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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4719456 No.4719456 [Reply] [Original]

I'm putting $40,000 of my $50,000 inheritance in crypto. I was wondering what's the best diversification distribution to follow? I'm thinking 40% BTC, 20% ETH and the rest in other alts? Any help is appreciated. I'm sick of being a min wage cuck

>> No.4719468

>sick of being a min wage cuck
>finally get some money and put 80% of it into an extremely volatile and speculative investment
Wow you really deserve to be poor don‘t you

>> No.4719478

Do your own research. I'd take /biz/'s advice with a grain of salt.

You don't want to end up with half your investment being stuck in a heavy bag you don't want to sell.

>> No.4719479

I’m 100% alts yolo

>> No.4719480

I would maybe put 2-5k into crypto from that. Save the fucking rest, mate

>> No.4719488

60% btc, 30% eth, 10% shitcoin of choice

>> No.4719504
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Anything other than bitcoin

>> No.4719513

90% btc you cuck

>> No.4719521

I invested a similar amount about 2 months ago. I'm 95% BTC, 5% shitcoins.

So far, I'm up 140% on my BTC, up 35% on my shitcoins. From experience, I suggest you do something similar. Just remember to buy as low as possible.

>> No.4719522

40k? nigga you need to go all in or go home. put down all 50k

>> No.4719523
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I'd go,

>30% BTC
>15% ETH
>15% EOS
>10% IOTA
>10% XMR
>5% REQ
>5% NULS
>5% XLM
>5% ZEC
>0% LINK

>> No.4719538

10k in crypto 40k in a index fund.

Buy BTC, don't waste time with shitcoins.

>> No.4719540

60% BTC, 20% ETH, 10% LTC, 10% ALTS (VTC, POWR, CVC, FCT, NEO, etc). Put the BTC, ETH and LTC into cold storage in a hard wallet. Move the 10% in alts around for fun. Come back when BTC is $100k or more.

>> No.4719541
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>> No.4719547

Don't forget about Litecoin, that will be the normie coin.

>> No.4719556

0% Ark, you're not gonna make it anon

>> No.4719562
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Agreed you should only put 10 to 15 in man.

>> No.4719564

50% BTC 30%Eth and rest on shitcoins, play it safe bruh don't gamble on shitcoins you should see gains on BTC and ETH

>> No.4719566

That 15% EOS is really all you need.

>> No.4719571

>hides thread
Im out

>> No.4719579

Currently i'm about 70% btc 15% eth 15% ltc and 0% shitcoins (99% of alts are just scams thatll JUST you sooner or later)

So yeah i'm feeling great

>> No.4719585

the stock market is just as big of a bubble as crypto. I know nothing about real estate. It's only logical that I put my money in the crypto market.

I know the risks.. I don't give a fuck. If I don't risk it I won't make shit. I'm only 20 and will graduate with an engineering degree from a top 20 school anyway

I'm thinking of putting a grand or two in REQ and LINK

Fuck that.


10k will be put into normie index fund

I was thinking 10k in index fund. I don't think crypto bubble is gonna pop anytime soon (maybe end of 2018). I think normies are just starting to get in

What would you recommend? 10 or 20% Litecoin? LTC and XMR are on my list

>> No.4719591

I get it dude but some of these shitcoins like REQ, ENG, LINK have potential and I don't want to miss out

>> No.4719612

Sitting on 20k REQ atm plan to get more later, undervalued as FK imho.

>> No.4719619

I inherited $58,000 last week. OP, don't be a fucking retard lol

>> No.4719628

Thats how you get rich faggot, or become completely poor. Worth the risk

>> No.4719630
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Oh there out there, dont get me wrong. But the chances of you banking on the right one are slim to none. Better off sticking with "real" crypto. The gains most abundant. Youll see

>> No.4719631

If I was in your position I would do 40% BTC, 30% ETH, 20% LTC and the last 10% to fuck around in other alt/shitcoins for quick high risk gains... Or losses

>> No.4719638

If you are getting 50k, keep 10 as an oshit fund, put 20 into crypto, and put the rest into an index fund.

t. someone who knows better than you.

