No.479693

>I'd rather find work that is somehow satisfying and related to my hobbies/interests.
that's not a possibility for a lot of people though

>> No.479694

Troll city do not reply to this dagger
> yes I'm mad

>> No.479696

By working less.

>> No.479725

What are you on about?

>> No.479766
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Now you have me wondering what moot would think about the writings of Robert Anton Wilson.

>> No.479803

>believes in meyer briggs horoscope
>dismisses nietzsche after not reading him


>> No.479804

why not?

>> No.480032
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bunch of fuccbois, who cares what is "shameful" and what is not. I wish I had rich parents to leach off, instead I have a poor single parent to leach off, meaning I am getting a job

>> No.480045

I have 6000 years of eastern spiritual tradition and 150 years of western society that says otherwise but yeh sure. Sensory pleasure. Thats the purpose. Good luck with that, its not like any rich or famous people have ever been unhappy.

>> No.480083

>what is being a soldier
Never again. It's a gamble, it's either going to be great, dull or hell. I had the pleasantries of war, nothing ever good came of my service besides having my education paid for.