>> No.4719645

Fuck im tired.

Theyre out there*

The gains will be most abundant *

>> No.4719651

120% ETH

>> No.4719670

100% on ARK. ETH prices in Q4 2018. Screenshot this.

>> No.4719671

You just names my portfolio pretty much!
40% BTC
30% ETH
20% XMR
10% LTC

Hold this and you will bigger gains over the next 5 years than 99.9% of anons on this board. I dont have 50k to invest, in fact I have less than 10% of that but IMO you will be able to retire in 10 years with this portfolio.

>> No.4719687

Personally I am 40% BTC 20% ETH and 10% LTC and XMR. The rest is in FUN, REQ and NEO.

>> No.4719697

Do this op, dont be a retard.

>> No.4719706

Put 90% in BTC and the rest into alts
Alts are dependent on BTC and always follow the same trend unless one is dying or mooning

Even if you spread that 10% into 10 alts and by any chance one will 100x you will still make 50 grands

>> No.4719717
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At least 20% in Links unless you hate money!

>> No.4719718

You profolio looks nice and safe.. I am building it up like that aswell.. slow and steady with money that I have not spend at the end of each month. I wish you luck and many gains!

>> No.4719733

OP dont be retard put a fair amount into XRB. Yes im shilling this coin, but free instant scalable transactions that unlike IOTA works now, 30 mil market cap this dream scenario!!!

>> No.4719744

DCA. Invest no more than $1000 week. Going all in at ATH is asking to get pinkwojaked.

>> No.4719773

Buy 1 BTC to keep forever until you really need the money, then 60% ETH for the flippening which will inevitably happen, 20% BTC and 20% for shitcoins to gamble with for fun.

>> No.4719841
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Agreed. Safe gains

>> No.4719885

Right, no such thing as ''safe'' in crypto

>> No.4719959

If you are serious about doing this, do your own research and as others have said, take what people on /biz say with a grian of salt. You will notice that when alts do well, suddenly the board changes to expert day traders who shun btc. When btc does well, it's the opposite. I've been in over a year, and aside from doing well with ans/neo, I have lost money on alts. Keep in a few alts in case they explode, but no more than 20%

>> No.4720037

Whales on /biz only use it to get you idiots to help pump before they dump. Half the threads here are obvious manipulation and another quarter are straight trolls that the mods don't prune. There's my 2 posts for this quarter. I hope OP doesn't go full retard and 100% crypto.

>> No.4720985

How do you actually put that much in? I'm verified but still limited to £750 on CB

>> No.4721017

Thx mommy and daddy :)

>> No.4721024

All btc

>> No.4721028

you should spend $50000 on gold bullion and forget about it for 10 years

>> No.4721032


Gotta be around longer. CB just upped my limit to 15k/@---- still nothing thoug

>> No.4721070

E*Trade will actively manage an ETF account for you and work to make you money with a minimum 5k deposit... I'd do something like that if I had that kind of money laying around..

>> No.4721073

Buy yourself 3 BTC and chuck the rest in LINK.

>> No.4721079

How long have you been verified? I verified that account end of 2016

>> No.4721203
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Always get some XRP. Ripple.

>> No.4721430

It’s risky but it may work out for OP. And all of us. If crypto ultimately becomes the next dot.com, we are in the AOL and Netscape days of it. In other words, really fucking early. Of course AOL and Netscape didn’t win the dot.com war, Amazon and Google did. Right now we have no idea which block chain tech is going to be the next Amazon so it makes sense to be somewhat diversified in the big coins.

>> No.4721516

I would do either an equal split between ETH, BTC, and LTC or an equal split between the top 10 on coin market cap and rebalance quarterly. The first is more conservative, but the latter pays off during an altcoin explosion.

>> No.4721612

Don’t put it all in at once. Gentley Bentley, to avoid disappointment.

Better to be disappointed of missed gains than real losses

>> No.4721636
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LTC xxxxxxD

>> No.4721675


>> No.4722322

50% Bitcoin,
20% Litecoin,
20% Ether,
10% gambling on PnD shitcoins.
Go for it OP.